
  • Ep. 56 Kelly Clarkson, Kevin Bacon, and Matching Tattoos with Inspire Up Foundation
    May 29 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi are joined by Jessica Manfre and Brittany Raines of the Inspire Up Foundation, delve into ambitious mission to promote global generosity and kindness through education, empowerment, and community building. Together they explore their work in supporting military families and their efforts in creating impactful community projects like Giving Tuesday Military. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are. Ep. 56 – Kelly Clarkson, Kevin Bacon, and Matching Tattoos with Inspire Up Foundation Jessica Manfre and Brittany Raines explain how Inspire Up Foundation stands out for its innovative approach to fostering kindness and generosity across the globe. Jessica alongside Brittany have led the organization to not only understand the unique challenges faced by military families but actively work to alleviate those struggles through acts of kindness. Giving Tuesday Military One of the foundation's standout initiatives, Giving Tuesday Military, underscores their commitment to year-round philanthropy. Unlike the traditional Giving Tuesday, which focuses on a day of charitable giving following Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday Military extends the spirit of generosity throughout the year. With thematic monthly prompts, the organization empowers volunteers across the states to engage in acts of kindness that resonate most with their local communities. From environmental cleanups to crafting heartfelt letters for those in service, Giving Tuesday Military exemplifies the power of collective action rooted in individual passions. Empowering Through Empathy Another compelling facet of the Inspire Up Foundation is its Spark and Inspire initiative, which reaches out to military spouses during times of need or celebration. Over a thousand boxes filled with thoughtfulness and care have been dispatched to date, serving as a tangible reminder of the network of support that exists within the military community. This act of sending a 'spark' of joy or a breath of solace to someone encountering life's myriad challenges exemplifies the foundation's deep-rooted belief in the power of empathy and understanding. The Heart of the Foundation: Leadership and Legacy At its core, the Inspire Up Foundation is driven by a leadership team that believes in the profound impact of kindness. Jessica and Brittany, through their personal and organizational endeavors, have managed to cultivate a culture of generosity that transcends borders. Their vision for the foundation is one where military bases globally engage effortlessly in Giving Tuesday Military, making kindness and volunteerism a natural part of their ethos. How You Can Play a Part The Inspire Up Foundation offers various avenues for involvement, catering to people from all walks of life. Whether through donations that are promised to stretch far and wide or by volunteering for Giving Tuesday Military to spread kindness in your community, the opportunity to make a difference is vast. Encouraging acts of kindness, both big and small, has a ripple effect that can transform communities and foster a more compassionate world. The Journey Ahead As Inspire Up Foundation continues to grow, they are looking forward to expanding their reach and impact. With a strategy deeply rooted in compassion, community building, and proactive kindness, the Inspire Up Foundation is not just changing lives; it's sculpting a future where generosity is the norm, and military families across the globe feel supported, uplifted, and valued. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: When did the term ‘got your six’ originate?● Answer: WWI● This week’s Military Minute question: What pizza establishment did Kelly Clarkson work before eventually winning the first season of American Idol in 2002?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.● After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Join us to hear how to better navigate your finances, military life, and the crossroads of the two. Visit www.afbank.com
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    48 mins
  • Ep. 55 Elevating Heroes: Inside the Bob Woodruff Foundation with Anne Marie Dougherty
    May 15 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi, together with Anne Marie Dougherty, CEO of the Bob Woodruff Foundation delve into how the foundation assists veterans transition, tackles mental health issues, and supports food insecurity and housing challenges. They highlight the foundation's nationwide network of veteran service providers, and various foundation-sponsored events and programs, emphasizing the foundation's commitment to veterans and military families. