• Episode 12: From Doubt to Confidence: How Mindset Shapes Your Entrepreneurial Journey (ep.12)
    May 31 2024

    Interview with Lilian Sue

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • Conquering Entrepreneurial Mindset Challenges for Success.
    • Empower women through self-belief, embrace uniqueness, and see failure as a path to success.
    • Staying True to Your “Why” in Business.


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Buckle up, ladies. It’s time for you to meet the powerful and passionate Lillian Sue. Lillian knows the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, and she has leveraged that into creating her own PR company, which helps you ladies get visibility and get in the mindset of really boosting your business sales. Let’s listen now. I’d like for you to welcome Lillian Sue. Lillian Sue is the founder of the company Retrospect Writing Services, and we’re gonna hear a lot more about how she helps empower women in their businesses. Welcome, Lillian.

    Lillian Sue: (00:53)
    Thanks for having me, Odiva.

    Odiva Vasell: (00:55)
    Yes, so tell me, when did you start this company?

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/from-doubt-to-confidence-how-mindset-shapes-your-entrepreneurial-journey-ep-12/

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    32 mins
  • Episode 11: Redefining Parenting: The Key to Cultivating Happy, Confident Kids (ep.11)
    May 29 2024

    Interview with Lesley Nicole

    In this episode we will uncover 3 keys:

    • The significance of self-improvement and personal growth when it comes to effectively guiding or parenting children.
    • Fostering and maintaining joy-filled connections with children.
    • Techniques for effectively guiding children.


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Fempreneurs, get ready to have some fun. Today, we are here with Lesley Nicole of “Just One _ Can.org.” Just One _fill in the blank)__ Can is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing more joy into the world. We have a special guest today, and she has a very special mission. It’s called “Just One _ Can.org,” and I’m gonna let her tell you what that is all about. So, listen carefully because people around the world, kids especially, are going to be able to listen to this and find out that there is someone special who is providing the help that they need. So, welcome, Lesley Nicole.
    Lesley Nicole: (00:59)
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, lovely Odiva. It is so thrilling to be here with you today. I truly appreciate the opportunity to share about what we’re doing and the mission that we’re on and to bring some more awareness to a really incredible, increasing benefit, and also potential crisis that we have going on. So, at “Just One _ Can,” we help parents and actually any adult who guides children by teaching effective communication and conflict resolution skills. So, that parents and adults who guide them create a safe space so that kids feel that they can come to them with anything that may be going on inside them. And by doing that, we show them how to create a safe space and how to have skill sets and how to use the language and the modeling and the structures so that the kids do feel like they are actually seen, heard, and what they say matters because to me, every person that I meet, that’s just the purpose of my life, is to wake up with a smile and greet everyone I meet with compassion, kindness, thoughtfulness, and caring. Even your smile can make the difference. And I feel that when we engage with people like that, even if they’re total strangers or a kid in the grocery store standing in line with their mom, right? To sit there and connect with them so that they know that they were seen. And if they ask you something, that they were heard. And when you engage them back with a smile and go, “Oh my gosh, yes, look at that little teddy bear,” then they’re all like, “And what I said mattered,” because this adult spoke to me. And when you see that light up on someone, you know, on a child’s face, it’s priceless. It’s absolutely priceless.

    Odiva Vasell: (03:07)
    I just want to take a breath into that because everyone wants to be seen and heard and know that they matter.

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/redefining-parenting-the-key-to-cultivating-happy-confident-kids-ep-11/

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    33 mins
  • Episode 10: Resilience and Renewal: How to Reclaim Your Life After Trauma and Divorce (ep. 10)
    May 24 2024

    Interview with Jeanie Oberg McKinney

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys to:

    • The importance of resilience in the face of grief, trauma, and divorce.
    • The significance of self-discovery and empowerment as essential steps in the journey of recovery.
    • The benefits of seeking help and building a support system.


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Welcome, fabulous fempreneurs! We have an exciting and yet in-depth interview today with Miss Jeanie Oberg McKinney. She is a grief and trauma coach, and she’s going to tell us exactly how we can address this as part of our lives because none of us can avoid the facts of life which cause grief and trauma. So, welcome, welcome, Jeanie.

    Jeanie McKinney: (00:35)
    Thank you, thank you so much.

    Odiva Vasell: (00:38)
    Yes, thank you for joining me today, and I just want to say, as I’ve said before when I first met you and found out about what you do, this is such a needed field. The reality is that so many of us go through this time of our lives with no one to turn to, right? And that’s sad and that’s tragic, and the repercussions happen throughout our family and our lives. So, tell me more. Introduce yourself and tell me more about how you got started.

