• Blind Spots and Business
    Jun 13 2024

    We all have blind spots - things we just didn't see or realise were a problem - because we're not looking for them! In this ep, I share a quick personal example and then look at how this can apply to business too. I take you through some of the challenges I see to crop up as we step into growth or create something new in our business.

    If you have one or two big issues to work on, book a 1:1 session with me: http://alignandattract.com/private-sessions

    If you'd like consistent, high-level, personalised support as you grow your business and create new work, take a look at my Mastermind: http://alignandattract.com/mastermind. It really could provide support you didn't actually know you needed to really step up and claim your next level in business.

    Connect with me on Instagram: http://alignandattract.com/kerryrowett

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    22 mins
  • Energetics v Strategy - What Attracts You When You Want To Grow?
    Jun 4 2024

    Often, you'll have a tendency to lean in to strategy or energetics when you're looking to grow. What's your go-to?

    Sometimes we can think that if we just find the right Strategy - THAT will unlock the next level of success. But we might jump from strategy to strategy if it takes too long, or work REALLY hard on implementing strategy - and burn out.

    Sometimes we think that if we just focus on Energetics - energy, healing and alignment - THAT'S all we need to unlock the next level of success. We might avoid the systems, consistent marketing or automations than would support our growth and THAT can lead to burn out too.

    Actually - I have had times where I have totally thought one or the other was THE answer for me in growing my business. I always DID need the other too!

    It's not really about choosing Strategy OR Energetics - it's about how can you get the best of both worlds to support you as you work towards your goals.

    What about you? What did this ep make you think about?

    Jump across to Instagram and share with me: http://instagram.com/kerryrowett

    If you want to grow your business, I'm running a Mastermind incorporating Business Energetics to support your growth in the second half of this year. Find the details right here: http://alignandattract.com/mastermind. I'll support you to execute on your chosen strategies, and provide the energetics and healing support you need when all your stuff comes up. It's going to be magical!

    Feel free to ask me questions about it in the DMs on Instagram - totally here to talk it through with you. We can figure out if this could be the right support for you or whether there's something else you need right now.

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    20 mins
  • What are Business Energetics and How Can They Support Your Business Growth?
    May 29 2024

    I'm fascinated by energy (no surprises there!) and can see and feel the energy of individuals - and their businesses. I also support my clients with some of the specific Business Energetics work I'm going to share with you today. I will share this work in a systematic way in my upcoming Mastermind. If you're looking for support as you grow your business in the second half of 2024, this could be exactly what you need: alignandattract.com/mastermind

    In this ep we discuss:

    • What Business energetics actually are (my definition!)
    • How I learnt this to work with energy this way
    • When this kind of work is really helpful

    We'll also do a short exercise together to make it more real for you!
    Mastermind with Kerry: alignandattract.com/mastermind
    Work with Kerry 1:1: alignandattract.com/private-sessions
    Connect with Kerry on Instagram: instagram.com/kerryrowett

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    23 mins
  • Reiki Healing for Shifting Uncertainty
    May 22 2024

    If you are feeling some uncertainty, doubt, fear or worry at the moment - you're definitely not alone. Focusing on how to navigate the paradigm shift we're in and evolve your business when SO much might feel uncertain - that can definitely bring up Your Stuff.

    Feeling all of this - I was guided to facilitate a Reiki healing for you today to shift out of a space of feeling uncertain into the energy of certainty.

    We can know exactly what we need to do in our businesses and at this time that answer might be: evolve your business to better meet the needs of your clients in today's energies. But just KNOWING what to do is NOT the same as doing it. Instead of going ahead and making changes - you might feel stuck, triggered, lost, confused, overwhelmed - unable to take much effective action at all.

    This is where I see healing work to become essential in supporting you in your business. Deeper than working on your mindset, energy healing work can really support you to come back into your authentic power so you can feel clearer and more objective, make better decisions and then take aligned actions.

    Join me for this short Reiki healing and let the magic unfold.

    After you've shifted your energy - that's when you can make better decisions about your next steps.

