
  • The Ripple Effect Podcast: Setting Sailing with Emily Leach
    Jun 1 2024

    Talk about a career pivot! My friend Emily Leach is living her dream and finding her true calling in the process. I

    n this episode, you'll meet one of the sweetest and kindest people you could ever hope to have in your life. Emily Leach, or should I say Captain Emily Leach, is a certified sailing instructor who helps women learn the beautiful art of sailing and, in doing so, helps them discover a whole level of empowerment along the way.

    Let's cast our sails and let the breeze take us where it must in this enjoyable and eye-opening conversation with Emily Leach.

    To learn more about Emily check out her website: https://sailsandgrace.com

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilyleach/

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The Ripple Effect Podcast: Imagineering and Rippling with Brian Collins
    May 11 2024

    I'm not in Disneyland right now, but asking about the process of bringing Disney attractions to life takes my adrenaline rush sky high. Getting an idea of how the magic happens makes it even more magical!

    Today's special guest for The Ripple Effect Podcast is Former Walt Disney Imagineer—Brian Collins. You might be wondering, "What's an Imagineer? Is that even a word?"

    Walt Disney Imagineers bring the words "imagination" and "engineering" together. They are teams with a range of expertise responsible for the design, creation, and construction of Disney theme parks, cruises, and attractions worldwide.

    When you visit Walt Disney attractions at a young age, you probably won't wonder how these theme parks come to life. It’s simply magic! They just leave you with this glazed look of amazement. But today, Brian Collins will share his colorful journey working with Disney and give us a glimpse of the creative processes and hard work behind Walt Disney attractions. Spoiler alert: It’s not easy.

    After his impressive work at Disney, Brian Collins embarked on new adventures as a passionate Instructor at the University of Central Florida, became the Founder of The Brainstorm Institute, and Co-Founder and President of the Ensō Education Institute. Among his long list of mind-blowing accomplishments, Brian is also a successful keynote speaker and a master storyteller.

    Get ready to be inspired by a creative mind. Are you ready for a rollercoaster ride of creativity and learning?

    Ripple and connect with Brian Collins through these websites and his social media accounts.





    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bcollinsorlando/

    Instagram: @beingcre8eve

    Facebook: WDWithMe

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • The Ripple Effect Podcast: May The 4th Be With You
    May 4 2024

