
  • Grace And Commandments: Do They Oppose Each Other?
    Mar 28 2024
    Grace And Commandments: Do They Oppose Each Other? I trust you will hear the recoded message AND read this document. You need this information in your heart so you are not led astray by strange doctrines that have found their way into numerous churches and ministries. Those that require ritual commandment keeping of Christians, and those that deny keeping moral commandments in Christendom are all in for an eye-opening experience! We base it ALL on the clear teaching of God's Word, mainly from the Apostle Paul. So get informed and get grounded in Scripture in this 62-page mini-book. It's free of charge. In it is vital information that every Christian should know and understand. Why do so many err along these lines? They don't know the Scriptures or have only heard out-of-context verses quoted to them. Both are very bad for a Christian. We must know the Word in its context! That is the ONLY way to stay out of error. The more you know Scripture the lees you will be deceived. That is the "why" of this study. Here is the link to the most recent revised copy in English: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/398pmd/Did_the_Grace_of_God_Cancel_Biblical_Commandments_REV_2018.pdf Be mightily blessed! Dan A. Rodriguez Spanish language text and download link are after the following excerpt in English from the PDF doc. _____________ Part 1: Why Force the Gentiles to Live like Jews? Why do we need a message like this today? Look around and note the modern teachings spreading among the churches. There are those that emphasize we should keep Sabbath days, feasts and festivals, laws concerning foods, and other ritual laws of Israel. On the other hand, there are ministers, churches, and books that insist that we are not under any law and that we should not obey Old Testament commandments. I have heard it taught that we are not subject to any of the Ten Commandments because all commandments were under the law, and they are not a part of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. What teachings are right? What does the Scripture say about these things? What did the apostles teach? In this mini book, you will see what the Word says about these things and you will be able to share it effectively. I am going to begin with the book of Galatians. The theme of the book of Galatians was to bring correction to error spreading through certain Jewish believers among churches, specifically in the gentile world. These Jewish believers wanted to impose upon the gentiles converted to Christ the necessity of obeying laws and statues given by God to Moses for the children of Israel. Why force the gentiles to live like Jews? In Paul’s own words to Peter and the Galatians, “How can you try to force the gentiles to live like Jews?” (Galatians 2:14 NET) These Jewish believers were also “trying to force you to be circumcised” (Galatians 6:12 NET). We can ask the same questions today of those that demand that Christians keep ritual or ceremonial laws required of national Israel. Let us bluntly ask them: “Why are you forcing gentiles to live like Jews?” Look at other translations of Galatians 2:16: “How can you compel gentiles to live like Jews?” (CSB) “How can you require the gentiles to live like Jews?” (CEB) “So how can you insist that people who are not Jewish must live like Jews?” (GW) “So why do you now try to force those who are not Jewish to live like Jews? (NCV) “Why do you make the people who are not Jews live like the Jews?” (NLV) “How can you force gentiles to become Jews?” (NTE) In Spanish, there is one well-known version that states, “Why do you coerce the gentiles to practice Judaism?” (LBLA) Paul reveals his teaching and thinking on the subject with this statement. In the apostle’s doctrine there was a clear distinction between what was a necessary for the gentiles converted to Christ and what was the practice of Judaism. This will all make sense soon, but here is what I am asking: Should Christians today be under obligation to keep Sabbath days, feasts (Pentecost, Day of Atonement, Passover, Tabernacles, etc.), use prayer shawls, phylacteries, practice circumcision, and should they maintain kosher in their homes by distinguishing between clean and unclean foods? In other words, should we feel under obligation to keep and obey ritual-ceremonial laws given to Israel? Do I have to tell you that there is much confusion on this subject in Christianity? The Body of Christ (the Church) needs a Biblical perspective and not a traditional or modern interpretation of the subject. Our opinions and doctrines are worthless in this respect. We need to see it in the Scripture and then abide by its instruction. That is my only purpose in this treatise. If you are a Jewish believer in Jesus, or if you are a Christian with no Jewish background, you really need to read these articles. They will answer many questions. What was happening among the Galatians? Among other things, Jewish believers were ...
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    2 h y 4 m
  • PART 2- The Story of Redemption-Tres Días y Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra
    Feb 10 2024

    Part 2!

    Make sure you hear the preceding Part 1.

