
  • Bidding Adieu to a World of Ideas with Your Host, Thomas R Verny MD
    Dec 20 2023

    As I stand at the intersection of heartfelt gratitude and poignant closure, I can't help but reflect on the myriad of voices and perspectives that have graced this podcast. Over the span of two years and 43 episodes, I've had the honor of conversing with a tapestry of brilliant minds—scholars, writers, and medical professionals among them. Each conversation was a thread in the rich quilt of knowledge we've woven together, and as your host, it's a quilt I'll treasure long after the microphone goes silent.

    This final episode is a candid look at the podcasting journey, beset with the challenges of standing out in an ocean of content and the bittersweet realization of when to draw the curtain. As I share my experiences and the factors leading to this farewell, I am reminded that every ending is also a commencement. With T.S. Eliot's poetic wisdom as a beacon, “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” I invite you to join me one last time as I express my deepest thanks to all who have journeyed with us—your companionship has been a gift beyond measure. Though this is my last podcast episode, the quest for knowledge and boundary-pushing continues in my writings, and I encourage you to join me there.

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    3 m
  • Exploring the Art of Persuasion with Michael McQueen
    Oct 28 2023

    Promise one thing: by the end of this conversation with bestselling author and professional speaker, Michael McQueen, you'll have an entirely new perspective on open-mindedness and persuasion. We embark on a deep exploration of the human mind, uncovering the psychology behind stubbornness and taking a fresh look at the art of ethically influencing others. Michael, renowned for his insightful perspectives, shares critical nuggets from his book, Mindstruck: Mastering the Art of Changing Minds, and discusses how we can become more open-minded and encourage others to do the same.

    As we navigate this fascinating discussion, we compare modern persuasion techniques with principles from Dale Carnegie's classic, How to Make Friends and Influence People. There's a unique focus on the importance of allowing people to maintain their dignity during persuasion, a strategy that has proven beneficial for large companies like Pepsi and KPMG. We'll also dive headfirst into the seismic changes witnessed in the automotive industry due to the pandemic and the intricacies of leading a team in a remote or hybrid environment.

    Lastly, we take a journey through the generational labyrinth of the workplace, highlighting the impact of social and technological transformations. We'll touch on the art of effective communication and the power it holds in shaping future thinking. So, gear up for an episode packed with insights that will challenge your perception, redefine your understanding of persuasion, and equip you with the tools to navigate the rapidly evolving professional landscape. Get ready to change minds and perspectives, including your own.

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    49 m
  • Unraveling the Role of Hand Gestures in Communication and Thought: A Deep Dive with Dr. Susan Golden Meadows
    Oct 14 2023
    What if our hands are the key to better communication and deeper understanding? Join me as I sit down with the esteemed Dr. Susan Golden Meadow, diving headfirst into an exploration of her groundbreaking research on the role of gestures in communication, thought, and learning. As we dissect the fascinating world of nonverbal communication, you'll learn how our hands can subtly influence others, and how the gestures of deaf children differ from those of adults. Get ready to see your hands in a whole new light.

    But that's not all we have in store for you. As the conversation unfolds, we'll also touch on the art of relaxation, and the importance of human connection. With a little bit of cross-country skiing and windsurfing thrown into the mix, we'll discuss how physical activities can help us unwind and reconnect with our humanity. Plus, we'll give you a sneak peek of the upcoming book, "Thinking With Your Hands: The Surprising Science Behind How Gestures Shape Our Thoughts" and hint at a forthcoming discussion on a documentary about Dr. David Ho. So buckle up and prepare to be enlightened, entertained, and maybe even a little surprised.

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    35 m
  • Stephen Gyllenhaal: A Call for Action and Reform in the Charitable Sector
    Oct 14 2023

    Join us for an eye-opening discussion with acclaimed film and television director, Stephen Gyllenhaal. Our conversation primarily revolves around his latest work, Uncharitable, a groundbreaking documentary that strikes at the heart of traditional views on charity operations. We embark on a thought-provoking exploration of gender disparity in the non-profit sector, the constraints that hinder charities' effectiveness, and how these elements inspired the film's creation.

    Our conversation with Stephen takes an incisive look at non-profit organizations, their struggles, and their indispensable role in society. We challenge the status quo, discussing the necessity for attracting top talent, offering competitive pay, and granting the respect that these individuals deserve. Moreover, we dive into the deeper psychological underpinnings of the charitable sector and even confront its potential dark side. We question the true nature of corruption, the importance of watchdog organizations, and the need for a revised perspective on charity.

    As we wind down, Stephen shares his personal experience with the AIDS Rides and the invaluable life advice he's passed on to his son. We touch upon the much-anticipated premieres of Uncharitable in New York and Los Angeles, and the plans for its Canadian release. Don't miss this stimulating conversation filled with revolutionary insights into the charitable sector and its untapped potential. This is not just an interview; it's a call to action for a brighter, more charitable future. Tune in now!

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    Más Menos
    49 m
  • The Hidden Power of Hand Gestures in Shaping Thoughts and Conversations
    Sep 30 2023
    Ever wondered how our hand movements not only express our thoughts but also shape them? Our guest, Dr. Susan Golden Meadow, is an expert in the fascinating world of gestures, and she's here to unravel their powerful role in communication, thinking, and learning. The magic of nonverbal cues is at your fingertips, from learning to navigate misdirection in conversations to understanding how parents create a unique communicative context for their kids.

