
  • Idle to Ideal: Slice Into Downtime in Your Med Spa
    May 28 2024

    This week on the show, Leisa Krauss, your Bitch’n Beautician, dissects the all-too-common issue of wasted downtime in medical spas. With a no-bullshit approach honed over 30 years in the biz, Krauss serves up a smorgasbord of tactics to transform those dead hours into money-making power hours.

    Krauss takes aim at the usual suspects—gossiping staff, AWOL employees, and errand runners—and emphasizes the need for a team that's locked, loaded, and ready for walk-ins. She dishes out a meaty list of downtime to-dos, from client call-backs and inventory control to staff training and treatment room overhauls.

    But it's not just about keeping busy. Krauss wants her people to level up, urging them to hit the books, jump on webinars, and get their learn on. She's also a big believer in the power of the pow-wow, encouraging staff to put their heads together and brainstorm ways to boost the biz.

    Krauss doesn't mince words when separating the wheat from the chaff. In her world, there are "business builders" and "paycheck collectors," and she knows which ones are worth their salt. Her advice? Make your expectations crystal clear, and post that list of downtime duties where everyone can see it.

    By implementing these power moves, Krauss is convinced that med spas can crank up their efficiency, keep their standards sky-high, and build a team that's tighter than a drum. Her parting shot? Share the podcast, stay focused, stay sharp, and stay fabulous. Boom.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Rantaroonie • A Slice of Advice
    May 21 2024

    🍕 Attention med spa managers and owners: Put down the pepperoni and listen up! 🔥

    In this oozy episode, Leisa Krauss, the Bitch'n Beautician, calls out the cheesy practice of using pizza parties as a substitute for proper employee compensation. 🍕❌💰

    Leisa argues that while pizza parties have their place, they fall flat when it comes to recognizing the hard work and dedication of medical aesthetic professionals. Real motivation comes from bonuses, benefits, and professional development opportunities – not just a greasy slice of appreciation. Leisa urges med spa leaders to skip the menu and check their budgets, emphasizing that investing in your team delivers far better results than a pizza party ever could. 📊💪

    To all the hardworking med spa professionals out there: Know your worth and demand more than just the occasional pizza! 🙌💅

    Tune in for Leisa's unfiltered take on this cheesy issue and learn how to properly reward your team for a job well done.

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    5 m
  • All in the Family: The Perils and Pitfalls of Working with Relatives in the Med Spa
    May 14 2024

    In the latest episode of "The Scalpel of Truth," host Lisa Krauss, known as the "Bitchin' Beautician," cuts through the niceties and gets down to the nitty-gritty of working with family members in the medical aesthetics industry. With her signature blend of sass, savvy, and a sprinkle of salty language, Krauss dishes out hard-earned wisdom from her 30 years in the business.

    From the husband-wife duo to the sibling rivalry, working with relatives can be a tricky tightrope to walk. Krauss doesn't mince words as she shares cautionary tales of family dynamics gone awry in the med spa setting. She emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries, maintaining professionalism, and leaving personal baggage at the door.

    But what happens when a family member's work performance is lackluster? Krauss offers up scripts for those awkward conversations, stressing the need to approach the situation as colleagues first and family second. She also tackles thorny issues like financial decisions, work-life balance, and the dreaded question of what to do when it's time to cut a relative loose.

    While working with family can be a popular business model in the industry, Krauss warns that it's not for the faint of heart. She urges med spa owners to take a long, hard look at their family affairs and to seek honest feedback from their team - even if it means opening up a can of worms.

    So, grab a stiff drink (or maybe just a strong cup of coffee) and tune in as Krauss slices through the complications of family-run med spas with her signature sharp wit and no-nonsense advice. Your business (and your sanity) just might thank you.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Rantaroonie • Hey, Is this an In-N-Out Burger?!?
    May 7 2024

    In this week's Rantaroonie, Leisa Krauss tackles a crucial issue in medical spas: lack of treatment room preparation. She explains why fully stocked and set up rooms are essential for providing a professional, high-quality experience.

    Bottom line? Stake the stink!

    In the competitive medical aesthetics industry, flawless preparation is a key differentiator. Treatments are not necessities! So providing a "magical experience" is crucial for patient retention. Frequent interruptions reduce the perceived value of these pricey services.

    Rantaroonie reminds med spa professionals that investing time upfront to get fully set up pays dividends in client satisfaction and business growth.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • No More Excuses: Time to Cut the Crap and Elevate Your Clinic Culture
    Apr 30 2024

    In our first sharp-tongued episode, Leisa Krauss, the Bitch’n Beautician, slices and dices the difference between "Paycheck Collectors" and "Business Builders" in the medical aesthetics industry. Brace yourself for some seriously salty language as Leisa unapologetically calls out the 30% of service providers, managers, and owners who she believes don't deserve to be in the industry.

    Leisa breaks down the telltale signs of Paycheck Collectors, including lack of initiative, minimal effort, low engagement, frequent absenteeism, resistance to feedback, clock-watching, lack of patient focus, resistance to change, poor collaboration, and no interest in professional development. She emphasizes the importance of identifying these individuals early on to prevent them from eroding your practice's foundation.

    On the flip side, Leisa celebrates the qualities of Business Builders and Revenue Generators, such as proactive engagement, high patient satisfaction, strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, initiative for learning, adaptability, strong collaboration, results-oriented mindset, patient retention efforts, marketing savvy, innovation, and leadership qualities.

    Leisa urges owners and managers to take a hard look at their own behaviors and create a thriving environment for their A-game players. She doesn't hold back when calling out doctors who show up late, leaving patients waiting, and stresses the importance of rewarding and celebrating Business Builders to prevent them from becoming your competition.

    Get ready for a no-holds-barred episode that will have you reevaluating your team and your own behaviors. Leisa's sharp insights and unapologetic delivery will leave you inspired to cultivate a team of Business Builders and give the boot to those Paycheck Collectors weighing you down. Tune in now and stay sharp, focused, and fabulous!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • This is The Scalpel of Truth
    Apr 15 2024

    Tired of the same old nonsense in the aesthetics industry? Craving unfiltered insights to take your practice to the next level? Look no further than The Scalpel of Truth Podcast, hosted by Leisa Krauss, The Bitch'n Beautician.

    With three decades of experience, Leisa peels back the surface to reveal the truth behind medical aesthetics. Each episode dives deep into the hottest topics, delivered with precision and punch. From provocative Rant-a-roonies to practice growth strategies, The Scalpel of Truth is the must-listen podcast for the medical aesthetics industry. Leisa's no-nonsense approach and sharp insights will have you hooked from the start.

    Fair warning: this podcast isn't for the easily offended! Leisa's truth bombs and reality checks are designed to give you the insights needed to succeed in this competitive industry. If you're ready to steer your practice to the forefront and unlock the secrets of success—and you bring your thick skin—The Scalpel of Truth is for you.

    Subscribe now on your favorite podcast platform and never miss a beat in the world of medical aesthetics. With The Scalpel of Truth, you'll cut through the noise and reach new heights of success.

    You’re on the sharp edge—welcome to The Scalpel of Truth.

    Más Menos
    2 m