Riding Shotgun With Charlie

By: Charlie Cook: Riding Shotgun With Charlie
  • Summary

  • Riding Shotgun With Charlie is a aims to entertain and educate people who are into firearms. However, not everything is firearm related. We may talk music or politics or whatever may come up during a conversation between the driver and the passenger.
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  • RSWC #211 Dick Heller
    Sep 10 2024
    Riding Shotgun With Charlie #211 Dick Heller Heller v DC Back in 2018, I was heading to hear some friends speak at the Heller 10 Celebration hosted by Second Amendment Institute. I got a call from one of my friends and she said “we’re going to Heller’s house”. I wondered “who’s we? Is it her? Am I part of we?”. She called back and I got to go hang out at the Heller resident. The next day, I found myself being asked/told that I was going to give an impromptu speech on the Supreme Court Steps. I’ve seen Dick at a number of events and got to film this show on our way to go shoot sporting clays at the M&M Hunting Preserve in New Jersey. He was the keynote at a fundraiser the night before. We shot clays with John Petrolino (RSWC #093), Gabby Franco (RSWC #), and Eric, who was helping get Dick around for the weekend. We’ve all heard of the Heller decision. We all know what happened in the Heller case. It’s been cited and referenced in cases upon cases. It’s referenced in the McDonald v Chicago and NYSRPA v Bruen. If you haven’t read that “magnificent Scalia decision”, you need to do some homework. The Heller case was ruled in 2008, but it started years before. Getting a case to the SCOTUS takes time and money. And lots of both. Several years before, Dick was friends with a fighter pilot and instructor and Vietnam veteran. He was also an Olympic shooter in 1980. Dick rented him a room. So he came over with a truck full of guns, which was illegal at the time, and said they’re all going to jail. The friend got the guns out of DC and decided that he was going to go to law school to fight this nonsense. Heller said he was going to become a cop and they’ll give him a gun to protect them, but he won’t be able to protect himself. This is the beginning of the case. When the case was done, Heller had to sign 12 more papers for another case just so the lawyers would get paid. He points out that the government pays to fight us with our own money in the form of taxes. And we also have to pay with our own money to fight the government. Heller’s team of lawyers were able to win the case despite the unlimited funds that DC has. The case went to a federal court since it was a Constitutional issue. But it didn’t rule in Heller’s favor the first time. So they appealed to the DC Circuit Court. There they prevail. During one of the trials, the opposing attorney admits to the judge that they just don’t want guns in DC. The lawyer hadn’t seen or heard the news that crimes in DC at the time was rising and a very violent city to live in. Heller also shares that with his ruling in 2008 and with Sandy Hook happening in 2012, he was posed with what kind of influence his case could have been responsible for that incident. Ultimately, each individual has to be responsible for their actions. His ruling shouldn’t, and didn’t, have anything to do with other acts of evil people. For years now, Heller has been associated with Gun Owners of America because they are the group that will not compromise our rights away. He’s been to a number of the Coalition of New Jersey Gun Owners and Women for Gun Rights events up and down the east coast. And he’s been to several of the other national 2A events around the country. If you get a chance to see him and hear him speak, you need to take that. He’s a national treasure. And you can hear some of his story here. Favorite quotes: “Everybody out there can do a little bit of something.” “The city has unlimited funding in the form of our tax dollars… with which to hurt us with our own money.” “You don’t whimp your way to the Supreme Court.” “In the arrogance of government, they thought they would have the high court voting on their side of the law.” “Sometimes you have to pull up your big boy pants and understand who you are and what you’re doing.” Heller Foundation https://www.hellerfoundation.org/ The Heller Decision https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep554/usrep554570/usrep554570.pdf Gun Owners of America https://www.gunowners.org/ Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners https://www.cnjfo.com/ Second Amendment Foundation https://secure.anedot.com/saf/donate?sc=RidingShotgun Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms https://www.ccrkba.org/ Please support the Riding Shotgun With Charlie sponsors and supporters. Buy RSWC & GunGram shirts & hoodies, stickers & patches, and mugs at the store! http://ridingshotgunwithcharlie.com/rswc-shop/ Dennis McCurdy Author, Speaker, Firewalker http://www.find-away.com/ Self Defense Radio Network http://sdrn.us/ Buy a Powertac Flashlight, use RSWC as the discount code and save 15% www.powertac.com/RSWC SABRE Red Pepper Spray https://lddy.no/1iq1n Or listen on: iTunes/Apple podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/riding-shotgun-with-charlie/id1275691565
