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By: Steamy Stories
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  • Welcome to the best works of emerging explicit romance authors. Explicit Novels daily Podcast presents long-format novels over a span of daily episodes. Subscribe to our podcasting channels.
    2002-2024 - episode content is the property of those listed in the episodes.
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  • Servicing Foxx Inc: Part 3
    Jun 1 2024
    Job Performance Medical TestingBy PtmcPilot – listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories. "Come in," she called. I entered the medical exam room to find her standing in a white uniform with white two inch heels, her hair now down, and most strikingly, the top three buttons on her uniform undone. I couldn't tell if she was wearing a bra, but the cleavage she was sporting could almost put Christina Hendricks to shame. She held out a hand and I passed her the clipboard. "Please sit here," she said, motioning to a chair that was also equipped with an apparatus for me to sit my arm on while a blood sample was taken. She reviewed my medical history, making notes and asking me questions every now and then. Then she donned a pair of latex gloves and prepped some sample vials. "Are you allergic to rubbing alcohol or latex?" She asked."No," I said, and moved the armrest into position.She frowned at me, removed my arm from the rest and moved it out of the way. Then she moved the armrest into position and positioned my arm upon it. I didn't get it, but I let her do as she wanted. "Please keep your arm here while I sterilize."She raised an eyebrow and said, "Hmm. I think this will go better if you acknowledge my orders more precisely." I nodded. She smiled, "Do you understand?"As Ms. Olson had said, she was precise, and I was beginning to understand something about this woman. "I understand, Nurse Jenkins. I will keep my arm here while you sterilize."For my words I was rewarded with that brilliant smile. She broke the seal on an alcohol wipe, then held my wrist as she thoroughly scrubbed the inside of my elbow. Next she picked up a tourniquet strap and tied it around my upper arm. "Please make a fist and squeeze three times, holding on the last," she said."Make a fist and squeeze three times, holding on the last, aye," I repeated back as if in the Navy again.Her cheeks flushed and her nostrils flared (I swear they did), as she produced the sample syringe, selected a vein, and stuck me for the sample. She was well practiced and it was a good stick. After drawing two vials she pulled the syringe and applied a square of gauze, "Apply pressure," she said as she disposed of the syringe and then started to invert the sealed vials a few times."Apply pressure, aye," I said, and she smiled again.She took the vials to a nearby machine, where she inserted the tubes and pressed a few buttons. Then she returned, bringing an elastic, self stick bandage with her. She took the gauze from me and applied a new piece, "Apply pressure," she said.I repeated back the order, and was rewarded with another bright smile as she applied the bandage. She then stood and motioned for me to follow her. "Employment does require verification that you are drug free, so next up is the urine sample." She crooked an eyebrow at me, "Are you sufficiently hydrated to provide a sample at this time?"I checked, yep. "Yes, Nurse Jenkins.""Do you typically suffer from stage fright? As they say?" She asked."Um, no Nurse Jenkins," I said, though in truth I was certain I had never tried whatever it was she appeared to have in mind.Then she laughed and handed me a specimen jar. "I'm just messing with you," and she pushed me into the small restroom and shut the door. She came back a couple minutes later and took the now filled, sealed and cleaned specimen bottle from me. "Now, Tom, please remove your clothes and put on the gown over there. Be sure the gown opening is to the front."I'll go easy on you here and just say I continued to repeat back all of her instructions verbatim.Her expression was not so much professional detachment as it was desire when I finished the repeat back. Apparently such over the top verbal obedience was high on her list of triggers. She left the room, closing the door behind her, and I took off my clothes, folding them and setting them on a shelf. Now nude, I picked up the gown and pulled on the sleeves with the opening in the front. Now, normally such gowns tie in the back and the opening starts somewhere just over your ass. In this configuration the opening started at my belly button, putting everything on display. However, I wasn't really surprised.I knocked on the door and her voice replied, "Come in."Entering the room she gestured to the exam table. I noticed it was now pleasantly warm in the room. "Please sit and we will review your medical history and start the skin survey."I sat down, with my now semi-hard cock pointing up from my groin. And it was in this configuration, with me mostly naked and her sitting fully clothed only a few feet away and right in front of me, that we discussed my medical history for the next twenty minutes. Seemingly satisfied with the evaluation, she set the clipboard aside and washed her hands again. "Now, Tom, I find it best to conduct the exam of your epidermis with my bare hands. If you have any objections I will switch to gloves of course."Of course, I thought. Then she asked, "Do you have ...
