
  • Ep 98: Three Rs To Leverage Better Financial Performance, with Tom Seeko
    Jun 5 2024
    Episode Description

    In this episode of the Veterinary Leadership Success Show, Dr. Dave Nicol is joined by co-founder, financial advisor, and podcast host, Tom Seeko from Florida Veterinary Advisors. They discuss the importance of bringing on people whose personalities mesh with your business culture to set yourself up for success. Tom Seeko, shares insights as an official business financial guide and qualified financial advisor. Tune in for practical tips on leadership in the veterinary profession and creating a workplace where both people and pets can thrive.

    Aligning benefits with the values and principles of the business not only helps in recruiting and retaining talent but also contributes to a positive work culture and environment. It fosters a sense of belonging and commitment among employees, ultimately leading to a more successful and thriving practice.

    To enhance employee engagement and satisfaction, it is important to involve employees in the process of co-creating solutions. By actively engaging employees in decision-making processes and problem-solving activities, the practice can empower employees to take ownership of their work and contribute to the overall success of the practice. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and retention.

    In conclusion, a well-designed retention program that focuses on substantial rewards, cost recovery, creating a culture of care and value, involving employees in co-creating solutions, and active communication can significantly contribute to employee retention, job satisfaction, and overall practice success in the veterinary industry.

    Episode Outline

    [00:02:36] Being a business owner.

    [00:05:35] Taking on good debt.

    [00:07:48] Financial implications of business ownership.

    [00:11:29] Common cash crunches for business owners.

    [00:15:11] The three Rs in business.

    [00:17:38] Rewards and recognition in business.

    [00:21:29] Retention strategies and 409A rule.

    [00:23:18] Retaining Key Personnel in Business.

    [00:27:46] Sign-on bonuses and retention.

    [00:32:26] The battle for talent.

    [00:33:49] Co-creating for employee engagement.

    [00:35:41] Owning your position in work.

    [00:38:48] Networking in veterinary medicine.

    Episode Links

    Connect with Tom Seeko on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomseeko/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Ep 97: Driving Veterinary Practice Growth Through Efficiency and Leadership, with Dr. Peter Weinstein
    May 1 2024
    Episode Description

    In this week’s Veterinary Leadership Success Show, host Dr. Dave Nicol is joined by Dr. Peter Weinstein. They discuss crucial aspects of efficient processes and productivity within veterinary practice, the importance of both visionary and performance-based leadership, and the goal of creating a workplace where both people and pets can prosper. Dr. Peter Weinstein offers critical insights on optimizing practice efficiency, allowing veterinarians to focus on their primary functions and enhancing overall productivity and effectiveness.

    Efficient use of physical space is crucial in veterinary practices to enhance productivity and service quality. Dr. Peter Weinstein highlights the importance of configuring spaces to maximize utility without unnecessary expansion. He suggests increasing the number of exam rooms, which should be actively managed by both veterinarians and trained technicians. This strategy not only boosts the number of patients seen but also effectively leverages the skills of the entire team.

    Eliminating redundancy in processes is critical for improving efficiency and effectiveness. Dr. Weinstein advocates for standardized processes or "recipes" for routine tasks to ensure consistency and reduce errors. For example, checklists for surgical setups or anesthetic procedures can prevent omissions and enhance safety. He also suggests cross-training staff to handle different roles, increasing staffing flexibility and helping prevent burnout by varying tasks and responsibilities.

    Implementing these strategies leads to a more streamlined operation where veterinarians can maximize their productivity in critical and revenue-generating activities. When staff are trained and deployed effectively, the practice can handle a higher volume of cases without compromising quality of care, ultimately leading to increased profitability and client satisfaction.

    Episode Outline

    [00:03:12] The E-Myth Veterinarian book.

    [00:06:02] Efficiency and productivity in business.

    [00:08:26] Specialty veterinary clinics.

    [00:11:55] Utilizing technicians in exam rooms.

    [00:16:27] Understanding profit in veterinary practices.

    [00:19:32] Online vs. In-House Pharmacy Margins.

    [00:24:02] Online pharmacy integration.

    [00:26:40] Effective veterinary training programs.

