
  • [Unmasked Monthly Musing] Burnout, Sustainability, and the Courage to Change
    Jun 19 2024

    In this raw and honest episode, I dive deep into the alarming rates of burnout among therapists and the urgent need for change in our mental health profession. Drawing from my personal experiences and recent conversations with struggling therapists, I shed light on the systemic issues contributing to burnout and the devastating impact on both practitioners and clients.

    If you've ever felt like you're drowning in paperwork, constantly trying to squeeze in more clients, or battling shame and guilt for struggling with your own mental health, this episode is for you. I emphasize that you are not alone and that it's time for us as therapists to break the silence and advocate for change.

    In this episode, you'll hear about:

    • 2:27: My personal story of burnout and the "head in the bucket" moment that made me realize change was necessary
    • 7:06: Shocking statistics on burnout rates among therapists and the alarming trend of psychologists unable to take on new clients
    • 14:36: The systemic issues contributing to burnout, including long wait lists, pressure to see more clients, and the emotional toll of holding space for others' trauma
    • 20:04: The importance of us as therapists taking radical responsibility for creating sustainable change in the profession
    • 25:51: Prioritizing your own well-being as a therapist and having the courage to set boundaries and ask for help

    Listen to this episode for a powerful call to action and practical steps you can take to start moving towards a more sustainable, fulfilling, and impactful career as a therapist. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and together, we can create a future where therapists can thrive, not just survive.


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    "Real followable information - Fantastic! Real practical information to help therapists with a heart of gold. So glad we found this." <– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more therapists — just like you — in creating online programs and building the practices of their dreams. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Therapists Rising Facebook Group
    • My Instagram
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    31 m
  • Mini Training: How to Find Time to Create an Online Program as a Busy Therapist
    Jun 17 2024

    Discover the secrets to making time for your online program, even with a packed therapy practice!

    Hey there, fellow therapist! Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to balance your client load with your dream of creating an online program? Trust me, I've been there. It can feel like there's just never enough time in the day to make progress on your passion project.

    But here's the thing – creating an online program is a game-changer for your business and your clients. It allows you to scale your impact, reach more people, and create a sustainable income stream. And the best part? It doesn't have to mean sacrificing your sanity or your current responsibilities.

    In this mini-training episode, I'm sharing five powerful strategies to help you find pockets of time for program creation, even amid the demands of your practice. We'll dive into:

    • (01:30) Conducting a time audit to identify hidden opportunities in your schedule
    • (04:15) Using time-blocking to prioritize your program and treat it like a non-negotiable appointment
    • (07:20) Leveraging small pockets of time for focused work on your program
    • (10:05) Delegating and automating lower-priority tasks to free up mental space and energy
    • (13:15) Embracing imperfect action to make consistent progress, even when things feel messy

    I'll also be sharing examples from my own journey of creating online programs while managing a busy therapy practice. Trust me, if I can do it, you can too!

    By the end of this episode, you'll have a toolbox full of practical and actionable strategies to start implementing right away. Whether you're just starting to dream up your program or you're in the thick of content creation, these tips will help you make the most of your time and energy.

    So, grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and join me for this game-changing mini-training. Your online program (and your future clients) will thank you!


    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts
    "Real followable information - Fantastic! Real practical information to help therapists with a heart of gold. So glad we found this." <– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more therapists — just like you — in creating online programs and building the practices of their dreams. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding bonus episodes to the feed and, if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now!

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    32 m
  • 3 Surprising Reasons Your Online Program Isn't Selling (and How to Fix Them)
    Jun 12 2024

    Are you a therapist who's poured your heart and soul into creating an online program, only to hear crickets when you launched? If your program isn't selling the way you'd hoped, you're not alone – and it might not be for the reasons you think. In this episode, I'm diving deep into the three surprising reasons most therapists' programs don't sell, and what you can do to turn things around. If you're ready to finally see the sales and impact you deserve, this is a must-listen.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. I'll reveal why your messaging needs to focus on the transformation, not just the features. I'll show you how to paint a vivid picture of how your clients' lives will change as a result of your program, and watch your sales skyrocket.
    2. We'll talk about why you're probably undercharging, and how to price your program based on the value of the transformation you provide, not just the time or content involved. I'll help you own your worth and charge what your offer deserves.
    3. I'll explain why consistency is key in marketing, and how a lack of consistent effort might be the reason you're not seeing sales. I'll show you how to commit to a marketing plan and stick to it – your breakthrough is just around the corner.
    4. Throughout the episode, I'll emphasize that these are all things YOU have the power to change. I'll give you the tools and strategies to make adjustments to your messaging, pricing, and marketing, so you can completely transform your program sales and finally create the impact and income you've been dreaming of.
    5. I'll remind you that your ideal clients are out there, waiting for the transformation only you can offer. I'll encourage you not to give up on your program, but to keep refining, keep showing up, and keep believing in the value of what you do.