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/resilience-and-renewal-how-to-reclaim-your-life-after-trauma-and-divorce-ep-10/

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    29 mins
  • Episode 9: Empowering Black Professional Women: Breaking Stereotypes and Prioritizing Well-Being (ep. 9)
    May 22 2024

    Interview with Beverley Kotey

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys to:

    • Black women’s self-care resilience amid societal pressures and diverse roles.
    • Challenging stereotypes, promoting emotional well-being, and setting boundaries.
    • Embracing workplace diversity and inclusion to unlock black women’s talent for mutual success.


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Are you looking for ways to take control of your well-being while maintaining your career success and overcoming the barriers that hold you back? Well, my next guest, Miss Beverley Kotey, is going to tell you just how she helps women do that. She is the founder of the Black Women’s Well-being Circle, and she is just going to let you know how special you are and how she can especially help you achieve that balance.

    Hello, so we are here today with Beverly Kotey, and she is from the Black Women’s Well-being Circle. We’re going to find out a little bit more today about what that is and how you can learn more and even join for your own well-being. So, this is exciting, and I’m so happy to have you here today, Beverly. How are you today?

    Beverley Kotey: (01:20)
    Thank you. I’m great, thank you. Thank you for having me. It’s really exciting to get to have a chat with you.

    Odiva Vasell: (01:28)
    Yes, you have a very special and unique mission and wellness. It’s all combined with wellness, which a lot of us need but have been neglecting.

    Beverley Kotey: (01:41)

    Odiva Vasell: (01:42)
    So how did you start this journey as an entrepreneur? How did you come up with this type of business?

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/empowering-women-in-the-workplace-breaking-stereotypes-and-prioritizing-well-being-ep-9/

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    32 mins
  • Episode 8: Turning Setbacks into Masterpieces: Embracing Change and Self-Care in Midlife (ep. 8)
    May 17 2024

    Interview with Aimee Tomczak

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

    • The magic of creativity for self-discovery.
    • The strength of supportive friends.
    • Embracing midlife change for personal growth.


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Hi, phenomenal fempreneurs. Get ready for your awakening. My next guest is here to tell us how you can awaken your creative porthole after the age of 45. Yes, ladies, there is understanding and awareness for us who are going through the time of life where we really need to take a moment to stop, smell the roses and ask ourselves, who am I? So please join me for this exciting interview with Amy Tomzak. Welcome, my phenomenal fempreneurs. We have some exciting news today. Aimee Tomczak is here with us, and she is going to tell us a little bit about her business and a lot about awakening your creativity in midlife so that you can be excited. A new journey, a new journey is up for you in your midlife years. So welcome, welcome, Aimee to joining us here today. Thank you so much for joining us. And I’m looking at you, and I’m seeing all the creativity and the colors in the background. I’m sure everyone watching is just loving it. And I am pretty happy that you have a program for women over 45. And I’ve hit that mark. If someone has a program for women over 50 or 55, I’m not there yet. But this is so awesome that someone is doing something for us women at this time of our lives so that we don’t have to figure it all out by ourselves, which is what I’ve been doing. So tell us a little bit about your program and let’s tell us who you are and about this program.

    Aimee Tomczak: (02:07)
    So wonderful to be here with you, Odiva. Thank you for inviting me, and I love your enthusiasm. My name is Aimee, and I am a psychotherapist. I’ve been a psychotherapist for over 15 years, and I’m also a creativity coach and also a meditation teacher and an artist. An artist who reclaimed herself, reclaimed my painting after 20 years of not painting. And that’s part of what my midlife time helped me reawaken. And that’s what I guide women to do, women over 45, to reconnect with their creative power, their passion, their purpose, who they are now, so they can live into an amazing second chapter that is full of creativity, vitality, generativity, right, clarity. Who am I now, and how can I really step into that?

    Odiva Vasell: (03:06)
    That’s beautiful. That is so beautiful. And I mean, artists, it’s hard for me to draw a straight line, but I think one of the things that come about is when you start hitting the age 45, going towards 50, it does not have to be perfect. You don’t care who’s looking. You know that you want to express what’s inside of you. And that’s beautiful.

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/turning-setbacks-into-masterpieces-embracing-change-and-self-care-in-midlife-ep-8/

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    29 mins
  • Episode 7: Art as a Path to Emotional Well-Being: Unleashing Your Creative Flow (ep. 7)
    May 15 2024

    Interview with Umayal Annamalai

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys to:

    • Self-Care and Self-Discovery
    • Overcoming Guilt and Prioritizing Self-Worth
    • Unleashing Creative Energy


