
  • Diagnosing (Sort Of) The Anti-American, Pro-Hamas Kid Protesters
    May 10 2024
    What's oikophobia and is it spreading on college campuses around the country? As criminologist and former sheriff Dr Currie Myers explains, it's a loathing of your home and culture. To answer the second question; it seems like there's a spread of it going around these days. The symptoms may include fighting with police, wearing masks to hide identity, chanting anti-US and anti-Israeli slogans, trespassing, blocking streets, and property damage. The cure is more fundamental and more complicated. Some of the solution lies in the foundations built into young people's lives. Dr. Myers discusses that in this segment. For more information: https://drcurriemyers.substack.com/p/oikophobia-and-its-detrimental-impact
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    11 mins
  • New Book Addresses "The Myth Of Voter Suppression"
    May 9 2024
    Elections should be about the confidence we have in candidates, be they incumbents or challengers. Increasingly, elections sre becoming about the confidence (or lack of) we have in the process of voting. Often, those on the Left say the Right is suppressing voter turnout and disenfranchising people. At the same time, many on the Right accuse the Left of electoral fraud. Is either claim true? Are both claims true? In this discussion, Daily Signal reporter Fred Lucas discusses the faith we have - and could be losing - in our elections process. His new book. The Myth Of Voter Suppression, digs into the debate. Find the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Voter-Suppression-Assault-Elections/dp/1637587856 For more information: https://www.heritage.org/myth-voter-suppression#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20Myth%20of%20Voter%20Suppression,voter%20suppression%20hysteria%20industrial%20complex.
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    10 mins
  • Bidenomics And Black Voters
    May 8 2024
    Americans for Limited Government's Rick Manning comments on the Biden reelection campaign using Vice President Kamala Harris as a spokesperson to promote the Administration's economic plan and results. Manning points out that, specifically, the campaign is trying to increase support among black male voters. For more information: https://dailytorch.com/2024/04/not-even-kamala-harris-can-sell-the-biden-economy-to-voters-ignores-inflation-concerns-we-are-in-the-process-of-putting-a-lot-of-money-in-the-streets-of-america/ This interview originally aired on NewsTalk STL in St Louis
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    9 mins
  • Is Free Speech And Intellectual Discourse Becoming A Casualty Of National Security?
    May 7 2024
    The recently-passed law requiring ByteDance to sell TikTok will certainly be litigated for months, if not years. Supporters say it's important national security in an age where the digital world can be a battlefield along with the physical world. What are the costs? In this discussion, James Broughel from the Competitive Enterprise Institute argues that the government's trying to take control will have an effect that's bigger than the current social media landscape. In a recent Forbes article, he argues the precedent could land a "...blow to intellectual discource online." In this discussion, he talks about the law, the effect on freedom of speech, and the possibility of limiting discourse in the name of national security. For more information: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesbroughel/2024/04/30/tiktok-ban-lands-a-blow-to-intellectual-discourse-online/?sh=740c75ae168b
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    10 mins
  • Crime Is On The Rise Both Online And In The Real World: Here's How To Protect Yourself
    May 2 2024
    From random assaults on women in broad daylight to AI-generated scams online and over the phone, the threats to us physically and financially continue to evolve. Former NYPD Officer Dean Golemis, now the president of Global Security And Investigative Services, describes today's threats and offers advice on how to reduce your chance of being a victim.
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    11 mins
  • Off The Rails: When Agendas Clash With Economic Realities
    May 1 2024
    Could one state's strict environmental laws affect the entire nation's economy - and your household finances? According to Dr Bonner Cohen from the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFSCT), the answer is yes.In this discussion, he explains how California's effort to mandate electric freight trains in the state could result in supply chain disruptions across the nation, especially if other states follow suit. For more information: https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/4549111-us-freight-rail-supply-chain-now-at-the-mercy-of-californias-net-zero-emissions-rule/
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    10 mins
  • Big Tech And Election Interference: The Report On 2020 And What It Means For 2024
    Apr 30 2024
    Calling something "election interference" is all the rage right now, but is there merit to the claim when someone controls what you're allowed to see and hear, at least in part of your life? That's the argument the Media Research Center's Dan Schneider is making when discussing a new report that shows social media and big tech companies suppressed posts and search results that promoted conservative (or Republican) messages during the 2020 campaign. * this conversation originally aired on NewsTalk STL in St Louis
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    9 mins
  • The Media Bias You Are Funding
    Apr 29 2024
    American Spectator writer Nate Hochman discusses his recent article on the conflict within and focused on NPR after a long-time reporter admits (in an article) that they have lost the trust of many listeners because of their overt bias. The discussion also covers the effect of most media picking a side (politically, culturally, or both) and reporting from that perspective. Most of the time in the US, that means information is filtered through a leftist lens. For mor information: https://spectator.org/its-bigger-than-nprs-katherine-maher/
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    10 mins