
  • The Evolution of Snyk, The Developer Security Company, With Guy Podjarny
    May 28 2024

    Episode Summary

    In this special episode of “The Secure Developer,” host Danny Allan interviews Snyk founder Guy Podjarny about the origins and evolution of Snyk. Guy shares his journey from conceptualizing Snyk in the shower to building it into a developer-first security platform. They discuss the challenges and successes of integrating security into the developer workflow, the importance of open-source security, and the impact of AI on the industry. Guy also provides insights into Snyk’s focus on remediation and the future of autonomous developer security.

    Show Notes

    In this episode of The Secure Developer, host Danny Allan sits down with Guy Podjarny, founder of Snyk, for an engaging conversation about the company's journey and its impact on the DevSecOps landscape. Guy shares the story of Snyk's inception, from the initial idea sparked in a shower to its development into a leading developer-first security platform. He discusses the challenges faced in the early days, including the need to balance depth and breadth in their security solutions and how these experiences shaped Snyk's approach to integrating security seamlessly into the developer workflow.

    Guy delves into the pivotal moments that defined Snyk's evolution, such as the decision to focus on open-source security and the subsequent expansion into container and infrastructure as code security. He highlights the importance of making security tools that developers love and can easily adopt, which has been a cornerstone of Snyk’s philosophy. The conversation also touches on the strategic acquisitions that bolstered Snyk's capabilities, particularly the acquisition of DeepCode, which brought innovative AI-driven static analysis into the fold.

    As the discussion moves forward, Guy and Danny explore the future of security in the AI era. They consider the potential of AI to revolutionize how vulnerabilities are detected and fixed, envisioning a future where code can be autonomously corrected without developer intervention. Guy emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to security, one that combines static analysis with runtime insights to provide comprehensive protection.

    This episode offers a deep dive into the philosophy, challenges, and innovations that have driven Snyk’s success. It provides listeners with valuable insights into the evolution of developer-first security and the role of AI in shaping the future of software development. Whether you're a developer, security professional, or tech enthusiast, this conversation is packed with lessons and foresight that you won’t want to miss. Tune in to hear from one of the leading minds in DevSecOps and learn how Snyk continues to lead the charge in making security an integral part of the development process.


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  • Secrets Management With Doppler's Brian Vallelunga
    Apr 23 2024

    Episode Summary

    In this episode of The Secure Developer we're joined by Brian Vallelunga, Founder and CEO of Doppler, to discuss the importance of secrets management in modern application development. Brian shares his journey in creating Doppler, a secrets manager designed for developers and DevOps teams, and highlights the challenges organizations face in managing sensitive data such as API keys, database credentials, and certificates. The conversation explores best practices for secure secret storage, the need for industry-wide adoption of secrets rotation, and the potential impact of AI on the future of secrets management and identity-based authentication.

    Show Notes

    In this insightful episode of The Secure Developer, we sit down with Brian Vallelunga, Founder and CEO of Doppler, to dive deep into the critical topic of secrets management in modern application development. Brian shares Doppler's unique founding story, which began as a crypto machine learning marketplace but pivoted to address the pressing need for effective secrets management solutions.

    Throughout the conversation, Brian and Danny explore the challenges developers and organizations face when managing sensitive data, such as API keys, database credentials, and certificates. They discuss best practices for secure secret storage, emphasizing the importance of encryption, seamless integration with developer workflows, and creating a positive developer experience.

    The discussion also touches on the industry's struggle with secrets rotation and the need for standardization across providers to enable effective rotation strategies. Brian and Danny consider the potential role of compliance requirements, such as SOC 2, in driving the adoption of robust secrets management practices.

    Looking to the future, the pair explores the impact of artificial intelligence on secrets management and the potential shift towards identity-based authentication. They envision a world where AI agents dynamically provision infrastructure and manage the connections between various services, with secrets managers facilitating seamless authentication.

    Tune in to this engaging episode to gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of secrets management and discover how industry leaders like Snyk and Doppler are working to secure the future of application development.


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  • Special Update!
    Apr 9 2024

    Special news about the future of The Secure Developer!

