
  • Does How I Live Matter to God?
    Jun 18 2024

    When a person first receives Christ, the natural question that is upon their heart is, what do I do now? How do I live this faith that has been given to me by God's holy spirit? How do I live my life now that Jesus is my savior lord? And new believers tend to answer that question by looking at people that they perceive are, further along in their spiritual walk and patterning their lives after those people by imitating people who have been believers for a while. Here in First Timothy Four Paul directs Timothy how this should look - and what he and we should do.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Remember Your Story
    Jun 11 2024

    Transitions in life are difficult. The birth of a child; the death of a parent/someone you love; a major change in your health; a change in marital status; graduation from school, college, university; going off to college; losing a job; starting a new job… MOVING. I could go on and on. How long has it been since your last major transition?

    The Children of Israel were getting ready to make THE BIG Move: The biggest transition since God brought them out of Egypt. They were on the far side of the Jordan River when Moses spoke the words of Deuteronomy. Beyond the Jordan, in the land of Moab, Moses undertook to explain this law, and to explain the law, he gave them…

    a travelogue!

    “I will bring you into the land of promise.” You will have children and you will teach your children and they will dialogue with you and they will ask questions about this religion you are teaching them and you will tell them a story. We need to get our story straight.

    Your story with God through this life which involves his salvation from slavery, his continual provision for our needs and a future forever with the Lord.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • The Blessing of God
    Jun 4 2024

    Numbers 6:24-27 may be the most common benediction in Christian worship. "The Lord Make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you" is at its center. What do we make of this? What does it mean for a deity to "turn his face toward you?" Is this a good thing? Is God's grace all that we need?

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Sharing in the Master's Happiness
    May 28 2024

    This lovely parable of Jesus has a simple message of living life with all that God provides for each of us for His glory and honor. No comparisons are needed. Some are given more, and some are given less. Each of us can enjoy the Master's Happiness by using the best we can, that which He has given to us for His pleasure. We do all of this in the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we can work with what He gives us and wait upon Him as we work to bring the increase and results as He sees fit.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • You Are With Me
    May 21 2024

    Psalm 23:4-6 highlights the core of Psalm 23 with the statement of David that he knows, The LORD, his Shepherd is always with him . David proclaims that it is The LORD who is with him in the Valley of The Shadow of death. It is the LORD who comforts him with correction and instruction. And it is the LORD who guides and directs him through life and unto eternal life in Jesus Christ by the almighty power of the Holy Spirit.

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    43 m
  • The LORD is My Shepherd
    May 14 2024

    In Psalm 23, David describes the reality that Yahweh, the One true and living God, revealed in Jesus Christ, is the Shepherd of His blessed people. He is our Creator and He is our Sustainer. He provides all that is needed for His people, "His sheep", in this world and in the next. He is the One who enables us to be at peace with ourselves, with Him and with others. Out of this relationship in Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd, we are useful in His perfect care to be His lovely instruments in showing His love and speaking His truth to our world.

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    36 m
  • Delighting in the Scriptures
    May 7 2024

    The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the foundation of our Christian faith. If surveys are correct, Christians spend little time in the Scriptures, let alone delighting in them, yet they are our foundation and “rule faith and life”. We learn to delight in the Scriptures by letting go of needing to have all the answers, accept the mystery of the ambiguities and difficulties of Scripture and through meditation and delighting in the things in the word of God we affect of our own hearts and minds and encounter the living Jesus.

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    30 m
  • A Blessing
    Apr 30 2024

    In the first chapter of Genesis, the very first book in the Bible God speaks and brings the world into existence. He places all things where he wants them. At the end of his creative work God makes us. He makes humankind, male and female. He makes us after his image. And what we read there, right at the very beginning, is that the first thing that God after making us is to bless us. “And God blessed them.” We are made for God’s blessing – it is what we each long for. It comes to us in Jesus.

    Más Menos
    32 m