
  • Ep. 270 - How to Guide and Inspire Young People
    Jun 20 2024

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    Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar start this conversation by talking about 1 Timothy 3, which points out that mankind are lovers of themselves rather than God. All generations have sins, and today’s social media makes this more apparent. Oscar is intentional about discipling young people, noting that our culture today pales in comparison to the Greco-Roman culture that the early church faced, where Christianity still boomed. Today, there’s a lack of respect for authority and discipline, with too much pride to be governed by others. So, how do we reach young people?

    Past generations didn’t have today’s technology, and now there is constant exposure to disrespectful behavior. Many kids are on iPads in restaurants, and parents often don’t realize the harmful content coming from the internet and how it impacts their children. Parents must guard and love their children proactively. The local church holds significant value. Invest in the kids in your church and other young people. Lowering the bar can prevent kids from becoming sober-minded adults. It’s important to speak the truth to the younger generations about the gospel.

    We need to turn to God, the Maker, for solutions to our problems. Discipleship happens through living life together. We are always discipling our kids, intentionally or not. To disciple a child, invite them along and talk to them. The guys shared experiences of adults who truly listened to them as kids, making them feel important. Listening is key to reaching young people effectively. Invest in the younger generation by listening to them and speaking life into them. Encourage and build one another up, seeing young people as brothers and sisters in Christ.

    There should be a multi-generational approach to ministry. A common fault in ministering to young people is watering down the gospel. Many churches are consumeristic, resembling auditoriums. We shouldn’t strive to be hip and cool; this can drive young people away. Instead, young people should feel a sense of transcendence and humility.

    To the young people: Get to know God through His Word. Learn, sing to the Lord, study apologetics, and be bold in sharing the gospel. Read more books while you have the opportunity. Remember that God is always with you. To the older generations, the key to reaching youth is through youth. Harness their energy and equip them to share the gospel. Older generations should not despise youth but see them as examples of walking with the Lord. Young people should seek advice and listen to wise counsel, balancing youthful zeal with mature wisdom.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Ep. 269 - How to Honor the Elderly
    Jun 18 2024

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    The Bible emphasizes honoring and learning from our elders. The guys talk of society’s tendencies to isolate the elderly, but their wisdom and experiences are invaluable, reminding us of our shared mortality and the importance of intergenerational connections.

    A society's treatment of the elderly often reflects its moral standing. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar have an honest conversation about the treatment of elderly people in our current society. Deuteronomy criticizes Israel for its lack of respect for the elderly, but the guys point to historical times when the elderly were honored. Today, many elderly people are placed in retirement homes, leading to depression as their world shrinks. This isolation reflects a cultural discomfort with aging and mortality.

    Oscar shares his experience of welcoming his grandmother into his home, highlighting the beauty in caring for elderly family members. Similarly, Ray regrets once unintentionally mocking the elderly in his sermons. He emphasizes the need for sympathy and respect, noting that the elderly are essentially young people in old bodies, still cherishing life despite changes brought by age.

    Aging serves as a reminder of the fallen nature of our world. We should support the elderly through companionship, listening to their stories, helping with errands, and offering financial and medical assistance. Advocating for their rights and protecting them from scams is also crucial. Many elderly people, who once raised families, now sit alone. The guys emphasize the biblical call to care for widows and the elderly.

    Ray recalls helping his elderly neighbor, and Mark shares a poignant story of visiting a nursing home where he witnessed a resident's gradual decline and eventual passing. These personal experiences remind us of the inevitable cycle of life and our future selves in the elderly we now see. It is also important to remember that our parents and grandparents are experiencing life for the first time, just as we are.

    There's a prevalent arrogance among the young today, who often fail to recognize that they, too, will age. Conversations with the elderly can be challenging due to personal biases, but these fears are unfounded. Elderly individuals, who spend more time contemplating mortality, can offer valuable insights. It's essential to boldly share the gospel with them, acknowledging the fleeting nature of life for everyone.

    Grey hair symbolizes a life well-lived and the wisdom that comes with it. The guys encourage us to visit our grandparents, call our parents, and connect with the elderly, taking this as an opportunity for personal growth and conviction.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Ep. 268 - Lessons From the Life of John the Baptist
    Jun 13 2024

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    Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar dive into the life of John the Baptist, His life is one of profound humility, unwavering faith, and a steadfast commitment to God's purpose. John the Baptist, a humble man clothed in camel hair, was a voice in the wilderness, pointing out people's transgressions and preparing the way for Jesus. He exemplified humility, saying he must decrease so the Lord could increase.