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  • Servicing Foxx Inc: Part 2
    May 31 2024
    First day of work at Foxx Inc..By PtmcPilot – listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories. As a brief recap, I had separated from the Navy a few weeks ago after six years in submarines. Growing bored of lounging around my parents' house, I began a job search, and to my surprise I found myself in an interview a short time later. An interview, believe it or not, that ended with my having sex with my hiring manager. My job, should I choose to accept it, was to sexually service the women of Foxx Inc. Just based on the interview, good work if you can get it. We pick up my journal record where the Friday job interview was finishing..I stood and removed my shirt. Through lidded eyes she watched as I pushed down my pants and underwear. She smiled when my slightly longer than average cock (as accurately reported on the questionnaire) came into view. "Would you please have intercourse with me now Thomas?"I said, "If you don't think it terribly rude, I would rather fuck you, Ms. Olson.""Um, that sounds fine to me," she said with a husky voice.Placing myself at her entrance, I pushed into her in one long, languid stroke, luxuriating in the snug, warm and wet feel of her cunt. Fully sheathed, she gave me a squeeze then placed my hands on her breasts. "Be rough with my nipples; I'll let you know if you go too far." I took her breasts in my hands, pressing them together even as I started to pinch her nipples. Her back arched as I did so, suggesting I was at least not going too far. I withdrew and started fucking her with long slow strokes.After a few minutes of simply enjoying the feel of her, I asked, "So, how many women are we talking about?""My your cock feels good," she purred, "Um, what was that? Oh! Yes, we currently have forty five on staff."Damn her cunt felt great as she gripped me on the way out. I reseated myself with a sudden quick stroke and she gasped. "I do believe I have found a satisfactory replacement," she said as she smiled at me. My thrusting slowly became more and more forceful, and urgent. She stopped moaning briefly to say, "I may have forgotten to tell you something important."I heard her, and didn't process it. My thrusts were now getting frantic, and my partner knew quite clearly what that meant. "Mr. Jeffries, when you are servicing a woman in the Firm and she is wearing blue or black lipstick, you are to ejaculate in her mouth when you finish." As she said that I had that feeling you get when you know you are a few seconds from orgasm. And it finally registered she was wearing black lipstick."Better get in position then, Ms. Olson!" I grunted through gritted teeth as I pulled out of her delectable cunt.She slid off the table and to her knees in front of me. Placing her hands on my ass, she took my cock in her mouth and began to bob her head as she attacked me with her tongue. Already past the point of no return I grabbed handfuls of her hair but did not pull her to me. As she sucked wildly on the head of my cock I grunted out that I was coming. Then, I teetered on the edge, that glorious edge of not quite there, and then I quite literally saw stars as I exploded in her mouth. I could not see how much I was coming, but it sure felt like a lot. I shot several strong bursts into her mouth before she gave me one last suck and I collapsed back onto the chair. I grinned stupidly at her as she appeared to swish my ejaculate around in her mouth before swallowing rather demonstrably. Grinning like the Cheshire cat, she leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips. "Quite acceptable Mr. Jeffries, quite acceptable. You need to increase your water intake and consider adding some pineapple juice, but quite acceptable.""You mean, if I take the job," I said with some cheek."Monday, 0 900," she said, apparently ignoring my statement. It had been frivolous after all."Will you tell me what Tilly told you?" I asked.As she dressed she answered me very offhandedly. "I contacted her, had her sign and NDA, then paid her a large amount of cash to characterize you as a lover."I followed her lead and began dressing. "To be precise, I did not ask; ‘what did you ask her,’ but rather what she told you."She kissed me, then smiled, "So very much the right choice," and she patted my cheek, "When you pay people upfront they may tell you nothing, but they never lie. She gushed on about you, which is something you should look into, before she paused, then said quite steadily, 'eager, pleasing, vigorous, energetic, trainable,'" she paused for effect, "and very good. Why, is he available?" Her look said, 'that's precisely the words she used. "And the last thing she said before I thanked her was, 'you snap him up.'"I didn't have anything to say to that except that I might have to look Tilly up soon.Ms. Olson adjusted her skirt and donned her top before picking up her jacket. "As you might expect, Mr. Jeffries, we have policies and procedures." She winked at me, then took a pamphlet from the desk and handed it ...
