
  • CULTIVATING HOPE: Tess Taylor's Insight into Gardening, Poetry, and Environmental Action
    Dec 13 2023

    Tess Taylor shares the fascinating story behind her latest anthology, "Leaning Toward Light: Poems for Gardens and the Hands That Tend Them." Tess's work serves as a beacon, urging humanity towards diversity, unity, and restorative hope. In this episode, we delve into gardening from the perspective of food justice and community building. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast, a fan of poetry, or someone seeking to make a difference in the world, this episode will inspire you to get your hands in the soil.

    The anthology is available anywhere books are sold BUT If you'd like a signed copy, contact Pegasus Books in Berkeley, California (on Solano Street). Tess has generously offered to come into the store to personalize your copy.

    About Tess Taylor:
    Tess Taylor lives in El Cerrito, California, where she raises artichokes on the sidewalk median strip, has four chickens in the backyard, and is working to restore a community orchard. Her work as a writer deals with place, ecology, memory, and cultural reckoning. She published five celebrated poetry collections: The Misremembered World, The Forage House, Last West: Roadsongs for Dorothea Lange, Work & Days, and Rift Zone. She has also been the on-air poetry reviewer for NPR’s All Things Considered for over a decade. Her work as a cultural critic appears in Harpers Magazine, The Atlantic, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Tin House, The Times Literary Supplement, CNN, and The New York Times. She is currently at work on two plays, one of which is a stage adaptation of her book of poems about American photographer Dorothea Lange, and later this fall, she’ll release a podcast called Intimate Addresses, about six extraordinary twentieth-century artists letters, with Anna Deveare Smith, and Getty. Her latest work, Leaning Toward Light: Poems for Gardens and the Hands that Tend Them, is a collection of contemporary gardening poems, for an era of climate crisis, which includes poems by some of the most luminary poets writing today. The word anthology means “bouquet or gathering of flowers,” and this bouquet does gather many incredible offerings of poetry.


    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    20 m
    Nov 30 2023

    Ordinary appliances like the gas stove are considered harmless, but they're significant contributors to harmful emissions. This episode exposes the shocking influence of the gas and oil industry that has led us to favor gas stoves, even with their environmental and health impacts. I also delve into the alarming data about natural gas revenue and the water volume used in fracking.

    But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom! I'll offer you tangible ways to become a kitchen activist. Small changes, like opting for a toaster oven or a single burner induction cooktop instead of a gas stove, can make a difference in reducing air pollution and improving health.

    Together, we can write a story of well-being for our home.

    Be well,

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    23 m
    Nov 8 2023

    Imagine the amount of food that ends up in the trash during the Thanksgiving holiday season. What if we told you that America alone wastes 305 million pounds of food on Thanksgiving, creating a carbon footprint equivalent to 169,000 cars driving for an entire year? Pretty shocking, right? But there's a way to make a difference. During this episode, I'll share how you can play your part in reducing food waste at your Thanksgiving table. As a Kitchen Activist, you'll make the world a better place, one dish at a time. I will guide you through a simple yet practical 11-step process to reduce food waste, save money, and serve a meal your guests genuinely appreciate.

    Have you ever heard of sustainable cooking? Let's break it down for you. It's all about shopping your pantry and fridge, purchasing ingredients from farms that use sustainable methods, and cooking from scratch. Not only does it save you money, but it also promotes a healthier lifestyle. But that's not all; I have a plan for your leftovers, too. Let's join forces to make this Thanksgiving different. Let's make our kitchen choices matter. After all, it's not just about cooking a meal; it's about cooking for positive environmental change. Join me towards a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable Thanksgiving.

    Email me at info@eatlesswater.com for a copy of the 11 action tips.

    Be resplendent,

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    20 m
    Nov 1 2023

    As I woke this morning, the aroma of my grandmother's signature lentil stew filled the air, at least in my memory. It is Dia de los Muertos—the day we honor our deceased loved ones by preparing their favorite meals. It got me thinking about the power of food, not only as a means of remembrance but also as a tool to impact our planet positively. I invite you to join me as we journey into the world of Kitchen Activism, where our meals become intentional acts of respect for our ancestors, our environment, and ourselves.