    John’s ministry pointed to Jesus, showing us our role in doing the same. In the Old Testament, high priests offered sacrifices to cover sins temporarily, but Jesus, whom John called the Lamb of God, came to take away sins permanently. When Elizabeth, John’s mother, and Mary, Jesus’ mother, greeted each other, John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb, showing that life and joy exist even before birth. This demonstrates that even a fetus is made in God's image. John worshiped his Creator even in the womb, illustrating the sanctity of life.

    The guys touch on how John preached repentance, a message often resisted both in his day and in ours. Repentance should not be seen as a threat but as an invitation to return to our Creator. Understanding the death that comes with sin highlights the necessity of repentance, which is a joyous and beautiful return to God. True repentance produces visible fruit in one's life.

    John declared that he was not worthy to carry Jesus' sandals, contrasting with some modern preachers who seek to build their own followings. He reminded people that they must decrease for Christ to increase, exemplifying humility by acknowledging his unworthiness compared to Jesus. Even when John baptized Jesus, he felt unworthy.

    Later, John asked Jesus if He was the awaited Savior, a moment that may seem like doubt. Despite John's early recognition of Jesus and his role in baptizing Him, he experienced uncertainty before his execution. Jesus reassured him, calling John the greatest born of woman. The guys emphasize that the strength of John’s faith didn't save him; it was the strength of its object—Jesus. We must decide whether to be offended by Christ or to bow to Him, recognizing that our spirit should desire to have sin removed.

    John preached God's law fearlessly, even before a king. The king ultimately commanded his beheading, showing that sin seeks to destroy truth and conviction. John’s fate is a reminder of sin’s destructive power and the need for unwavering commitment to God’s truth. John the Baptist's life was a testament to decreasing so that Christ could be seen. We should follow his example, living lives full of Christ to glorify God, for He is worthy of all.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Ep. 267 - Lessons From the Life of Lot and His Family
    Jun 11 2024

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    Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar dive into the life of Lot. Despite his failures, 2 Peter calls Lot righteous, highlighting the need to understand the gospel. Abram and Lot parted ways because the land couldn't support both of them. Lot chose the plain of Jordan, settling in Sodom, known for its wickedness. This decision reflects the danger of being drawn away from the Lord by our desires. Wise decisions and heartfelt prayer are crucial, and trusting God's wisdom over our own is essential. Lot compromised his views, a theme common among many pastors today. Compromise can start in small areas, leading us away from God

    Lot's choice parallels the rebellion seen in Cain and Abel's story. He left God's promises for his desires, leading to captivity. Abraham rescued Lot, perhaps a divine opportunity for Lot to leave Sodom, but he persisted. When sojourners visited Sodom, Lot insisted they stay with him, aware of the city's dangers. The men of Sodom shamelessly sought to harm the visitors, reflecting the unashamed sin prevalent today. Church membership is important because of the shamelessness of our society. Welcoming unbelievers shouldn't mean compromising on sin. Christians must remember their past and separate from sinful influences while engaging with the world. Lot's compromise, seen in his use of agape love towards the attackers, shows the dangers of sin.

    The men tried to break into Lot's house, but they were struck blind and unable to find the door. The guys talk about how God allows people to pursue their sinful desires, leading to reprobate minds. Despite their blindness, the men persisted, reflecting a growing societal attitude. Lot was told to leave Sodom, but he hesitated, showing delayed obedience. Believers must trust God's commands without delay. Sin is deadly, and sometimes God must forcefully remove us from it. Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction with fire and brimstone serves as a stark warning.

    Lot's wife looked back at Sodom, turning into a pillar of salt, showing her attachment to the sinful city. Abraham's prayer for Lot's salvation exemplifies intercessory prayer. The covenant with Abraham declared Lot righteous, paralleling Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. Looking at Lot’s life, we see that sin has consequences even for believers. Lot's daughters, influenced by Sodom's perverse culture, committed incest which lead to the Moabites, enemies of Israel. This story emphasizes the importance of obedience to God and the repercussions of sinful choices. Believers should flee from sin and run towards the Lord.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Ep. 266 - How to Cultivate a Diligent Life
    Jun 6 2024

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    Diligence, defined as constant and earnest effort, is increasingly rare today. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how past generations exhibited more diligence due to fewer distractions; news came from stagnant newspapers rather than incessant digital media. Modern distractions are leading us into a state of spiritual oblivion, making it crucial to prioritize goals and establish systems to achieve them. Proverbs warns against laziness, underscoring the connection between diligence and fruitfulness. Achieving anything requires hard work, persistence, and common sense.

