
  • Showing the worldwide referee shortage the red card
    Jun 22 2024
    The pressure on referees comes from all angles - but has the vitriol directed at officials reached a tipping point, turning potential referees away from taking charge of grassroots rugby and football matches?
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    18 m
  • Salt, potassium and your blood pressure
    Jun 22 2024
    The number of cases of people with high blood pressure is growing. The recommendation from health professionals is to curb the amount of salt in our diets.
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    15 m
  • Is ADHD an evolutionary adaptation?
    Jun 22 2024
    New research suggests traits related to ADHD could have given humans an evolutionary advantage when foraging for food.
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    17 m
  • England's north in suspense as enforced Tier 3 controls loom
    Oct 17 2020
    Boris Johnson is attempting to force Greater Manchester into accepting tougher Covid restrictions without providing extra money to protect businesses, while claiming that every day of delay would mean "more people will die". This has been met with massive resistance from Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham and others in the north who claim they are sick of being pushed around. UK correspondent Olly Barratt joins the show with all the latest.
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    12 m
  • Rinsing out some mouthwash myths
    Jun 22 2024
    There is evidence using mouthwash containing alcohol can cause cancer, promoted by new research from the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium.
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    14 m
  • Women more likely to embrace behaviours aimed at preventing spread of Covid-19
    Oct 17 2020
    It's well documented that women adhere more to preventive health practices than men, so it's no surprise that a big new study out of Yale University and New York University has confirmed that women are more likely than men to follow guidelines outlined by medical experts to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Study author and postdoctoral researcher in psychology at New York University, Irmak Olcaysoy Okten is with us to discuss.
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    12 m
  • The headlines we didn’t read
    Jun 22 2024
    Mary Argue is back guiding us through the latest weird and wonderful headlines from the world of science.
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    10 m
  • Study shows Kiwis are living longer in poor health
    Oct 17 2020
    Plenty of people had plenty to say this past week about National Party leader Judith Collins' comments about obesity. (She said it was not an 'epidemic' because it's not catching - and 'personal responsibility' should be the main means of addressing the problem. ) Perhaps it's no surprise that was controversial in the white heat of an election campaign - But at the heart of the matter is the growing burden of preventable illness. And there are some stark new facts about that in a new global study which has found Kiwis are living longer - but spending more years in poor health. Valery Feigin, Professor of Epidemiology at the AUT's School of Public Health joins Colin Peacock to discuss why this report should be taken seriously.
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    8 m