    If you're looking to grow your business in the second half of this year, I am running an incredible Mastermind that could be just what you need. Weaving together Business Energetics, Healing, NLP and Positive Psychology, this is going to be a magical experience. Find the details here: http://alignandattract.com/mastermind

    These two options are an easy next step:

    • Income Increase Workshop - Join me for this fab, low-cost ($55) workshop here: http://alignandattract.com/increase
    • Catalyse Your Paradigm Shift - If you want to get super clear on exactly how you support your clients to create the kinds of outcomes they now desire - I can help you get really clear on that in one 90 min session. Book in here: http://alignandattract.com/private-sessions

    Here are the two Online Business Paradigm Shift episodes:

    Part 1 with Denise DT, Leonie Dawson, Kate McKibbin, Tina Tower, Annie Gichuru + Anita Siek

    Part 2 with Clare Wood, Tash Corbin, Ruby Lee, Annie Gichuru, Victoria Gibson and Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot

    If you enjoyed the ep - please do go ahead and share the podcast with a friend or on you socials. I always love to hear the insights these podcast eps spark for you. Share your experience on Instagram.

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    22 mins
  • How to Create a Paradigm Shift in your Own Business
    May 15 2024

    We know we're in a paradigm shift in the online business space. Things have changed - the market, economy, buyer behaviour, what your clients need, saturation in some areas, what actually gets results.

    How do you create a Paradigm Shift in my own business so you can step up and lead in today's energies?

    I believe the answer is: Create or refine your Body of Work.

    In today's episode we discuss:

    • What is a Body of Work?
    • 4 examples of a Body of Work, including work by Denise DT: https://www.denisedt.com and Ezzie Spencer: https://www.ezziespencer.com/
    • Why creating or refining your body of work is the Paradigm Shift you need in your business
    • Your first step in starting this work

    I have created a brand new way to support you to start making the changes that can really make the difference in your business right now in one intensive session: Catalysing Your Paradigm Shift.

    In just 90 minutes I help you get very clear on the specific way you now support your clients to create the real results they desire - and exactly how you might translate this into new offers that make total sense for your clients and the outcomes they want. Such a game-changer.

    You can book your session in here: https://www.alignandattract.com/private-sessions

    What might you create in this session?

    “I had an idea for my signature practitioner training for a while but it felt like a mess in my head - lots of moving pieces which I wasn't sure how to organise. I knew that Kerry would be able to help me nail it in just one session and she did!

    I went from the seedling of an idea into a full-blown programme that feels perfect, natural and logical for both me and my clients.

    Kerry helped me to get clarity on all the sticky points that kept me stuck, such as the length of the programme, price point and building blocks.

    She led me through a process that helped me to crystallize the very essence of what I offer and from there putting it all together was no brainer. The first client who I showed my training to said a resounding 'yes' and bought it straightaway.”

    Gulara Vincent, PhD, Relationship & Trauma Healing Coach, www.gularavincent.co.uk

    Curious about the Business Paradigm Shift Mastermind? Details here: http://alignandattract.com/mastermind

    I always love to connect with you on Instagram.

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    24 mins
  • The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series - Part 2 with Clare Wood, Tash Corbin, Ruby Lee, Annie Gichuru, Victoria Gibson and Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot.
    May 9 2024

    Welcome to Part 2 of The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series. These three episodes are going to give you so much insight about how you might thrive in this changing environment we find ourselves in. Part 1 is the previous episode.

    I’ve had workbooks created for this Series. They include speaker quotes, key points and reflection questions for your own musings.

    Sign up for your workbooks here: http://alignandattract.com/workbook

    You can watch the video of today's episode over at http://alignandattract.com/blog/124

    The conversations in this series were catalysed after I published Episode 120 - Are we in a Paradigm shift in online business? This goes beyond just market changes - I asked if there is a deeper shift taking place. I recommend you listen to that along with episodes 121 and 122 for the full context of these discussions and that’s where I share more of my own observations. Watch Episode 123: Part 1 of this Series.

    When Episode 120 went live it sparked a lot of discussion and my client + friend Leonie Dawson suggested I invite some of our friends + colleagues onto the podcast to talk about they are also seeing and experiencing, what is working - and what advice they have for you as an online business owner. SO many said yes and I decided to create a three-part series.

