
  • The First Reformation Part 2
    Jun 25 2024

    In this engaging episode, we delve into Acts chapter 15, exploring the significant challenges and transformations within the early church. From humorous anecdotes to deep theological discussions, we uncover the crisis of circumcision that threatened to divide the early believers. Discover how key leaders like Peter, Paul, Barnabas, and James navigated this contentious issue, ultimately affirming the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. We also reflect on the implications of church unity, the balance between liberty and responsibility, and the relevance of these historical debates in our contemporary faith journey.

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    29 m
  • The First Reformation
    Jun 24 2024

    In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the defining characteristics of a Christian and explore the diverse perspectives that exist today. From humorous anecdotes to historical insights, we trace the roots of Christian identity back to the Reformation and the pivotal role of Martin Luther. Join us as we unravel the complexities of faith, doctrine, and the ever-relevant cry of "sola scriptura." This episode challenges us to reflect on the true essence of Christianity and the importance of adhering to the scriptures alone for guidance and salvation.

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    29 m
  • Phases of Effective Ministry
    Jun 21 2024

    In this episode, we continue our study of Acts, delving into chapter 14 and the remarkable phases of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey. Drawing from Calvin Miller's insightful description of church growth stages, we'll explore how these early church planters navigated through initial enthusiasm, growing pains, and eventual reproduction of new ministries.

    We’ll reflect on Paul’s deeply personal account of his hardships, revealing a transparent and encouraging perspective on the challenges of ministry. Despite being stoned and left for dead, Paul and Barnabas demonstrated incredible resilience, preaching the gospel with unwavering determination.

    Discover the stages of their journey: from the Initiation of preaching Christ’s truth, through the Orientation of establishing churches and appointing leaders, to the Evaluation of their mission’s impact, celebrating all that God had done through them. This episode highlights the importance of perseverance, the power of human encouragement, and the necessity of God's involvement in any lasting, eternal work.

    Join us as we uncover timeless lessons from Paul and Barnabas' experiences, applicable to our own lives and ministries today.

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  • Missionary Memoirs
    Jun 20 2024

    In today's episode, we dive back into our study of Acts, focusing on chapter 14, where Paul and Barnabas face the highs and lows of their first missionary journey. Contrary to what many might think, their experience was marked not only by success and effectiveness but also by intense affliction and discouragement.

    Join us as we explore Paul's deeply personal reflections from 2 Corinthians 1:8, where he candidly shares the overwhelming challenges they faced, which even led them to despair of life itself. We’ll learn practical lessons from their journey, highlighting the importance of acknowledging the emotional and physical burdens of serving God while ultimately relying on His strength.

    We will witness their experiences in Iconium, where despite severe opposition and poisoned minds, Paul and Barnabas stayed and spoke boldly for a long time, relying on the Lord. Then we move to Lystra, where a miraculous healing leads the locals to mistake them for gods, only for the mood to turn deadly as persecution arises.

    This episode offers a balanced perspective on handling both undue praise and severe opposition, showing how Paul and Barnabas refused flattery, refocused attention on God, and risked losing everything for the sake of truth. Their story is a powerful reminder that in every circumstance, whether in triumph or trial, God remains faithful.

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  • The Message
    Jun 19 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the contemporary challenge facing the church today: the call to replace traditional preaching with more modern, less confrontational methods. Despite the growing trend of "McChurch" services, where fast-paced, light-hearted, and non-confrontational elements are prioritized, we reaffirm the timeless importance of preaching God's Word.

    We'll explore how scripture mandates the preaching of doctrine and truth, referencing key biblical passages where Jesus, Paul, and other apostles emphasized the necessity of preaching. We discuss the cultural shift away from preaching and its implications, drawing from 2 Timothy 4:2-4, where Paul warns Timothy to remain steadfast in his preaching role despite the inevitable turn of people towards myths and ear-tickling teachings.

