
  • #53 - How To Handle Last Minute Requests
    Jun 6 2024

    Whether you’re in public or private, chances are you’ve experienced last minute requests more times than you can count.

    It’s a common dilemma for us, especially when deadlines are tight, expectations are high, and the pressure to produce can sometimes feel overwhelming.

    But here’s the thing: while last-minute requests may be an inevitable part of the job, they don’t have to throw you off course or send you into a tailspin of stress and anxiety.

    With the right strategies and mindset, you can learn to navigate these situations with confidence, professionalism, and yes, even a sense of calm.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Understanding Your Brain's Role in Navigating Last-Minute Requests

    ✅ Dealing With The Emotional Turmoil

    ✅ A Four-Step Process To Help Handle Last Minute Requests

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Handling Last Minute Requests Successfully

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about how to handle last minute requests.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Podcast HERE

    You can download The Smarter Accountant Podcast Guide HERE

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    24 m
  • #52 - 3 Secrets To Creating More Time
    May 29 2024

    First, let me share that I love helping accountants with time management because I know first hand how it feels to never seem to have enough time.

    Believe me, I've been there too, buried under my workload, tax returns, and looming deadlines, wondering how to squeeze more hours out of the day.

    But here’s the hard truth: time management is NOT taught correctly to accountants. In fact, we’re typically given work to do, maybe a budgeted amount of time to do it, but not shown how to actually manage our time.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Secret #1 - Your Time Management BFF

    ✅ Secret #2 – Sticking To It

    ✅ Secret #3 - The Gift Of Focus

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Creating More Time

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about the 3 secrets to creating more time.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take The Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

    You can download the Podcast Guide HERE

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    22 m
  • #51 - Have You Fallen Into Accounting HELL?
    May 23 2024

    Are you constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and feeling like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of unproductive habits?

    Does your workday leave you mentally exhausted, unable to manage your time effectively, and struggling to keep up with your responsibilities?

    If so, you’re not alone. Many accountants find themselves trapped in what I call “Accounting HELL.

    But what is Accounting HELL? Listen in as I explain.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Breaking Bad Habits

    ✅ Letting Go Of Your Ego

    ✅ The Most Important Thing You Could Learn

    ✅ Overcoming Laziness

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Getting Out Of HELL

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about falling into accounting HELL.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

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    22 m
  • #50 - Asking Better Questions
    May 16 2024

    As a CPA and a Professional Certified Coach for accountants, I've witnessed firsthand how the quality of questions impacts decision-making, time management, problem-solving, and overall effectiveness.

    Basically, the questions we ask affect how we feel which then affects what we do or don’t do.

    Here’s the problem: most of those questions are pretty lousy.

    They’re like those annoying pop-up ads that clutter your screen when you’re trying to look up something – distracting, unhelpful, and downright irritating.

    Think about it: when you ask yourself a question, you’re basically sending your brain on a mission to find an answer. In fact, your brain is like a Google search bar.

    But depending on the quality of that question, your brain’s going to come back with either a helpful or unhelpful answer.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Dead-End Questions

    ✅ Powerful Questions

    ✅ Incorporating Powerful Questions

    ✅ Using a Powerful Question To Have An Easier Career

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Accountants Asking Better Questions

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about asking better questions.

    You can read the full show notes HERE.

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE.

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    22 m
  • #49 - Who's In Your Room
    May 9 2024

    In this episode I talk about something that might seem a bit unconventional for our line of work but trust me, it's crucial for our success – who is taking up space in our minds.

    You know, people from our past and the people we interact with day in and day out.

    They all play a significant role in shaping our accounting careers, whether we realize it or not.

    Imagine your life is a room, and everyone you’ve ever met is in your room. You’ve got supportive and reliable people and you’ve got the ones who drain your energy, cause unnecessary drama, and clutter your space.

    The key is - no one ever leaves your room; ever.

    Every person you’ve ever met is still in your room, so the key is that you’re going to want to make sure you’re designating where everyone is allowed to be in your room.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Understanding Your “Room”

    ✅ Evaluating Your Professional Relationships

    ✅ Designing and Organizing Your “Room”

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Being Clear About “Who’s In Your Room”

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about how the concept of "Who's In Your Room?"

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take The Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

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    23 m
  • #48 - How To Handle Other People's Opinions
    May 2 2024

    In this episode, I want to talk about something that affects us all: handling other people's opinions.

    This topic is important because, let's face it, we're constantly bombarded with what others think, whether it’s about us or everything around us.

    Think about it: whether it's a client questioning your expertise or a friend criticizing your career choices, everyone has opinions and sometimes they can really get under your skin.

    But here's the thing - knowing how to handle other people’s opinions can make all the difference in how we feel and how we navigate our professional and personal lives.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Handling Other People's Opinions of You

    ✅ Your Brain’s Role In Handling Other People’s Opinions Of You

    ✅ Handling Other People’s Opinions of Everything Else

    ✅ Curiosity Instead Of Condemnation

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Effectively Handling Other People’s Opinions

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about how to handle other people's opinions.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take The Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

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    21 m
  • #47 - Overcoming Avoidance
    Apr 25 2024

    Take a second and think about some of the things you’ve been avoiding:

    • Having a difficult conversation
    • Making that doctor or dentist appointment
    • Doing your own budget or taxes
    • Starting that new exercise routine
    • Firing that difficult client
    • Starting that complicated project
    • Organizing your inbox

    The problem is that failing to address our tendency to avoid only adds unnecessary stress to our lives.

    Let’s face it, accounting is already demanding; we don’t need to make it even more difficult on ourselves by giving into avoidance.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ Common Reasons For Avoidance For Accountants

    ✅ Your Brain's Role in Avoidance

    ✅ A Step-by-Step Approach For Overcoming Avoidance

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Overcoming Avoidance

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about overcoming avoidance.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take the 5-minute Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

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    24 m
  • #46 - Why Your Brain Does Not Want You To Advance In Your Accounting Career
    Apr 18 2024

    Have you ever considered advancing in your accounting career or possibly going out on your own, only to have it feel like an uphill battle?

    It turns out, our brains might be playing a bigger role in that struggle than we realize.

    As accountants, we're all about professional growth and chasing those financial milestones, but our brains have a funny way of prioritizing safety over ambition.

    They're wired to keep us in our comfort zones, even if that means missing out on opportunities for success.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    ✅ The Comfort Zone Trap

    ✅ Fear Of Failure

    ✅ Imposter Syndrome

    ✅ Becoming a Smarter Accountant: Managing Your Brain So You Can Advance In Your Accounting Career

    Tune in to The Smarter Accountant Podcast today and join the discussion about why your brain does not want you to advance in your accounting career.

    You can read the full show notes HERE

    You can take The Smarter Accountant Quiz HERE

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    23 m