    Preaching, teaching, and more is here on what the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead means according to the Scripture. What better way to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus than this? Study and pray over these truths about the sacrifice of Jesus so they become a reality in you. This is the GREATEST heroic story ever told! It makes all the supposed super heroes invented by men look lame and pathetically weak! There is NONE to compare to what Jesus did to the devil and his hordes! Here you have it in Spanish and in English.

    The recorded message is in Spanish in two parts. This is Part Two. I pray that it will be a shocking and eye-opening message for all my Spanish listeners. It is a message of deliverance, salvation, and God's power to do the impossible. Be blessed!

    Este es el segundo mensaje ungido sobre lo que pasó durante los tres días y noches entre cuando Jesucristo murió en la cruz y cuando fue resucitado de los muertos. Algunos de los puntos mas importantes son acerca de la resurrección doble de Jesús (la espiritual y la física de la tumba), la palabra profética de tres días o el tercer día, el día en que el Padre inauguró a Su Hijo y le llamó Dios, el significado del Nombre de Jesús, el sentido de “Consumado es,” cuando fue que Jesús venció a Satanás e hizo espectáculo público de el, y mucho mas. No te pierdas estos poderosos mensajes que transformarán tu vida.

    Gratis: Documento portátil (PDF)

    Después de oír el mensaje, vas a querer leer el libro publicado en el 2014 con 291 páginas sobre este tema. Nuestra redención en Cristo se establece con muchas escrituras. Si esto fuera solo una "revelación" personal sin fundamento, eso sería un error gigantesco. Pero esto no es "interpretación" privada que carece de fundamento sólido en las Palabra de Dios. Se prueba una y otras vez usando las mismas palabras de Jesús, Pablo, Pedro, Juan, y los profetas del Antiguo Testamento como David, Isaías, y Jonás. Este es mensaje transformador y que SIEMPRE te llevará a victoria en Cristo Jesús. ¡Aquí está! ¡Prepárate para una aventura en la Palabra de Dios que nunca te dejará igual! El PDF, igual que el impreso, es mi libro de 291 páginas publicado en el 2013-2014. En sus páginas encontrarás un lujo de detalles sobre el gran sacrificio de Jesucristo, porque fue necesario, y porque sufrió por 3 días y 3 noches en el corazón de la tierra (Mateo 12:40, Hechos 2:27, 31). También hay incluidos capítulos sobre el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo y las lenguas, y como recibir sanidad. No te pierdas este libro repleto de escrituras sobre estos temas.

    Cuando el Señor me empezó a mostrar estas verdades acerca del sacrificio de Jesucristo en el 1976, nunca pensé que este mensaje correría a través del mundo. En el 1977 y 1978 publiqué el mensaje en ingles y luego en español. Eran libros de 89 y 132 páginas. ¡El Señor me ha dado mas! Oye este mensaje grabado abajo que resume el tema poderosamente.

    Después de oír el mensaje, vas a querer leer el libro publicado en el 2014 con 291 páginas con el mismo titulo de este mensaje y este tema. Usa este eslabón para verlo. Nuestra redención en Cristo se establece con muchas escrituras. Si esto fuera solo una "revelación" personal sin fundamento, eso sería un error gigantesco. Pero esto no es "interpretación" privada que carece de fundamento sólido en las Palabra de Dios. Se prueba una y otras vez usando las mismas palabras de Jesús, Pablo, Pedro, Juan, y los profetas del Antiguo Testamento como David, Isaías, y Jonás. Este es mensaje transformador y que SIEMPRE te llevará a victoria en Cristo Jesús. ¡Aquí está! ¡Prepárate para una aventura en la Palabra de Dios que nunca te dejará igual!

    El PDF, igual que el impreso, es mi libro de 291 páginas publicado en el 2014.

    No te pierdas esta oportunidad de descargar este libro ungido.


    In English, though a little shorter at 243 pages, free download:

    Download it freely in English here.

    This newer English version was published in 2010.

    Be mightily blessed!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • The Story of Redemption-Tres Días y Noches en el Corazón de La Tierra
    Feb 6 2024

    Preaching, teaching, and more is here on what the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead means according to the Scripture. What better way to celebrate the resurrection than this, getting in you the truths about the sacrifice of Jesus for you and me?

    The recorded message is in Spanish in two parts. This is part one. I pray that it will be a shocking and eye-opening message for all my Spanish listeners. It is a message of deliverance, salvation, and God's power to do the impossible. Be blessed!