    Steve talks Star Wars, connection points and just how different the universe might have been had he been the Chosen One and asked to sit next to The Emperor AKA George Lucas. This fun solo (as in Han) episode is like an exploration of the cave on The Dagoba System (Yoda's swampy home) except it's scarier. Because you look into the deep crevices of Steve's Star Wars influenced mind and that is way scarier than facing Darth Vader.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Lorenza Muñoz Is Making Community Cool Again
    Apr 27 2024
    I was so honored to interview former L.A. Times reporter and Amazon MGM executive Lorenza Muñoz in this episode of The Ripple Effect Podcast. Lorenza is an incredible entrepreneur on a mission to create connection, community and collaboration together to create even bigger Ripples in the world. Connecting as human beings is in our evolutionary nature. It is fundamental to our human experience and essential for flourishing. Obviously, this is not news. Communities throughout history have gathered around fires, told stories, bonded, reflected on spiritual needs–together. But these societal norms have slowly been eroding for a variety of reasons. Community seemed like it was much easier to find only a few decades ago, whether it was through religious institutions or neighborhood gatherings or long held traditions. The lingering trauma of COVID isolation we all experienced, the distraction of social media that seeks to replace in person connection with a virtual one have made the need for connection urgent. As human beings, we need to socialize in order to understand our connection to the world around us. The premise behind Artemis Muse Productions is threefold: •Bring back the concept of community–live and in person. •Catalyze groups and individuals around issues, themes, art or ideas through vibrant gatherings and discussions. •Advance company or individual business initiatives and ideas through curated gatherings. Artemis Muse is a connector-catalyst, ready to spread ideas, to create experiences that light up our emotional, artistic needs and to instigate change. INSPIRATION: Salons: Back in the 17th and 18th Century, Salons were held (mostly led by women) in Paris and other European cities to discuss ideas, science and politics. These women were friends with the artists and writers and intellectuals. Some were patrons of the arts. But mostly, they provided exposure to artists and thinkers and served as catalysts for some of the radical ideas that led to the Enlightenment. Harlem Renaissance: The cradle of Black intellectual and artistic thought. A movement that continues to reverberate today with its thought leaders like Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston and others blazing a path for Black influence, thought and art. Georgia Douglas Johnson, a poet and writer who hosted the S Street Salon in Washington DC, was particularly influential. Her Saturday Nighters were legendary gatherings where women’s rights were discussed, anti-lynching action was hatched and literary minds expanded in a supportive, safe environment. Mexico City: My personal inspiration came through osmosis. Within my own family, there were salons hosted by my Great Aunt (affectionately called Toe). She was a maverick for her time and place, deciding not to marry and instead to follow her own career path in Mexican society. For nearly two decades, Toe held court in her beautiful apartment overlooking Mexico City with writers, intellectuals, bankers, artists and thought leaders. My grandmother also developed and cultivated community. For nearly 70 years, she was at the center of a group of women (jokingly) called “Las Intocables,” or “The Untouchables.” They were a fearsome group of 12 or so women who were best friends and saw each other through life and all of its changes, rituals, happy moments and tragedies. They were also the group to know for any woman hoping to enter into the tight knit world of Cuernavaca, a city about 1 hour south of Mexico City that became a weekend destination and globally renown resort town. I learned about community through my family, but I began to nurture and lead community gatherings professionally during my time as the head of member relations and awards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. When I arrived in 2015, my mandate was to create outreach and opportunities for the members to feel more connected to each other and the institution. We needed to find ways to open up the membership to more women and underrepresented groups who, historically, had not been invited. We needed to create events and gatherings that brought together our members several times a year–not just through the Oscars. We were successful in creating the first ever annual gathering of female members in Los Angeles, New York, London and other cities–complete with a grant award for female filmmakers. We ushered in a new era of inclusivity, with the organization’s Board of Governors becoming more diverse in gender, race and ethnicity than ever before–nearly 50% female by 2020 compared to less than 10% in 2015 among many other accomplishments. It was at the Academy that I realized that no matter how rich or how famous you might be, a sense of belonging, of feeling seen and valued, is essential for any human being. Be sure to check out her website and let her know one thing that stood out or inspired you about what she shared in this episode: https://thelorenzamunoz.com/
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    1 h y 3 m
  • The Ripple Effect Podcast: Thinking Outside of Ourselves with Molly Carroll
    Apr 5 2024

    After watching and listening to Molly Carroll's TEDx Talk, I instantly felt that she is one of a kind. I'm repeatedly screaming in my head, "She's a Rippler!"

    We featured Molly's talk in one of our TED Ripples for our Connect + Grow Ripple Coaching membership. To say it was a hit with our members would be an understatement!

    Here's the link to her TEDx Talk - https://www.ted.com/talks/molly_carroll_the_need_for_human_connection_and_why_it_starts_with_ourselves

    I admire the way Molly is unafraid to show vulnerability to prove a point. She's courageous enough to unveil the flaws and imperfections of being human. She's kind enough to share a glimpse of her life to provide an authentic view of how she stepped through these hurdles through human connections. That's why finally having Molly Carroll as a special guest for The Ripple Effect Podcast is such a BIG deal to me.

    If this is your first time hearing about Molly, let me give you a little background of her awe-inspiring work.