    Beneath the surface of every bite are stories of how our food choices impact the world. As I reminisced about my grandmothers, I realized the best way to honor them is through food, but not at the expense of the environment. How can we align our culinary traditions with our values of protecting Mother Earth? The answer lies in cooking with purpose, shopping with intention, and supporting sustainable farming practices. Together, we can transform our kitchens into powerful platforms for environmental change while carrying forward the legacy of our loved ones. So here's to a feast of activism, purpose, and memory, one meal at a time!

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    10 m
    Oct 25 2023

    Ready to transform your kitchen into a powerhouse for environmental and social change? In this episode, I read from the INTRODUCTION for my book in process, THE KITCHEN ACTIVIST. Let me know what you think.

    Here is the link to the writer's retreat I'm hosting in my home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    22 m
    Oct 11 2023

    Get ready to broaden your horizon with our in-depth chat with Dr. David White, a soil biologist making waves in the world of environmental and social change! With his background in biological sciences, he marries his love for gardening and permaculture design with his research on soil health, creating a fascinating perspective on the path to sustainability.

    In our conversation, we delve into topics like regenerative agriculture as a climate solution and the detrimental effects of industrial agriculture on soil organic matter. We talk about how we partner together with the Compost Tea Party, inspiring children in the Rio School District to care for their environment.

    We leave no stone unturned, from soil health and composting to regenerative concepts for the future generation. Prepare to be inspired and learn how the power of your soil can help create a sustainable world for the next generation.

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    38 m
    Oct 5 2023

    Have you ever thought about the power of your kitchen? This episode of The Kitchen Activist is about to shatter your preconceptions and reveal the shocking truth about ultra-processed foods. I'm going far beyond the well-trodden path of health concerns and delving into the environmental havoc these food products can wreak - from climate change and water scarcity to deforestation and pollution. But it's not all gloom. I'm also arming you with the knowledge you need to fight back. Get ready to redefine your grocery shopping strategy, navigate the maze of ingredient labels, and embrace the benefits of organic and plant-based meals.

    Transform your kitchen into a hub of environmental activism. Minimizing ultra-processed food in your diet boosts your health and significantly contributes to the planet. Discover how home-cooked meals are often more resource-efficient than the so-called 'food waste reducing' ultra-processed options. The episode also challenges the popular notion that ultra-processed foods are cheaper, shedding light on the actual cost of these products.

    Join me, Florencia Ramirez, as we re-imagine food systems and make choices that benefit our health and collective well-being. You're not just a consumer; you're a Kitchen Activist. Tune in and take a stand!

    I refer to the following interview/study:

    Packaged Foods Labeled as Organic Have a More Healthful Profile Than Their Conventional Counterparts, According to Analysis of Products Sold in the U.S. in 2019–2020

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    23 m
    Sep 27 2023


    This episode is inspired by a quote written by Anais Nin. She wrote, "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the action stems the dream again, and this interdependence produces the highest form of living." Kitchen activism is about taking our heart's desire or dreams for a better, healthier, thriving environment and turning that desire into a reality of action. In this episode, I describe how this is true in my kitchen and my life. And give you action steps to inspire the highest form of living in your life, too.

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Click here for the free How to Eat Less Water CONDIMENT STORAGE TABLE. It is a printable list of popular condiments that belong in the pantry and those in the refrigerator that can be hung in your kitchen for easy reference.

    Download the TEN TIPS to EAT LESS WATER SUMMER PARTY PLANNING GUIDE for all the tips, steps, and info on celebrating like a kitchen activist with your friends and family.

    Find gifts designed to serve well-being at the Eat Less Water Shop.

    Get a copy of the EAT LESS WATER book.

    Reach me at info@eatlesswater.com

    Más Menos
    10 m