    We're diving straight into the heart of Susan's vast research, starting from her early fascination with the structured gestures of deaf children that intriguingly mirror the structure of language. Ponder over the captivating science behind how gestures can shape our thoughts and the unique ways in which our hands can be used to deceive others. Plus, we're offering a glimpse of Susan's upcoming projects and how her research has evolved over time.

    To wrap things up, we're exploring some deep reflections on what it means to be human and the unexpected ways in which our hands help us relax. We're also talking about the fascinating process our brains undergo when we pair speech with gestures. Join us as we journey from the intimate dynamics of family communication to the wider social implications of gestures. Whether you're an academic, a student, or simply someone curious about the power of nonverbal communication, this episode has something for everyone.

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    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Unraveling Homelessness and its Connection to Prenatal Trauma: A Conversation with Joseph Jacques of Harmonic Humanity
    Sep 16 2023

    Ever wondered about the hidden causes of homelessness? Join us as we unravel these with Joseph Jacques, co-founder, and director of Harmonic Humanity. An organization which is not just about providing immediate work for those living on the streets, but also about unfolding their potential through transformational education. Joseph, from his unique perspective, highlights the surprising connection between prenatal trauma and homelessness, addiction, and mental health issues. His insights stem from his extensive work with the Association of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and are beautifully captured in his book, Legends of Creation.

    Joseph’s extraordinary journey began with learning scuba diving at three, a seemingly unrelated experience that would become central to his understanding of the womb experience and birth trauma. Joseph shares unforgettable narratives from his work on the streets and his inspiring initiative of creating a workbook for the homeless, enabling them to realize they are their own heroes. His ambitious vision doesn’t stop here. Picture a future where a questionnaire could shed light on prenatal trauma experiences and a global study could link these experiences to homelessness. These are not just dreams for Joseph, but goals he is working diligently towards achieving.

    His work is a testament to his unwavering dedication and belief in the power of love, connection, and education. From the concept of prenatal bonding to raising funds for his organization, Joseph is on a mission to change the narrative around homelessness. His work with Harmonic Humanity has already enabled homeless individuals to earn close to a half a million dollars through selling art and music. This is not your typical conversation about homelessness. It’s a deep dive into the transformative power of understanding and empathy, and the extraordinary impact one man can make. Join us as we explore this and more with Joseph Jacques.

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    50 m
  • Exploring Ojibwe Anishinaabe Ways and Indigenous Science with Jerry Fontaine and Don McCaskill
    Sep 1 2023
    Have you ever paused to think about how language can shape our relationship with the world around us? Jerry Fontaine and Don McCaskill, authors of the illuminating book 'To Own Ourselves: Embodying Ojibwe Anishinaabe Ways', join us to share a deep dive into this profound understanding.

    In the first part of our conversation, we learn about the duo's journey in creating the book, starting with a significant pipe ceremony and a unique relationship with their publisher. We also gain insights on Jerry's background, hailing from a lineage of active political resistance, particularly his grandmother, who was a trailblazer as one of the first Anishinaabe women elected under the Indian Act to council. This segment also illuminates the richness of the Ojibwe language, values, and ceremonial practices, which are all fundamental aspects of their work. Plus, we delve into the art of performing land acknowledgments in a way that truly honors the land being remembered.

    The second part of our discussion ventures into the world of Indigenous Science and Spirituality. Highlighting the profound understanding that the First Nations of North America had regarding science and its relation to the world. We explore their intricate understanding of the environment, medicinal plants, measurements, and the connection between science and spirit. The final note of our conversation is a contemplation of the status of Indigenous people in Canada, discussing what could be done to improve their lives. This episode is an invaluable journey, giving you a deeper appreciation of the Ojibwe Anishinaabe ways and a more profound understanding of indigenous science and spirituality. Listen in and expand your knowledge.

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    53 m
  • At the Interface of Consciousness, Quantum Theory, and Mysticism with David Lorimer
    Aug 20 2023

    Ever wondered how mysticism, quantum theory, and consciousness are intertwined? Well, get ready to unlock some mind-bending insights with our special guest, David Lorimer. An acclaimed writer, poet, and spiritual activist, David takes us on a journey through his unique upbringing and career, deeply influenced by his grandfather, Sir Robert Lorimer, a renowned architect and mystic.

    We dive into a profound exploration of consciousness and its crucial role in science. Bouncing off the theories of iconic physicists from the 1930s to modern thought-leaders, we explore the paradoxical interface of the brain and consciousness. Prepare to be fascinated by our deep dive into the Hindu concept of the 'witness', and the intricate relationships between the soul, spirit, and body. A stimulating debate on love, freedom, personal responsibility, and the concept of an afterlife awaits you!

    In our final act, we present David's work under the microscope, celebrating his commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new territories. From the impact of the exchange of ideas and knowledge to the profound influence of Reverend Norman Coburn on David's life, we cover it all. So, are you ready to challenge your world view, disrupt your thought patterns, and embark on an intellectual rollercoaster ride with us? Join in for an episode that’s sure to inspire and provoke your thoughts in equal measure.

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    Más Menos
    52 m