
  • Belly Button Bloggers with Chris Brogan
    Feb 26 2019
    Goto https://owner.media/insiderwelcome/ to join Chris’ group Chris says that nobody knows who he is. I disagree. I met Chris originally on Twitter. Chris says that when he sees people on twitter trying to push the now 280 character limit, instead of “get a room” he thinks, “get a blog!” As a kid, Chris learned to ride a bike, and when he crashed it into his own house, and while crying hysterically, his mom came out and his reaction was to ask her to “move the house.” Chris had a very loving upbringing, almost to a fault. His parents gave him so much confidence, that he was in for a rude awakening at school. He thought he was so good looking that he asked out the hottest girl in the class. He didn’t get the girl :( He could have been like Hugh Hefner minus the girls, and anyone naked!
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    55 m
  • Social Media Pub Crawl with Brooke B. Sellas
    Feb 19 2019
    Brooke was a “devil” child for a while, so she’s glad social media wasn’t around back then. By the time social media was around, Brooke had reverted back to an angel. She really wanted to be a veterinarian because she loves animals, but when she realized she had to help them when they were sick or injured, she could no longer be a vet. She was too sensitive and loved the animals too much to bear seeing them sick or hurt. Brooke wanted to get into media as a weather woman, but she didn’t like that so much. So she moved around from one thing to another, until she found her calling. She did a “pub crawl. Using Facebook she was able to get 7,500 people and raise $60,000. That’s when she knew what she needed to do with her life. Meanwhile... Brooke went to the Dan Rather School of Communication to become a weather woman. That didn’t work out, but she eventually went back to study communication in a way that prepared her for what she is doing today.
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    57 m
  • Why the Girl Became a Cat with Shanna Forrestall
    Feb 12 2019
    Shanna was a good student. Not a science or math person. It took her awhile to find her “art.” She was creative, but what about practical skills? She played a lot. She loved creating imaginary worlds and stories. Her family didn’t have a lot of money growing up. Her mom would give them some sheets and say, “go play in the woods and come home before dark.” Shanna got into acting, and got into the production side of it pretty quickly. Bottom line she’s better at the production part. She is a really good organizer, and this played into her functioning better behind the camera than in front of it. She saw the magic of what had to come together to make it all happen. What about the idea of being alone in these imaginary worlds? Shanna didn’t actually do it alone. She would recruit people and assign roles.
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    54 m
  • 30 Blank Pages to Fill with Jill Konrath
    Feb 5 2019
    Sales is an ugly term to a lot of people. And Jill was a nerd growing up. By the time she had her first idea for a new business she was asked, who's going to sell it? Neither she nor her partners had any interest in selling. So she went to work for Xerox to learn how to sell. Jill never did go back to that original idea. As she learned all about sales she found a whole new way of looking at it. She wasn't selling. She was helping people get solutions to their problems. The challenge is always getting in the door to explain that properly. Jill has written several books which you'll find links to in our show notes over at http://www.TheAuthenticAccountant.com
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    56 m
  • The Possibilitarian with Ed Kless
    Jan 29 2019
    Ed Kless is a self proclaimed possibilitarian. What may be unique about Ed's particular struggles is that they happened as a RESULT of his success instead of on his way to it. His is a story of rediscovering himself after accomplishing what he'd set out to do, and in doing so, lacking the vision for where to go next. There seems to be a theme of actors turned business people on our show. Ed hilariously describes how before adulthood wherein he is a well known Voice America talk show host, he practiced being a radio show host covering natural disasters of his legos. He also covered many sporting events in his own backyard. Listen to this episode and learn all about Ed's Journey and eventually what Value really means!
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    56 m
  • Unleashing the Power of the Feminine for Success and Fulfillment
    Jan 22 2019
    What Barbara learned most from childhood was to be a chameleon. She was in a military family and they moved a lot. Barbara’s mom had a good job (especially for then) before marrying her father. Once she was married she left that job. Since her father had to move around a lot, if they wanted to marry, her mother had to quit her job. Don’t let the “downs” pull you down into the mud. Barbara learned to pull herself up from the bootstraps. Looking back it seemed more fearful than it felt at the time. Her parents divorced when she was 14. When she hears of others’ struggles it helps her gather strength for her own journey. Life is a journey so don’t be too hard on yourself because you eventually get where you want to go anyway. Barbara learned a term called, “Sisu.” Barbara said, “don’t ask me to spell it” but I googled it and found it. Get the complete show notes at http://www.TheAuthenticAccountant.com
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    57 m
  • Step 3 - Being Dependent to Gain Independence
    Oct 30 2018
    There is no such thing as someone who is Self Made. We've all had help along the way. When we find the right people to become dependent upon for guidance, we actually gain tremendous independence. Listen to learn how this works
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    56 m
  • Unblocking Blockchain with Kacee Johnson
    Oct 23 2018
    Kacee was a “typical girlie girl.” By college she was headed to medical school (pre-med). Her boyfriend at the time’s mother was in a bad car accident, and having seen her in pretty bad shape, Kacee realized she was not going to be cut out for medicine. She did not do well with the site of blood etc.. Instead Kacee went to business school and got her MBA. After completing her MBA, she was engaged. The day she picked up her wedding dress, she found out he was cheating. She drove around for a week trying to figure out what she was going to do next. She did not want to stay there. Listen to learn more...
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    51 m