
  • Students Share Journey of Learning and Yearly Highlights with School Leadership
    Jun 14 2024

    In our final podcast of the year, we're joined in person by two Middle School students, Hayley and Thomas, along with Stephen Taylor, WAB's Director of Innovation in Learning and Teaching. Together, they discussed their personal growth as learners throughout the year, favorite moments, and academic highlights. Sharing their perspectives through some pre-recordings are Grade 4 students Hayden and Sooyeon, and Grade 9 student Myron.  

    Thomas shared his growth as a student, overcoming initial challenges to catch up with his peers and reach the same level of understanding. "I've grown quite a lot," he said. He emphasized how the science showcase allowed students to investigate an area of science that really interested them, and how he chose to look into how sound frequencies affect marine life.

    Hayley highlighted her interest and involvement in drama and the support she received from teachers and friends, creating a friendly and supportive learning environment. She shared that one of her favorite memories this year was her participation in the Middle School play.

    After listening to the students' feedback on their learning journey this year, Stephen emphasized the value of students' reflections, highlighting the importance of listening to students and offering opportunities for them to explore new endeavors. He mentioned that various initiatives like the science showcase, MADfest, and student leadership, provided "really challenging experiences" for our students. "It always comes back to the definition of learning. That learning is transformative, it's intentional, it's iterative, but it's also challenging and joyful at the same time."

    For more student insights into their learning journey this year, don't miss out on this episode.

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    14 m
  • Empowering Artistic Exploration and Collaboration via MADfest
    Jun 7 2024
    In this week's WAB Podcast, we're joined by three WAB alumni, Ava (Class of 2023), Carolina (Class of 2017), and Jennifer (Class of 2023), along with Middle School music teacher Jessica Chang. Together, they will be sharing their MADfest experience, how students took charge of this event, and how they collaborated with their peers while having fun exploring visual art, music, dance, and theater. Jessica provided an overview of MADfest, describing it as a vibrant month-long celebration of the arts at Middle School. She emphasized that students play a leading role in the event, making choices, expressing their voices, and taking ownership. They have the opportunity to select from music, visual art, theater, or dance to broaden their artistic experiences. Ava explained her reason for rejoining MADfest this year, mentioning that she returned home and decided to volunteer and assist her previous art teacher with the art classes. This experience gave Ava a fresh perspective on the program as a whole. Carolina expressed her delight in the experience she has had with the students who chose dance at MADfest this year. She has been working alongside her co-teacher, helping choreograph dances. She also recalled her journey of gaining confidence by performing dance solo for the first time when she was at Middle School. Jennifer reflected on her first time singing at MADfest, which inspired her to form a band in high school. She said this experience had a profound impact on her, as it opened her mind to explore other subjects and pursue a different path from what she initially planned. She believes this openness is valuable for students, as it allows them to discover new interests and talents. Don't miss out on this episode to hear how MADfest impacted our Alumni and their journeys. If you want to see this year's performance schedule on June 12 and watch playbacks from previous years, please visit the MADfest page.  
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    12 m
  • Students Reflect on Challenges, Growth, and Achievements during Middle School
    May 31 2024
    In this week's episode, we're joined by Grade 8 students Aliyah and Lucas, along with Middle School teacher Karen Jewett. Together, they shared their Middle School journey, the challenges they've faced, the choices they've made, and how they have grown. As a Middle School Science and Math teacher, as well as a Grade 8 Level Leader, Karen expressed her delight in seeing students grow over the years. She highlighted the noticeable increase in their confidence as they transitioned from grade 6 to 8. Karen observed how eighth graders assumed leadership roles, actively participating in student council and organizing the Grade 8 celebration. She observed their transformation from uncertainty to becoming school leaders within the community. Lucas, one of the Grade 8 students, acknowledged the need to adjust his study habits and time management skills in eighth grade. Aliyah remarked on the general changes she experienced during middle school. She noticed an improvement in her confidence levels, a greater focus on schoolwork, and the development of better study habits. When asked about the highlights of their Middle School journey, Aliyah shared her love for WAB Wild, which provided her with a fun and educational experience, while also enhancing her social skills. Lucas fondly recalled the China Studies trip to the Shaolin Temple and various other events and activities that brought him joy and created lasting memories with his friends. Karen also discussed the upcoming Grade 8 celebration, emphasizing that it is entirely student-led. The event serves as an opportunity for students to reflect on their experiences, and acknowledge their growth as middle schoolers. She expressed her excitement, stating that the celebration holds great significance for both the eighth graders and the teachers as they come together to commemorate the students' journey from sixth to eighth grade. For more insights into their Middle School journey, don't miss out on this episode. If you're a Grade 8 parent and like to participate in the G8 Celebration, please mark your calendar for June 14 and look out for the email with ticket purchasing and family photo reservation details. Tickets will be on sale by June 3. 
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    13 m
  • Exploring Global Issues at the PYP Exhibition
    May 23 2024

