• Kingdom Case 4: How To Become a Spirit Part 2
    Jun 6 2024


    In this episode of Case by Casie Jethro, the journey to becoming a spirit is explored, exploring the seven dimensions of knowledge to becoming a spirit and the significance of the Word of God. He emphasizes the importance of seeking and understanding the word of God, the grace of Jesus, and the power of scripture in guiding one's path.


    • The journey to becoming a spirit involves understanding the seven dimensions of knowledge and the significance of the Word of God.
    • Seeking and understanding the word of God is essential for spiritual growth and guidance.
    • The grace of Jesus and the power of scripture play a significant role in shaping one's spiritual journey and success.


    The Journey to Becoming a Spirit: Unveiling the Seven Dimensions of Knowledge

    The Significance of the Word of God: Seeking and Understanding

    The Grace of Jesus and the Power of Scripture: Shaping Spiritual Success

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    12 mins
  • Kingdom Case 5: How to Know God's True Character
    May 31 2024

    Grace Stone shares her journey of faith and the importance of knowing God's true character. She discusses the significance of spiritual names and how she discovered her own. Grace also talks about her experience of having a vision and the impact it had on her understanding of God. She emphasizes the need to read the Bible with a different lens and to seek a genuine relationship with God. Grace explores the shock of realizing that her previous perception of God was incorrect and the importance of surrendering to His will. She also discusses the refining process of aligning desires with God's desires. In this conversation, Jethro Casie and Grace Lawal discuss their personal journeys with faith and how it has impacted their lives. They touch on topics such as the influence of secular music, the role of the Holy Spirit in filtering media consumption, the concept of sin being different for everyone, the experience of speaking in tongues, and the process of deliverance and healing. Grace shares her personal story of being saved from a destructive path and the importance of surrendering to God. They also discuss how to hear God's voice and the habits that have led to their success.



    Introduction and Prayer

    Discovering Spiritual Names and Embracing Identity

    The Impact of Visions on Understanding God

    Reading the Bible with a Different Lens

    Knowing God's True Character

    Navigating the Influence of Secular Music and Filtering Media Consumption

    The Experience of Speaking in Tongues and Being in One Accord with God

    Deliverance and Healing Through Surrender and Refinement

    Hearing God's Voice Through Seeking Him and Discerning His Guidance

    Defining Success as Giving God a Return on His Investment

    Habits for Success: Obedience, Thorough Thinking, and Discernment in Sharing

    Newsletter -> https://mailchi.mp/a1bc696e54be/5oow1uiky4
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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Kingdom Case 4: How To Become a Spirit Part 1
    May 15 2024


    In this episode, Jethro Casie explores the concept of becoming a spirit and dives into the seven dimensions of knowledge to become a spirit. He starts by discussing the creation of the heavens and the earth and how God's creation is not just physical but also in our imaginations. Jethro then explores the different names and characteristics of God, emphasizing the importance of knowing God through personal experience. He also discusses God's compassion, grace, and justice, as well as the idea that God first makes a covenant with us. Jethro concludes by highlighting that God is not a God of temptation or disorder, but of peace.


    Journey to Becoming a Spirit

    Creation and the Power of Imagination

    Exploring the Names and Characteristics of God

    The Covenant God Makes with Us

    God: Not a God of Disorder, but of Peace


    • Becoming a spirit means fulfilling and actualizing who we are in the spirit, the greatest version of ourselves.
    • Knowing God involves understanding His names and characteristics, which reveal different aspects of His personality.
    • God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, and just.
    • God first makes a covenant with us, showing His love and willingness to be in a relationship with us.
    • Temptation is not from God, but He may allow us to be tempted to test and strengthen us.
    • God is not a God of disorder, but of peace.

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    Thanks for listening & keep being your greatest self!

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    24 mins
  • Kingdom Case 3: How to Know God's Plan For Your Life
    Apr 13 2024


    In this episode, Jethro Casie discusses the importance of understanding God's plan for our lives. He emphasizes the need to align our passions with God's purpose and to write down our vision. Jethro also highlights the significance of prayer, approaching God with humility, gratitude, and worship. He encourages listeners to seek forgiveness and let go of shame and guilt, knowing that there is abundant grace and love from God.


    God's plan, passions, vision, prayer, humility, gratitude, worship, forgiveness, grace, love


    • Align your passions with God's purpose for your life.
    • Write down your vision and make it plain.
    • Approach prayer with humility, gratitude, and worship.
    • Seek forgiveness and let go of shame and guilt, knowing that there is abundant grace and love from God.


