
  • The Beauty and Loss of Tradition: How Did We Get Here?
    Jun 6 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - June 6, 2024

    Dr. Anthony Esolen examines the beauty of tradition and how we have reached the point of starting to lose that tradition

    Do Catholics believe that the Bible is God’s word? If Catholics believe it is in fact God’s word, do they believe the Bible is without fault or error?

    Discussing a father's authority over and role in the family

    I have not yet finished my RCIA program and I am already starting to have thoughts about potentially pursuing a vocation. At the very least, I want to learn about what it would entail and possibly start to prepare if I feel called down that path. Is it too early to speak to my priest about this given the fact that I have not yet been Confirmed in the church?

    How do we know an animal doesn't ask Jesus into its heart just because they're non-verbal?

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Current Christianity vs. The Ages of Faith!
    Jun 5 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - June 5, 2024

    How has Christianity evolved over the years due to worldly influence? What can we do to overcome that influence?

    My priest became angry at me after I went out of my way to receive the Eucharist from his line instead of that of a Eucharistic minister. Am I wrong for doing it in the first place? How should I proceed from here?

    Why doesn’t God just get rid of the devil?

    My great grandfather, grandfather and my uncle are presumably Freemasons. Is there something I should be concerned about? What are your recommendations?

    I am getting married and am wondering if it is a sin to have an open bar at our wedding reception? Is it on my soul if people get really drunk?

    If my practicing Catholic sister marries a non-Catholic, even if it’s technically with Church dispensation, should I attend? Is it still a valid Catholic marriage? Am I being uncharitable to refuse to attend?

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • A Former Protestant Discovers the Fullness of the Catholic Church!
    Jun 4 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - June 4, 2024

    Continuing yesterday's conversion story from a former Protestant turned Catholic

    Is modernism the synthesis of all heresy? Is Pope Francis a modernist? If he is, should he not resign or be forced to resign?

    Mother's reaction to women pushing for structural changes in the church at the synod

    A very dear friend is in a gay relationship and getting “married” in Germany. We are invited. My husband says we should go to show support for our friend. There is a group traveling for several days together before the activity. I have agreed to go on the trip but refuse to go to the “ceremony” and party. We will watch the children for that night, but their dad is also Catholic. Does that make me complicit in his going?

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • A Catholic Covert Shares His Story, Navigating Unhealthy Relationships
    Jun 3 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - June 3, 2024

    A Catholic convert shares his story in a newsletter from The Coming Home Network International

    I have heard a lot about Eastern Catholic churches lately and their “Divine Liturgy.” Is that something you would recommend a Catholic check out some time? I have heard many good things, and as I understand it, any Catholic can participate. I get the impression that this is still a better option than an irreverent Novus Ordo mass.

    Can a Catholic married man continue to maintain close relationships and friendships with women other than his wife?

    Navigating difficult and borderline abusive relationships

    For those of us holding firm to the teachings of the Church on human sexuality and the dignity of the human person, how can we guard ourselves against accusations of hatred and bigotry by those who subscribe to these modern gender ideologies? Also, how can I explain that having a belief about such issues does not in itself denote that someone is being “judgmental”?

    During World War Two, Hitler put Jews in the oven. Their crime: Being Jews. Someday, God will put Jews in the oven (Hell). Their sin: Being Jews (not becoming Christians). Hitler burned the Jews, God will burn the Jews. Your thoughts on this comparison, please?

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • How Do We Live In A World That's Turned From God? (with Special Guest Bishop Joseph Strickland)
    May 31 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - May 31, 2024

    Mother is joined live and in-person by Bishop Joseph Strickland for a special conversation about the current state of the world and the church and how we as Catholics can best navigate it all.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Pope Urban IV and the History of Corpus Christi
    May 29 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - May 29, 2024

    Pope Urban IV and his declaration of Corpus Christi as a feast in the Latin church

    Advice for those who have lost hope in life

    What happens to a consecrated host, the Eucharist, if it is presented by a lay minister (Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist) or a deacon during communion, and not by the consecrated hands of a priest? I know you’ve said that such action is a desecration. What does that mean? Does the Eucharist cease to be the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord? Is it “nullified” or “lessened” somehow? Does the communicant commit a sin if he or she receives communion from one of these people?

    Can you recommend a homeschool program?

    What are the signs of the true church?

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Do Animals Have Souls and Will They Make It To Heaven?
    May 24 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - May 24, 2024

    Spirituality for the imperfect and the end of Paschaltide

    Was Russia ever fully/properly consecrated as requested by Our Lady at Fatima?

    Do animals have souls? Do animals make it to heaven? I’ve heard this widely debated between Catholic and Protestants for some time now.

    How do you feel about the news that Blessed Carlo Acutis is set to soon be named the first “millennial saint?” Do you think this, in any way, could be an appeal to young Catholics to give them a saint that they might relate to more closely?

    A disturbing report about a "transgender monk"

    Do you have any upcoming speaking engagements? I know you probably aren’t able to travel nearly as much as you once did, but I’ve always wanted to meet and hear you speak in person.

    Are ouija boards the "real deal?" Have you had any experiences with the demonic?

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Torn Between Catholicism and Orthodoxy: What To Do?
    May 23 2024

    Mother Miriam Live - May 23, 2024

    Dom Prosper Gueranger on Pentecost

    Do you recommend participation in the National Eucharistic Congress and the Pilgrimages leading up to it?

    My parishioner friend brought to my attention from our parish bulletin/website that our parish is invited to attend a Shabbat from a Jewish community. Please share your wisdom on this if it is ok for a Catholic to participate.

    I feel I'm under a great spiritual attack. What can I do?

    I feel torn between a Protestant church and the Catholic church. How can I function within both at the same time? Is such a thing even possible?

    Más Menos
    48 m