
  • Ep 21 - Spiritual Warfare and Inner Warfare
    Jun 16 2024

    Israel is met with their first battle. In their encounter with the Amalekites, Israel finds themselves at a critical juncture. Formerly, the Lord fought their battles for them, but now, as they journey deeper into their faith, the Israelites are summoned to engage actively in warfare. While past triumphs over Pharaoh bore the unmistakable mark of divine intervention, this confrontation signals a pivotal shift—a transition from spiritual infancy to maturity. No longer considered as "spiritual babes," they must confront their vulnerabilities and weaknesses head-on.

    The skirmish with Amalek symbolizes an enduring struggle against the forces of darkness and evil. Despite their liberation from Egypt's clutches, the Israelites remain ensnared by their own weaknesses, their resolve not yet fully surrendered to God. Scripture scholar Frances Hogan cautions that beyond initial blessings, each of us must confront our inner adversaries— be they pride, doubt, envy, or any personal manifestation of "Amalek."

    Yet, amid this spiritual and inner warfare, God furnishes us with the tools for growth. Through the crucible of self-confrontation, both ancient Israel and contemporary believers alike can stride forth towards a fortified faith, emboldened by the assurance that in our weakest moments, divine grace stands as our steadfast ally.

    Bible References:

    • Heb.5:11-14 – Spiritual maturity
    • Jer.17:9-10 – Only the Lord can expose the corruption within the human heart
    • Gal.5:16 – Spirit and the flesh
    • Rom.7:13 – Inner warfare
    • Heb.7:25 – When we pray, Jesus gains the upper hand; when we don't, the enemy does
    • Deut.25:17-19 – The sin of the Amalekites
    • Isa.54:6; Jer.31:32; Hos.2:2 – The separation of Zipporah from her husband, Moses, serves as a prophetic illustration of the Israelites' alienation from God, her divine spouse

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Ep 20 - Living Waters
    Jun 9 2024

    Parched and restless in the wilderness, the Israelites at Rephidim faced a new hardship: no water. Thirst turned to grumbling, their frustration aimed at Moses. This discontent, Frances Hogan explains, wasn't just about a lack of water but a deeper spiritual battle.

    God, ever-patient, instructed Moses to strike a specific rock. Water gushed forth, a testament to divine presence and provision. But this rock wasn't just any rock. It symbolizes Christ, the true source of life-giving water. The lack of water mirrors the spiritual dryness we often experience. When difficulties arise, our faith can falter, replaced by grumbling and doubt. But this event, Hogan explains, is a message of hope. It reminds us that even in hardship, God provides.

    This isn't the Israelites' first test, nor will it be their last. Their journey becomes a metaphor for the trials we all face. But within these struggles lies the potential for growth and spiritual maturity. By turning to God in trust and prayer, we can navigate the wilderness and find the wellspring of faith, leading us closer to God and a deeper understanding of His love.

    Bible References:

    • Num.20:1-3 – The Israelites' third trial
    • Deut.8:1 – Doing God's will, even when it's difficult, leads to success because He alone truly understands us
    • Ps.145:17 – God only acts out of love. He guided them through the trials in the wilderness to draw them nearer to Him
    • 1 Cor.10:1-3 – The Rock is Christ.
    • Jn.7:37-39 – If we go to Christ and drink from the source, which is Calvary, accessible through the Mass, from our own hearts will flow fountains of living water, bringing life to others
    • Deut.32:4,18 – Strike the Rock, and He will still give you the fullness of life
    • Ps.18:2 – The characteristics of the Rock: strength, stability, and durability
    • Is.12:3 – Salvation is free of charge
    • Ex.17:8-16 – The Israelites' first experience of warfare. Before you can completely commit to God, Satan tries to pull you down

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Ep 19 - Food for the Soul
    Jun 2 2024

    In this episode, Frances Hogan delves into the profound significance of Manna. When the Israelites found themselves in the desolation of the wilderness, their hunger and desperation led them to grumble to Moses about their plight. In response to Moses' plea, God provided them with Manna, described as the bread of angels, raining down from heaven to sustain them throughout their arduous journey for 40 years until they reached the promised land.