    In this week's WAB episode, we're joined by Grade 5 students Michelle and Justin, along with Elementary School teacher Kelly Crysell. They shared their experiences completing the PYP exhibition, shedding light on their motivation for selecting their topics, the knowledge they acquired, and their preparation process.

    Kelly provided an overview of the PYP exhibition program, also known as PYPx, stating, "The PYP exhibition is a culminating project that students do that brings in all the different parts of their PYP experience." Throughout the year, they engaged in discussions around various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both local and global, to foster their interest. Students are divided into groups, collaborating to explore their chosen area of interest and its associated local or global issues, while considering actionable steps. During the final phase, they then thought about how to create art that inspired people to take action, setting the stage for PYPx.

    Kelly also emphasizes the challenges of the PYPx, while students may be passionate and enthusiastic about their chosen topics they also need to invest a lot of effort into the research process.

    Michelle, a Grade 5 student, shares her passion for consumer choices, which led her to select SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and Production. Michelle explained, "The central idea that I had was consumer choices influence the well-being of all living things." Her group aimed to examine how individuals adapt and utilize resources and explore opportunities for improvement, recognizing that both positive and negative choices can yield varying outcomes.

    Justin, another Grade 5 student, expresses his team's choice of SDG 14, Life Underwater, with a specific focus on overfishing and plastic pollution. Justin emphasizes the significance of their decision, stating "It is our responsibility to protect it" with the ocean covering 71 percent of our planet. Their exploration centered around the alarming consequences of plastic pollution.

    If you're interested in the exciting student learning behind the PYPx, be sure to tune in to this episode!

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    11 m
  • Students and Head of EdTach Discuss the Impact of AI
    May 16 2024

    In this week's WAB Podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting a conversation with two Grade 11 students, Vanessa and Victoria, along with Kevin Crouch, WAB's Head of EdTech, IT, and Libraries. Together, they talked about WAB's approach to AI, its impact on students' learning, some of the challenges it poses, and how we can mitigate them.

    Kevin described WAB's approach to AI as "cautious optimism." He acknowledged the potential for profound learning gains through the use of AI but also recognized the uncertainties surrounding its implementation and the associated risks. He stressed the importance of an innovative approach, where early adopters and innovators collaborate with professionals to identify areas of interest that align well with student learning. This ensures that the benefits of AI tools are maximized while minimizing the introduction of potential risks.

    Victoria, a Grade 11 student, expressed her view that AI can be a helpful tool, particularly in finding relevant sources. However, she acknowledged the potential risks and opted to limit her use of AI to dictionaries and thesauruses.

    Another Grade 11 student Vanessa shared her positive experience using AI to enhance her French learning. She found it to be efficient and convenient. Nonetheless, she cautioned against the risks associated with AI becoming overly generative and diminishing human creativity and critical thinking processes.

    Find out more about WABs approach to AI on learn.wab.edu.

    To explore the full discussion of our students on AI and its impact on student learning, be sure to listen to this episode.

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    13 m
  • WAB's High School Global Crisis and Sustainability Program
    May 2 2024

    In this week's WAB podcast, we're joined by three special guests: Grade 9 student Mia, and Grade 10 student Sam, along with their teacher James Lindop. Together, they shared insights about our new Global Crisis and Sustainability subject as an alternate stream to I&S in Grades 9 and 10.

