
  • RBVOY 022 – Parturition (S2E7)
    Jun 16 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Parturition

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E7: Parturition. In this episode, we HOPEFULLY put an end to the Neelix jealousy story as Tom and Neelix are forced to deal with their tenuous relationship. This episode has a food fight, a new Janeway haircut, a weird puppet baby that hatches from an egg, the doctor giving terrible advice and Neelix acting like a toddler. It. Is. Wild.


    Voyager has found a planet that may have some resources, however we call this Planet Hell so I'm thinking maybe not...but of course we have to check it out. Janeway sends down her best pilot (Tom) and her best plant guy ???? (Neelix). This might seem like a good idea except Neelix is currently in a jealous rage over Tom's relationship with Kes and Tom is being a moron about it. So naturally they end up in a weird and dangerous situation where they have to work together to save the life of a rubber lizard chicken baby that may or may not be E.T. This is really what happens.

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S2E6: Twisted where the ship gets twisted into knots.

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E8: Persistence of Vision.

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • RBVOY 021 – Twisted (S2E6)
    Jun 9 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Twisted

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E6: Twisted. In this episode, most of the crew is trapped on the holodeck and can't make it back to the bridge. Meanwhile, Voyager itself appears to be twisting in space.


    The crew makes the mistake of trying to have some fun, leaving Tuvok and Harry on the bridge. When Voyager runs into some strangely distorted space anomaly, the ship starts changing shape. Decks aren't where they are supposed to be and Janeway is desperate to make it to the bridge. Meanwhile, Neelix continues to live in a state of barely controlled jealousy (not an attractive or entertaining thing to watch).

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S2E5: Non Sequitur where Harry gets lost yet again.

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E7: Parturition.

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • RBVOY 020 – Non Sequitur (S2E5)
    Jun 2 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Non Sequitur

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E5: Non Sequitur. Harry wakes up in an alternate reality where he never boarded Voyager. While this life seems pretty good, Harry needs to get back to his own reality. Guest star Louis Giambalvo plays Cosimo, Harry's only real ally.

    Non Sequitur

    Harry wakes up in bed with his girlfriend Libby in San Francisco. He wonders first if he's time traveled, but then he realizes he's landed in an alternate reality. He plays it cool at first, but eventually he realizes he has to get back to his own reality. At first his only friend seems to be the nearby coffee shop owner Cosimo, but eventually he finds Tom Paris also missed his chance to join Voyager and the two join together to fix whatever has broken.

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S2E4: Elogium where Kes is a sweaty mess.

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E6: Twisted.

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • RBVOY 019 – Elogium (S2E4)
    May 26 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Elogium

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E4: Elogium. In this wild episode, the Voyager encounters some mating life forms in space which ultimately cause Kes to inappropriately jump into puberty.


    The Voyager crew once again goes after something they thinks is interesting and it causes them to lose control of the ship. Kes is negatively impacted in that she arrives in premature puberty and realizes this may be her only opportunity to have a baby. So she's in a crisis. Neelix is in a crisis (he even goes to Tuvok for parenting advice) and meanwhile, everyone else is just making jokes on the bridge. A weird episode.

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S2E3: Projections where the doctor has an existential crisis.

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E5: Non Sequitur.

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • RBVOY 018 – Projections (S2E3)
    May 19 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Projections

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E3: Projections. In this episode, the doctor isn't sure what's real and what's a hologram (including himself). Dwight Schultz makes a surprise appearance as Lt. Barclay. We learn Barclay was involved in testing the EMH's interpersonal skills - and doesn't that explain a lot!?


    This episode kicks off in wild fashion as the doctor appears to be alone on the ship! He does eventually find some people, but he begins to get confused about what is real and what is a program when a tricorder registers him as human! Many twists and turns in this episode and just when you think you've got it figured out, it goes in a different direction.

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S2E2: Initiations where Nog appears as a Kazon.

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E4: Elogium.

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • RBVOY 017 – Initiations (S2E2)
    May 12 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Initiations

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E2: Initiations. In this episode, Chakotay stumbles into some Kazon trouble when he takes a young wanna-be-warrior on board his shuttle. Aron Eisenberg guest stars as Kar who is a lot like a young Nog! We get some insight into the origins of the Kazon in this episode and we get a whole lot of bad hair and sunburns.


    Chakotay is off by himself in a shuttle performing a ritual to honor his father. But bad news for him, he's managed to find himself in Kazon space where a young Kazon boy is trying to make a name for himself by killing the Federation intruder. Things go badly for the boy and Chakotay ends up in the middle of some Kazon drama.

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S2E1: The 37's where we inexplicably run into Amelia Earhart (and spell her name).

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E3: Projections

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • RBVOY 016 – The 37’s (S2E1)
    May 5 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: The 37's

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E1: The 37's. In this episode, Voyager bumps into a red pickup truck floating in space. And if that isn't outlandish enough, we bring the truck on board AND IT STARTS. This is a bit of a wacky episode where the secret of what happened to Amelia Earhart is finally revealed. Although we don't really explain why she has feathered hair from the 90s. That's a mystery for a different day.

    The 37's

    When Voyager follows an SOS signal they find that Amelia Earhart, her navigator and a bunch of other people from the 1930s really were abducted by aliens and brought to the Delta Quadrant. If that isn't crazy enough, we also find that some of those people kidnapped were put into cryo-stasis and we decide it would be a great idea to just wake them all up. What are we thinking!?

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S1E16: Learning Curve where Tuvok learns maybe he's the problem.

    Next time...

    Join us next week for S2E2: Initiations

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • RBVOY 015 – Learning Curve (S1E16)
    Apr 21 2024
    Rebinging Star Trek Voyager: Learning Curve

    Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S1E16: Learning Curve. In this episode, those ever important gel packs catch a virus and Tuvok tries to get some Maquis on the straight and narrow. Our friend and frequent guest host Attiba Royster joins us for the discussion. Connect with Attiba on Instagram or on his website! And if you like the sound of Attiba's voice (and who wouldn't), check out his podcast Teebs & Kid Phoenix vs. If you are interested in supporting Attiba in his work here is a link to the San Diego Fright Mart he mentions in the episode.

    Learning Curve

    Tuvok is assigned the task of training some of the Maquis crew members to be better members of Starfleet. That goes about as well as you might expect it to go! Meanwhile, something has gone awry with Voyager's bio-neural gel packs. The gel packs are failing at an alarming rate and we don't have enough in reserve to keep the ship running. This seems bad. GET THAT CHEESE TO SICKBAY!

    What's this rebinge thing?

    It’s a re-watch of a thing you’ve already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines. In each episode we discuss "Women in the Future" and "Janeway's Leadership Corner" while over-analyzing everything.

    Be sure to listen to our previous episode S1E15: Jetrel where Neelix meets Talax's Oppenheimer.

    Next time...

    Join us in two weeks on May 5th for S2E1: The 37's.

    Be sure and join our Facebook group and Follow Rebinge It on Twitter! We're also on Threads @RebingeIt!

    Email us at rebingeit@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m