• How to Build a Successful Real Estate Wholesaling Business with Parker Stiles
    Jun 20 2024

    On this episode of Cashflow for Life, Parker Stiles walks us through the do's and don'ts of building and maintaining a sustainable real estate business with wholesaling. What separates amateur wholesalers from the pros? Tune in and find out.

    The Cashflow For Life podcast is about one thing: using real estate investing as a tool to create consistent cashflow every month for the rest of your life. Our mission is to help everyone in America buy their first 5 properties in the next 2 years, and have them paid off in 7 years. This is the 2-5-7 Cashflow For Life philosophy. Tune in to witness how ordinary people in our community have put this philosophy into action to increase their net worth and create consistent monthly cashflow as they continue their journey to build wealth for themselves and their families.

    Connect with us online!

    Facebook: @nationalreinvest

    IG: @andrewholmesre

    YT: @AndrewHolmesRealEstate

    Connect with Parker Stiles on his website here: https://www.barringtonhomebuyers.com/

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    53 mins
  • Netting $600,000 per year with Single Family and Multi-Unit Properties in Just 6 Years
    Jun 12 2024

    In just 6 years, Shantanu Kamra has gone from working a job in IT to netting over $600k per year as a real estate investor. What strategies did he use? What does it take to make it that big in such a short period of time? Tune in and find out!

    The Cashflow For Life podcast is about one thing: using real estate investing as a tool to create consistent cashflow every month for the rest of your life. Our mission is to help everyone in America buy their first 5 properties in the next 2 years, and have them paid off in 7 years. This is the 2-5-7 Cashflow For Life philosophy. Tune in to witness how ordinary people in our community have put this philosophy into action to increase their net worth and create consistent monthly cashflow as they continue their journey to build wealth for themselves and their families.

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    45 mins
  • Forecasting the Future: Navigating the 2024's Real Estate Trends
    Jun 6 2024

    On this episode of Cashflow for Life, Andrew Holmes gives invaluable insight on the 2024 real estate market.

    Where are we currently?

    How did we get here?

    Where are we headed?

    Learn all this and more on this can't-miss episode!

    The Cashflow For Life podcast is about one thing: using real estate investing as a tool to create consistent cashflow every month for the rest of your life.

    Our mission is to help everyone in America buy their first 5 properties in the next 2 years, and have them paid off in 7 years.

    This is the 2-5-7 Cashflow For Life philosophy. Tune in to witness how ordinary people in our community have put this philosophy into action to increase their net worth and create consistent monthly cashflow as they continue their journey to build wealth for themselves and their families.

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    39 mins
  • From Busy Professional to $250,000 in Passive Income Every Year with Real Estate
    May 30 2024

    On this episode of Cashflow for Life, Rishab Chawla shares how he went from being busy with his everyday 9 to 5 to building a rental portfolio that provides $250,000 of cashflow every year.

    In the show, Rishab shares how he built his rental portfolio and the mistakes he made along the way. The biggest takeaway is that anyone can do this if you're willing to put in the work and learn how to properly invest in real estate.

    The Cashflow For Life podcast is about one thing: using real estate investing as a tool to create consistent cashflow every month for the rest of your life.

    Our mission is to help everyone in America buy their first 5 properties in the next 2 years, and have them paid off in 7 years.

    This is the 2-5-7 Cashflow For Life philosophy. Tune in to witness how ordinary people in our community have put this philosophy into action to increase their net worth and create consistent monthly cashflow as they continue their journey to build wealth for themselves and their families.

    Find out more about Cashflow for Life and our next upcoming event on our website CLICK HERE!

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    56 mins
  • 25 | Adrienne Falconer | Visionary Investing: Approach to Real Estate Success
    May 21 2024

    Imagine having a visual impairment and, in spite of that, still achieving over $300,000 in cash flow. Today's guest shows exactly how this can be accomplished.

    In this episode of the Cashflow for Life podcast, I'm joined by Adrienne Falconer as she shares her extraordinary journey in real estate investing, defying odds with determination and vision. Managing a portfolio of 10 properties, including multi-unit buildings and single-family homes, Adrienne's approach is marked by meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to providing quality, affordable housing. Despite facing challenges common to the industry, such as difficult tenants and property management issues, Adrienne's perseverance and strategic decision-making have led to her impressive success.