    A disciplined life involves intentionally creating time and space for fellowship with God, not as a checklist but as a way to fulfill our roles meaningfully. Understanding your role, knowing your limits, and planning ahead are vital. Drafting a vision statement based on scripture helps set up effective routines. Our minds are shaped by what we fill them with, and much of our attention is stolen by distractions. Living to glorify God requires diligent attention to our spiritual lives.

    The importance of rising early and dedicating the first part of the day to the Lord is emphasized by the guys. While sleep is a gift from God, habits must be examined and adjusted to prioritize time with Him. Deep fellowship with the Lord is essential for a meaningful life, and waking up with purpose can help avoid laziness. Proverbs also warns against slothfulness, noting that our habits shape our hearts. If Christ isn't at the center of our habits, we will stray. Lack of joy and fullness in life often indicates the need for spiritual realignment.

    Reading the Bible daily and exploring John Wesley’s journal, which showcases his time-maximizing diligence, can inspire steadfastness. Wesley's eternal mindset and efficient use of his day highlight the preciousness of time. Remaining diligent and steadfast, practicing spiritual disciplines, and focusing on God’s kingdom are crucial for impactful Christian living. Worldly diligence, if redirected towards Christ, could greatly benefit the church. Jesus valued energetic action and generosity, favoring peacemakers over peacekeepers.

    Living Waters ministry exemplifies diligence born out of devotion. Christians should be the most diligent people, recognizing the greatness of their work and the shortness of time. Working diligently for the Lord is fulfilling. Those who have been lazy should repent and reduce their consumption of worldly things, redirecting their focus towards serving God with dedication.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Ep. 265 - Lessons From the Life of Samuel
    Jun 4 2024

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    Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar are talking about Samuel, the last judge and first prophet of Israel, who stands as a figure of profound significance in biblical history. Born to Hannah, who had fervently prayed for a child due to her infertility, Samuel's very existence was a testament to the power of prayer and God's faithfulness in answering it. Dedicated to temple service from infancy as a result of his mother's vow.

    One of the most recognizable stories from Samuel's life is his initial encounter with God's calling, where he mistook God’s voice for that of Eli, the high priest. This moment carries profound spiritual symbolism, suggesting the necessity of discernment and repentance before fully embracing one's identity as a child of God. This theme resonates with the personal testimonies shared among the guys, particularly Oscar's journey from ignorance of the Bible to a profound embrace of its teachings.

    Samuel's early prophetic message, condemning Eli's failure in parental guidance and the subsequent corruption of his sons, underscores the importance of discipline rooted in love and grounded in the law. The guys emphasize the critical role of parents in instilling moral and spiritual values in their children, ensuring their steadfastness in the face of temptation and sin. Despite witnessing the consequences of Eli's shortcomings firsthand, Samuel unwittingly repeats similar errors by appointing his own corrupt sons as judges. This narrative highlights the insidious nature of sin and the imperative of heeding God’s instruction.

    Israel did not trust in God to lead them, so they demanded a king. Samuel anointing David, a shepherd boy, as king is symbolic of God's sovereignty in choosing the seemingly insignificant to fulfill His purposes. This underscores a recurring motif in biblical narratives, where God looks at the heart of a man instead of the outward appearance. Israel's demand for a king shows how, yet again, they did not trust in the Lord to lead them. Saul's subsequent disobedience and downfall serve as a warning against the dangers of pride and self-reliance, illustrating the devastating effects of sin.

