
  • The Godfather
    Jun 10 2024

    The Godfather, which art so splendid,

    Brando be thy name;

    thy meatballs yum;

    thy hothead Sonny

    in dirt cause he was too reckless.

    Give us this day a masculine child.

    And forgive us our Clemenzas,

    as we forgive those who use horse heads against us.

    And leave the gun but not the cannoli,

    and deliver us some pizza.

    For thine is the business,

    the Italian and American story,

    bada bing, bada boom. Pal-men.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Bridget Jones's Diary
    May 27 2024

    Allo guvnah, what's all this then? 'Ave I caught you geezers 'aving a right ole sticky beak at Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)? Well, I hope yer right chuffed with yourselves, you pim pom tiddlies! That's only Bridget's most cherished belonging, that is! So what 'ave you savvied from the bloody right gander you gave it? You wot?! You can't make heads nor tails of this 'ere tuppence? Well, don't get your knickers in a twist: these three blokes (which is Ye Olde for "Pals") will 'ave you right sorted.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Billy Elliot
    May 13 2024

    Billy was a little lad who was told not to prance,

    So he took all that naysaying and turned it into dance

    Boxing was the manly sport, but Billy's toes were twinklin',

    Which caught the eye of Mrs Weasley and gave her quite an inlkin'

    That this wee bairn might make it far, achieve more than the plan he

    Had for himself, if only he'd get a gander at a fanny*

    *This has been a poem brought to you by Throw in the Pal's department of good and normal content, and by reading it to the very end you forfeit all legal recourse against the Pals for having written it in the first place. Please listen to our podcast, where the word 'fanny' is only used when Palbsolutely necessary.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Roadhouse
    Apr 29 2024

    There are many strange places you might encounter in your humble travels. An alleyway abode, a bitumen bistro, a cul-de-sac caddyshack. What's that? You need more examples? Well, it could be a ditch-side dwelling, an expressway easement, a f%$&ing flophouse... or even, quite possibly, a Road House (2024). Goodness, this is the sort of movie that will leave you with some major imponderables: Where does the road end and the house begin? Does Amazon Prime think Post MALone is the next Timberlake-esque crossover music-movie star, and what would possibly make them think that? Why is Conor McGregor? Join the Pals this week as they answer precisely none of these questions.

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1
    Apr 15 2024

    Alternative titles for this film:

    Maiming Jamie

    Death to Beth

    Slaughter Daughter

    Murder Jurder

    And all the rest, but we don’t want to keep you here P-all day, so we’ll leave it there. For this episode of Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)…Will the pals kill BIll or kill each other?

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Dune: Part Two
    Apr 1 2024

    So, faithful listener(s?), what have you been up to?

    "Not much," you might respond, a lilt of anticipation tremoring in your voice as you ask us, the Pals, "How about you guys?"

    And, predictably and hilariously enough, we'd respond, "Oh, we've been veeerrry well."


    Wait, f$%k, I mean, "We're doin' good!"

    No, that's not it, actually it's, "Yes, we're Dune, and you 2?"


    "Nice 2 Dune you!"

    There it is!

    Join us on our journey to discover the true Lisan Pal Gaib in this week's episode of Dune 2 (2024).


    Más Menos
    1 h
  • The Iron Claw
    Mar 18 2024

    Like an antsy fella who's eyeing the door

    Or a crazed footballer trying to score

    We know that you're simply dying for more

    Of the Pals in this ep on The Iron Claw (2024)

    They'll wrestle together over wayward o-Pal-inions

    While testing the bounds of their strange ways of thinkin'

    And like a sweet dove with many strained pinions

    Alight softly on friendship, the safest dominion

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • The Pals 2nd Annual Oscar Special
    Mar 10 2024

    Some say awards shows are the most pompous, boring and unnecessary invention of modern times, but those people have clearly never heard our podcast. What’s more, this week Throw in the Pal is hosting its 2nd Annual Oscars Special, where the Pals gather together to chat about the nominees (and possible winners) of this year’s 96th Pal-cademy Pal-wards!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m