
  • Stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse.
    May 30 2024

    Stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse.

    There continues to be a stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse. Legislation is bottled up in committee and not coming to the floor for a vote. Ohioans voted for a majority of Republicans In both the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate. Ohio is a conservative state, and people are frustrated as to why we do not see the same type of conservative legislation passing in Ohio that is passing in other conservative states. The problem continues to be Speaker Stephens, who was elected Speaker with a majority of Democrats, not Republicans. This continues to be a point of frustration for conservatives in both the House and Senate. This stalemate is now at historic levels, as this General Assembly has passed less legislation than any other Oho legislature going back 70 years. Frustrated by the standoff, Governor DeWine himself called for a special session. The last time a Governor had to call for a special session was in 2004. The Ohio House and the Ohio Senate did come together this week to pass a bill that would ban foreign money from interfering in Ohio’s elections. They also voted to put Joe Biden on the Ohio ballot. The question remains, will the Ohio House and Senate come together to pass meaningful conservative legislation, or will the stalemate continue the rest of this session? Listen to this week’s News in Focus program to learn more.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • STOP Illegal Immigration in Ohio- Legislation has been introduced to address the problem.
    May 7 2024

    STOP Illegal Immigration in Ohio- Legislation has been introduced to address the problem.

    State Rep. Scott Wiggam of the 77th Ohio House District in Wayne County discusses legislation that he has introduced to address the illegal immigration problem in Ohio. H.B. 327, E-Verify, will penalize employers who hire illegal immigrants. H.B. 451, The Wire Act, will track American funds being wired out of the State of Ohio. Drug cartels and human traffickers are wiring money out of the state that they acquire by selling drugs and sex trafficking in the state. Rep. Wiggam's bill will finally track this money. The third piece of legislation is a Texas-style illegal immigration law. Illegal immigration is illegal, in Ohio and we should treat it as such. Ohio as a border state should have the authority for its law enforcement to arrest and deport illegals from the State of Ohio. Tune in and tell a friend.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • News Updates - State and National with Chris Long
    May 1 2024

    News Updates - State and National with Chris Long

    Protests are breaking out on college campuses across the country. Intertwined among them is a rise in anti-Semitism. Congressional members in a press conference today, called on the administration and state officials to act, protecting Jewish students attending their colleges and universities. Speaker Johnson called for the NYPD to act at Columbia and if need be, the National Guard. Speaker Johnson said in today's press conference that the nation is beset with problems and the world is on fire right now; it's imperative for people of strong moral courage and resolve to act.

    Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. OCA/CAA President Chris Long will be speaking in Marietta, Ohio at the National Day of Prayer event in Ohio's charter city.

    The Ohio legislature continues to hold hearings on numerous pieces of legislation to address the housing crisis. Many young families are priced out of the market and there is a scarcity of affordable homes. OCA will hold an educational forum on Monday, May 13th at the Wadsworth Nazarene Church on the history of home mortgage lending and the current housing crisis. Jack Boyle, a 35-year veteran of home mortgage lending will be presenting. Also joining the Q&A panel will be Greg Lawson, Research Fellow with the Buckeye Institute.

    This new updated version of News in Focus is 28 minutes in length. Tune in each week and share with a friend.

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    29 m
  • Greg Lawson discusses Ohio's housing crisis and what policy makers are doing about it
    Apr 24 2024

    Greg Lawson discusses Ohio's housing crisis and what policy makers are doing about it

    Greg Lawson, Research Fellow at the Buckeye Institute, Ohio's conservative think tank, joins News in Focus to discuss with Chris Long Ohio's housing crisis and what legislators are doing about it. Rising costs due to inflation, high interest rates, and the lack of available single family homes, as well as rising rents, are driving the crisis. Ohio can't build for the future if it can't house the new workers coming in for the Intel project in central Ohio. Costs are high, builders aren't building, banks aren't lending, and younger adults are losing hope of ever realizing the American dream of owning their own home.

    The Ohio Senate convened a select committee on housing earlier this year. They heard from mortgage lenders, home builders, and other interested parties. They have taken those findings from the committee hearings and have drafted legislation to address the problem. Senate President Matt Huffman stated in a press conference last week that there was not enough time this year to have a comprehensive plan in place, but that this will be a priority of the legislature and that it will take multiple years to turn the situation around in Ohio to address Ohio's housing crisis.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Iran attacks Israel - Court places injunction on H.B 68 - Inflation climbs in March - Statehouse update
    Apr 17 2024

    Iran attacks Israel - Court places injunction on H.B 68 - Inflation climbs in March - Statehouse update on this week's News in Focus

    The world breathes a sigh of relief as missile attack on Israel is thwarted by the Iron Dome. Inflation and the economic outlook is not good for the Biden Administration. ACLU files lawsuit against Ohio's Safe Act H.B. 68. Court places a temporary injunction of the implementation of the law. These and other updates from the Ohio Statehouse. Tune and tell a friend.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Standing By Israel With Laurie Cardoza Moore
    Apr 10 2024

    Standing By Israel With Laurie Cardoza Moore

    Israel is fighting the war against HAMAS in Gaza. Many in the international community, including the U.S. State Department, are calling for Israel to stand down. Israel is determined to eradicate those HAMAS terrorists who committed the atrocities on October 7th, the day that modern Israel suffered its worst attack.. Pro-HAMAS protests have begun to turn the head of Democratic leadership in Washington as the Presidential race heats up. Laurie Cardoza Moore, President of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, insists this is no time to abandon Israel, our chief ally in the Middle East. It is essential that America holds firm in its support for the Jewish state.

    Call to action: Call your Congressmen and urge them to stand with the Israel and the Jewish people.

    Genesis 12:3

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • White House disrespects Christians and Easter-Declares Transgender Day
    Apr 3 2024

    White House disrespects Christians and Easter-Declares Transgender Day

    Christian leaders and political leaders rebuke the Biden Administration for its disregard of Christianity's holiest day on the calendar. Easter Sunday is the celebration of Christ's resurrection in the Christian church worldwide. From our beginning as a nation, Presidents have acknowledged the Christian calendar and offered proclamations of peace and blessing. The Biden Administration broke from this tradition and instead announced a "Transgender Day of Visibility." Leaders from across the Christian community decried the White House's disregard for the Christian holiday. Pastor Al Davis and I discuss this news event and how Christians should respond.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Encore presentation with AG Dave Yost and Aidan Haggard of the American Conservative Youth Union
    Mar 27 2024

    AG Yost discusses nitrogen hypoxia as a remedy to carry out Ohio's death penalty.

    Attorney General Dave Yost joined Representatives Brian Stewart and Phil Plummer in a recent press conference announcing legislation that would include nitrogen hypoxia as a method to carry out Ohio's death penalty. In recent years, Ohio, along with other states who have a death penalty for certain capital crime, i.e. murder, has been stymied by the drug industry that will not provide the state with the drugs to be used in lethal injection. In February, Alabama carried out a successful execution using nitrogen hypoxia. The Attorney General of Alabama declared it a success and stated that he would be available for other states' attorneys to contact his office for details.

    American Conservative Youth Union President Aidan Haggard

    Discussing the American Conservative Youth Union with its president, Aidan Haggard. Aidan discusses the importance of civics in education. He is mentoring other young people to take a stand for conservative values. Take time to listen to this interview with this high school conservative from Medina High School I think you will be impressed with this young man's knowledge and understanding of the political landscape. With young men like this, there is hope for the future.

    News in Focus is a podcast broadcast of the Ohio Christian Alliance. Help us to grow this podcast!

    Más Menos
    52 m