    In Samuel's roles as priest and prophet one can discern foreshadowings of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, the stories of Samuel and other Old Testament figures are not merely historical anecdotes or moral allegories but integral components of God's grand narrative of redemption and reconciliation. Samuel's life serves as a poignant reminder of God's faithfulness, human frailty, and the enduring hope of salvation offered through Christ.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Ep. 264 - How to Grow in Godly Discernment
    May 30 2024

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    Developing godly discernment is essential in navigating the complexities of truth and falsehood, particularly amidst the plethora of false teachings in modern times. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar bring up Psalm 119:66, and how it beautifully compares discernment to tasting, implying a gradual refinement of perception. Just as one's palate adjusts to appreciate the nuances of coffee beyond its initial bitterness, believers are encouraged to allow Scripture to shape their worldview, enabling them to distinguish what is good and true from what is deceitful or harmful.

    Discernment encompasses both the use of senses and intellect, allowing people to perceive and judge rightly. In today's culture, where moral relativism often blurs the lines between good and evil, the need for discernment is incredibly important. This underscores the importance of humility before God, as pride can obstruct growth and hinder one's ability to receive correction or repentance. Humility fosters an openness to learning and a willingness to acknowledge one's blind spots, essential for spiritual growth.

    Moreover, cultivating discernment is not a solitary endeavor but thrives within the context of community, particularly within the framework of a local church. A supportive community provides accountability and encouragement, aiding believers in their journey of discernment. The guys encourage believers to invest in relationships with fellow believers allowing for the sharpening of discernment through dialogue and mutual edification.

    Love for others is deeply intertwined with discernment, as it enables believers to serve one another and strive for blamelessness before God. Effective evangelism also hinges on discernment, particularly in using the law to reveal sin, as exemplified by Jesus. By meditating on Scripture and seeking to understand God's will, believers deepen their discernment and align themselves more closely with His purposes.

    Wisdom, often synonymous with discernment, often isn’t pursued with the same fervor that people often use to pursue material gain. Wisdom guides leadership and influences decision-making, helping individuals avoid folly and harm. Learning from the mistakes of others and seeking wise counsel are crucial aspects of cultivating discernment and avoiding pitfalls.

    In conclusion, in an age marked by information overload but a scarcity of wisdom, prioritizing godly discernment is imperative for believers. By anchoring themselves in Scripture, humbling themselves before God, and fostering relationships within the body of Christ, believers can navigate the complexities of life with clarity and integrity.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Ep. 263 - Lessons From the Life of Elijah
    May 28 2024

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    Today Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar are talking about the Old Testament prophet Elijah. Elijah, who emerges abruptly in the narrative of 1 Kings 17, was a prophet in a tumultuous time in Israel’s history. James later portrays him as a man of profound prayer, highlighting God's responsiveness to earnest supplication. His prayer for a drought, remarkably answered by God, stands as a testament to his unshakeable trust in the Lord’s provision. Despite the trials of obedience, God faithfully sustains His servants, using challenges to shape them in the likeness of His Son.

    Elijah's confrontation with idol worship underscores his bold and unwavering commitment to God's sovereignty. The guys talk about Elijah’s challenge that he presented to the prophets of Baal. This showdown starkly contrasts false worship with the true power of the Almighty. While Baal's prophets resort to self-inflicted suffering in futile attempts to invoke their god's favor, Elijah demonstrates that the one true God requires no such sacrifices, for Jesus has already offered the ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

    In response to the failure of Baal’s prophets, Elijah, in a dramatic display of God’s power, Elijah constructs an altar and calls upon God to consume it with fire. Despite digging a trench around it and dousing it with water, God's response is swift and undeniable, affirming His supremacy over all idols. This act of faith not only showcases Elijah's unwavering trust but also serves as a reminder of the limitless power of the God he serves.

    However, Elijah's subsequent flight, prompted by Queen Jezebel's threats, unveils his humanity and vulnerability. Despite his triumph over the prophets of Baal, fear and despair got to him, leading him to plea with God for death. Yet, even in his darkest moment, Elijah acknowledges God's sovereignty over life and death, refusing to take matters into his own hands. His struggle serves as a poignant reminder of the reality of depression and the importance of clinging to hope in God's unwavering care.

    Ultimately, Elijah's story encapsulates the ebb and flow of faith and human frailty. Through triumphs and trials, God remains steadfast, revealing Himself not solely in thunderous displays but in gentle whispers of grace. Elijah's journey exemplifies the enduring truth that our hope must rest in the Lord, who sustains us through every storm and strengthens us for every trial. In a world plagued by hopelessness, God stands as our beacon of hope, ever faithful and able to see us through.

    Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating!

    Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!
    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at podcast@livingwaters.com. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

    Más Menos
    52 m