    James highlighted the new Global Crisis and Sustainability program, also known as GCNS, "showed a different way of thinking" to students and emphasized the importance of proactive inquiry and skill development. He provided an example of how he focuses on the connection between hazards and climate change while his colleague, Rob Clark, emphasizes mitigation strategies. Although they teach different aspects of Climate Change, their combined efforts provide students with a comprehensive understanding of complex global issues.

    Grade 9 student Mia shared her journey of choosing GCNS after attending an informative introductory session at the end of Grade 8. She said she enjoyed the freedom and flexibility it offers. Mia believes that when students are genuinely interested in a topic, they have the opportunity to learn and absorb information more effectively.

    Sam, a Grade 10 student, expressed his enthusiasm for the creative activities in the GCNS course, such as conducting different research and creating maps. He liked the course's student-centered approach, stating that it allows individuals to pursue their interests. Sam particularly enjoys mapping and reveals his consideration of making Geography one of his high-level DP courses.

    For more insights into WAB's Global Crisis and Sustainability program and to hear more student learning stories, please tune in to this episode!

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    12 m
  • Personalized Learning in WAB's Capstone Program
    Apr 24 2024

    In this week's WAB Podcast, we're joined by three special guests- Grade 11 students Elliot and Xander, who are currently participating in the Capstone program, along with their program coordinator, High School teacher Chris Hayden. Together, they shared why they chose the Capstone Program, their individual learnings, how they designed their own subject study, and the program's assessment process through panel presentations.

    Chris provided an overview of the Capstone Program. He emphasized that the program empowers students to take charge of their own learning by identifying their personal learning outcomes. By engaging in meaningful and long-term projects and internships, students are able to establish connections between those learning outcomes and real-world applications. Chris highlighted the student-led nature of the program, where students have the autonomy to shape their own learning experiences.

    Xander, a Grade 11 student, expressed his enthusiasm to "learn a lot of new things" through his Capstone Project in photography. He shared his desire to acquire extensive knowledge in this field and even mentioned the possibility of pursuing it as a potential side job in the future.

    Another Grade 11 student Elliot chose to focus on a car simulator. He shared he would use this opportunity to study the effect of adjusting car height and spoiler angles, aiming to gain insights for a future career as a race engineer.

    To learn more about WAB's Capstone Program and the exciting student stories behind it, don't miss out on this episode!

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    15 m
  • Growth and Global Engagement through Model UN
    Apr 18 2024
    In this episode of the WAB podcast, we have four special guests: Grade 7 student Mary, Grade 8 student Lachlan, Grade 10 student Ben, and Irina Karimova, the supervisor of WAB's Model United Nations (Model UN / MUN) Club. Together, they shared their inspiration for joining the Model UN club, how they prepare, their experiences, and personal growth along the way. Irina introduced how the Model UN is a platform for students interested in current affairs to learn and discuss global issues together. During Model UN conferences, students are assigned a country and role-play its delegation. Irina emphasized that the club aims to foster dialogue, broaden horizons, and highlight the importance of collaboration.   Ben, who joined the Model UN Club in seventh grade, described how it helped him learn about different countries. As a Grade 10 student, he now has been twice selected as the conference chair. Ben shared the extensive preparation required for this role, such as writing detailed reports to guide delegates' research and providing an overview of the topics. He encouraged other students to participate, assuring them that everyone starts with similar nerves and mistakes, emphasizing the importance of taking the first step.  Lachlan, a Grade 8 student, spoke about the significance of considering a country's stance when preparing position papers and opening speeches, particularly for important conferences like UNISMUN, the Model UN Conference held at the United Nations International School in Vietnam.  Grade 7 student Mary joined the Model UN Club due to her interest in Geography. And having participated for one year, she has won herself "Most Improved Delegate" at a recent Model UN conference in Beijing. Mary highlighted how her research skills, collaboration, and public speaking abilities have improved through her Model UN experiences.  If you're interested in the exciting story behind WAB's Model United Nations club, be sure to tune in to this episode!  
    Más Menos
    16 m