
  • Analysing Antonio Neri's Keynote on AI at HPE Discover
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode, we’re heading to Las Vegas for HPE Discover 2024, for a breakdown of the multimedia keynote by HPE President and CEO Antonio Neri.​

    The AI-focused keynote covered everything from new product announcements and a new partnership with NVIDIA, to the challenges of AI and its transformative possibilities. To delve deeper into these topics, we’re joined by HPE Chief Technologist for AI, Matt Armstrong Barnes.​

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Do you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: https://forms.gle/8vzFNnPa94awARHMA

    About this week's guest: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattarmstrongbarnes/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    Listen to our previous episode on Spaceborne computer: https://share.transistor.fm/s/693c9349
    Carnegie clean energy on HPE’s Technology Untangled podcast: https://www.technologyuntangled.fm/episodes/keeping-the-lights-on-part-1-how-do-we-make-more-energy
    Watch Antonio’s keynote on-demand: https://www.hpe.com/us/en/discover.html
    More from HPE Discover Las Vegas 2024: https://www.hpe.com/us/en/discover.html

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    25 m
  • Edge computing and AI
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode we are looking at an emerging field which is bringing together two transformative fields in tech - edge, and AI.

    Traditionally, the intense compute requirements of AI have made it difficult to implement on edge devices - cell phones, laptops, or micro-electronics. However, that is slowly changing, and the global edge AI market is set to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 21.0% from 2023 to 2030.

    So, to find out more about edge AI, and the challenges or opportunities they can bring to our organisations, we’re joined today by Peter Moser, Senior Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Do you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: https://forms.gle/8vzFNnPa94awARHMA

    About the expert: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-moser-7b90391/

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    Scope of the edge AI industry: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/edge-ai-market-report
    Denver Police to begin drone-based 911 call response: https://www.denverpost.com/2024/05/26/colorado-police-drones-first-responders/

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    21 m
  • HPE CEO and President Antonio Neri on HPE Discover 2024
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode we are looking ahead to the Enterprise tech event of the year, HPE Discover Las Vegas, which is on during the week of June 17th 2024.
    It’ll see curated programs of events across Edge and networking, Hybrid Cloud, and AI. Hundreds of sessions will provide an opportunity to network for thousands of global tech leaders, customers, and partners.

    And, to give us a bit of a sneak peek of the event - and his own keynote at Las Vegas' iconic Sphere - we’re joined today by a very special guest: HPE President and CEO, Antonio Neri.

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Do you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: https://forms.gle/8vzFNnPa94awARHMA

    About this week’s guest: https://www.hpe.com/uk/en/leadership-bios/antonio-neri.html

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    HPE Discover 2024 Agenda: https://www.hpe.com/us/en/discover.html#programs
    HPE Discover 2024 keynotes: https://www.hpe.com/us/en/discover.html#keynotes
    Drones fly with autonomous neural networks: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adi0591

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    20 m
  • Tackling burnout in cybersecurity
    May 30 2024

    In this episode we are looking at a growing issue in the tech field: Burnout among cyber security professionals.
    A report shared by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association shows that 51% of people working in cyber security may leave their job in the next year because of stress.

    But it's not just the stress of protecting organisations that is having an effect on people’s mental health in the sector.

    It’s an area that led today's guest, cyber security expert Peter Coroneos, to set up Cybermindz.org - a not-for-profit to help address and prevent burnout in the cybersecurity industry.

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Do you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: https://forms.gle/8vzFNnPa94awARHMA

    About the expert: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petercoroneos/?originalSubdomain=au

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    Cybermindz.org: https://cybermindz.org/
    ISACA report : https://www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/newsletters/atisaca/2023/volume-48/cybersecurity-and-burnout-the-cybersecurity-professionals-silent-enemy
    Statistics on the cyber security workforce: https://www.isc2.org/Insights/2023/11/ISC2-Cybersecurity-Workforce-Study-Looking-Deeper-into-the-Workforce-Gap
    Global spending on cyber security: https://www.statista.com/outlook/tmo/cybersecurity/worldwide#revenue
    Study into the mental health of cyber security professionals: https://www.tines.com/reports/state-of-mental-health-in-cybersecurity
    3D printed ‘skin’ sensors: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10473193

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    20 m
  • Aurora - The world's second exascale computer officially recognized
    May 23 2024

    In this episode we are looking at computers going fast. ‘Exascale’ means a computer is running a billion, billion operations every second.