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are.Ep. 55 – Elevating Heroes: Inside the Bob Woodruff Foundation with Anne Marie Dougherty The world of veteran support is vast and varied, filled with organizations that aim to ease the transition from military to civilian life. Among these, the Bob Woodruff Foundation stands out, not just for the breadth of its reach, but for the depth of its commitment to ensuring veterans and their families not only survive but thrive. A Partnership Rooted in Military and Community Values At the heart of the Bob Woodruff Foundation's success is its partnership with organizations and individuals who share a common goal: to provide veterans with the support they need to thrive after service. From national giants like the NFL to local community centers, the collaborative efforts spearheaded by the foundation ensure that veterans across the country have access to mental health services, employment opportunities, and emergency financial assistance. Tom notes how Armed Forces Bank also supports organizations such as the Stronghold Food Pantry and Veterans Community Project. Unpacking the Challenges of Military to Civilian Transition Transitioning from military to civilian life poses unique challenges. Veterans may face difficulties ranging from physical injuries and psychological scars to navigating civilian employment and access to simple things like a savings account or emergency financial assistance for military members. The Bob Woodruff Foundation helps address these challenges head-on. With initiatives like the Got Your Six Network, the foundation ensures veterans have a reliable support system, aiding their integration into civilian life with dignity and respect. A Look into the Foundation's Work The conversation with Anne Marie revealed the multifaceted approach of the Bob Woodruff Foundation. From advocating for mental health care and combating food insecurity to facilitating veteran employment and caring for military families, the foundation's impact is profound. High-profile partnerships, like those with the NFL and major music artists, play a crucial role in amplifying this impact, bringing attention and resources to the foundation's noble cause. Personal Stories and Professional Successes Anne Marie shared moments of personal connection and triumph, illustrating the real-life impact of the foundation's work. The story of the foundation's genesis, tied closely to Bob Woodruff's own recovery and family's resolve, serves as a constant reminder of the personal stakes involved. The foundation's ability to engage celebrities and public figures further exemplifies its unique position to bridge the gap between the military and civilian worlds, fostering greater understanding and support. Growing Initiatives and How to Get Involved Understanding the complexity of transition and the diverse needs of veterans, the Bob Woodruff Foundation created the Got Your Six Network. This expansive network connects veterans to over 350 partner organizations that specialize in various services, from legal aid to food security. This initiative underscores the foundation's commitment to ensuring no veteran is left behind, regardless of their location or specific needs. Anne Marie’s call to action for civilians and companies alike—to recognize, hire, and support veterans in meaningful ways—underscores the collective responsibility we hold in honoring our service members' sacrifices. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: How many people transition from the military each year?● Answer: 200,000● This week’s Military Minute question: When did the term ‘got your six’ originate?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.● After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such...
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    55 mins
  • Ep. 54 From Service to Civilian Success: The Vector Force Pathway with John Hotek
    May 1 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi, together with John Hotek, Vice President of Vector Force Development, delve into the company's mission of providing meaningful career transitions for veterans, its commitment to veterans and the military community, and the unique opportunities it offers within the energy and utilities sector. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are.Ep. 54 – From Service to Civilian Success: The Vector Force Pathway with John Hotek Vector Force Development, founded with the ethos of serving those who've served, stands out not just for its rapid growth but for its foundational commitment to veterans. With John Hotek at the helm, the company has grown exponentially, operating in over 20 states and providing a plethora of opportunities in the energy sector. Tom highlighted the company's achievements, including its recognition on Inc Magazine's list of America's fastest-growing companies and the Vet 100 listing, underscored by its service-disabled veteran-owned status. A Glimpse into John Hotek's Military Career and Transition Listeners were treated to an in-depth look at John’s illustrious military career, spanning 24 years with multiple overseas postings and nine combat deployments. His transition from the military to a civilian career at Vector Force Development symbolizes the seamless move veterans can make into impactful, civilian roles, leveraging skills and experiences gained during service. Vector's Impact Beyond Just Employment John’s conversation revealed the comprehensive approach Vector takes, far beyond merely offering jobs. They are actively involved in communities, from local schools in Toledo to national organizations like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Team Red, White, and Blue, showcasing their commitment not just to veterans but to the broader community they operate within. The Military to Civilian Transition: A Vector Priority Vector's unique approach to recruiting veterans, spearheaded by John and his team, involves actively seeking out veterans and assisting in translating military skills to civilian job markets. John detailed the partnerships Vector has developed with the Department of Labor and the Department of Veterans Affairs to facilitate these transitions, providing a tangible path for veterans seeking new opportunities outside the military. Operation Homeward: A Testimony to Vector's Family Ethos One of the episode's highlights was the discussion around Operation Homeward, Vector's innovative program designed to support not just their employees but their families in significant life transitions, demonstrating Vector's deep-rooted belief in treating employees as family. This program is a testament to Vector's dedication to their employees' overall well-being and happiness, reinforcing the company's core values and commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive workplace. