Walking through the grocery store on a Saturday night with two rambunctious boys was not my idea of a good time...but when Tanner has cravings for certain foods, you get that food or he gets "hangry"...
Yes, that is what we call it. Hangry because he will fly off the handle and lash out at anyone who is in the vicinity because his Mr. Hyde persona comes out to play. He transforms into something comparable to the Hulk walking around "Hulk smashing" anything that he finds offensive at that moment.
The boys and I have learned the signs over the years so that we can counteract his moods pretty quickly, lest we get his wrath. Most of the time he’s a decent husband and father - okay, that’s not totally true; it would be if you can call a womanizing, uninterested father decent.
He tries sometimes, I think, but honestly, I don’t think it’s possible for him to change. God knows I’ve tried over the past 10 years. That’s how I ended up at The Hole in the Wall on a Saturday evening with the lights of my life (my little turds, as I call them), Ryker and Riley. Ryker, my mini-me with dark hair and eyes and a round face, just turned seven; and Riley, my blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy who has a permanent six-pack and a metabolism every woman dreams of, is turning 10 in a couple of weeks, and as much as I love them, the constant bickering between them drives me insane!
I knew when I said I wanted to try for a girl after having Riley that I would end up with another boy, but I had to try. It was just meant to be, I guess. I mean, at this point, I’m not even sure what I would do with a girl, boys are much more my speed, mud pies, nerf gun battles, climbing trees, well everything is more my speed except the energy levels of these two, they never sit still. Nevertheless, a girl might’ve been nice.