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  • Unravelling Trends In Data Security With Danny Allan
    Mar 20 2024

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    Are you curious about the ever-changing landscape of data security? In this episode, we are joined by Danny Allan, the newly appointed Chief Technology Officer at Snyk, to delve into the evolving landscape of data security. In our conversation, we discussed his professional background and how he went from hacking security systems at university to becoming a security expert at Snyk. Hear about his experience in dynamic application security testing and the challenges and opportunities of working for large companies. We unpack how controlling human actions can reduce security vulnerabilities, the nuances of running cloud-hosted services, and how the techniques used for static application security testing have changed. Danny explains the importance of considering security aspects during the early stages of software development and how governance has integrated into data security measures. Gain valuable insights into the ever-changing landscape of data security, AI’s potential role in revolutionizing security practices, and much more.

    Show Notes

    In this episode, Guy Podjarny is joined by Danny Allan, the new CTO at Snyk. Danny shares his fascinating career journey that has taken him in and out of the application security space over the past 20+ years.

    They discuss how application security practices like static analysis (SAST) and dynamic scanning (DAST) have evolved, with SAST becoming much faster and easier to integrate earlier in the development cycle. Danny reflects on what has changed and what has surprisingly stayed the same since his earlier days in AppSec.

    The conversation digs into the intersections between application security, data security, cloud security, and how these domains are becoming more interconnected as the same teams take on responsibilities across these areas. Danny draws insights from his recent experience at Veeam, highlighting how practices like data immutability and multi-person authorization grew in importance to combat ransomware threats.

    Looking ahead, Danny and Guy explore the potential impact of AI/ML on application security. From automating threat modeling to personalizing vulnerability findings based on developer interests to generating rules and fixes, Danny sees AI unlocking many opportunities to transform AppSec practices.

    Overall, this episode provides a unique perspective spanning Danny's 20+ year career in security. His experiences illustrate the evolution of AppSec tooling and processes, the blurring of domains like app/data/cloud security, and how AI could radically reshape the future of application security.


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  • The Crucial Role Of Consolidated Platforms In DevSecOps With John Delmare
    Feb 26 2024

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    Explore the role of consolidated platforms in software development with our guest, John Delmare, Global Application and Cloud Security Lead of Accenture. This episode dives into the growing complexity in the developer space and how these platforms streamline processes and foster collaboration among distributed teams. We discuss balancing application and cloud security, the financial and time-saving benefits of integrated platforms, and the role of best-of-breed technology in an evolving tooling landscape. Tune in for a preview of future secure development practices and practical advice on navigating this dynamic space.

    Show Notes

    In this engaging episode of The Secure Developer, host Simon Maple chats with John Delmare, Managing Director of Accenture and Global Application and Cloud Security Lead, about the movement towards platform consolidation in the field of DevSecOps.

    They dive into an in-depth exploration of the potential advantages and barriers that emerge from the reduction of tool sprawl. Using his extensive experience and insights, Delmare sheds light on how this development can enhance efficiency for developers and, at the same time, benefit companies by making processes more streamlined, cost-efficient, and effective.

    Not losing sight of the role of best-of-breed tools, the conversation takes a turn into how such tools fare in the current scenario, whether they still hold relevance, or if the consolidation trend is set to overshadow them. More intriguingly, Delmare and Maple delve into the potential implications of emerging technologies like General Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) on the strategies for security tooling.

    Further enriching the conversation, they emphasize the critical need for a common ground between security and development teams. Platform consolidation comes into play here by offering shared data views and aligning the teams towards unified goals, making the perfect case for seamless DevSecOps practices.

    This episode is packed with insights that would cater to developers, security professionals, and decision-makers in the IT industry, offering them a clearer view of the current trends and allowing them to make strategically sound decisions. Tune in to be part of this insightful conversation.


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  • Redefining Cybersecurity With Sean Catlett
    Feb 12 2024

    Episode Summary

    In this episode of The Secure Developer, Guy Podjarny and guest Sean Catlett discuss the shift from traditional to engineering-first security practices. They delve into the importance of empathy and understanding business operations for enforcing better security. Catlett emphasizes utilizing AI for generic tasks to focus on crafting customized security strategies.