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    48 mins
  • RSWC #210 Don Mann
    Aug 27 2024
    Riding Shotgun With Charlie #210 Don Mann SEAL Team 1, 2, & 6, Author It’s great when someone calls you and says “Hey, Don Mann is looking to do some media. Can I give him your contact info?”. The answer is “of course”. Thanks to Rich Yumul from Gun Owners Radio for reaching out. I called Don and talked with him. I had some time off from work and it was easy to plan. I’d heard of Don’s name. A couple people I knew have been on his TV show, Surviving Mann. It’s a reality competition show that involves lots of shooting and lots of physical exercise. I listened to the show with my friends on the drive down to the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Virginia. It was very enjoyable to listen to, more enjoyable if I was able to watch. I headed up the mountain to Don’s house.The house faced the Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s a spectacular view! Besides being a SEAL, an author of 23 books, and hosting some TV shows where he sets the mission, Don is a motivational speaker. This really is a mix of all the things I like. It’s like Jeff Cooper meets Zig Ziglar. Don was raised in New England. He joined the military at a young age.. As a young man, he enjoyed working out. He knew he wanted to become a SEAL but he also knew it took lots of work to get there. He spent several years training and preparing to get into BUD/S. It also took him a few tries before he was able to succeed. Not completing BUD/S training gave him the chance to develop a method of success. Working this way gave him a way to think and achieve his goals. He talks about the macro goals and micro goals you need to achieve success. This worked for his training, but it’s worked in several other ways, too. The overall goal of everyday for Don is to do four things everyday. If he can do those, he can be better and get better at everything he does. And he emphasizes that anyone can, and should, do these four things. These things will make you better and make you a better person. One of the things he enjoys is physical training. He really enjoyed pushing himself to and beyond his limit. When he wasn’t training the SEALs he was off doing high adventure. Things like Ironman competitions, climbing Mt Everest, and just all around pushing his limits. He likes to find out what the limit is and just get to that line then back off. When he retired, he was approached to write a book about firearms. Obviously, he is very well versed in all things gun related. After writing the book, the editor had to cut it down because it was too much. The result is called The Modern Day Gunfighter and it’s just over 400 pages. With all his SEALs experience, he was asked to write a book about being a SEAL, but he can’t really talk about what they did. So he developed a fictional book about life as a SEAL and some potential missions in the future. That went well and became a series of books, each book having new characters and a new nemesis. He was offered a reality show. Don was to train them all then face all of them in an elimination contest. With contestants in the 20’s and 30’s, he had to convince the producers it would be better if they did the training, eliminated contestants, then had a final mission to rescue someone. This is a show called Surviving Mann. Currently, Season 3 is out there for people to watch. He did say that maybe I could come for an All Stars season, but only to record interviews. Whew! I’d never survive. This really was a motivational episode. Don has careers writing books, filming TV shows, and as a motivational speaker, too. I get the RSWC is about people in the firearm community, but having someone that is inspiring as Don Mann, it’s truly an honor to have some time with him and get his uplifting stories out for everyone to hear. Favorite quotes: “The SEALs were everything and more than ever I could wished for a lifestyle and a career.” “I’d think ‘Today was hard, but it wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be’.” “It just proved to him that he can do a lot more than he thought he could.” “You have to have the mindset and the ability to think real big.” “The only way to do it so people don’t get hurt is to make training really easy. But then you go to war and you’re going to get slaughtered.” Don Mann Website https://www.usfrogmann.com/ Don Mann Facebook https://www.facebook.com/usfrogmann Don Mann Instagram https://www.instagram.com/us_frogmann/ Don Mann Speaker website https://speakerdonmann.com/ Surviving Mann https://survivingmann.com/ The Mission https://www.usfrogmann.com/the-mission Second Amendment Foundation https://secure.anedot.com/saf/donate?sc=RidingShotgun Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms https://www.ccrkba.org/ Please support the Riding Shotgun With Charlie sponsors and supporters. Buy RSWC & GunGram shirts & hoodies, stickers & patches, and mugs at ...