    Cuando el Señor me empezó a mostrar estas verdades acerca del sacrificio de Jesucristo en el 1976, nunca pensé que este mensaje correría a través del mundo. En el 1977 y 1978 publiqué el mensaje en ingles y luego en español. Eran libros de 89 y 132 páginas. ¡El Señor me ha dado mas! Oye este mensaje grabado abajo que resume el tema poderosamente.

    Despues de oir el mensaje, vas a querer leer el libro publicado en el 2014 con 291 páginas con el mismo titulo de este mensaje y este tema. Usa este eslabón para verlo. Nuestra redención en Cristo se establece con muchas escrituras. Si esto fuera solo una "revelación" personal sin fundamento, eso sería un error gigantesco. Pero esto no es "interpretación" privada que carece de fundamento sólido en las Palabra de Dios. Se prueba una y otras vez usando las mismas palabras de Jesús, Pablo, Pedro, Juan, y los profetas del Antiguo Testamento como David, Isaías, y Jonás. Este es mensaje transformador y que SIEMPRE te llevará a victoria en Cristo Jesús. ¡Aquí está! ¡Prepárate para una aventura en la Palabra de Dios que nunca te dejará igual!

    El PDF, igual que el impreso, es mi libro de 291 páginas publicado en el 2014.

    No te pierdas esta oportunidad de descargar este libro ungido.

    In English, though a little shorter at 243 pages, free download:

    Download it freely in English here.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The Three Kings Were Visiting MAGI-Astrologers?
    Dec 29 2023
    For the last few years, I have published this message around this time. I usually wait until after Christmas because Three Kings Day will be celebrated soon by most Latin people. I trust this will bring light to you today in Jesus' Name! When I was raised in Puerto Rico in the 60's, we celebrated Christmas, but "Reyes" or "Kings" was THE celebration of when the three Kings or Magi came to worship Jesus. The night before Three Kings day celebrations on January 6 were special nights. Children all over the island would leave grass out (generally with a manger built or prepared for the occasion) to feed the camels of the Three Kings, and they in turn would leave presents. Many times, Reyes was a much bigger celebration than Christmas. We loved Reyes! As you grow up, and begin to follow Jesus, you learn a few things if you will study. For example, the names and the numbers of the wise men that came from the East are never mentioned in the New Testament. Not only that, the word translated as wise men (magoi) is not the Greek word for kings (basileon)! Oops! So much for the tradition of the Three Gentile Kings that came to worship baby Jesus, all based on human invention. None of it is Scriptural! The above may be disconcerting for the unlearned, but the truth will not oppress you. The truth of God's Word will make you free from the traditions of men, if you will allow it. (John 8:32) Here comes much food for thought. The Wise Men that Came to See Jesus were Magi - Astrologers? Does anybody but me have a problem with the tradition that the wise men were astrologers of the Magi caste from Babylon? I hope not. For many years, as a Christian, that “scratched” at me on the inside. We know from Scripture how much God despises all the pagan practices of idolatry that include sorcery (deals with potions and spells), witchcraft (those that cast spells-incantations and curses and invoke (evil) spirits to get their will done), necromancers (those that attempt to speak to the dead, mediums), soothsayers (fortune tellers, and that includes the Ouija boards of today, tarot cards, divination, psychics), spiritists (those that channel evil spirits to tell your fortune), and astrologers (those that tell of events past, present, and future by “reading” the stars and planets). Here are a few verses of Scripture that put in view God’s perspective: Do not defile yourselves by turning to mediums or to those who consult the spirits of the dead. I am the Lord your God. (Leviticus 19:31 NLT) I will also turn against those who commit spiritual prostitution by putting their trust in mediums or in those who consult the spirits of the dead. I will cut them off from the community. (Lev. 20:6 NLT) Men and women among you who act as mediums or who consult the spirits of the dead must be put to death by stoning. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Lev. 20:27 NLT) And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead… The nations you are about to displace consult sorcerers and fortune-tellers, but the Lord your God forbids you to do such things. (Deuteronomy 18:10-11, 14 NLT) Manasseh also sacrificed his own son in the fire. He practiced sorcery and divination, and he consulted with mediums and psychics. He did much that was evil in the LORD’s sight, arousing his anger. (2 Kings 21:6 NLT) God calls these practices evil and wicked in the sight of the Lord, arousing His anger, spiritual prostitution, and a capital offense. He is the same today. He has never changed His mind on the subject. (Malachi 3:6) Here is one portion in the Scripture that specifically referred to the astrologers of Babylon (Isaiah 47:1-5), the very caste that the wise men that came to worship Jesus were supposed to belong to! So, disaster will overtake you, and you won’t be able to charm it away. Calamity will fall upon you, and you won’t be able to buy your way out. A catastrophe will strike you suddenly, one for which you are not prepared. “Now use your magical charms! Use the spells you have worked at all these years! Maybe they will do you some good. Maybe they can make someone afraid of you. All the advice you receive has made you tired. Where are all your astrologers, those stargazers who make predictions each month? Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds. But they are like straw burning in a fire; they cannot save themselves from the flame.” (Isaiah 47:11-14 NLT) God mocks them! They cannot save themselves from the flame! Destruction was coming to them for their evil and wicked practices. Yes, these calamities will come upon you, despite all your witchcraft and magic. “You felt secure in your wickedness. ‘No one sees me,’ you said. But your ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ have led you astray, and you said, ‘I am the only one, and there is no other....
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    2 h y 4 m
  • Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues
    Sep 28 2023
    The purpose of this article is to build faith, dispel unbelief, and prepare anybody to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and tongues. Many will receive from the Lord when their particular question is answered. Others will receive as they begin to see this awesome truth in the Word. Others will receive as they hear the teaching. Get ready to receive the moment you begin to hear and receive the Word! Jesus is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and He is ready today to baptize you in His Spirit! The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the next step when you come to Jesus and make Him Lord of your life. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the entrance into the supernatural manifestations of God. People without this glorious baptism will NEVER make it in these final hours of the church upon the earth. There is too much to do, and it will take POWER to do it! There are billions that are hell bound that have to be reached. There are sick people all around us that need God's healing power. There are people bound by addictions, perversions, and all forms of darkness that need the delivering power of God. How are these things to come to the billions that need it? It will come about on earth by the hands, words, and actions of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit! (Acts 1:8, 2:1-4; 10:44-46; 19:1-20; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; 14:1-5, 14, 18, 39) If you are satisfied with the new birth and think that is all God has for you, then you are missing a powerful blessing promised by the Lord to all believers. God has much for you! The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues, is what opens the door to infinite possibilities with God. We will show you what the Bible says about it, and then it will be up to you to receive this glorious experience. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them tongues as of fire splitting off (into individual fires); and these sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:3, 4) The apostles and all the people that gathered (120 individuals) had already received the Holy Spirit into their lives and hearts. They had already been regenerated and received Jesus as their Lord before Acts 2:4. Can we prove this? The doors were shut where the disciples were gathered... Jesus came and stood in the middle of them, and said to them, “Peace (shalom) to you!” And after He said that, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw it was the Lord! Then Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you. As My Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit. (John 20:19-22) Notice that they received the Holy Spirit at this time. This was before Jesus ascended visibly into heaven. They received the Spirit of Christ as it says in Romans 8:9-11, and the Holy Spirit came inside them, and they were born of the Spirit. Yet, Jesus explained to them that something else was needed from the Holy Spirit to empower them and propel them into the supernatural things of God. Right before His ascension into heaven He said: I send the promise of My father on you. But stay in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high. (Luke 24:49) Jesus was saying that receiving the Holy Spirit inside of them (the new birth) was not all that there was to the promise of the Father. God had more in mind for His people. God wanted more for them than only an internal and personal experience with God. Power would come from on high to rest on His people. It would be a glorious external manifestation worn like a coat or a suit of clothes. The one believing in me as the Scripture said, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water. But He said this concerning the Spirit that those that believe in Him were about to receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (John 7:38, 39) Note that Jesus said that the one that already believed, trusted in, and become faithful to the Lord, was to have something else from the Spirit of God. These verses speak of another experience with the Holy Spirit, one where from your belly flow rivers of living water. The rivers of water speak of this mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said this of the mighty experience with the Holy Spirit they were to receive. When He breathed on them they were birthed from above, but nothing happened externally in their lives until Acts 2:4. Miraculous power from on High There was no real show of God's power to the entire world until Acts 2 and beyond. They were good "Christians" but with no evidence to demonstrate to the world about the reality, not just the words, of their God. ...But you will receive (miraculous) power when the...
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    23 m
  • Faith Refuses to Hesitate!
    Sep 6 2023

    Did you know that one definition of doubt is hesitation?