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: How many rounds did Woodrow Wilson play during his eight-year term? And what color did he paint his golf balls so that he could play in the winter?● Answer: 1200 rounds and painted his golf balls black● This week’s Military Minute question: How many people transition from the military each year?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.● After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Join us to hear how to better navigate your finances, military life, and the crossroads of the two. Visit www.afbank.com
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    52 mins
  • Ep. 53 The Unfolding Story of Folds of Honor
    Apr 17 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi, together with Col. Nick Nichols, a decorated U.S. Air Force F-16 pilot and the current president of the Folds of Honor Foundation, delve into the foundation's mission, the application process for scholarships, and the importance of supporting military and first responder families through education. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are.Ep. 53 – The Unfolding Story of Folds of Honor Colonel Nick Nichols's military career is a saga of bravery, leadership, and sacrifice. With seven combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq under his belt, Nick's story is not just about the skies he dominated but also about the legacy he builds from the ground up. Transitioning from a high-flying fighter pilot to leading the Folds of Honor Foundation, Col. Nick continues to serve, albeit in a different capacity. His story is a poignant reminder of the personal costs of freedom and the importance of honoring those who pay the ultimate price. The Mission of Folds of Honor "Folds of Honor stands for a simple, yet powerful premise: honor the sacrifice, educate the legacy,” Col. Nick elucidates the foundation's mission. This organization steps in where duty calls and families need, providing educational scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service-members and first responders. 2023 marks an impressive milestone as the foundation nears serving nearly 18,000 scholarship recipients, translating into about $90 million in educational support. This remarkable achievement underscores the profound impact of Folds of Honor on countless lives, echoing a message of gratitude and remembrance across the nation. A Call to Arms for the Armchair Patriot One of the most resonant messages from our conversation was the invitation for every citizen to play a part in this noble cause. Col. Nick emphasizes, “Everybody can do something.” Whether it’s a one-time donation, a monthly commitment of $13 (a poignant nod to the 13 folds of an American flag given to the families of the fallen), or volunteering, every effort counts. Folds of Honor operates with a high-efficiency model, ensuring that 91 cents of every dollar goes directly to its scholarship programs. Golf for Honor: Teeing Off for a Cause Golf holds a special place in the heart of Folds of Honor, serving as both a symbol and a substantial source of fundraising. Events like the Patriot Golf Days and the establishment of the American Dunes Golf Club are just a few examples of how the foundation leverages the beloved sport to garner support for their mission. These events not only raise funds but also serve as powerful platforms for storytelling and community building around the cause of military and first responder families. Join the Squadron of Support Our discussion with Col. Nick Nichols serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of freedom and safety. It beckons us to be more than passive onlookers but active participants in ensuring the legacies of our nation's heroes thrive through education. As we discover the multifaceted efforts and dedication of Folds of Honor, it's evident that the story of this organization is one of unwavering commitment, profound impact, and collective responsibility. Now, more than ever, the call to "Honor their sacrifice. Educate their legacy" resounds with urgency and hope. Will you answer the call? For more information on how you can contribute or get involved, visit [Folds of Honor](https://www.foldsofhonor.org). Together, let's ensure the families of those who protect our freedoms and ensure our safety know they are not forgotten. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: What are the three components and corresponding distances, in miles, of the Ironman competition?● Answer: 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bicycle ride, and 26.2 mile run● This week’s Military Minute question: How many rounds did Woodrow Wilson play during his eight-year term? And what color did he paint his golf balls so that he could play in the winter?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.● After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Join us to hear how to better navigate your ...