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  • Servicing Foxx Inc: Part 1
    May 30 2024
    The Interview - A young man leaves the Navy and finds a new job.By PtmcPilot – listen to the ►Podcast at Steamy Stories. Thomas Edison reportedly said that the harder he worked the luckier he was. In my case I had worked pretty stinking hard as an enlisted member of the nuclear submarine Navy for the previous six years, so if you side with Edison I must have accumulated a decent amount of luck in my karma account. No matter how events came together, I was very lucky to be in just the right place at the right time. You probably won't believe it, and truth be told, on some days I don't believe it either. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let me start at the beginning.Or maybe not quite the beginning. As I mentioned, I'd been in the Navy for six years starting right after high school. After graduation a lot of my friends had gone off to college, but I wasn't interested in joining them. I wanted to do something at once, not four years or so later. I joined the Navy, was picked up for nuclear power and asked for submarines (long story for another time). Working on subs was tough, yet rewarding at the same time. And it paid fairly nicely for a 19 to 24 year old. Many of the younger enlisted, read that as non-lifers, were interested in using their G I bill benefits to go to college when their enlistment was complete. And when I left the Navy a mere six weeks ago, that had been my plan as well. I'd saved a fair amount of money, and combined with the G I bill I was able to comfortably attend most any college.Now, relaxing on a couch in my parent's living room, when I wasn't surrounded by people looking forward to college, I found the idea was no longer appealing. It always seemed to me that people felt college was a natural progression, and to do otherwise was somehow not living up to one's potential. Problem was, after my years in the Navy I knew that wasn't the case. Sure, college might open some doors, but I had every bit as much, if not more respect for the senior enlisted in the Navy as I did the officers. Very different jobs requiring different skill sets. One ingredient of success on the ship was mutual respect for those different skill sets. Relaxing off duty with Sailors from other ships told me such mutual respect was not always a given. I'd been fortunate.By the time I left the Navy I knew I was capable, well trained, reliable, and eager to work hard. The Navy had spent a lot of money training me how to operate and maintain equipment as well to train and lead people. Not only was I good at all those things, I enjoyed them immensely. It's a very rewarding feeling when you use your own skills to take something from not working, to working. A friend of mine, a fairly senior Navy electrician, enjoyed replacing burnt out light bulbs even though such things were typically reserved for more junior people. "It's instant job satisfaction," he'd said.I knew my parents were happy to have me around, and at the same time I knew they didn't want me to become a permanent fixture. It was only nine in the morning, and I resolved right then that today was the day to seriously start the job search. After grabbing a shower and a cup of coffee, I sat down with my laptop and began. There were lots of openings that appealed to me, or rather a lot of jobs I knew I could do. HVAC technicians and mechanics of all kinds appeared to be in particular demand, and the pay didn't look too bad. Besides, I was in a pretty enviable position; I could easily quit after a short time if it didn't work out.After a brief moment of reflection I decided my qualifications meant I should avail myself of a headhunter, or at least some high end placement site. I did so, and was startled to get a text message two hours later. It was a link, so I forwarded it to my email and called it up. Oddly, it wasn't from one of the services I had contacted. "Provider of Building Services. Responsible for all building systems maintenance and services for staff on site. Monday through Friday, from 9 to 5, $95,000 per year. If interested please send your interview availability to FoxxIncJobs@FoxxInc.com" From the tone it seemed they had my resume and knew who they were talking to. Intrigued, I sent a note to the address stating I was available for an interview at their convenience.It was perhaps another hour later when a reply came in from the same address: "Please confirm your availability for an interview starting at sixteen hundred, at 8472 Saddlebrook Road." I checked the address, and although I did not want to appear desperate, I replied at once that I could make that time. It seemed a bit odd to be having a job interview that late on a Friday, and it made me wonder what kind of work-life balance they might have as part of their culture. And then I laughed at myself--as if work-life balance was something I was acquainted with from subs...Still, this observation was added to my mental list of hypothetical questions to be posed to my would-be ...
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