    If you're a therapist struggling to sell your online program, I promise this episode is a game-changer. I'll walk you through the three surprising reasons most therapy programs don't sell – and more importantly, I'll give you the exact steps to fix them. By implementing the strategies I share in this episode, you'll be able to attract more of your ideal clients, make a bigger impact, and create more financial freedom and abundance in your business. Don't miss this powerful episode – your breakthrough is waiting.


    And if you're ready to take your online program to the next level, I'd love to support you. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to scale an existing program, the Incubator is the perfect solution. This comprehensive program is designed specifically for therapists, and it's packed with everything you need to create, launch, and grow a wildly successful online program.

    We only open doors a few times a year, so don't miss your chance – get your name on the waitlist now for our August 2024 cohort. Head to the
    Incubator waitlist and be first notified when we reopen doors!

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    40 m
  • Offering Scholarships in Your Online Program: Increasing Accessibility without Going Broke!
    Jun 10 2024

    Hey there, therapist friend! Are you ready to make your online program more inclusive and accessible, but worried about breaking the bank? Well, buckle up, because in this episode we're diving into the world of scholarships and how you can make them work for your biz!

    In this value-packed episode, you'll discover:

    - The super powerful "why" behind offering scholarships (spoiler alert: it's not just about being a good human, but also about making a massive impact!)
    - The nitty-gritty considerations for creating a scholarship strategy that won't leave you eating ramen noodles (we're talking how many to offer, who's eligible, and all that jazz)
    - Creative tactics for making your program more accessible, like partial scholarships, tiered pricing, and teaming up with community orgs
    - How to shout about your scholarships from the rooftops in a way that feels authentic, transparent, and totally inclusive
    - The juggling act of balancing accessibility and sustainability (because we want you to keep changing lives for the long haul!)

    Whether you're a scholarship newbie or looking to level up your existing program, this episode is packed with actionable tips and insights to help you create an online offering that's both inclusive and impactful.

    So, if you're ready to revolutionize mental health education and make it accessible to all, without sacrificing your financial well-being, it's time to tune in!

    Here are the key nuggets of wisdom you don't want to miss:

    1. Offering scholarships is a game-changer for living out your values and making a real difference in people's lives.
    2. Scholarships require a strategic approach that balances your passion for accessibility with the realities of running a sustainable biz.
    3. There are loads of creative ways to make your program more accessible, from partial scholarships to partnering with community rockstars.
    4. Authentic and transparent communication about your scholarships can help you forge deeper connections with your community and encourage more folks to apply.
    5. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your scholarship offerings based on feedback and financial considerations is the secret sauce to long-term success.

    If this episode has you fired up and ready to take action, I'd love to hear about it! Share your experiences and insights on offering scholarships in your online program, and let's keep this conversation going. I'd love to hear from you - send me a DM and let me know how this episode landed for you. You can connect with me on Instagram at @dr.hayleykelly

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    19 m
  • 3 Signs You're Ready to Create an Online Program as a Therapist
    Jun 3 2024

    Are you a therapist who feels stuck in the one-on-one grind, trading hours for dollars and wondering if there's a better way? Do you have a burning passion for a specific niche or topic that you know could transform lives on a bigger scale? Are you craving more creativity, flexibility, and fulfillment in your work? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this episode is for you!

    In "3 Signs You're Ready to Create an Online Program as a Therapist," I dive deep into the key indicators that suggest you might be ready to take the leap into the world of online programs. I share powerful stories and insights from my own journey as a therapist-turned-online-program-creator, as well as case studies from colleagues who have successfully made the transition.

    You'll learn:

    - The surprising limitations of the one-on-one therapy model and how online programs can help you scale your impact and income
    - The importance of having a clear niche or passion, and how to use that focus to create a highly targeted, transformative online program
    - The telltale signs that you're ready for a new challenge and how an online program can reignite your creativity and sense of purpose
    - Additional indicators of readiness, such as a desire for financial stability, a growing reputation as an expert in your field, and a willingness to invest in your own growth
    - Practical strategies for overcoming common fears and objections around creating an online program

    If you're a therapist who's been feeling the call to create an online program but aren't sure if you're ready, this episode will give you the clarity and confidence you need to take the next step. You'll come away with a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in the online space and a roadmap for turning your expertise into a scalable, impactful program.

    If you're ready to break free from the limitations of one-on-one therapy and create a business that truly lights you up, then this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover how to leverage your unique gifts and expertise to create a transformative online program that changes lives and fuels your own growth and success.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. Your support means the world to me and helps me reach even more therapists who are ready to make a bigger impact.

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    26 m
  • Launching with Imperfect Action: How Dr. Vicky Stewart's Online Program is Revolutionizing Dizziness Treatment
    May 29 2024

    In this inspiring "Student Spotlight" episode, I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Vicky Stewart, PhD, a brilliant physiotherapist who specializes in helping people with persistent dizziness. Vicky is not only a star student of my program, but also now a valued mentor in our community. Her journey of creating and launching her online program, The Shift, is a testament to the power of determination, imperfect action, and staying true to your vision.