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Hello all, and welcome. I am here with the fabulous Umayal, and we are having a little chat today. Not a formal interview, but we’re having a little chat today about the identity crisis. So, if you are a person who is struggling with overwhelm and taking care of the needs of others, you’re going to really want to listen into this talk. So, Umayal, tell us a little bit about you. We can see beautiful artwork behind a little bit.
    Umayal: (00:40)
    Yeah, hi Odiva. Thank you for introducing me. My name is Umayal. I’m an artist. I’m a creative coach, and a mom. So yeah, being an artist, mom, and wearing different hats, I always felt overwhelmed and exhaustion in my life. So, I always felt like I have to take care of my kids, to give, by being everything to everyone. I lost myself at times. I didn’t feel like what I wanted to do in life. Like that led me to deep inquiry and questioning like who am I, so what is my purpose? So, what am I doing? And that all led me to go deep into myself and to find out what is my purpose so that through ART I healed myself and I explored more. I became curious with myself, how am I feeling, and am I giving from a place of like resentfulness or am I giving from a place of love? So, at times, I feel like I wanted to give, I wanted to help my kids, I want to take care of them. But is it coming from a place of love or resentment? So yeah, I mean being connected to myself, nourishing myself, and taking care of myself, that felt I could feel when I make art that joy or spark in my life when I create art. So that helped me to connect with myself and to give from a place of love. So, I nourished myself and then I kind of helped my kids, and I was.

    Odiva Vasell: (02:25)

    Umayal: (02:27)

    Odiva Vasell: (02:28)
    And build your cup so that you could give them a cup that is overflowing. That’s beautiful. And I mean the artwork that you make, it’s so unique. Every time I look at your art, I feel like it looks like something that just grew out of the ground onto the canvas. It’s so natural and yet so powerful. What are you feeling when you start to create? What are the feelings that flow through you?

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/art-as-a-path-to-emotional-well-being-unleashing-your-creative-flow-ep-7/

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    14 mins
  • Episode 6: Battling Adversity and Building Success: Empowering Disabled Virtual Assistants and Entrepreneurs (ep. 6)
    May 10 2024

    Interview with Tammy Durden

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys to:

    • Success Can Be Defined Personally
    • Overcoming Challenges and Disabilities
    • Embrace Mistakes and Continuous Learning


    Odiva Vasell: (00:04)
    Welcome. Welcome, ladies. I have a special treat for you today. We are here with Tammy Durden, and Tammy Durden works with online service businesses and helps them take their business to the next level so that they can, in turn, help us entrepreneurs and solopreneurs get to the next level as well. So I’m really excited about the information that we’re going to hear today. So welcome, Tammy.
    Tammy Durden: (00:35)
    Thank you. I really appreciate being invited to your podcast today, so thank you for that.

    Odiva Vasell: (00:42)
    Yes. So I guess I always want my aspiring entrepreneurs to know, how did you get started in your business, and also explain a little bit about how your business works.

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/battling-adversity-and-building-success-empowering-disabled-virtual-assistants-and-entrepreneurs-ep-6/

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    24 mins
  • Episode 5: Fierce, Fearless, and Financially Savvy: Empowering Women to Master Their Finances (ep. 5)
    May 8 2024

    Interview with Krista McLellan

    In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys to:

    • Unlock Women’s Financial Potential through Financial Control
    • Don’t delay, tackle financial challenges head-on to build confidence and wealth.
    • Join forces with fellow women, share knowledge, and unlock financial freedom together.


    Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
    Hello, all you fabulous fempreneurs. Welcome. Today, we have a very special treat for you. Today, we are here with Krista McLellen, and she is a woman who helps other women get comfortable with the F word, and so we are going to let her tell you more about herself and tell you exactly how she does that. Welcome, welcome Krista.

    Krista McLellan: (00:33)
    Thank you so much for having me. Yes, I caught the F word, the other F word: finances, and that actually came from my grandfather. He ran a trucking company, so yes, I learned to curse like a truck driver from a young age, and he said to me one time (I was very little), and he slipped a truck driver’s word curse, and he said, “Notice, they have no problem dropping that word, but they have a hard time coming to talk to me about their paycheck.”

    Odiva Vasell: (01:06)

    Krista McLellan: (01:08)
    And so, as I have been a bookkeeper, and I help small businesses, and one of the hardest things that they have to do is to talk about their money. All I could think of is my grandfather said it right, and it was, “We really need to get comfortable talking about our money, healing some of our money trauma, our history, so that we can rewrite that story and then be able to understand it so that we can take control. Because if we don’t understand, how can we take control? And once we take control, we’re on the path to freedom.”

    Odiva Vasell: (01:46)
    Wow, that’s beautiful, Krista. And, oh, you hit home on so many points. Talking about our finances can be like a trauma, and it’s passed down from generation to generation. I’ve seen that in my own family. And it’s sad that we cannot talk to each other about money unless it’s in a negative way. How do you start the process of the conversation? I’m guessing you’ve already done that in your family. How do you start the process of the conversation about finances with people who are just blocked?

    View the full transcript here: https://fempreneurinternational.com/fierce-fearless-and-financially-savvy-empowering-women-to-master-their-finances-ep-5/

    Show more Show less
    24 mins