    Here are the website links and instagram handles for each of today's guests:

    • Victoria Gibson - Business and Life Coach - https://victoriagibson.com - https://instagram.com/iamvictoriagibson
    • Clare Wood - Money Mentor - https://clarewood.com - https://instagram.com/clare_wood_coach
    • Tash Corbin - Business Coach and Mentor to Heart-Centred Business Owners - https://tashcorbin.com - https://instagram.com/tashcorbin
    • Annie Gichuru - Racial Equity Coach - https://anniegichuru.com - https://instagram.com/annie.gichuru
    • Brigit Esselmont - Owner of Biddy Tarot - https://biddytarot.com - https://instagram.com/biddytarot
    • Ruby Lee - Flow Science Coach - https://www.flowstatebusiness.co - https://instagram.com/_rubylee_

    Led by myself:

    • Kerry Rowett - Kinesiologist + Reiki Master - http://alignandattract.com - https://instagram.com/kerryrowett

    My Remember Your Why workshop: http://alignandattract.com/why

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series - Part 1 with Denise DT, Leonie Dawson, Kate McKibbin, Tina Tower, Annie Gichuru + Anita Siek
    May 7 2024

    Welcome to Part 1 of The Online Business Paradigm Shift Series. These three episodes are going to give you so much insight about how you might thrive in this changing environment we find ourselves in. The second will be out in two days and the third in a few weeks.

    I’ve had a workbook created for each of the first two episodes in this Series. It includes speaker quotes, key points and reflection questions for your own musings.

    Find that here: http://alignandattract.com/workbook

    You can watch the video of today's episode over at http://alignandattract.com/blog/123

    The conversations in this series were catalysed after I published Episode 120 - Are we in a Paradigm shift in online business? This goes beyond just market changes - I asked if there is a deeper shift taking place. I recommend you listen to that along with episodes 121 and 122 for the full context of these discussions and that’s where I share more of my own observations.

    When Episode 120 went live it sparked a lot of discussion and my client + friend Leonie Dawson suggested I invite some of our friends + colleagues onto the podcast to talk about they are also seeing and experiencing, what is working - and what advice they have for you as an online business owner. SO many said yes and I decided to create a three-part series.

    Here are the website links and instagram handles for each of today's guests:

    • Leonie Dawson - Online Business Mentor - https://leoniedawson.com - http://instagram.com/leonie_dawson
    • Annie Gichuru - Racial Equity Coach - https://anniegichuru.com - http://instagram.com/annie.gichuru
    • Denise Duffield Thomas - Money Mentor, Coach and Author - http://denisedt.com - http://instagram.com/denisedt
    • Anita Siek - Brand and Copy Strategist - https://anitasiek.com - http://instagram.com/anitasiek
    • Kate McKibbin - Funnels Expert - https://hellofunnels.co - http://instagram.com/hellofunnels
    • Tina Tower - Coach to Online Course Creators - https://www.herempirebuilder.com - http://instagram.com/tina_tower

    Led by myself:

    • Kerry Rowett - Kinesiologist + Reiki Master - http://alignandattract.com - http://instagram.com/kerryrowett

    Please share these episodes and tag us all when you do. Enjoy!

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    55 mins
  • What are some of my successful clients doing to evolve and lead in this market?
    May 1 2024

    There has been some doom and gloom in the online space for a while - but not from many of my own clients. I started to pay closer attention to what I could see that they were doing that is really working, and today I'm sharing this with you. Clarity, specificity, support, results, personal relationships and evolving bodies of work. I can't wait to hear what this sparks for you.

    Share with me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/kerryrowett

    Pop the word model in my Insta dms if you want me to take you through my signature model which you can use as inspiration to create your own.

    Work privately with Kerry: http://alignandattract.com/private-sessions

    Did you hear?!

    From next week I am bringing some EPIC Round Table conversations to the podcast about this Paradigm Shift we are seeing in the online space right now.

    One call with: @annie.gichuru, @denisedt, @anitasiek, Kate McKibbon of @hellofunnels, @leonie_dawson and @tina_tower

    And another with @iamvictoriagibson, @_rubylee_ , @tashcorbin, @clare_wood_coach and @brigitesselmont of @biddytarot.

    Be sure to subscribe to get notified as soon as they go live!

    Show more Show less
    37 mins