    As a practitioner of martial arts, I learned that hesitation in a self-defense situation could mean the difference between winning and losing the confrontation. In more deadly encounters, it is the difference between life and death.

    In spiritual matters, when facing the enemy, hesitation can be detrimental, and in certain cases, it can be deadly. We do not face our enemy in our own name. We can only face our enemy, the devil and demons, in the name of Jesus. We should know that, but many are not too sure about their rights, privileges, and authority in Christ, so they face the enemy with hesitation. It takes understanding from God's Word, but once we have certain revelation and spiritual discernment, we must keep trusting God and practicing His Word until the hesitation is gone. The greatest thing that develops you is PRACTICE.

    As a former instructor in martial arts and a martial arts school owner, I have some experience to draw from in this area. Students that were dedicated to practicing what they learned would advance quicker and have a higher score during testing than those that just practiced when they came to one class a week!

    Hmm... Have we ever seen that in churches? Those that make it their daily habit to practice what they heard and saw at church were the ones that grew in the Lord and produced some fruit. Those that their habit was to go to church once a week out of obligation but were not really practitioners or doers of the Word, saw little to no results.

    Practice does make perfect! Maturity comes through daily practice.

    It is not only knowing that in His Name we can lay hands on the sick and they will recover. It is by DOING the Word that hesitation leaves. The more you DO it, the less hesitation and the more confidence, assurance, and manifestation of real faith. Then you can’t slack off. You must practice and do some more!

    Learn the difference between faith and hesitation through this message. Be mightily blessed!

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Faith ALWAYS Agrees With God but Doubt Will Disagree
    Aug 19 2023

    In this message, "Faith ALWAYS Agrees with God but Doubt Will Disagree" you will begin to see that doubt discriminates against God's Word. It disfavors, shows bias against, treats indifferently, and does not appreciate the value of God's Word. Doubt devaluates and misjudges the Word. It rejects and refuses to believe it. Faith is all the opposite of doubt! Faith highly favors and appreciates God's Word. It acknowledges the eternal truth and value of God's Word, and moves out in trust and faithfulness. Faith is willing to step out into the unknown and the void with trust in God and His precious Word. Doubt is fearful, afraid, and shrinks back, but faith is trusting and trustworthy, and moves on with God. Be blessed!

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Don’t Doubt in Your Heart!
    Aug 13 2023

    Out of approximately 20 cases of INDIVIDUAL healings in the Gospel accounts, 12 of them emphasize the person's faith as being involved in their receiving their healing or miracle. Faith is essential to receiving from God. It is impossible to please God without the operation of faith! (Hebrews 11:6)

    Based on Mark 11:23, many have developed the teaching of "you will have what you say." It is taught and seen all over the Bible. The life and death is in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21)

    Mark 11:23 does say that one can have what they say, but that is not all it says. "Having what you say" needs to be qualified, and Jesus does that clearly in these verses (Mr. 11:22-26). The podcast message will clarify that in order to "have what you say", there must be NO DOUBT in your heart. That is a big one, but attainable in the Lord by anyone.

    The other thing that MUST be addressed is the heart or the spirit. Faith is ONLY of the heart and NEVER of the head or body. We look at some Scriptures that point out that the spirit is the heart of a person in Scripture. It is with the heart that one believes. (Romans 10:9, 10)

    You have your part to play. Jesus tells us that one must speak directly to something. It says nothing here (in this context) about talking to God concerning your mountain. No talk here about telling God about your problem. It does not teach us to ask God to remove it either. It instructs us in what we are to do because we trust and obey God, or have faith in Him and His Word (v. 22).

    Verse 23 is not teaching us about prayer, though it can (an often does) overflow into prayer and forgiveness (v. 24, 25). It is teaching us about a command of faith coming from a place of fellowship and trust in God (v. 22).

    Are you ready for this? I think you are or you would not be here.

    Jesus practiced the truths presented by him in Mark 11:23 to speak to the woman bowed over for 18 years, the ten lepers, the blind, demon possessed, when commanding Peter to walk on the water, when catching fish in great numbers, converting the water into wine, speaking to the fig tree, and the list goes on.

    Be mightily blessed!

    Más Menos
    15 m