    Show Notes

    In this episode of The Secure Developer, host Guy Podjarny chats with experienced CISO Sean Catlett about transforming traditional security cultures into a more modern, engineering-first approach. Together, they delve into the intricacies of this paradigm shift and the resulting impact on organizational dynamics and leadership perspectives.

    Starting with exploring how an empathetic understanding of a business's operational model can significantly strengthen security paradigms, the discussion progresses toward the importance of creating specialized security protocols per unique business needs. They stress that using AI and other technologies for generic tasks can free up teams to concentrate on building tailored security solutions, thereby amplifying their efficiency and impact on the company's growth.

    In the latter part of the show, Catlett and Podjarny investigate AI's prospective role within modern security teams and lay out some potential challenges. Recognizing the rapid evolutionary pace of such technologies, they believe keeping up with AI advancements is crucial for capitalizing on its benefits and pre-empting potential pain points.

    AI-curious listeners will find this episode brimming with valuable insights as Catlett and Podjarny demystify the complexities and highlight the opportunities of the current security landscape. Tune in to learn, grow, and transform your security strategy.


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  • Inside The Matrix Of Container Security: A Deep Dive Into Container Breakout Vulnerabilities
    Jan 31 2024

    Episode Summary

    In this special episode, our guest host, Liran Tal, interviews Snyk's Staff Security Researcher, Rory McNamara, about newly discovered high-impact container breakout vulnerabilities. Liran and Rory go deep into the vulnerabilities and cover everything you need to know, how the vulnerabilities were discovered, and much more.

    Show Notes

    In this informative episode of The Secure Developer, guest host Liran Tal chats with Snyk security researcher Rory McNamara about his ground-breaking discoveries related to Docker vulnerabilities. McNamara's diligent investigations have spotlighted significant container breakout weaknesses, prompting a deep-dive exploration of the complexities of Docker’s security scene.

    Refreshingly candid about the intricacies involved in tracking down these vulnerabilities, McNamara shares the detective-like processes he uses to trace the connections between key components and functionalities. As they discuss the eye-opening potential for exploitation, Rory highlights how using strace helped him decode the problematic underbelly of Docker.

    Listening to this episode opens up a world of understanding about software supply chain security and the wider implications of these emerging vulnerabilities. Ideal for both security leaders wanting to stay on the cutting edge and developers interested in the nitty-gritty, this conversation not only reveals the problems but also offers solutions. McNamara drives home the importance of timely updates, adopting the principle of least privilege, and layering security measures for optimal protection. This is a must-listen for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of today's vital security challenges.


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  • Threat Modeling In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence With Laura Bell Main
    Jan 29 2024

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    Laura Bell Main, CEO at SafeStack, discusses the two-fold implications of AI for threat modeling in DevSecOps. She highlights challenges in integrating AI systems, the importance of data verifiability, and the potential efficiencies AI tools can introduce. With guidance, she suggests it's possible to manage the complexities and ensure the responsible utilization of AI.

    Show Notes

    In this intriguing episode of The Secure Developer, listen in as Laura Bell Main, CEO at SafeStack, dives into the intricate world of AI and its bearing on threat modeling. Laura provides a comprehensive glimpse into the dynamic landscape of application security, addressing its complexities and the pivotal role of artificial intelligence.

    Laura elucidates how AI has the potential to analyze vulnerabilities, identify risks, and make repetitive tasks efficient. As she delves deeper, she explores how AI can facilitate processes and significantly enhance security measures within the DevSecOps pipeline. She also highlights a crucial aspect - AI is not just an enabler but should be seen as a partner in achieving your security objectives.

    However, integrating AI into existing systems is not without its hurdles. Laura illustrates the complexities of utilizing third-party AI models, the vital importance of data verifiability, and the possible pitfalls of over-reliance on an LLM.

    As the conversation advances, Laura provides insightful advice to tackle these challenges head-on. She underscores the importance of due diligence, the effective management of AI integration, and the necessity of checks and balances. With proactive measures and responsible use, she affirms that AI has the potential to transform threat modeling.

    Don't miss this episode as Laura provides a thoughtful overview of the intersection of AI and threat modeling, offering important insights for anyone navigating the evolving landscape of DevSecOps. Whether you're a developer, a security enthusiast, or a tech leader, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways.


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