    Join us as we journey through the book of Acts, particularly Acts 13, where we witness the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas. We unpack Paul's powerful sermon in Pisidian Antioch, highlighting the two key aspects of his message: the history of Israel and the proclamation of Jesus as the promised Savior. We also reflect on the significance of forgiveness and freedom in Christ, as presented by Paul, and the immediate impact of his preaching on both the Gentile believers and the opposing Jews.

    This episode challenges us to hold firm to the biblical model of preaching, ensuring that the transformative power of God's Word continues to be proclaimed with boldness and conviction. We emphasize the need for the church to uphold and honor preaching as a vital method for spiritual growth and truth dissemination.

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  • Wrestling Rasputins
    Jun 18 2024

    In this episode, we explore the incredible story of a first-century encounter that reveals the power of the Holy Spirit and the boldness required to stand against spiritual opposition. Starting with the dramatic history of Rasputin, a demonically empowered holy man whose influence led to the downfall of the Russian monarchy, we draw parallels to a biblical account from the book of Acts. We delve into the mission of Paul and Barnabas, who confronted Elymas, a magician with evil intentions, and how God intervened in a miraculous way to protect His mission and spread the gospel.

    We will examine the leadership of the church at Antioch, a diverse and united community that became a model of missionary zeal and doctrinal courage. As we study Acts 13, we see how the Holy Spirit called and sent out Barnabas and Saul, leading to the dramatic confrontation with Elymas and the subsequent conversion of Sergius Paulus, a Roman proconsul.

    This episode challenges us to open our eyes to the global harvest fields, strengthen our grip on biblical truth, and develop courageous hearts that expose the father of lies while worshipping the Father of truth. Join us as we uncover the timeless lessons from this powerful narrative and learn how to apply them to our lives and ministries today.

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  • Glory to God . . . Alone!
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode, we journey back to the first century to explore the rise and fall of the most powerful and infamous family of that era—the Herods. Known for their ruthlessness and political maneuvering, the Herods were at the height of their power during the birth of Christianity. From Herod the Great, who reigned during the birth of Jesus, to his descendants who continued his legacy of tyranny and opposition to God's plan, we delve into their historical impact and ultimate downfall.

    We'll examine the intriguing history of Herod the Great, his sons, and grandsons, who played significant roles in the New Testament narrative, including the execution of James and the imprisonment of Peter. As we delve into Acts 12, we'll see how God's sovereignty triumphs over political power and human evil. Herod Agrippa I, the persecutor of the church, meets a dramatic and divine end, illustrating the timeless truth that God's purposes cannot be thwarted by human schemes.

    Join us as we uncover the lessons from this historical account, reflecting on the unstoppable spread of God's Word and the ultimate futility of opposing His divine will. This episode is a powerful reminder that no matter how mighty the earthly rulers may seem, the King of Heaven reigns supreme.

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  • The Answer Came Knocking
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode, join me as I share a compelling story that underscores God's mysterious ways. Tracy Daniels, the 16-year-old daughter of a pastor, recounts an unexpected and providential event that awakened her family one winter night. The incident reminds us of the sovereignty of God, whether the outcomes are smooth or stormy.

    As we delve into Acts 12, we witness scenes of both panic and providence, chaos and contentment. The chapter opens with the martyrdom of James, a pioneering apostle, and the subsequent arrest of Peter by King Herod. While Peter faces what seems like an inevitable execution, the church fervently prays for his deliverance. What unfolds next is a miraculous escape orchestrated by God, filled with surprising details and divine interventions.

    Through this narrative, we explore lessons on contentment in impossible circumstances, the power of fervent prayer, and the assurance of God's control over every situation. We see how God's plans are unstoppable, His will irreversible, and His ways often beyond our understanding.

    Tune in to discover how the early church navigated these tumultuous times with faith and reliance on God's providence, and learn how these timeless truths apply to our lives today.

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    29 m