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    45 mins
  • Ep. 52 Give An Hour for Military Mental Health
    Apr 3 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi, delve into the world of military mental health support with Dr. Trina Clayeux, CEO of Give An Hour (GAH), and Rebekah Edmondson, a GAH intern and United States Army veteran. Together they explore the impactful stories of enhancing mental health access and delivery, and their dedication to reducing stigma and promoting resiliency within the military community. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are. Based on the script provided and its content focus, here are some title options that reflect the themes and discussions in the episode:Ep. 52 – Give An Hour for Military Mental Health In a world that often overlooks the significance of mental health, especially among our military and veteran communities, one organization stands out for its dedication to making a difference: Give An Hour (GAH). The organization, renowned for its pioneering approach to addressing mental health challenges, emerges as a beacon of hope and support. Empowering Veterans Through Understanding and Leadership GAH's mission revolves around developing resilient individuals by improving mental health access and addressing service gaps within communities. Dr. Trina Clayeux, CEO of GAH, and Rebeka Edmondson, an inspiring GAH intern and Army veteran, shared their profound experiences and the organization's ambitious goals. A Legacy of Service and Sacrifice The episode painted a vivid portrait of GAH's impact through the extraordinary journeys of its guests. Dr. Clayeux has made remarkable contributions across various sectors, specifically targeting the unique needs of military and veteran communities. Simultaneously, Rebekah's dedication, stemming from her military service and commitment to aiding her fellow veterans, underscores the profound need for tailored mental health interventions within these military and veteran communities. Championing Peer Support and Community Engagement A pivotal part of GAH's success lies in its innovative peer support and wellness ambassador programs. These initiatives facilitate a platform for veterans and military members to share their experiences, offering support and companionship in navigating the complex pathways of mental health challenges. Their discussion highlighted the transformative power of peer connections, emphasizing that healing often begins with a conversation among those who’ve walked similar paths. The Road Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges Despite significant strides, GAH recognizes the enduring challenges and evolving needs within mental health care for veterans and military members. The conversation acknowledged the importance of continuous outreach, innovative solutions, and community involvement in overcoming these obstacles. With an eye on the future, GAH remains committed to expanding its network, enhancing its offerings, and, most importantly, ensuring that every individual in need receives the compassion, understanding, and support they deserve. How to Get Involved with GAH The episode concluded with a compelling call to action, urging listeners to become part of the solution. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering as wellness ambassadors, or simply by lending an ear to someone in need, there are numerous ways the public can support GAH’s mission. The organization's goal is clear: to create a society where mental health is prioritized, and every service member, veteran, and their families have access to the care they need. GAH stands as a testament to the strength found in unity, compassion, and dedicated action. As the conversation on "Militarily Speaking" so eloquently captured, it is through collective efforts and shared understanding that true change can be realized. In answering the call to support GAH, we not only honor the sacrifices of our military members and veterans but also contribute to building a more resilient and mentally healthy world. For those looking to learn more or get involved with Give An Hour, please visit their website at www.giveanhour.org. Together, we can make a difference—one hour, one conversation, and one life at a time. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: What is the acronym STRIVE in relation to Syracuse University?● Answer: Startup Training Resources to Inspire Veteran Entrepreneurship● This week’s Military Minute question: What are the three components and corresponding distances, in miles, of the Ironman competition?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice ...