    [00:31:52] Veterinary technician concurrent training.

    [00:34:52] Process improvement in veterinary clinics.

    [00:38:33] Productivity and efficiency discussion.

    [00:41:09] Leveraging technology in wellness exams.

    [00:45:12] Reducing workplace stress.

    [00:48:24] Audiophile book recommendation.

    Episode Links

    Connect with Dr. Peter Weinstein on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pawdr/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Ep 96: Cultivating a Positive Culture in Veterinary Medicine, with Nancy Slessenger
    Apr 10 2024

    Episode Description

    In this episode of the Veterinary Leadership Success Podcast, Dr. Dave Nicol is joined by mentor and friend, Nancy Slessenger, discussing the importance of identifying triggers and creating a plan to manage them effectively. The conversation touches on leadership in veterinary practices and includes valuable insights and practical tips on leadership in the veterinary profession.

    Nancy suggests rehearsing trigger scenarios and practicing how to respond calmly and collectedly. By visualizing potential trigger situations and planning appropriate responses, individuals can avoid impulsive reactions in the heat of the moment. This preparation allows for a more thoughtful and measured approach when faced with triggering events.

    Self-awareness and seeking feedback from trusted individuals are crucial components in improving emotional intelligence. The episode highlighted the importance of being aware of one's triggers and making a plan to deal with them before they escalate. By identifying what annoys you and seeking feedback from trusted individuals, you can gain valuable insights into your emotional responses and behaviors.

    Handling explosive behavior in the workplace requires self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a proactive approach to address underlying issues and prevent future incidents. By following the strategies discussed in the podcast episode, individuals can effectively manage their emotions, improve communication, and cultivate a positive and productive work environment.

    Episode Outline

    [00:02:23] High IQ and leadership behaviors.

    [00:05:06] Managing anger and communication

    [00:07:24] Destructive consequences of echo chambers.

    [00:13:54] Discovering the value of communication.

    [00:16:11] Emotional intelligence and feedback.

    [00:19:07] Rehearsing trigger situations.

    [00:24:40] Dealing with difficult conversations.

    [00:26:02] Managing up in the workplace.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course.

    Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue.

    At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown.

    If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now.

    To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course.

    Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue.

    At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown.

    If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now.

    To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Ep 95: Taking The Ownership Plunge, with Dr Matt Spiegle
    Mar 27 2024

    Episode Description

    In this week’s Veterinary Leadership Success Show, host Dr. Dave Nicol is joined by Dr. Matt Spiegle. Following a varied career path so far, Dr. Matt has taken the decision to get back into practice, but this time, as an owner.

    Everyone who decides to open or buy a vet practice does so with a mix of both excitement, fear and trepidation. Dr Matt’s story is no different and is the next stage in an emotional journey. A homecoming of sorts… more on that in the episode.

    If you are thinking about doing something similar then this show is well worth a listen. We cover quite a lot of ground including:

    How he arrived at the decision and what fears he had along the way.

    The reality of demands of starting and running a veterinary practice on family life.

    Why mentorship is going to be baked into his practice from the ground up.

    How technology can be used to improve life quality for veterinary teams.

    This is a peek under the hood at the opposite end of the clinical life spectrum as we chew the fat with a doc very much in start-up land! A different beast indeed to the regular run of the mill practice.

    I hope you enjoy our chat!

    Episode Outline

    • [00:01:50-00:02:01] Practice Ownership Renaissance.
    • [00:05:34-00:05:44] Mentorship in veterinary medicine.
    • [00:08:10] Compassion fatigue in veterinarians.
    • [00:12:29-00:12:39] Career Transition Challenges.
    • [00:16:38-00:16:48] Rewarding connections.
    • [00:18:11-00:18:22] Mentorship in Veterinary Practice.
    • [00:22:43-00:22:53] Corporate impact on veterinary medicine.
    • [00:24:23-00:24:34] Practice ownership discussion.

