• 80. Real Life Budget: How I Was Able to Stick To My Budget Even When I Feel Like I’m Failing.
    Jun 4 2024

    Hey Mama!

    It’s the first episode of the month, meaning we are going to dive into what happened in my budget this past month. What I planned, what I didn’t plan, how I handled things and what I could have done differently.

    So go grab your headphones and a nice cool drink and let’s dive into what I did so that you can learn from me and make your budget even better.

    Xo Molly

    P.S. Want to stick to your budget? Grab a free Clarity call and let’s dive into what is holding you back. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Más Menos
    30 m
  • 79. 3 Ways to Live on Less Than You Make and Reach Your Financial Goals Fast.
    May 28 2024

    Hey Mama,

    Today’s episode is all about learning how to live beneath your means. Which essentially means learning how to live on less than the number on your paycheck. When you first start managing your money your focus is on the amount that is left in the account. Meaning you buy what’s most important first and then use the leftover as you please.

    This is a good starting point in managing your finances, but it’s not going to help you pay off debt or achieve any financial goal you wish to reach in the future. It’s an in the moment paycheck to paycheck style of budgeting, which again is a great starting point to help you start being mindful about your money,

    However, your ultimate goal is to be able to save for your future wishes and desires. And how you start doing that is what this episode is all about. This episode will help you set up your budget so that you are living on less than you make, allowing you to pay off debt and start saving for those living big on a budget dreams that you have.

    So go grab that stroller, plug in those headphones and Let’s get to it!

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Questions? Email me at mollybenell@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 78. Summer Budgeting: Setting up Your Budget for a Fun and Memorable Summer.
    May 21 2024

    Hey Mama,

    Welcome to the one income family podcast. Today I have a real treat for you. Summer is almost here and I know that you are excited and ready to have some good ole summer fun! I am right there with you dreaming of camping, swimming, gardening and simply just being outside all day long. I, my friend, have been cooped up for far too long. Bom Fires, roasting marshmallows and star gazing are on my mind and bring me so much excitement. Fishing, kayaking, sand volleyball you name it I am ready for it!

    Now why am I telling you all of the fun summer activities I am excited for? Well that’s because today’s episode I am going to share with you how to set up your summer budget so that you can go out and have the fun that you are dreaming of for the summer. Whether it’s a large family vacation like going to Disneyland or just a simple backyard campout. Whatever you are dreaming of for the summer, let's set up your budget so that those dreams become reality.

    So pop in your headphones, head outside to soak up some sun and let’s get to it.

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 77. 4 Unexpected Reasons You Are Stressing Over Staying on Budget and How You Can Overcome Them.
    May 14 2024

    Today’s episode is going to be all about why you want to budget and stick to it so badly, specifically meaning not throwing the budget to the curb when your numbers go over what you predicted.

    Life is unexpected, things are going to happen, you’re going to give into temptation and when all of your energy is going into worrying whether you’re going to stay on budget or not your quality of life falls.

    That is why I want to share with you these 4 reasons that get you so wrapped up in having to stay on budget that you forget the purpose of the budget. Your budget isn’t what controls your quality of life, your attitude is. That is why it is so important to know what could be affecting the way you are looking at your life.

    So go grab that stroller, pop in your headphones and let’s get to it.

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Questions? Email me at mollybenell@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 76. Real Life Budgeting: How I Handled Two Weddings in One Month on One Income.
    May 7 2024

    On today’s episode we are going to be diving into my real life budget. You’ll see whether I stayed on budget or not, what I had planned and how they changed, how I handled the change and so much more.

    As I’ve said many times over, budgeting isn’t about stressing over whether you stayed on budget or not, it’s about how you handle the changes that life or even your temptations bring you.

    So let’s dive into today's episode so that you can see how I was able to go to two weddings in one month, so that you can take my thoughts and put them into action with your own budget.

    Go grab yourself something nice to sip on, take a breather and let’s get to it.

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I want to invite you to grab yourself a free Clarity Call so that you can find out what is keeping you from staying on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call.




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    Questions? Email me at mollybenell@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • 75. How the Pursuit of Possessions Is Keeping You From Thriving on One Income.
    Apr 30 2024

    Today we are going to be talking about the pursuit of possessions and how that is keeping you from living a joyful and abundant life on one income. When you are so hyper focused on things, your priorities start to change in an unhealthy way. Instead of your family and the needs of your family being the focus you are now focused completely on things, on the next new and shiny object that will bring you happiness for about 5 seconds and then you're off looking for the next shiny object.

    Life is too short to be hyperfocused on things that will lose your attention in a matter of days, or months. So I want to talk with you today on why this happens and what you can do to overcome it.

    So go grab that drink that gets you going in the morning and let's get to it.

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Questions? Email me at mollybenell@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • 74. 5 Tips to Surviving After Getting off Budget
    Apr 23 2024

    Hey Mama,

    I am so glad to see you back here with me on another episode of the one income family podcast. I am so honored to have you here with me investing in yourself to create a better life on one income. Dreaming for the future, setting goals and putting your money towards the things that you and your family enjoy.

    But life is messy. You are human and there will be times when you get off budget. You, me, nobody is perfect and to expect perfection is to expect failure. So instead of only planning for the days where you are productive and on point, let’s also plan for the days where things go south and you get off budget.

    Here are 5 steps that I take when I can’t think straight. These are the steps that I take when I don’t feel like budgeting. These are the next right steps to take that will get you through a tight spot.

    So go grab that stroller, pop in those headphones and let’s get to it.

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Questions? Email me at mollybenell@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 73. Do You Find Yourself Lashing Out Due to the Stresses of Living on One Income? 4 Ways to Find Peace in Financial Overload.
    Apr 16 2024

    How often do you find yourself riding the emotional rollercoaster of finances? One second everything is fine and dandy, you’re going about your day only thinking of money when you’re working on the budget or are out spending money or even planning that vacation. Nothing too heavy, it’s pretty black and white and things feel simple.

    The next second your husband is throwing the idea of a job change at you, or someone gets sick and a doctor's bill shows up and you are having to stretch your money as tight as you can without breaking both financially and emotionally.

    You find yourself exhausted, irritable and short with everyone. Then piles on the mom guilt and wife guilt (if that’s even a thing) making you feel like a terrible person all because you’re worried about the possible outcome of the change and only having one income. Always questioning if you will have enough to take care of your family.

    And that my friend is what today’s episode is all about. I am going to give you 4 things that you can do to ease the stress of living on one income.

    So go grab that stroller, plug in those headphones and, Mama, let’s go get you some peace!

    Xo Molly

    P.S. I am offering free Clarity Calls to help you figure out why you are struggling to stick to your budget and help you create your personal solution to stay on budget. Go to calendly.com/mollybenell and book your call today.




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    Questions? Email me at mollybenell@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    34 m