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    55 mins
  • Ep. 51 Bridging Military Experience to Academic and Career Success at Syracuse University
    Mar 20 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom and Jodi, together with guests Dwayne Murray and Mike Bianchi from Syracuse University, dive into the transformative work being done at Syracuse University to support veterans and military families, and the commitment to veterans and military families the school offers. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are.Ep. 51 – Bridging Military Experience to Academic and Career Success at Syracuse University Syracuse University stands as a beacon of support and opportunity for veterans and military families, fostering a vibrant community where military experience translates into academic and career success. Mike and Dwayne deeply delve into several key programs and initiatives under the umbrellas of the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA). Life-Changing Programs and Initiatives Together the group explores of the transformative programs offered by the IVMF and OVMA. Mike elaborates on the Onward to Opportunity program – a pristine example of how Syracuse University is enabling veterans and their families to transition successfully into civilian careers. This program enrolls over 10,000 learners annually, providing them with crucial employability skills and access to industry-recognized credentials. It’s a testament to Syracuse’s dedication to ensuring that veterans lead meaningful civilian lives post-service. Dwayne reflects on the meaningful academic journey veterans undertake at Syracuse, elaborating on the comprehensive support structures in place to navigate and maximize their time on campus. From immersive trips and career networking nights to specific interventions designed to address the unique challenges faced by student veterans, the OVMA's mandate is clearly centered on student success and well-being. More Than Just an Education Institution Syracuse University's commitment to being more than just an educational institution makes itself very apparent through this conversation with Dwayne and Mike. It positions itself as a key player in shaping policies and programs that meet the evolving needs of the veteran community, embodying a holistic approach to veteran support that extends beyond academic achievement to include impactful community engagement and career readiness. A Model of Excellence in Veteran Support Syracuse University’s concerted efforts in supporting veterans and military families set a gold standard in higher education. Through their exhaustive array of programs, initiatives, and a forward-thinking approach, the institution not only pays homage to the service and sacrifice of military personnel but also actively contributes to their success in civilian life. The journey from military service to civilian achievement is one that Syracuse University is passionately committed to facilitating. With each program, initiative, and support structure, they weave the thread of service, sacrifice, and success into the fabric of their institution, proving that for veterans at Syracuse, the best is truly yet to come. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: Which country music artist recorded the song, Some Gave All, and what year was it released?● Answer: Billy Ray Cyrus in 1992● This week’s Military Minute question: What is the acronym STRIVE in relation to Syracuse University?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.● After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Join us to hear how to better navigate your finances, military life, and the crossroads of the two. Visit www.afbank.com
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    53 mins
  • Ep. 50 Supporting Military and First Responders: Operation First Response with Peggy Baker
    Mar 6 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom, Jodi, and guest Peggy Baker, President and Founder of Operation First Response, discuss the incredible journey of this organization, its inspiring efforts in providing financial support to wounded military service members and their families, and the motivation behind their work. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are.Ep. 50 – Supporting Military and First Responders: Operation First Response with Peggy Baker The conversation began with the hosts expressing their excitement for the 50th episode milestone, followed by a warm welcome to their guest, Peggy Baker. Peggy unveiled her inspiring journey which commenced when her son joined the United States Army in the wake of 9/11. Witnessing the sacrifices of these brave military men and women and experiencing their struggles firsthand moved her to establish Operation First Response. From that day till now, the organization has been walking hand-in-hand with military heroes and their families, providing support during their most challenging times. Programs Within Operation First Response As part of their endeavor to salute military heroes, the organization hosts numerous programs. One of the most valued programs is the financial assistance program that supports military families and first responders. Over the years, the organization has formed a safety net for these families by providing help in emergency situations such as car repairs or appliance replacements for families with fixed income. Another significant undertaking is their training program offering specialized IT courses virtually. Recognizing the employment challenges that veterans often face, the organization offers these programs free of cost, underscoring the importance of community support and encouragement for the returning heroes. The Kinds of Donations Operation First Response Accepts Operation First Response indeed understands the power of kindness and community support. The organization openly accepts help in various forms beyond monetary contributions. They accept donations in the form of vehicles, boats, stocks, and securities, which then gets translated into financial means to provide support to struggling families. The organization also welcomes volunteers for events and fundraising activities. Serving Those Who Serve During this enlightening conversation, Peggy made it abundantly clear why she and her team continue to do what they do. The importance of conveying heartfelt gratitude to the selfless military men and women who serve our nation, and their families, remains at the heart of Operation First Response. Whether it's financial aid or a training program, the organization continually strives to be more than a band-aid but a beacon of hope for these heroes shedding light on their path towards a secure and stable life. When asked about what she wants the listeners to remember, Peggy urged everyone to recognize our military and first responders as the best of us. Our support, she believes, can reassure them that they are never alone and that their sacrifices are never forgotten. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.● Last episode’s Military Minute: Who was the second most famous woman in America followed by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt?● Answer: Betty Crocker● This week’s Military Minute question: Which country music artist recorded the song, Some Gave All, and what year was it released?● Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.● Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.● After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Join us to hear how to better navigate your finances, military life, and the crossroads of the two. Visit www.afbank.com
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    44 mins
  • Ep. 49 How Project Sanctuary is Transforming Military Families with Kaycie Taylor
    Feb 21 2024
    Welcome to the "Militarily Speaking" podcast with Tom McLean and Jodi Vickery. In this episode of “Militarily Speaking,” Tom, Jodi, and guest Kaycie Taylor, Director of Family Support with Project Sanctuary, discuss the organization supports military families in a myriad of ways - from therapeutic retreats to mental health resources and caregiver support. “Militarily Speaking” is a podcast produced by Armed Forces Bank that is dedicated to the military lifestyle and all the things that makes the military community who they are.Ep. 49 – How Project Sanctuary is Transforming Military Families with Kaycie Taylor Honoring their service and offering them added support is more than just a tagline when it comes to giving back to our military families, it's a total commitment. Often operating behind the scenes, numerous organizations tirelessly strive to create better lives for military families and veterans. One such organization is Project Sanctuary, helmed by dedicated individuals such as Kaycie Taylor. Connecting Dots with Military Families Kaycie and her team work tirelessly to provide support for military families. She does so by not only reaching out to these families but also understanding the intricacies of their experiences and relating these to the broader military family community. The different programs offered by Project Sanctuary, such as the recreational retreats and family support initiatives, all work in harmony to provide different facets of support that instill hope, improve connectivity, and foster healing. Heart at Work Project Sanctuary’s primary projects are their signature six-day therapeutic retreats. These retreats are designed to cater to military couples and their families. What sets Project Sanctuary apart is its attention to detail, focusing on an approach that is both comprehensive and relevant. The retreats incorporate a mix of recreational activities and comprehensive workshops for both adults and children, paving the way for a wholesome, healing experience. Additionally, Project Sanctuary also offers diverse mental health resources. They ensure that every resource they extend has been vetted thoroughly, thereby taking into account key factors such as whether the military families need in-person or virtual support, the nature of their specific needs, and more. This strategic, all-round approach assures a highly personalized, deeply engaging, and effective support system. Building Resilience When it comes to Project Sanctuary, you'll come across countless success stories that are heartening and bound to provide much-needed motivation. What sticks out is the narrative of an individual who initially attended a retreat single-handedly, attended another retreat later as a volunteer, and later participated in a ballroom dancing competition. This transformation underscores the positive changes and personal growth that Project Sanctuary instills. It is a testament to the organization's commitment to nurturing, empowering, and creating stronger military families. Getting Involved Project Sanctuary acknowledges that it owes its success to its volunteers. Volunteers form the backbone of Project Sanctuary, with 4-6 volunteers usually attending each retreat. The organization welcomes all volunteers and subjects them to a thorough vetting process. Project Sanctuary also holds annual fundraising events such as the Rocky Mountain Gas and Oil Poker Classic and the Permian Basin Poker Tournament. These events, coupled with the active giving that fans, donors, and well-wishers provide, keep the organization running. Project Sanctuary continues in its mission to heal and empower our military families best, allowing them to thrive both during and after their service to the nation. Military MinuteJodi introduces the Military Minute segment of the show, beginning by closing out last episode’s Military Minute.●     Last episode’s Military Minute: Who is the most famous author of children's books with over 300 million copies sold?●     Answer: Roald Dahl●     This week’s Military Minute question: Who was the second most famous woman in America followed by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt?●     Watch for Facebook and Instagram posts about this episode.●     Answer with the correct answer and you plus a charity of your choice can each win $50.●     After a winning selection, Military Minute participants are eligible for another selection after 12 months. Tom closes the episode by asking listeners to go to www.afbank.com and subscribe to the show, as well as leave a rating and comment on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Join us to hear how to better navigate your finances, military life, and the crossroads of the two. Visit www.afbank.com
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    43 mins