    Episode Links

    Visit Dr Matt’s practice website at https://eastendvets.ca/

    Connect with Dr. Matt Spiegle on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewspiegle/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Ep 94: Judge, Jury, and Firing Squad: Dealing with Inner Criticism in Veterinary Medicine
    Mar 13 2024

    Episode Description

    In this episode of the Veterinary Leadership Success Show, Dr. Dave delves into a pivotal aspect of self-development: confronting our inner critic with facts, not fiction. Drawing from personal experience, Dr. Dave shares a poignant moment where a distraction led to a medication error. Rather than succumbing to self-blame, Dr. Dave advocates for a pragmatic approach rooted in reality.

    By embracing facts, we can impartially dissect what went wrong without amplifying unwarranted guilt or fabricating narratives. Dr. Dave introduces the concept of crafting a defense counsel persona to challenge the inner critic's harsh verdicts. This persona adeptly focuses on the factual landscape, including recognizing distractions, pinpointing errors, and identifying areas ripe for improvement.

    By redirecting our attention to facts and objectively scrutinizing the situation, we can break free from the grip of self-reproach and shame. This method fosters a constructive analysis of missteps, paving the way for actionable strategies to grow and evolve. Moreover, it empowers individuals to glean valuable lessons from their experiences and implement safeguards to prevent recurrence.

    Ultimately, by confronting our inner critic armed with facts, we cultivate a clearer outlook, self-compassion, and a steadfast commitment to personal growth. Join Dr. Dave as he illuminates the path to resilience and self-improvement in the face of inner turmoil.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:01:14] The judge, the jury, and potentially the firing squad.
    • [00:06:35] Dealing with inner critics.
    • [00:08:42] Managing your inner critic.
    • [00:12:25] Dealing with self-criticism.
    • [00:15:47] Dealing with self-criticism.
    • [00:18:14] Ways to work through difficult situations.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Ep 93: Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Female Leadership in Veterinary Medicine, with Dr. Saye Clement
    Mar 6 2024

    Episode Description

    In this week’s Veterinary Leadership Success Show, Dr. Dave Nicol and Dr. Saye Clement delve into the significance of female leadership within the veterinary profession. Dr. Clement, an experienced veterinarian and former practice owner, shares her personal journey and insights, emphasizing the importance of women taking on leadership roles in the industry.

    Key Points:

    Representation Matters

    Dr. Clement stresses that the veterinary profession is predominantly female, underscoring the necessity of strong female leadership for the industry's progress. Aspiring women should be encouraged to step into leadership positions, mentor students, and contribute to the profession's advancement.

    Challenges and Opportunities

    Dr. Clement acknowledges the hurdles she faced as a female veterinarian, including biases and self-doubt. However, she also highlights the opportunities for women to have a significant impact by owning practices, mentoring others, and engaging in speaking opportunities.

    Empowerment Through Action

    Dr. Clement motivates aspiring female leaders to push beyond their comfort zones and seize opportunities for growth and development. She emphasizes the importance of challenging oneself, even in the presence of imposter syndrome, to make a meaningful contribution to the veterinary profession.

    Innovation and Mentorship

    The episode also explores the role of innovation, particularly in utilizing technology like AI to enhance teaching and mentorship in veterinary practice. Dr. Clement underscores the value of mentorship and the influence of supportive role models in shaping one's career and leadership journey.


    Female leadership is not only crucial but also transformative in the veterinary profession. Aspiring women should be empowered to embrace leadership roles, challenge traditional norms, and contribute their unique perspectives to drive innovation and growth within the industry. By fostering a culture of mentorship, support, and empowerment, the veterinary profession can create a more inclusive and dynamic environment for female leaders to thrive.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:01:04] Celebrating International Women's Day.
    • [00:08:21] Balancing career and family.
    • [00:09:27] Imposterism and self-doubt.
    • [00:13:35] Leadership and decision-making skills.
    • [00:18:46] Using technology to innovate mentoring.
    • [00:20:23] The evolution of communication.

    Episode Links

    Dr. Saye's LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/saye-clement-52a01422a

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number...

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Ep 92: Navigating Low Energy States as a Leader
    Feb 14 2024

    Episode Description

    In this episode of the Veterinary Leadership Success Show, Dr. Dave Nicol discusses navigating low energy states as a veterinary leader.