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    57 mins
  • RSWC #209 Mike Harris
    Aug 13 2024
    Riding Shotgun With Charlie #209 Mike Harris Gun Owners Action League, Director of Public Policy A couple years ago, I got a call from Jim Wallace from Gun Owners Action League (GOAL). He was sending out a couple of the GOAL staff to Gun Rights Policy Conference. He asked if I would introduce them to folks. Not a problem. One of the staff was Mike Harris. He’s a great guy with a lot of personality, good stories, and he’s worked on Beacon Hill. Mike also joined me with the Women for Gun Rights episode, RSWC #180, last fall. There have been a lot of bad things happening in Massachusetts for gun owners. It started with the Gun Law Listening Tour from January 2023-June 2023. It was hosted by State Representative Michael Day. Day said he didn’t know what the new bill was going to look like. At some point, Day met with Gabby Giffords, who is wildly anti-gun. I assume she gave him what she wanted in the bill with a hefty check for his services rendered. The bill was dropped just days after the end of the GLLT. The MA gun laws were overhauled and not in a positive way. The bill was shut down by the Bay State gun owners who called and wrote their representatives and senators. But Day was determined to get the bill through the House. It passed in October 2023. In early 2024, the MA Senate needed to write their version which was bad, but not as extreme. It was still littered with infringements. It ended up passing the MA Senate then headed to a special Conference Committee of only six people. They dropped the Bill on July 17, 2024. It was 116 pages of new restrictions on the subjects of the Commonwealth. Things like new definitions for firearms, including calling a rifle handguard a “barrel shroud”, more confusing dates for so-called assault weapon bans, adding rifles and shotguns to the approved weapons roster, and limiting possession of any semi automatic rifle or shotgun to anyone under 21 years old. The bill was signed by Governor Maura Healey (D) on July 25, 2024. It’s been a mess since then. There was confusion on the start date of the law from August 1 to August 2 to October 23. Mike called me and asked if I would sign as a registered voter a form to call for a referendum on the law. And if we could film a show driving into Boston to drop the form off. We were met near the State House by Garet Holcomb, President of GOAL, Toby Leary, owner of Cape Gun Works and host of Rapid Fire Radio, and Jessica Kedziora. There were enough correctly certified signatures for the referendum to go to the Attorney General. The next steps include waiting for the AG to write the question and get it approved. Once completed and approved, there will be signature sheets that can be distributed and signed in all the counties and towns across Massachusetts. There needs to be 50,000 signatures of registered voters to get this on the ballot. This is the worst post-Bruen temper tantrum by any state since 2022. It is going to make it more difficult to get an FID/LTC in Massachusetts. It makes the training requirement more stringent and difficult. It's going to put a burden on the local police to do more for the law abiding, background check passing citizens. There are things like gun registration which is a problem. But they did not lay out how this is going to be funded or where the information is going to be held. Not that I want them to have the registration at all! The new curriculum for approved courses hasn’t been developed so the state police are allowed to accept the current courses until October 23, 2024. It is bad. It is all bad. If you’d like to join or donate to GOAL, there’s a link below. Favorite quotes: “We’re never the aggressor, we’re the ones reacting to things.” “They basically cut off half the legislative process by holding an unusual hearing.” “It was a gigantic burdensome, self-referential, piece of gun control wishlist nonsense.” “If we gather enough signatures from across all 14 counties, we will be able to repeal the bill.” Gun Owners Action League https://www.goal.org/ GOAL Gun Law Info Page https://www.goal.org/gunban GOAL 135 Referendum Page https://www.goal.org/petiition GOAL Testimony from 11/28/2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK QU5NEe7gk&t=10s GOAL Join & Donate https://www.goal.org/join---donate Cape Gun Works YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@CapeGunWorks Bringing the Chap 135 Referendum to Boston https://www.youtube.com/live/6TiEmqjrj5Q?si=Wt3o5oGEb0KDS-Nu Mike, & Jason Guida with Toby Leary https://www.youtube.com/live/y3WSJK3xMW0?si=qh9-o-z2fOvIa4Kd Second Amendment Foundation https://secure.anedot.com/saf/donate?sc=RidingShotgun Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms https://www.ccrkba.org/ Please support the Riding Shotgun With Charlie sponsors and supporters. Buy RSWC & GunGram shirts & hoodies, stickers & patches, and mugs at the store! http://...
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    54 mins

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