• #20 | Prophetic Message: We Are Living In A Vashti Generation!
    Apr 8 2024
    Summary: In this conversation, Christina Johnson discusses the importance of submitting to authority and the consequences of disobedience. She uses the story of Queen Vashti from the book of Esther to illustrate this principle. She emphasizes the need to submit to God's commands and honor those in positions of authority, including husbands, pastors, and leaders. Christina also highlights the significance of understanding the times and seasons we are living in, as well as the preparation required for the return of Christ. The conversation explores the importance of obedience and submission to God's will and authority. It emphasizes the need for believers to go through trials and tribulations to develop spiritual maturity. The story of Queen Vashti in the book of Esther is used as an example of the consequences of disobedience and rebellion. The conversation also touches on the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers and the importance of seeking support from prophets for dream interpretation. The episode concludes with a prayer for repentance and inner healing. Keywords: submitting to authority, consequences of disobedience, Queen Vashti, book of Esther, honoring authority, understanding the times, preparation for Christ's return, obedience, submission, trials, spiritual maturity, Queen Vashti, consequences of disobedience, Holy Spirit, dream interpretation, repentance, inner healing Takeaways:
    • Submission to authority is a vital principle in the Christian faith.
    • Disobedience to God's commands and refusal to honor authority can have serious consequences.
    • Understanding the times and seasons we are living in is crucial for spiritual growth and preparation.
    • Preparing ourselves for the return of Christ involves submitting to God's authority and honoring those in positions of authority.
    • Obedience and submission to God's will and authority are crucial for believers.
    • Trials and tribulations are necessary for spiritual growth and maturity.
    • Disobedience and rebellion have consequences that not only affect the individual but also those around them.
    • The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in guiding believers and communicating God's will.
    • Seeking support from prophets can help with dream interpretation and understanding God's messages.
    • Repentance and inner healing are necessary for those struggling with trauma and brokenness.
    Sound Bites
    • "If you love me, you will keep my commands."
    • "Submission to authority is a principle of high value."
    • "We cannot stay stuck in our past and childhood trauma."
    • "We need to be the example."
    • "You're going to be tested in your faith through experience."
    • "God is not coming back for infants in Christ. He's coming for mature believers."

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  • #19 | God Wants To Slow You Down, To Speed You Up
    Mar 31 2024

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    Ways To Connect With Me!

    Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com Rule & Reign for Believers - PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1072272087125495

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  • #18 | Are You Willing To Let Go To Embrace The New?
    Mar 30 2024

    Need help Finding Your Purpose? Book a Free Discovery Call Now! https://calendly.com/christinajohnsonministries-nxa/freeconsultation?month=2024-03

    Ways To Connect With Me!

    Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com Rule & Reign for Believers - PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1072272087125495

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  • #17 | The Pruning Of The Father
    Mar 25 2024

    John 15:1-5 says, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

    We need the Father to prune our hearts of anything that would cause us to not prioritize our relationship with him. In these seasons you may experience loss, disappointments, setbacks which will cause a certain level of pain. But this pain is not for persecution. This pain is the pruning. Cutting off any unnecessary weight that will hold you back from truly flourishing in the next season to come. If you desire to be fruitful for the kingdom of God, in relationships, finances, family, marriage and more, there needs to be a season of pruning so can grow stronger and be more effective. Trust the process!

    Need help Finding Your Purpose? Book a Free Discovery Call Now! https://calendly.com/christinajohnsonministries-nxa/freeconsultation?month=2024-03

    Ways To Connect With Me!

    Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com Rule & Reign for Believers - PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1072272087125495

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    18 m
  • #16 | Deny yourself and follow Christ
    Mar 21 2024

    If you are wanting to actually fulfill the destiny and plans God has over your life, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Him. The western church today has adapted to a compromised, lukewarm Christianity that has distorted the minds of believers today to think that God no longer demands full commitment from His people. What are the idols that still need to be removed from your life? What are the in-submissive desires in your heart that still need to be laid down? The key to seeing the full manifestation of God's purpose in your life is to first deny yourself. If you will keep your life, you will lose it. But if you lose your life for His sake, you will find it

    Need help Finding Your Purpose? Book a Free Discovery Call Now! https://calendly.com/christinajohnsonministries-nxa/freeconsultation?month=2024-03

    Ways To Connect With Me!

    Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com Rule & Reign for Believers - PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1072272087125495

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    28 m
  • #15 | God Is Calling You To Surrender Your Will!
    Mar 8 2024

    God is calling you to surrender your will and follow him! In this season he is calling you to, it may seem such a big move but Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged". The purpose God has for you is SO MUCH MORE than what you have in your hands now. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he WILL direct your path! (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    Need help Finding Your Purpose? Book a Free Discovery Call Now! https://calendly.com/christinajohnsonministries-nxa/freeconsultation?month=2024-03

    Ways To Connect With Me!

    Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com Rule & Reign for Believers - PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1072272087125495

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  • #14 | Restoring The Apostolic Order In God's Church
    Mar 1 2024

    In this powerful teaching, we will reveal to you the need today for Apostolic Order in God's church. Many people are sitting under the ministry of the Pastor and these ministries have omitted the purpose and importance of all 5 of the offices: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. The church being out of its order has affected discipleship of the saints and robbed many people today of spiritually, holistic growth. We must pray that God awakens the church to the truth and brings his people into divine alignment in these last days!

    Need help Finding Your Purpose? Book a Free Discovery Call Now! https://calendly.com/christinajohnsonministries-nxa/freeconsultation?month=2024-03

    Ways To Connect With Me!

    Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com Rule & Reign for Believers - PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1072272087125495

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    28 m
  • #13 | 3 Tips to Avoid the Pitfall of Trusting Our Own Wisdom
    Jan 14 2024

    Hey Believers!

    Welcome to Day 3 of our Rule and Reign with King Solomon Challenge. Today, I'm talking about the problems that arise when we don't bring God into our day-to-day issues, choosing to prioritize wisdom from books, parenting, and societal teachings over Him in decision-making. Learn how to navigate through life's chaos by staying connected to God, our ultimate source. Stay tuned as I share three practical tips for applying divine wisdom to times of challenges. Ready? Lets do this!

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    PRAYER/ QUESTIONS Email: christinajohnsonministries@gmail.com

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