    Hogan highlights the supernatural nature of Manna, emphasizing its divine origin as a provision directly from God. Drawing parallels between the Manna of the Old Testament and the Eucharist in the New Testament, she explains how the Eucharist serves as the new Manna for the people of God, sustaining their earthly journey back to Him in heaven. Just as the Manna nourished the Israelites' spirits during their wilderness wanderings, the Eucharist, embodying the real presence of Jesus, serves as spiritual sustenance for believers.

    By providing Manna from heaven, God reassures His people of His unfailing care and love, promising to meet their daily needs and urging them to trust Him wholeheartedly. It's a compelling invitation to relinquish fears and anxieties, placing unreserved trust in Him. The pivotal question persists: Will we have the courage to trust God with our very selves, even when it’s hard?

    Bible References:

    • Deut.8:1 - Are you aligned with the will of God?
    • Ps.78:17 - Demanding continuous miracles from God to affirm our belief is an act of pride
    • Matt.4:3-11- Jesus came not to show signs or prove things but to save us and teach us how to live
    • Jn.6: 30-33 - The Manna is a spiritual food than a physical food
    • Num.21: 5 - The Israelites reject the manna, deeming it unsatisfactory as food
    • Ps.78:23-25 - In spite of all their sinfulness, man ate Panis Angelicus, the bread of angels
    • Wis.16:20-21 - Manna contained every delight and satisfied every taste
    • Phil.4:19 - God will provide abundantly, in a manner only He can.

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Ep 18 - Testing Faith and Trusting God
    May 26 2024

    In another enlightening session with Frances Hogan, we embark on an adventure with the children of Israel as they enter the wilderness and their encounter with the miraculous provision of manna. This journey, both physical and spiritual, marks a transition to a new level in their relationship with God, accompanied by trials and tests. As they progress from the greenlands of Elim to the barren wilderness of Sin, they encounter hunger and discomfort, prompting them to confront their dependence on God. However, instead of seeking Him wholeheartedly, they fall into the trap of grumbling and complaining, revealing a spiritual struggle between prioritizing physical needs and trusting God beyond reason.

    Despite God's constant presence and provision, the Israelites allow their imaginations to deceive them, idealizing their past enslavement in Egypt over their current state of freedom. Through their repeated complaints, they fail to grasp the deeper lesson God intends for them—to trust Him unconditionally and prioritize spiritual growth over temporary comfort. The wilderness becomes a symbolic testing ground, where the Israelites must confront their innermost struggles and learn to rely on God completely. The episode delves into the symbolism of the wilderness as a testing ground for spiritual growth, where one, in their walk with God, must confront discomfort and challenges to progress toward union with Him.

    Bible References:

    • Num.33:9-12 – Summary of Israel’s journey
    • Lk.1:38 – All you have to do is simply ask
    • Jer.17:9-10 – Knowing yourself well enough to realize this to be true
    • Ex.16:4-5 – The manifestation of food from heaven is a manifestation of God's incredible love and mercy

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Ep 17 - The First Trial
    May 19 2024

    In this episode, Frances Hogan explores the rich symbolism behind the Israelites' journey through the wilderness following their miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. As they set out on this path, they face their first trial. Hogan highlights the significance of the wilderness as a deliberate choice by God, serving as a crucible for purification, growth, and enlightenment. In the wilderness, devoid of worldly comforts, the Israelites are compelled to lean entirely on God. Here, trials and sufferings become profound experiences, shaping their faith and character.

    Despite witnessing the wondrous works of God, the Israelites succumb to grumbling, revealing a lack of trust and gratitude. God's disdain for such murmuring is evident, yet His grace prevails as He intervenes through Moses, providing a solution to their thirst, foreshadowing the ultimate solution to humanity's spiritual thirst. Through divine intervention, the bitter waters of Marah was made fit to drink, offering a glimpse of God's mercy and provision. Ultimately, the journey from "Marah," representing bitterness and trials, to "Elam," a place of rest and communion with God, captures the cyclical nature of faith. Through trials and tribulations, believers are refined and ultimately find solace and intimacy in their relationship with God.

