
  • BONUS PART 2: WE'VE GONE ON HOLIDAY BY MISTAKE - Discussing the Crow Crag screening with fellow Withnailian ponces David & Francis
    Sep 12 2023

    We're not from London.

    In this second Bonus episode Roger and Alice meet with friends David and Francis, who also attended the screening at Sleddale Hall, and ask whether or not the 'pilgrimage' (which we are now calling it) to these far flung film locations made them love Withnail & I even more? Or never want to watch it ever again?

    Roger gets the fear about being so far away from civilisation, decent A roads and good wi-fi reception, whilst the intrepid trio of travellers detail the peaks and troughs of not only the Lake District but their odyssey into Withnail territory... no one comes out unscathed, (despite being friends of Montague Withnail's).

    Plus, the four cover the cleverness of the script, revisit favourite quotes and scenes and discuss how our love for Withnail & I changes over the years, whilst continuing to strengthen friendships.

    Alice, David and Francis attended Uncle Monty's Summer Soiree, a screening event held at the original Crow Crag location near Penrith, by Eden Arts/Picnic Cinema, look out for the 2024 event if you are interested. Sleddale Hall is owned by Tim Ellis - see Bonus Part 1 for an interview with 'Uncle Tim' - and is a private residence so please be respectful if you are in the area.

    Until next time.... thank you for enjoying these bonus episodes, we'll be back soon.

    I shall miss you Withnail.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • BONUS PART 1: A DELIGHTFUL WEEKEND IN THE COUNTRY - Alice treks up to Crow Crag and meets the real life Uncle Monty
    Sep 10 2023

    We're friends of Montague Withnail's.

    In a moment of drunken sincerity Alice agreed to travel up to the Lake District (in all this beastly oomska) to visit the famous landmarks from the film - the 'I'm gonna be a star' reservoir, the 'lick 10 percent of the arses' telephone box, the 'I want something's flesh' creek and the 'shut tha' gate - before descending on the actual cottage for a screening! In Part One of these two special bonus episodes of the Withnail & Us Podcast Alice tells all about her trip into Withnail country and the screening of the film at the original cottage! Roger discovers just how difficult the locations are to get to, how Alice and friends risked their lives for just the right photo and what happened on top of the windy hill of Crow Crag at 2am after very little sleep and a LOT of sherry...

    PLUS - includes an extra special interview with architect Tim Ellis, the owner of the cottage or Sleddale Hall, to talk about how he has got the building up and running again, whether he is still a fan of the film and if those are the kind of windows that faces really do look in at. Thank you 'Uncle Tim' for a really insightful interview into Crow Crag and it's incredible legacy.

    Alice attended Uncle Monty's Summer Soiree, a screening event held at the original Crow Crag location near Penrith, by Eden Arts/Picnic Cinema, look out for the 2024 event if you are interested. Sleddale Hall is owned by Tim Ellis and is a private residence so please be respectful if you are in the area.

    Look out for Bonus Part 2, Roger and Alice discuss the event and locations further, with two fellow Withnail tourists (who are also not from London).

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 9: THE ENDING - There's always time for a drink?
    Jan 6 2023
    We have some extremely distressing news... it's the final podcast. Alice and Roger discuss the ending of the film they love but get quite maudlin about it whilst downing the 53 Margaux. From Marwood cutting his hair to Withnail trudging off alone to goodness knows where the final fifteen minutes are dissected in this extended special edition, that includes a bow to the astounding Hamlet soliloquy that Withnail delivers to the wolves!  We're also intrigued by some notes in the credits, disturbed by Alice's resident oaf and remember our recent night out in the Presuming Ed bar in Brighton (which resulted in a bastard behind the eyes). Plus we consider the much darker ending that Bruce Robinson had intended for Withnail...  Oh and stick around for a couple of tiny surprises at the end.  Thank you for listening to the Withnail and Us podcast we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did recording it, only ever meant to be just thoughts really. There's nothing left to say except... go back it's a stinker and hopefully we'll return with more in the future if anything changes in the Withnail world. Cin Cin! 
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • 8: DANNY, DRUGS & GETTING ABOUT - Mechanism's gone
    Nov 29 2022

    So good he had to have his own show... in which Roger & Alice clear up some arguments they have had about the headhunter to his friends. Will we never be set free? Yes, it's time to deconstruct Danny, is he actually a genius or has his mechanism actually gone? 

    Plus, we discuss the great performance by Ralph Brown, the line that got him the part, where the Camberwell Carrot came from and the almost replication of the role in Wayne's World 2.

    BONUS: We chat about the boom in Withnail tourism and the places and pubs from the film that you can visit, anyone up for a screening at the cottage? It's a thing! 

    This is probably the penultimate podcast so do get in touch if you have any thoughts withnailandus@outlook.com 

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    36 m
  • 7: MARWOOD - He's so mauve...
    Nov 7 2022

    Yes, he went to the other place but what else do we know about marvellous Marwood? The I in the film's title, never named or referenced but the eyes through which we watch the film. 

    Just a straight man to Withnail's excesses and hysterical lines or the earnest achiever we're rooting for to succeed? Roger and Alice discuss Withnail's diarist and how he may act as a foil for all of the comedy without having a funny line himself, or doesn't he? 

    Plus a shout out to our international followers, especially you in the Falkland Islands, you want working on boy. 

    AND before we finish this podcast with our final episode, do let us know if you have any other Withnail themes or scenes you would like us to discuss before we finish, please email withnailandus@outlook.com  

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    34 m
  • 6: SUPPORTING CAST - Come on old boy. What's in your hump?
    Oct 23 2022

    Parkin! Poacher! Police! Presuming Ed and The Proprietors! The characters on the periphery that have the misfortune to encounter Withnail & I but provide some of the best scenes and lines. Roger and Alice delve into the lives of the guy in the tractor, the guy behind the bar, the guy with the dead animals and the guy in the bath in this episode that shows some love to the supporting cast, and decide on our favourites before getting in the back of the van. 

    Plus, fresh from a night live with Richard E. Grant Alice sheds some light on some Withnail wonders straight from the horse's mouth. 

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    44 m
  • 5: OUR FAVOURITE QUOTES - You're presented with a difficult decision
    Oct 9 2022

    The hardest of tasks, trying to find just five favourite lines in the most quotable film ever? Roger and Alice valiantly down some lighter fluid and attempt to deliver and describe their top five Withnail quotes, but discover their choices have changed as they've grown older. 

    No more swaggering into a pub and announcing 'we're going to install a fucking juke box in here', these days we're much more introspective and prefer to get home before the sky begins to bruise... 

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    33 m
  • 4: CONTEXT - The greatest decade in the history of mankind is over!
    Oct 2 2022

    So what was life like for an out of work actor back then? 

    Written and set in the 60s, filmed and released in the 80s. Roger and Alice discuss the setting of Withnail and I, the music, the score, the language, the not-so swinging Sixties and reminisce about Soho and Camden in the good old/bad old days. 

    There's some meandering off on a tangent talking about Dr Who, Not The 9 O'Clock News, Blackadder and Only Fools and Horses and we decide that Withnail could never be subjected to a remake but are quite open to a sequel... 

    Plus, where is Withnail now? 

    Más Menos
    46 m