    At the 2024 ISC high-performance conference in Hamburg, Germany, the world’s second exascale machine was officially recognised: The Aurora supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory officially broke the exascale barrier at 1.012 exaflops. So why does exascale matter, and why is it so difficult to achieve? Joining us to discuss is Susan Coghlan, Project Director of the Aurora exascale computer at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois.

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Do you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: https://forms.gle/8vzFNnPa94awARHMA

    About the expert: https://www.anl.gov/profile/susan-m-coghlan

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers: https://top500.org/
    Argonne National Laboratory: https://www.anl.gov/
    Quantum navigation flight: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/un-jammable-quantum-tech-takes-flight-to-boost-uks-resilience-against-hostile-actors

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • The Technology Now: Today I Learned special edition
    May 16 2024

    In this episode we are taking a break from the norm to bring you a few of the amazing stories from the world of science and technology that haven’t quite made it into the podcast recently.

    Our goal is to bring you a lot of amazing stories and important technological developments on this podcast, but the little stories in the middle where we take a break don’t always get the attention they deserve. So, this week, we’re bringing you some of the stories from around the world that haven’t quite made the podcast yet. And, of course, you’ll find details of all the stories we feature today in the show notes.

    Don’t worry, this isn’t a regular thing - we’ll be back to normal next week.

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:

    The Lunar Cruiser: https://mag.toyota.co.uk/toyota-lunar-cruiser/

    Study into humanoid robots: https://www.euronews.com/next/2024/04/12/humanoids-no-thanks-most-g7-countries-feel-uncomfortable-with-the-most-advanced-robots

    Food from thin air: https://solarfoods.com/opening-a-window-to-the-food-industrys-future-the-worlds-first-factory-growing-food-out-of-thin-air-launches/?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=302659422&utm_content=302659422&utm_source=hs_email

    Clouds to slow global warming: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-024-01427-z

    Waterproof e-glove: https://www.acs.org/pressroom/presspacs/2024/april/waterproof-e-glove-could-help-scuba-divers-communicate.html

    Our episode on energy efficient AI: https://link.chtbl.com/TechnologyUntangled_411

    AI is more carbon-efficient than humans: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-54271-x

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    15 m
  • Zero Trust Network Access and Virtual Private Networks: The VPN vs ZTNA showdown
    May 9 2024

    In this episode we are looking at why people are moving away from Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, and are navigating towards Zero Trust Network Access, or ZTNAs.

    VPNs have largely been unchallenged as the go-to cyber security option for organisations since they first came about in the mid-1990s. However, they do have security flaws which have been exploited by hackers and cyber criminals, leading many to ask whether there’s a more secure solution.

    Joining us to discuss why ZTNA is becoming a more popular security option for organisations is Jaye Tillson, HPE’s Director of Strategy in Cyber Security.

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    Do you have a question for the expert? Ask it here using this Google form: https://forms.gle/8vzFNnPa94awARHMA

    About the expert: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaye-tillson/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    No more Chewy Cnetres: https://www.forrester.com/report/No-More-Chewy-Centers-The-Zero-Trust-Model-Of-Information-Security/RES56682
    Revenue generated by the virtual private network (VPN) market worldwide: https://www.statista.com/statistics/542817/worldwide-virtual-private-network-market/
    Statistics on ZTNA market share: https://www.kuppingercole.com/press-release/market-sizing-ztna
    Forbes report on VPN data leaks: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/vpn-statistics/
    ICS2 report on users’ cloud security fears: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1172265/biggest-cloud-security-concerns-in-2020/
    “String Quartet No. 1, 'Polar Energy Budget.”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tulsx2wt3qU
    Composing music from climate data: https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(24)00844-7?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2589004224008447%3Fshowall%3Dtrue

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Exploring the tech behind Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Walt Disney World Resort
    May 4 2024

    We're celebrating May the 4th be with you. Yes, it's Star Wars Day and we've been given incredible behind the scenes access at none other than Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

    Courtesy of Jose Corpuz, Principal Software Engineer with Global Engineering Technology and Analysis with Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, we've been given an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the tech that makes this one of the most immersive theme park experiences of its kind anywhere in the world. This is one you don't want to miss!

    This is Technology Now, a weekly show from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Every week we look at a story that's been making headlines, take a look at the technology behind it, and explain why it matters to organizations and what we can learn from it.

    About this week's guest: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-corpuz-a23533/

    More about Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: https://www.hpe.com/psnow/doc/a00083951enw

    Más Menos
    14 m