• The Influencer Market, Being a Campaign Coordinator, Dreams Almost Shuttered with Promise Makunyane
    Jun 19 2024

    In this week's episode, we are in conversation with Promise Makunyane, a graduate of the University of South Africa. Amongst other certifications, she holds a national diploma in public relations management. She is currently employed as an influencer campaign coordinator. Promise is also a thriving entrepreneur, running an errands and concierge business, and she is the founder of the Own Narrative Podcast.

    Key Lessons -

    It's okay not aspiring to be a boss.

    Maximise on Internships they birth concrete career options.

    Sometimes, don't chase. Just show up as who you are, and all things will align.

    Title does not equate salary increases.

    It's okay not to aspire to be a career baddie/boss.

    Unisa is not just for adults. It accommodates young people too.

    You will look back and realize that "nothing is nothing"

    Always be yourself!

    Happy Employment Wednesdays!

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    47 mins
  • Being a female black lecturer at 24 at Africa's number 1 University, Salary, Requirements, PhD Studies
    Jun 12 2024

    In this week's episode we are in conversation with Katleho Letsiri, an LLB, LLM in labour law (cum laude) graduate who is currently a PhD candidate. She is currently a Lecturer at the University of Johannesburg in the faculty of Practical Business Law. In this episode she takes us through the requirements and journey of becoming a Lecturer.

    Key Lessons -

    Apply for busaries as early as possible.

    Your dream doesn't have to be driven by a deep reason, it could be as simple as " i like it".

    No man is an island, "umuntu ungumuntu ngabantu".

    Lecturing isn't a retirement plan, there is room for young to explore and succeed in it.

    It's imperative to protect the integrity of our education system.

    If you want to be great what you do, be willing to intergret your personality and character into it.

    Happy Employment Wednesday!

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Chartered Accountant in South Africa: Senior Trainee Accountant, Auditing, requirements, CTA & Salaries
    Jun 5 2024

    In this week's episode of Employment Wednesdays we are in conversation with Oyena Dyasi an Accounting graduate from the University of Johannesburg who is currently a CA(SA) Senior Trainee Accountant specialising within the Financial Services Industry. She is the Founder and Director of the Young Professionals Hub, a dynamic network dedicated to equipping young professionals across various disciplines with the tools and knowledge needed to build thriving careers. She takes through her career journey and how she handled failing her CTA and pushing herself to still thrive in her career.

    Key lessons -

    Young people need to be given access to spaces that position them for leadership.

    Set professional boundaries, but always ensure that you deliver what is expected of you.

    Don't accept offers simply because they seem similar to what you desire, always ensure that your yes is in alignment with your goals.

    Always ensure that you are chasing what you really want and not what other people want.

    CTA is tough but you can pass it.

    Do it until you get it right.

    Volunteer, and get comfortable saying no.

    Happy Employment Wednesday!

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Law Without Boarders EP 7: Depression made me open my own Law and it took me to a darker place
    May 29 2024

    In this week's episode of Employment Wednesdays we are in conversation with Rotondwa Mukwevho, an admitted attorney of the high court, former director of a law and food enthusiast.

    She takes us through her career journey, university choices, starting a law firm because of stresses of life and having to close it as she found light.

    Key lessons -

    An end is actually a beginning of a new hope and possibilities.

    Women are still objectified and discriminated because of how they look.

    Human rights in south africa are not fully realise for all, there are still so many people without access to shelter, water, education and other basic needs.

    Being able to connect with different types human beings is a super power.

    Look after your mental health and yourself, no amount of money can buy you your initial state of being.

    Have honest conversations with yourself about what you want, how best you can get there, don't to stay where you are because everybody thinks that's where you should be.

    Happy Employment Wednesday!

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    51 mins
  • Sibu Mpanza on Dropping out from University, CHANGE, healing and a career in the creative space/industry
    May 22 2024

    In this week's episode we are in conversation with Sibu Mpanza. A creative genius who found himself having to drop out of university to persue his creativity. In this episode he takes us through various career paths he has taken and continues to take. He further takes us through how he navigates big and small changes which take place in his life

    Key lessons -

    Change is an evitable part of our live and we get to decide whether we benefit from it or not.

    Free education is not yet a complete reality in South Africa, apply for as much busaries as you can.

    Being a bad student in class, does not disqualify you from the possibility of being a creative or being a great proffesional.

    Studying and working at the same time is not for everyone.

    Take risks, as much as you can, they become more terrifying as we grow older.

    Therapy and counselling in all forms are important for personal growth and development.

    You can change careers as much as you need to no 1 is counting.

    Try, knock, ask , and fail knowing you gave it a shot.

    Happy Employment Wednesday!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Law Without Boarders EP 6, What you can do with your law degree: Compliance in the Betting industry
    May 15 2024

    In this week's episode we are In conversation with Ndanganeni Matsheketsheke a non practicing attorney, LLM in labour law. She is currently a Compliance officer in the Betting industry. Ndanga takes us through her career journey and how failure landed her into the legal profession.

    Key takeaways - Support and tools to transition from high school and university are important for one's wholistic career development. We need to divert from traditional ways of applying for jobs and be creative, go into the dms if necessary. Failure is part of the journey which may lead to your biggest break. Passion does push you a step ahead in your career, because it helps you withstand the pressure that comes with career. No matter how great the environment is, if you are misaligned there will always be discomfort.

    Happy Employment Wednesday!

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    38 mins
  • Events Planning Business as a CAREER, Dos & Don't
    May 8 2024

    In this week's episode we are In conversation with Mabutla Innocentia , who is a seasoned events planner. She takes us through the transition from being an accountant to being an events planner and owner of one of the most beautiful venues in the country and how she has navigated expanding her horizons as an events planner.

    Key Lessons from the episodes are as follows -

    Failure is a walk of life, there is nothing abnormal about it, embrace and learn from it.

    You can be doing something so big or what society deems noble and still be misaligned.

    You are where you need to be, soak in the lessons and skills.

    When you stop caring/lose respect for an environment it your sign that you need to leave.

    Give it 5 years, figure out if it works or not. If it works then give it your all and if it doesn't try something else.

    Whatever you do get out of bed, it's a symbol of your willingness to try...

    Don't despise those that are starting off, bring them closer.

    I hope you enjoyed this episode. Happy Employment Wednesday!

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Law Without Boarders EP5 : What can I do with my law degree | Should you become a lawyer? : Wealth Management Analyst
    May 1 2024

    In this week's episode we are In conversation with Portia Acheapong, @ama_acheampong24 an LLB graduate from the University of Johannesburg. She holds a certificate in wealth management and has experience in Sucession financial planning, she currently works for one of the big banks as a Wealth Management Analyst.

    She takes us through her career as a law graduate, and the various options the degree has opened her up to. Key factors to note from the conversation -

    The law degree is arguably one of the most versatile degrees.

    You need to be flexible and open minded with your law degree in order to reap more fruit from it.

    There are vultures out there, don't let desperation lead you into the wrong path.

    Interviews are an opportunity for you to vet or assess the company aswell, use the opportunity to establish if their are a good fit.

    Be curious, do your research, have faith and pray.

    Happy Employment Wednesday!


    #careers #law #wealthmanagement #llb #careergoals #fin #financialservices #banks #UJ #sanlam #compliance

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    43 mins