
  • Strategies to Lower Your Adjusted Gross Income
    7 m
  • Avoiding Regrets in Retirement: Five Lessons for Federal Employees
    10 m
  • #104 Optimizing The TSP For Retirement
    Jun 3 2024

    Are you seeking clarity on TSP strategies?

    Join us on our latest podcast episode, where Christian and JT decode the complexities of TSP investments. From cracking the complexities of TSP investment options, including the G, F, C, S, and I funds, to unraveling the benefits of dollar-cost averaging, this episode is packed with invaluable insights to help you confidently navigate your TSP.

    But that's not all. Christian and JT will help you learn TSP distribution strategies, guiding you through the pros and cons of various approaches. Discover how to optimize your TSP for long-term wealth accumulation while staying informed about potential changes to tax laws and regulations.

    Tune in now and unlock the secrets to making your TSP for a secure retirement!


    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Moving TSP Money to G Fund - Here is What You Need To Know
    May 29 2024

    I am 8 years from retirement and currently invested 100% in the C fund. When should I start moving money to the G fund and should it be based on a percentage of my current balance, or should I base it on how many years of withdrawals I want to protect once fully retired i.e. 8-10 years. - Paul


    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Understanding the Tax Implications of Life Insurance
    7 m
  • Understanding Medicare Premium Surcharges (aka IRMAA)
    8 m
  • #103 Don’t Replace Your Expenses in Retirement
    May 20 2024

    Are you ready to take control of your retirement finances? Your current spending habits could shape your future retirement lifestyle more than you realize. Join Micah and Tammy in this episode as they discuss the critical aspects of retirement planning.

    Learn why aligning pre-retirement income with post-retirement needs is crucial to avoid financial stress down the road. Micah and Tammy share invaluable insights into understanding retirement income and expenses, offering practical strategies to optimize your financial outlook.

    Discover the significance of living within your means, managing expenses, and building reserves for unexpected costs. Gain clarity on federal retirement income and the importance of accurate estimation and tax planning.

    Take advantage of these essential strategies to prepare for a comfortable retirement. Tune in now and take the first step towards securing your financial future.


    Más Menos
    24 m
  • When Can You Collect Your SRS (Special Retirement Supplement)?
    May 15 2024

    If I retire age 59 under Postponed Retirement can I collect the SRS - Kenneth


    Más Menos
    6 m