    Strategies for maintaining energy are crucial for leaders, as their energy not only affects their own well-being but also transfers to their team. In the podcast episode, several strategies were discussed:

    1. Self-awareness: Being aware of one's energy levels and recognizing the cyclical nature of energy is important. Understanding that there are highs and lows in energy throughout the year allows leaders to calibrate their energy levels accordingly. For example, during winter when the days are shorter and the weather is gloomy, it is natural to experience lower energy levels. By acknowledging this, leaders can adjust their expectations and take steps to replenish their energy.
    2. Rest and recovery: Rest is essential for maintaining energy levels. Just as athletes need rest days to improve their performance, leaders also need regular breaks to recharge. This can include taking a day off each week, going on vacation, or simply finding moments of rest throughout the day. Resting allows for adaptation and response to the demands of leadership, preventing burnout and exhaustion.
    3. Taking action on challenges: Addressing challenges and resolving them is crucial for maintaining energy. Leaders should not let negative or stressful situations fester but instead take proactive steps to tackle them. This may involve seeking help from outside sources, addressing conflicts, or implementing changes to improve the situation. By addressing challenges head-on, leaders can reduce stress and prevent the depletion of energy.
    4. Applying the 80-20 rule: The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. By identifying the smaller issues that are causing the most significant problems, leaders can prioritize their actions and focus on the most impactful tasks. This approach allows leaders to address the root causes of energy depletion and make efficient use of their time and resources.
    5. Finding sources of inspiration: Surrounding oneself with positive and inspiring influences can help maintain energy levels. Leaders can seek inspiration from various sources, such as YouTube videos, podcasts, or books. Engaging with content that aligns with their interests and goals can provide a fresh perspective and reinvigorate their energy. It is important to be selective and choose sources of inspiration that uplift and motivate rather than drain energy.

    In summary, maintaining energy as a leader requires self-awareness, rest and recovery, taking action on challenges, and finding sources of inspiration. By implementing these strategies, leaders can sustain their energy levels and create a positive and energized environment for themselves and their teams.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:01:06] Energy and its impact.
    • [00:05:23] Low energy moments in leadership.
    • [00:08:00] Cyclical nature of energy.
    • [00:11:40] Depleting and replenishing energy.
    • [00:15:57] Tackling toxic teammates.
    • [00:19:31-00:19:42] Rest and sources of inspiration.


    • "Energy is so, so important to leaders."
    • "meh, no, that's not important. Don't listen to that clown. He doesn't really care. Doesn't really know. Doesn't know you. That's boring. You're good.”
    • "Our energy as a parent transfers to our children. Our energy as a leader transfers to our teams."
    • "Rest is where a lot of the gains are made. When you're doing something and you're just doing too much of it, make sure you're resting."
    • "One person can wreck a culture. You address that issue with that person either by coaching them up or coaching them out and the culture...
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Ep 91: VMX 2024
    Dec 13 2023

    Episode Description

    In this episode of the Veterinary Leadership Success Podcast, Dr. Dave Nicol announces his upcoming talks at VMX and shares his excitement about presenting new content. He discusses his schedule and highlights a specific talk titled "Just a GP Veterinarian: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome," which will be hosted by IDEX. Dr. Nicol expresses his honor and enthusiasm for speaking with students and empowers veterinary practice owners and managers to become effective leaders.

    Tune in for practical tips and insights on leadership in the veterinary profession.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:02:28] Managing online negativity with real-life success stories.
    • [00:04:09] Create Clarity with a Vision.
    • [00:07:46] A double M brand.


    • "Create a culture that supports your mission."

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Today’s show is brought to you by Leaders, Dr Dave Nicol's Leadership training course. Are people the major pain point in your practice? If so, you are not alone; over 90% of managers report staff problems as their number one issue. At the root of this problem are usually three dysfunctions: A poorly articulated vision, toxic culture, or some form of leadership breakdown. If this sounds familiar, then do not despair. Help is at hand. We encourage you to check out ‘Leaders', a veterinary-specific Leadership training program where you will learn how to create and execute a shared vision, hire well, and build a powerful high-performance practice culture without the drama. The class is accredited, delivered online, and open for applications now. To learn more, listen to a free training webinar, or apply – visit www.drdavenicol.com/leaders today.

    Más Menos
    12 m