• BTB (17) Eschatology
    Sep 19 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the basics of eschatology, or the doctrine of last things. Instead of exploring intricate end-times theories, we focus on broad theological topics like death, heaven, hell, and Jesus' second coming. We clarify that eschatology includes more than just end-time events, touching on topics like the intermediate state, Hades, and the resurrection of the body. We explore how the Christian hope culminates in the renewal of creation, with believers awaiting life in a new heaven and new earth.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/09/19/btb-17-eschatology/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    23 mins
  • BTB (16) The Church
    Sep 5 2024

    In this episode of the BTB series, we examine the doctrine of the church and the ordinances/sacraments. We discuss pictures of the church as presented in scripture, the invisible vs. visible church, and the church's work. From there, we describe baptism and the Lord's Supper, focusing particularly on the communal aspect of the Lord's Supper.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/09/05/btb-16-the-church/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    18 mins
  • BTB (15) Salvation
    Aug 22 2024

    In this episode of BTB, we look at the work accomplished for us by Christ and salvation, covering things such as justification, redemption, adoption, and more.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/08/22/btb-15-salvation/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    24 mins
  • BTB (14) The Holy Spirit
    Aug 1 2024

    In this episode of BTB we look at the person of the Holy Spirit, discussing the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit while briefly re-touching on the Trinity and the work appropriated to the Spirit.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/08/01/btb-14-the-holy-spirit/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    24 mins
  • BTB (13) Christ the Mediator pt. 2
    Jul 18 2024

    In this episode of BTB, we move into Christ the Mediator, pt. 2. In part 1, we looked at who Jesus is and his person before and after the incarnation. We describe the hypostatic union and the importance of its reality concerning Christ as our mediator.

    In part 2, we examine Christ's threefold office of Prophet, Priest, and King and their significance in summarizing Christ's work.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/07/18/btb-13-christ-the-mediator-pt-2/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    20 mins
  • BTB (12) Christ the Mediator pt. 1
    Jul 4 2024

    In this episode of BTB, we move into Christ the Mediator, pt. 1. In part 1, we look at who Jesus is and his person before and after the incarnation. We describe the hypostatic union and the importance of its reality concerning Christ as our mediator.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/07/04/btb-12-christ-the-mediator-pt-1/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    29 mins
  • BTB (11) Creation, the Fall, and Sin
    Jun 20 2024

    This BTB episode explores creation and the fall from a theological perspective. It explores the consequences of the fall, the effects of sin on humanity and the need for a savior.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/06/20/btb-11-creation-the-fall-and-sin/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    21 mins
  • BTB (10) Attributes of God
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode of BTB, we delve into God's attributes. We'll first explore God's incomprehensibility, then look at the distinction between God's incommunicable and communicable attributes, before moving on to some specific attributes, such as God's simplicity, immensity, eternality, and so on.

    Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported. Prayerfully consider joining the support team at patreon.com/christisthecure

    Landing page for this episode: https://christisthecure.org/2024/06/06/btb-10-attributes-of-god/

    Pick up books from CITC: https://christisthecure.org/citcpress/

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    22 mins