
  • S3E10: Harvey Gets His Specter Wet
    Jun 17 2024

    Recapping S3E10: Stay

    Amanda's boyfriend is back and everyone's gonna be in a trouble. She talks about the time she burned her nose hairs during a delicious meal. Maggie talks about Harvey getting his Specter wet. They discuss the pros of being a cereal family and how they pegged Donna and Scottie to be VERY different coffee drinkers. "Carl" the writer is back at it again with some real fun writing for Louis and Shelia. And the best news to date: they're lauching the Harvey Specter Monthy newsletter coming to your inboxes very soon!

    ABOUT OSF: Whether you're watching it for the first time or third time, this SUITS rewatch podcast is made for SUITS fans and only SUITS fans. Join comedians and siters-in-law Amanda Austin and Maggie Rieth Austin as they brief you on each and every episode of the beloved procedural law drama. They might not have a degree in law, but hey! Neither did Mike Ross!

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • S3E9: Miss Americas in the Making
    Jun 10 2024

    Amanda and Maggie recap all the fun they had at ATX TV Fest and the Suits Restrospective. They talk about a spicy YouTube comment and a great new review! The talk about what their talents would be, should they ever be a contestant in the Miss America pageant. They also discuss how many women actually have a key to Harvey's apartment. Amanda is confused by Kyle (Amanda's brother/Maggie's husband) predicition of why the Royal Family doesn't like Megan Markle. They both agree that when it comes to chores, laundry is way worse than doing dishes. And a little ASMR never hurt anyone, right? This podcast is not sponsored by LaCroix or MillerLite...yet.

    About OSF: Whether you're watching it for the first time or the third time, this rewatch podcast is made for SUITS fans and only SUITS fans. Join comedians and sisters-in-law Amanda Austin and Maggie Rieth Austin as they brief you on each and every episode of this beloved procedural law drama. Since this is Maggie's first time watching it, she makes some bold predictions in each episode at Prediction Town™! They might not have a degree in law, but hey...neither did Mike Ross!

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • S3E8: Blinded by the D
    Jun 3 2024

    Recapping S3E8: Endgame

    In this episode, Maggie and Amanda decide Donna is, in fact, blinded by the D. And in order to get her Donna back, she's gonna have to stay clear of any other D, British or otherwise. They talk about their comfort briefs, their favorite comedians (it's Rory Scovel-he's simply the best), and the last time they watched The Breakfast Club. The talked about the hardest part of a three day weekend is the four day week to follow. They vow to find Harold Gunderson and ask him to be a guest on the podcast. And Maggie makes some really bold predictions, including one that involves murder!

    About OSF: Whether you're watching if for the first time or the third time, this rewatch podcast is made for SUITS fans and only SUITS fans. Join comedians and sisters-in-law Amanda Austin and Maggie Rieth Austin as they brief you on each and every episode of the beloved procedural law drama. Since this is Maggie's first time watching it, she makes some bold predictions each episode at Prediction Town™! They might not have a degree in law, but hey...neither did Mike Ross!

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • S3E7: A Whammy of an Episode
    May 27 2024

    Recapping S3E7: She's Mine

    The folks at PDS are really Pressing their Luck in a work Family Fued that is one for the books. Maggie still isn't over her ranking in Monroe County for the high school Masterminds competition. Amanda starts writing fan fiction for Suits. Maggie makes the distinction between a cat who is a legit cat burglar and a cat who doesn't know better. Amanda gets very defensive about a fictious scenario in which someone would not give Whisky the Producer Dog™ back after a dog sitting session. Amanda has decided to elevate her vocal stylings and sign up for voice lessons and Maggie is going to join her. And the girls are both excited about a potential dinner club. Shoud a Suits-themed dinner party be at the top of the list?

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • S3E6: Girl Friday Boy Thursday
    May 23 2024

    Recapping S3E6: The Other Time

    That other time Maggie and Amanda decided to go live on Instagram while recording this episode. Thanks to everyone who joined in on the fun and the conversation! The girls show off their exceptional impersonation skills.They talked about how Donna is truly the poster child for a Girl Friday and Harvey would be a Boy Thursday (at best). Maggie says she would never turn down any kind of pie (listenres-send her a pie!!) Amanda tells her worst bang story (it's not what you think!) They discuss the nuances of Jury Duty in Dallas County and how Amanda only wants to serve on a Grand Jury once she's retired. And Maggie has the cutest way to say charcuterie. :)

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • S3E5: The Feline Purrrsuasion
    May 20 2024

    Recapping S3E5: Shadow of a Doubt

    We're back to bagels again in epsiode five! Amanda and Maggie talk about how much they'd be willing to wager, depending on who is on the other side of the betting table. The debate whether or not Cameron Mike Brady Dennis has a prostethic or real mustache. Amanda is obsessed with yet another one of Jessica's bag. And listen up for an exceptional example of how Amanda's brain works during a behind the scenes (BTS) moment. And for the first time in Amanda's custody, Whisky the Producer Dog kills a squirrel...

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • S3E4: It Takes Two to Tango?
    May 16 2024

    Recapping S3E4: Conflict of Interest

    They're already a fourth of the way through season 3 and they are very much interested in the conflict in this show! They discuss jobs they accepted and never showed up for and they question Donna's move to skip those front row seats to MacBeth for some recreational fun with her friend from across the pond. Maggie thinks she and Louis share a similar style in workout clothes and notes this shower curtain background is giving real not-so-NYC vibes. Deep breath: Maggie gives us a science lesson on why you should breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and for the first time, Amanda has to plea the fifth on her brief. Maggie has to make some tough choices at Prediction Town™ about what she THINKS will happen to Donna vs what she WANTS to happen for Donna. Make sure to like, subscribe, and leave us a sweet, sweet review!

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • S3E3: Have Your (recycled) Cake and Eat It, Too!
    May 13 2024

    Recapping S3E3: Unfinished Business

    In S3E3, Maggie still has some unfinished business trying to figure out who Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are. They girls brag about how long they can hold a plank and diss on how bad the pranks are between Mike, Rachel, and Katrina with thier jib jab jabs. They discuss how Daniel Day-Lewis and Britney Spears have very similar method acting techniqiues. They're still trying to solve the mystery of the recycle bin cake while Maggie mistakenly thinks she is still pronouncing lawyer correctly. My Buddy Maggie decides to YES, AND Amanda's made up My Briefy song...just like a pro. And Amanda finally finishes grad school after all these years. Time for a nap!

    Más Menos
    52 m