    Introduction and Prayer

    The Power of Prayer and Worship

    Embracing God's Grace and Living According to His Plan

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    14 mins
  • Kingdom Case 2: Why you need to Disconnect to Reconnect | Christin Riddick
    Apr 4 2024

    In this conversation, Jethro interviews Christin Riddick, host of the Afrobeats podcast, about his journey into nature and gardening. Christin shares how he got started in gardening through a service program and his encounter with a business that brought fresh produce to food-insecure neighborhoods. He discusses the concept of food deserts and food apartheid and his passion for connecting people to the land. Christin also talks about his vision for his podcast, which explores the African diaspora through food, nature, and culture. He emphasizes the importance of taking small steps, overcoming fear, and learning from failures. In this conversation, Christin Riddick discusses the importance of remaining teachable and humble when learning something new. He emphasizes the need to have fun and enjoy the process of growth. He also talks about the importance of disconnecting from technology and being comfortable with boredom to allow for insights and ideas to flow. Christin shares his perspective on being rooted in a solid foundation and the importance of taking care of oneself in various aspects of life. He also highlights the significance of seeking guidance from others who are already doing what you want to do. Lastly, he emphasizes the power of love and gratitude in achieving success.


    Introduction and Rebranding of the Podcast

    Christian's Nature Journey and the Concept of Food Deserts

    Christian's Vision and Goals

    Christian's Christian Journey and the Importance of Faith

    Lessons from Bouldering and Overcoming Fear

    Learning from Failures and Building a Coaching Service

    Discovering an Affinity to the Land and Self-Awareness

    Remaining Teachable and Having Fun

    Disconnecting from Technology and Embracing Boredom for Growth

    Being Rooted in a Solid Foundation and Taking Care of Oneself

    Seeking Guidance from Those Who Have Already Succeeded

    Love and Gratitude as Key Elements of Success

    Newsletter -> https://mailchi.mp/a1bc696e54be/5oow1uiky4
    Thanks for listening & keep being your greatest self!

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    56 mins
  • Kingdom Case 1: My Testimony
    Mar 26 2024


    In this episode, Jethro Casie introduces the new season of the Case by Casie podcast, focusing on Kingdom secrets to success. He shares his testimony and background, discussing his journey from Catholicism to agnosticism and eventually finding his faith again. Jethro talks about his spiritual transformation and the convictions he experienced while reading the Bible. He also delves into his craving for God and his introduction to the prophetic. Jethro emphasizes the importance of prayer and seeking God, and how it relates to both spiritual and entrepreneurial success. He concludes by discussing future episodes and topics that will be covered.


    • God's call may require us to make changes and be obedient to His leading.
    • Reading the Bible and seeking God can lead to spiritual transformation and convictions.
    • Prayer and seeking God's presence are essential for spiritual growth.
    • The pursuit of Kingdom secrets can impact both spiritual and entrepreneurial success.


    Introduction and Change of Show

    Testimony and Background

    Reading the Bible and Convictions

    Craving God and Introduction to the Prophetic

    Growing Spiritually and Praying

    Entrepreneurial Journey and Pursuit of Kingdom Secrets

    Conclusion and Future Episodes

    Newsletter -> https://mailchi.mp/a1bc696e54be/5oow1uiky4
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    15 mins
  • Case 30: Jethro?? | My First Interview
    Oct 12 2023

    In this special episode of Dont Listen to this podcast , we turn the spotlight on a remarkable individual who is usually found on the other side of the microphone. Join us for a candid and insightful interview with Jethro, a truly exceptional guest!

    As a regular host on "Case by Casie," Jethro is known for their engaging interviews and thought-provoking discussions. Today, we have the pleasure of exploring their own journey, experiences, and the insights they've gained along the way.

    In this episode, we get to know the person behind the podcast persona. Jethro shares their personal story, the inspiration behind "Case by Casie," and the topics that have resonated most deeply with them and their listeners. We'll delve into their motivations, challenges, and aspirations as a podcaster, shedding light on the behind-the-scenes magic that brings each episode to life.

    Prepare to be inspired and intrigued as Jethro skillfully navigates the tables turned on them. We'll explore their own experiences, lessons learned, and their unique perspective on the world of podcasting and beyond.

    Don't miss this chance to get to know Jethro in a whole new light. Join us for a captivating conversation, as we uncover the story of the person who makes "Case by Casie" an unmissable podcast.

    Newsletter -> https://mailchi.mp/a1bc696e54be/5oow1uiky4
    Thanks for listening & keep being your greatest self!

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Solo Case 29: Spirit of Life
    Oct 4 2023

    Welcome to a soul-stirring solo episode of "Case by Casie." Today, I'm taking you on a profound journey as we delve into the "Spirit of Life," drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the book "Power vs. Force."

    In this introspective episode, I'll guide you through the intricate dance between power and force, exploring how understanding this balance can lead to a more enlightened and fulfilling existence. Together, we'll uncover insights into how this concept shapes our choices, relationships, and the overall quality of our lives.

    Prepare to be inspired as we dive deep into discussions on personal growth, self-awareness, and the broader spiritual dimensions of existence. We'll examine practical strategies for harnessing your inner power while letting go of unnecessary force, all drawing from the wisdom of "Power vs. Force" and my personal experiences.

    Whether you're on your own path of self-discovery or seeking a deeper understanding of your life's purpose, this solo episode promises to provide profound insights and guidance.

    Join me for this enlightening and introspective conversation as we explore the "Spirit of Life" and the transformative power it holds. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your consciousness and embark on a journey toward a more empowered and meaningful life.

    Newsletter -> https://mailchi.mp/a1bc696e54be/5oow1uiky4
    Thanks for listening & keep being your greatest self!

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    16 mins