
  • 26. What's the Deal with Medjugorje? (w/ Mike Nolan)
    Jun 10 2024

    For over 40 years now, the alleged apparitions of Mary in Medjugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) have been polarizing topic for many Catholics. For some, the apparitions of Mary and the messages are hailed as an extraordinary visitation of grace for our time, with an overabundance of fruits to prove it; while others dismiss the Medjugorje phenomenon as a hoax and a hotbed of division.

    In this episode, Fr. Michael and Fr. Chris are joined by Mike Nolan for a conversation about Medjugorje: its history and spirituality, the approval process, some misunderstandings surrounding it, and positive fruits that pilgrimage there has born in their personal lives.

    While the events at Medjugorje are not yet officially approved by the Church, they are inarguably significant, and all listeners can benefit from learning more about them. They could benefit as well from the commentary on Mary's role in our lives, the spirituality of pilgrimage, the ecclesiastical approval process, and more!

    For those interested in Mike Nolan's pilgrimages, listeners are encouraged to visit https://shadowonthewater.com/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 40 m
  • 25. "Behold Your Mother" w/ Miriam Johll
    Jun 3 2024

    Miriam Johll is a friend of our hosts. Hailing from Iowa, she has a heart for evangelization and healing ministry. Before diving into our main topic, Miriam shares some of her life testimony of personal healing through encounters with God the Father, and her subsequent launch into ministry.

    While virtually every Catholic is familiar with Mary - her particular devotions (i.e., the Rosary), her statues, her feast days - it is not uncommon for Catholics, and other Christians, to feel distant from her as a person. Mary is the mother of Jesus, but Jesus has entrusted Mary to each and every Christian from the cross, to be our mother too. How do we know Mary as our mother, and the concrete role she plays in our lives - on a spiritual, but also human and emotional level? Join Frs. Michael and Chris and Miriam as they seek to answer this question for listeners.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 46 m
  • 24. The Effects of Pentecost
    May 27 2024

    Do we really believe that Pentecost is an ever-present reality in the Church? Just as health or sickness have diagnosable side effects, so too the presence of the Holy Spirit, first poured out at Pentecost, should have visible "side effects" - both in terms of the fruits of personal heart-transformation (love, joy, peace, etc.), and in its repercussions throughout the Church as a whole.

    In this episode, Fr. Michael and Fr. Chris break down the effects of Pentecost, following the points offered in the book "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Doctrinal Commission).

    Some of the effects of Pentecost discussed include:

    • A profound personal knowledge of God's presence
    • A deepening commitment to a sacramental life and devotion to Mary and the saints
    • An awareness and ability to exercise supernatural charisms for building up the Church
    • A boldness for evangelization, especially among the laity
    • Movements toward intentional Christian community, properly-ordered social justice, ecumenism, and more!
    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m
  • 23. Tongues: The Controversial Charism
    May 13 2024

    The "gift of tongues" (or "speaking in tongues") has been an enduring topic of debate and even controversy within the mainstream Church, as perhaps no other gift has. However, as St. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians indicates, prayer and praise tongues were a normal part of life in the early Church, and clearly have a place in the Christian life today.

    In this episode, Fr. Michael and Fr. Chris first address some common criticisms and misunderstandings of tongues that have gained traction among orthodox Catholics. They then explain the nature and purpose of tongues - not only to demystify the gift from a theological and biblical standpoint, but to encourage our listeners to open their hearts to this gift, which is a powerful means of personal renewal and deeper sensitivity to the indwelling Spirit.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 28 m
  • 22. Power Perfected in Weakness: Testimony by Alma Pederson
    May 6 2024

    "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him..." (Romans 8:28). Few can say this with greater assurance than Alma Pederson. One of Fr. Michael's parishioners, Alma shares vulnerably about her challenging upbringing: her years of growing up in a poor family in Mexico; her teenage years financially supporting her family in L.A. with no more than a third grade education; her years as a young unmarried mother. Though she often had to endure horrific circumstances - rejection, betrayal, emotional and physical abuse, crushing responsibilities - God protected her from adopting a victim mentality and formed in her a heart of love and service for others. Finally, Alma relates how, in the season of her greatest powerlessness, the Holy Spirit intervened in her life during a weekend retreat and turned her life completely upside down.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • 21. Inner Healing: A Top Priority
    Apr 29 2024

    What exactly is "inner healing"? Is it just another fad of pop spirituality? And if it's not, who needs it? Everyone, or just a few?

    The answer is: in a fallen world, we all need inner healing. In this episode, our hosts introduce the topic of inner healing, and its crucial role in the renewal of the Church. Topics covered in this episode include:

    • What is meant by inner healing - and what isn't
    • Points of distinction between inner healing and psychological therapy
    • The Scriptural basis for inner healing prayer, and its counterparts in traditional spirituality
    • Common signs that we have areas in need of inner healing
    • The ultimate goal of inner healing: the ability to freely give and receive love
    • Testimonies from our hosts on their personal inner healing journeys
    Más Menos
    1 h y 34 m
  • 20. "I'm Catholic, and I've Never Experienced God"
    Apr 22 2024

    "I hear about people having these powerful spiritual experiences, but I've been a practicing Catholic my whole life and never had one! I guess this is what's normal for me." Our hosts have heard this time and again from faithful Catholics, and they understand -- they too have been there.

    In this follow-up to Episode 4 (The Role of Supernatural Experience), Joe and the Frs. Trummer address the all-too-common problem of the Catholic "non-experience" of God. First, they explain and provide context for the frequently misquoted line of Jesus to Thomas the apostle: "Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe" (John 20:29). The hosts then explain some of the likely explanations for the lack of consolation in many Catholics' lives, particularly desolation, and demonstrate this by each sharing their own testimonies of how, for much of their Christian lives, they experienced little or nothing of God's presence and love, and how they each developed an incorrect theology around their lack of experience which could only perpetuate the problem. Finally, each of the hosts shares how a shift in his perspective would lead to a new Christian experience that is permeated by the supernatural -- and to a frequency and depth he would have never believed possible.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 1 m
  • 19. The Tongue is a Fire (w/ Mary Bielski and Laura Shoulders)
    Apr 15 2024

    The human tongue has real power. By our words, we can choose to reflect the image of God and to bring life and blessing to others, or we can speak death and deface the beauty and goodness of the world around us. In this conversation, Fr. Michael, Mary Bielski, and Laura Shoulders discuss the power of the tongue and the importance of our words. They highlight the biblical principle that our words have a creative power to either bless or curse, while emphasizing the need for awareness of our language and its impact within the spiritual realm.

    The speakers share personal stories and practical tips for speaking life and building others up -- stories which highlight our need for intentionality and vulnerability in speech, and for surrounding ourselves with a culture of honor.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m