    Bible References:

    • 1Cor.2:6-15 – The lost seek worldly pleasures, while believers find meaning and a richer life through faith, even if it means sacrificing worldly pleasures
    • Is.52:10 – This is exactly what happened in the Exodus
    • Prov.3: 5-6, 11-24 – Lessons from the wilderness
    • Wis.1:1-16; 11:23-12:2 – In all the trials and difficulties, speak to God directly.
    • 1Cor.10:11-13 – St. Paul warns that the experiences of the Israelites, serve as lessons for us all
    • Heb.7:25 – Through prayer, the Lord grants us insight into solutions to our problems, known as enlightenment

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Ep 16 - Crossing the Red Sea
    May 12 2024

    Fear grips the Israelites' hearts as they find themselves hemmed in by Pharaoh's army and the vast expanse of the Red Sea. Remembering Moses' call to trust in the Lord's intervention, they surrender their fears and uncertainties to the divine will and witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of God's intervention on their behalf as the sea parted before their eyes.

    Frances Hogan unpacks the spiritual significance of this pivotal event, drawing parallels between the crossing of the Red Sea and the journey of faith undertaken by believers in the New Testament. Just as the Israelites emerged from the waters of the Red Sea and were reborn into a new life of freedom and promise, so too does baptism symbolize the believer's passage from bondage to sin into a new life in Christ and in union with Him.

    Through the parting of the Red Sea, God's faithfulness and deliverance are manifested, inspiring generations of believers to place their trust in His providence and guidance through life's tumultuous waters.

    Bible References:

    • 1Cor.10:1-3 – The significance of the Red Sea passing on a spiritual plane
    • Isa.22:22 – God opened the sea for the Israelites and closed it for the Egyptians
    • Deut.11:3-4 – How God fought for Israelite
    • Ex.15 & Rev.15 – The parallel between Exodus and the Book of Revelation

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Ep 15 - Trusting God Beyond Reason
    May 5 2024

    As the exodus began, God's constant presence, symbolized by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, was unmistakable. For forty years, the sign of His presence was with them. Despite this sign and the signs of His might during the plagues, the Israelites faced with the daunting prospect of the Red Sea before them and Pharaoh's army behind them, succumbed to fear. In this moment of crisis, they had to confront their own doubts and choose whether to trust in God's promise of deliverance or give in to fear and despair.

    Scripture scholar Frances Hogan emphasizes the importance of overcoming fear through faith in this episode. Just as the Israelites were called to trust in God's guidance even in the face of uncertainty, so too are believers today challenged to let go of fear and place their trust in God's goodness and faithfulness. Just as God walked with the Israelites through the wilderness, so too does He journey with us, guiding us through life's challenges and leading us to eternity. By choosing faith over fear, the Israelites ultimately witnessed the miraculous parting of the Red Sea and experienced God's deliverance.

    Bible References:

    • Jn.8:12 – God is light; He is the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud
    • Jn.16:13 – God gave us the Holy Spirit to enlighten us on our journey
    • Wis.18: 3-4 – Through the chosen people, God intended to reveal His own divine word and His will to the entire world
    • Job38:8 – Who defined the sea's borders? The One who drew boundaries on the water is also able to remove them
    • Ex.14:14 – Trusting God beyond reason; it is crucial to remain still in order to allow God to work
    • Ex.3:12 – God acts on whatever He says

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Ep 14 - The Night of Death and Life
    Apr 28 2024

    Frances Hogan gives a comprehensive overview of the significance of the Passover event, exploring its historical context and spiritual symbolism. Drawing parallels between the protection from death by the Passover Lamb to the Israelites and the spiritual safeguard provided by partaking in Holy Communion—wherein the body, soul, and divinity of Jesus are consumed—Hogan highlights the depth of Christ's sacrifice.

    The Israelites found life, security, and health in the death of the Passover Lamb on this Passover night, and we, on the other hand, find spiritual life, spiritual security, spiritual health, and freedom from spiritual death through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Lamb of God.

    As Moses consecrates the firstborn to God as per His instruction, the stage is set for the fulfillment of God's promise to deliver His people to the land He has ordained for them. In a powerful testament to the faithfulness of God and the obedience of His people, the Israelites depart from Egypt in organized procession, guided by the hand of the Almighty.

    Bible References:

    • Matt.13:33 – The impact of the Gospel on the world can be likened to the effect of leaven in dough
    • 1Jn.1:7 – On living a true spiritual life
    • Is.31:5 – The Passover sacrifice was what set Israelites free
    • 2 Cor.6:17 – Breaking free from the influence of the world
    • Ps.51:7 – The blood of the lamb and the cleansing of sin
    • Col.2:11-13 & Eph.2:11-22 – Circumcision in Christ
    • Zech.9:9 – God can use you in various ways because nothing is impossible for Him

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

    Más Menos
    42 m