    In our conversation, Vicky shares:

    • How her personal experiences and challenges led her to develop an integrative approach to treating persistent dizziness
    • The incredible transformations her beta program participants experienced, and how that fueled her passion to help even more people
    • How she navigated the challenges of launching her program, from mindset hurdles to technical obstacles, and still achieved outstanding results
    • The power of community and having a "pace car" to keep you motivated and moving forward
    • How creating an online program has allowed her to impact more lives, while also giving her the freedom to be present for her family
    • Her vision for the future of The Shift, including expanding her reach, developing a membership model, and empowering other practitioners with her methodology

    Vicky's story is a shining example of what's possible when you combine your unique expertise with the power of online programs. Her willingness to take imperfect action, learn from her "failures," and keep moving forward is an inspiration to anyone who dreams of creating a thriving online business that transforms lives.

    If you've ever doubted your ability to create a successful online program, this episode will give you the motivation and practical insights you need to take the leap. Discover how you can turn your knowledge and passion into a scalable, impactful online program, and create the freedom and fulfillment you deserve.

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    1 h y 4 m
  • The #1 Mindset Shift Needed to Succeed with Online Programs
    May 27 2024

    In this powerful mini episode, I dive deep into the crucial role of mindset in creating successful online programs as a therapist. Drawing from my years of experience working with therapists in this space, I reveal the #1 mindset shift that separates those who thrive from those who struggle. If you're ready to take your online program to the next level, this episode is a must-listen!

    Key Takeaways:

    1. I've found that the key differentiator in online program success is mindset, not tactics or audience size.
    2. I've seen many therapists get stuck in a "passenger mindset," waiting for a program to work for them rather than taking active ownership of their success.
    3. The antidote is what I call an "active inevitability" mindset, where you fully believe that if another therapist can succeed with online programs, so can you.
    4. With an active inevitability mindset, you see challenges as opportunities to grow and prove your resilience, rather than signs you're not cut out for this.
    5. I've witnessed how deciding that failure is not an option unlocks a new level of commitment and resourcefulness.
    6. I encourage you to focus on proving to yourself that you have what it takes, rather than getting caught up in proving a program right or wrong.
    7. I advise approaching any gaps in your knowledge or the program as opportunities to build your skills and become an even more capable online program creator.
    8. In my experience, being willing to follow proven models exactly in the beginning helps you gain a solid foundation of skills and confidence.
    9. I've found that surrounding yourself with examples of therapists succeeding with online programs makes that success feel achievable for you too.
    10. I firmly believe you can start embracing an active inevitability mindset right now, in this very moment - you don't need to wait for the perfect circumstances.

    In my work with therapists, I've seen that shifting from a passenger mindset to an inevitability mindset is a game-changer for those looking to create thriving online programs. By taking ownership of your success, seeing challenges as opportunities, and committing to your inevitable success, you become unstoppable. The strategies I share in this episode - from following proven models to surrounding yourself with inspiring examples - can help you cultivate this transformative mindset starting today. Imagine the impact you could have and the freedom you could create with a wildly successful online program. That future is waiting for you, and it all starts with choosing an active inevitability mindset. I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Unmasked Monthly Musing: Lessons from a Billion Dollar Room
    May 22 2024

    Hey there, it's Dr. Hayley Kelly here, and I'm excited to share with you some powerful insights from my recent trip to the United States. In this episode of the Therapist Rising Podcast, I dive into the transformative lessons I learned while attending workshops and masterminds with some of the most brilliant minds in the business world.

    One of the key takeaways from this experience was the importance of surrounding yourself with "expanders" - people who challenge your current way of thinking, push you outside your comfort zone, and inspire you to dream bigger. By immersing myself in the company of successful entrepreneurs, I was forced to confront my own limiting beliefs and elevate my perception of what's possible for my business and personal growth.

    Another crucial insight I gained was the value of expanding your network beyond your immediate niche. Engaging with diverse perspectives from various industries can fuel creativity, innovation, and lead to game-changing ideas. I also learned that imposter syndrome is a common struggle among entrepreneurs, regardless of their level of success, and that it's essential to embrace the discomfort as a sign of growth.

    Throughout the episode, I share how challenging your beliefs and assumptions can help you reach new heights, and how focusing on mastering the fundamentals and tackling the most significant constraints in your business can lead to sustainable success.

    So, if you're a therapist looking to grow your practice, diversify your income, or scale an online program, this episode is packed with actionable tips and insights to help you on your journey. Remember, success is not a straight line, but by staying committed to your vision, surrounding yourself with the right people, and focusing on the essentials, you can achieve the impact and success you desire.


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    Come over and say hi and join the thousands of other therapists diversifying their income and practices with online programs. Join here.

    Don’t forget to FOLLOW and RATE the podcast! (I'll love and adore you forever!!)

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    40 m