
  • Recession Unstoppable Now And Situation Is Beyond the Fed, Warns Peter Grandich
    May 6 2022

    Inflation today compared to the 1980s, "is a completely different animal this time around, and the situation is so beyond what the Fed can do now," says Peter Grandich, founder of Peter Grandich & Company. The enthusiasm over this week's Fed rate hike is misrepresented, he tells our Daniela Cambone, because Powell and the Fed, "will still be behind the curve, and need to be more aggressive." "Social and political disharmony is at the highest level since the onset of Civil War," in the U.S., and with the world suffering economic challenges, "it does not paint a good picture for the future."

    General stocks and bonds have had a phenomenal run, but have been overdone on the upside, Grandich states, "and the only market I can risk capital on for capital appreciation is the gold market." He concludes that the mining companies, "especially the majors, are in phenomenal shape," with the juniors market still facing struggles.

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    26 m
  • We’re In Dangerous Era of Global Turbulence; War Can Spread East and West Warns Expert
    May 9 2022
    The Chinese government, "cannot control the [resurgence] in Covid-19 because it's spreading very fast," explains Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China and The Great U.S.-China Tech War. This new variant is, "traveling at will and Beijing does not know what to do," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Xi Jinping wants that third term," and that alone is why China would jeopardize its economy to achieve the “zero-Covid policy,” explains Chang. He also criticizes President Biden's foreign policy measures toward China as, "pro-Beijing," saying that there are challenges presented by China that this U.S. administration is just not seeing. Chang concludes that we've passed the inflection point of peace and stability, where Russia's recent actions have signaled to the rest of the world that the "bad guys can do what they want."
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    16 m
  • Fed “Doesn’t Care” About Inflation, It’s a Mirage to Prop U.S. Dollar at All Costs Says E.B. Tucker
    May 11 2022

    "We are in a centrally planned economy," and no longer a capitalist system due to the Fed's actions, asserts E.B. Tucker, bestselling author of "Why Gold, Why Now?" This narrative-driven economy has been pinpointed on the Fed wanting to strengthen the dollar, "they don't care about inflation," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Tucker illustrates this large, "debt-based system," as a perpetual boom with the occasional crisis. He also adds that it is difficult for investors to navigate these economic waters, "and won't end until it explodes, which is not going to happen anytime soon." He warns that a digitized dollar is the next step toward total control of the masses, saying that China has already begun this with the digital yuan. Tucker touts and defends the company Metalla because they've acquired over 70 royalties to date, and concludes that this fantastic investment is parallel to, "the gold price doing great."

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    35 m
  • Stock Market Disaster: When It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Some Stocks
    May 13 2022

    "Good news is not good enough," from earnings reports to positive economic data with weighted market uncertainty being at the center of it all, says Chris Versace, Chief Investment Officer of Tematica Research. "We're almost seeing a repeat of the first quarter in 2020," he tells our Daniela Cambone, "but the catalyst is different." "Consumer inflation-fighting stocks are a great safe haven and are companies with an elastic business model," Versace continues when asked about the best place to store money over the next year. He predicts that a "mini-supply chain issue," will arise once China finds its way out of the current Covid resurgence. Due to the Fed facing a lag in the implementation of monetary policy, a soft landing is not likely, Versace concludes.

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    12 m
  • Crypto Carnage: Why Bitcoin May be Headed to $12,000 And Can UST/LUNA Be Saved?
    May 16 2022

    "Bitcoin shining during inflation was always a myth," claims Gareth Soloway, president and CFO of InTheMoneyStocks.com. He tells our Daniela Cambone that Bitcoin has never experienced an era without quantitative easing stemming from the Fed, and has a $20,000 high-end and a $12,000 low-end target for the digital asset. "Terra's collapse was insane," Soloway exclaims, saying that it will be very hard for it to bounce back significantly since they keep minting, "more and more coins." Soloway asserts that bitcoin is still viewed as, "digital gold," but the precious metal gold is a very mature asset in comparison. "Even after a pretty dramatic pullback recently, gold is still having a positive year," he states when comparing the safe haven to other forms of stored wealth. "Gold should start its next leg up soon," he predicts, as the precious metal saw a downturn over the weekend. He concludes that we are in a "Fed-induced bear market, with a recession coming later in 2022," so it's important to be a nimble investor.

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    24 m
  • Fed Hikes After June Are Highly Unlikely, U.S. Economy Would Completely Shatter Warns Market Expert
    May 18 2022

    "The Fed is going to keep raising rates until the economy falls apart," and we're at a point where they're, "going to take their foot off the gas," warns Garrett Goggin, editor of the Silver Stock Analyst, www.SilverStockOffer.com. "There hasn't been a better time to buy silver and silver stocks in the past ten years than now," he shares with our Daniela Cambone. Technically silver is in a bear market, Goggin admits but forecasts a stark upturn over the next year. "I wouldn't be surprised to see gold well north of $2,500 an ounce," as this rate hike cycle continues, he predicts. The only thing that matters with crypto is bitcoin, "because it's proof of work," and bitcoin is, "no doubt a form of stored energy," Goggin continues. I see, "bitcoin as a store of value like gold," and I see stores of value continuing to do better.

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    16 m
  • More Financial Market Pain Ahead Until This Major Blowup Occurs: Kevin O’Leary
    May 20 2022

    "We're having a garden variety correction," as the market tries to figure out what comes next, asserts Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful. "We're getting close to a bottom," he tells our Daniela Cambone, on the first edition of the new monthly series: WonderBerry. O'Leary questions what portion of inflation is transitory, as Target and Walmart saw severe downturns this past week, "not due to consumer demand, but increased costs." "This market is not yet finished trying to find its equilibrium, and at the end of the day, inflation is [the Fed's] number one mandate," he states. The Biden administration's efforts to still push the Build Back Better Act within this current environment is, "sheer madness," O'Leary exclaims, saying it would be financial suicide for the nation. "I remain bullish on crypto from the perspective of productivity," he continues saying that these different [cryptocurrency] projects are software, not just a digital currencies. One of the biggest problems the crypto space is facing right now, "is getting access to semi-conductors to build out data centers... there are none," O'Leary concludes.

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  • Gold Not Part of Wall Street’s Playbook and That’s a Good Thing, Says SWP's Mark Yaxley
    May 23 2022

    "Gold is not part of the Wall Street playbook," and that's a good thing right now, asserts Mark Yaxley, Managing Director at Strategic Wealth Preservation. Gold acting as a hedge against all other investments and existing out on its own, "is a good thing for investors right now," he tells our Daniela Cambone. "Be patient and let [gold and silver] do their job, they will come through in the end," Yaxley advises precious metal investors. "We are in a very severe market correction, and gold and silver tend to explode toward the upside of a market correction," so look to expect a similar situation soon, he continues. Yaxley concludes that the biggest risk associated with storing your precious metals, "is government overreach, from a political risk standpoint."

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