    Holding a master's degree in counseling psychology, Molly Carroll uses her expertise to spread positive Ripples through therapy, writing, corporate speaking, training, and podcasting. Molly authored two nonfiction books, Cracking Open and Trust Within: Letting Intuition Lead. Both of her books are heavily inspired by her personal experiences. In 2021, she launched a podcast called Cracking Open, with topics revolving around stories of inspiring people around the globe and how a "cracking open" moment changed their lives forever. Despite having a lot on her plate, she still manages to take on the role of a caring mom to her kids.

    If you want to dive deeper into her work or to be a part of the Cracking Open Coaching, visit the links below!

    LinkedIn: Molly Carroll, MA, LPC

    Facebook: Molly Carroll

    Instagram: @mollycarrollinc

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@mollycarroll282

    Website: https://molly-carroll.com/

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    1 h y 4 m
  • The Healing Power of Light & Colors with Leanne Venier
    Mar 22 2024

    When you think of the words "light" and "color," the first things to probably pop out of your mind are the color wheel or the kindergarten book that explains the basic concept of colors to kids.

    But did you know that light and colors go beyond what you see?

    In today's episode, join me and Leanne Venier as we talk about the science behind the healing aspects of light and colors!

    Leanne Venier is an award-winning Artist, Engineer, Eastern Medicine Physician, Inventor, and Expert in the Science of Color & Light Therapy. With all these expertise and experiences combined, she invented the REDjuvenator, a clinically proven red light therapy device with healing and anti-aging capabilities.

    It's not just all talk! She has received numerous awards for her contributions to healthcare in

    the studies of color, light, and energy medicine.

    If you're ready to benefit from the power of knowledge and technology, listen to the full podcast episode!

    Start a Ripple with Leanne

    via Instagram: @leannevenier

    via Facebook: Leanne Venier International

    via LinkedIn: Leanne Venier

    via her websites:



    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Small Steps to Giant Leaps with Jen Mac
    Mar 5 2024

    I’m excited for you to meet our special guest Jen Mac!

    I’ve been following her on social media for a while now, and her work never ceases to inspire me. It took me a lot of courage to reach out to her, but she finally graced us with her presence here at The Ripple Effect Podcast. She is a life coach, a speaker, a principle-driven woman, and a Rippler of positivity. Our guest for today is none other than Jen Mac!

    Like most of us, Jen’s career and personal life didn’t have that impeccable start. She has to go through rough patches to get where she is today. Listening to motivational words hits different when it comes from someone who went through what they preach.

    It’s easier to relate to!

    In this episode, we talk about how Jen got past the hardest journeys in life by taking baby steps and starting at the smallest goal.


    Jennifer Macaluso-Gilmore (better know as Jen Mac) is a life coach for women wanting to fulfill their potential personally and/or professionally. With over two decades experience teaching & coaching, Jen's work & expertise has been featured in many publications including The New York Times, Forbes, Psychology Today & LearnVest.

    Learn more about Jen's work at: jen-mac.com

    #achievemore #smallwins #babysteps #lifecoach #motivation #newrelease

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • The Ripple Effect Podcast: From Digital Handshakes to Lasting Bonds: The Ripple Approach
    Feb 17 2024

    Tune in to The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper for a compelling episode titled From Digital Handshakes to Lasting Bonds: The Ripple Approach! Embark on an enlightening journey as we delve into the transformative power of genuine connections in both personal and professional realms. In this episode, we unravel the essence of the digital handshake, the dynamics of online communities, and the profound impact of creating a Ripple of opportunities through authenticity. Discover the strategies and insights that can lead you to forge meaningful relationships, meet remarkable individuals, and catalyze growth beyond your imagination. Whether you aim to expand your network, escalate your business, or simply soak in the wisdom of extraordinary guests, this episode offers a treasure trove of knowledge to deepen your connections and propel you toward unstoppable success. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to transform every interaction into a significant connection and every chance into a milestone of achievement with this powerful episode! 

    #authenticconnections #digitalhandshake #rippleeffectgrowth #communityImpact #unstoppablesuccess #steveharper #rippleeffect #podcaster #keynotespeaker
    Más Menos
    42 m