    Adrienne's success is rooted in her unwavering focus on her goals, driven by a desire to create generational wealth and a legacy of excellence in property ownership. She emphasizes the importance of networking and building strong relationships, using her team and network as her eyes and ears in managing properties. Her philosophy of reinvesting a significant portion of her income back into her properties reflects her commitment to maintaining high standards and ensuring long-term profitability.

    As Adrienne looks to the future, her goal is to continue expanding her portfolio and securing her family's financial future. Her story serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved through determination, strategic thinking, and a relentless pursuit of one's goals. Adrianne's journey is a testament to the power of vision and perseverance in the world of real estate investing.

    Listen now and enjoy!

    What You Will Learn In This Show:

    • The value of networking and building relationships in real estate investing.
    • Adrienne's criteria for selecting properties, including focusing on areas she knows well and properties with potential for improvement.
    • Her approach to property management, including utilizing a property manager and constantly communicating with them.
    • How, despite her visual impairment, Adrienne has built a strong team of contractors, property managers, and real estate professionals to support her investments.
    • The importance of financial discipline, reinvesting a significant portion of her income back into her properties.
    • Adrienne's overarching goal to provide affordable, clean housing and create generational wealth, emphasizing the need for a clear vision in real estate investing.
    • How her determination and focus on her goals have driven Adrienne's success.
    • And much more...

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    32 mins
  • 24 | Jesse Arenas | Real Estate Mastery: Strategies for Success in Flipping and Renting
    May 14 2024

    In today's episode of the Cashflow for Life podcast, Andrew is joined by real estate investor Jesse Arenas, as he shares his journey from financial struggles to success through consistent and strategic real estate investments. He emphasizes the importance of not giving up, highlighting the need for consistency and perseverance in the face of challenges. Jesse's experience demonstrates that success in real estate requires hard work, dedication, and a long-term perspective. His story serves as an inspiration to those looking to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.

    Throughout the conversation, Jesse discusses his approach to real estate, which includes a mix of wholesaling, flipping, and rental properties. He emphasizes the value of building a portfolio of quality properties over time, rather than seeking quick profits. By focusing on acquiring properties with good potential and managing them effectively, Jesse has been able to build a sustainable income stream that supports his family and allows him to help others in similar situations.

    Jesse's dedication to helping others is evident in his involvement with National RE Funding, where he assists investors with their lending needs. His personal experience with financial hardship has fueled his passion for assisting others in achieving their real estate goals. Jesse's story serves as a reminder that success in real estate, and in life, often requires a combination of hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to help others along the way.

    Listen now and enjoy!

    What You Will Learn In This Show:

    • The importance of not giving up, highlighting the need for consistency and perseverance in real estate investing.
    • Jesse's approach of focusing on acquiring quality properties over time, rather than seeking quick profits, and the long-term benefits of strategic investing.
    • The importance of family support and teamwork in achieving success.
    • The value of learning from setbacks and using them as opportunities for growth.
    • The critical importance of giving back and supporting others on their journey to success.
    • And much more...


    National RE Funding

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    49 mins
  • 23 | Kent Clothier | Building a Real Estate Empire: Strategies for Sustainable Growth
    Apr 30 2024

    In today's episode of the Cashflow for Life podcast, Andrew is joined by Kent, a seasoned real estate investor and business mentor. Kent shares his journey from starting in the grocery business to becoming a pivotal figure in real estate, particularly through his innovative approach in turnkey investing. The conversation reveals Kent's business philosophy, emphasizing the importance of operational systems, leveraging data and technology, and creating sustainable business models that allow for passive income and freedom from day-to-day operations. He discusses the transition from high-volume house flipping to managing a vast portfolio of properties and offering comprehensive real estate services through his company, REI Nation.

    Kent elaborates on the mindset and strategies that drive successful real estate investing. He stresses the significance of understanding key performance indicators and the nuances of financial management that can distinguish profitable ventures from less successful ones. His approach advocates for a focus on depth rather than breadth in business endeavors, emphasizing mastery and expertise in specific areas over diversification. He also discusses the critical nature of building a business that operates efficiently without the constant direct involvement of the owner, highlighting the difference between being a hustler and a true CEO.

    The episode wraps with an in-depth discussion on the value of precise goal-setting and strategic planning in real estate. Kent and Andrew discuss the power of having clear, measurable objectives and the discipline to focus on incremental growth through straightforward, repeatable processes. They touch on the potential pitfalls of chasing new trends without a solid foundation and the importance of community and mentorship in achieving long-term success. Kent invites listeners who are serious about scaling their real estate businesses to connect with him through his platforms for further learning and growth.

    Listen now and enjoy!

    What You Will Learn In This Show:

    • Kent's journey from starting young in the grocery industry to achieving success in real estate.
    • How real estate investors can evolve from being hustlers — constantly chasing deals — to becoming CEOs who focus on building sustainable systems and processes for their businesses.
    • The critical role of understanding key performance indicators, financial statements, and cost controls to drive profitability and sustainability in the real estate business.
    • The pitfalls of indiscriminate business scaling and the benefits of focusing on profitable, manageable growth rather than expanding into unfamiliar areas without a solid foundation.
    • How to define your financial goals and use real estate as a tool to generate passive income.
    • Why sticking to familiar and simple real estate investment strategies can lead to greater success compared to jumping into complex or unfamiliar territories.
    • The benefits of joining high-level mastermind groups like the Boardroom Mastermind, where experienced investors share knowledge and support each other's growth.
    • How setting clear, actionable goals and understanding the steps to achieve them can drastically improve your effectiveness and efficiency in the real estate market.
    • And much more...


    Kent Clothier

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    57 mins
  • 22 | Dr. Anuja Gupta | Mastering Market Timing
    Apr 16 2024

    In today's episode of the Cashflow for Life podcast, Andrew is joined by Dr. Anuja Gupta, who transitioned from a career in cardiology to becoming a real estate developer. Dr. Gupta shares her journey, starting from her medical practice to entering the real estate industry during the economic downturn, which allowed her to purchase properties in downtown Chicago at significantly reduced prices. Her initial foray into real estate was driven by the desire for flexibility to spend time with her family, alongside the financial benefits of building long-term assets. She reflects on the challenges and learning experiences of starting in real estate with little prior knowledge, highlighting the strategic importance of timing in property investments.

    Dr. Gupta discusses her development projects, particularly focusing on a retirement community she built, aimed at providing culturally sensitive assisted living for the Indian-American elderly population. This project, called Veranda, was inspired by her observations that mainstream facilities failed to cater to the cultural needs of Indian seniors. Despite facing significant challenges, including a major setback during the COVID-19 pandemic that halted the real estate market, Dr. Gupta persisted. The project eventually became successful, offering a sense of community and familiarity to its residents, fulfilling her vision of creating a space where elderly minorities could feel at home.

    Towards the end of the episode, Dr. Gupta offers advice to aspiring real estate investors, emphasizing the cyclical nature of the market and the importance of buying low. She advises sticking to basics and understanding one's niche, suggesting that success often comes from consistent effort in a focused area rather than chasing trends. Dr. Gupta reflects on her personal growth, recognizing the importance of making calculated, less risky investments that align with one's expertise and life stage, ultimately advocating for the steady, disciplined approach to real estate investment.

    Listen now and enjoy!

    What You Will Learn In This Show:

    • How Dr. Gupta transitioned from a successful medical career to real estate development, and the importance of following personal passion and seeking flexibility outside traditional career paths.
    • How she capitalized on the 2008 financial crisis by investing in properties at significantly reduced prices, as well as the critical timing of real estate investments for maximum returns.
    • The complexities and risks involved in real estate development, particularly when dealing with unexpected setbacks such as unreliable contractors and fluctuating market conditions.
    • The development of a culturally sensitive retirement community for Indian-American seniors, addressing a unique market need that mainstream facilities often overlook.
    • The importance of understanding and adapting to economic cycles in real estate, emphasizing the cyclical nature of the market and the strategy of buying low and selling high.
    • How building relationships with local community leaders and policymakers can be crucial in facilitating large-scale real estate projects.
    • The importance of consistency and finding a niche in real estate investment, and why success often comes from repeated effort in a well-understood area rather than chasing new trends.

    • And much more...

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    58 mins