
  • Around the Circuit with GWUMUN
    Mar 6 2024

    Link to Donate to GW Model UN: https://give.gwu.edu/model-un-program-at-gwu

    In this episode of Around the Circuit, we dive into the intricate world of Model United Nations (MUN) at George Washington University (GW) with Parth Badhwar, the head delegate of GW's competitive Model UN team. Badhwar shares insights into the team's philosophy, emphasizing being good delegates with a competitive edge while maintaining a positive image on the circuit. We explore GW's Model UN program's structure under the George Washington International Affairs Society, which supports various initiatives, including the Model United Nations team, and learn about the unique leadership model tailored by each head delegate.

    Fundraising is a significant challenge, as GW Model UN receives no monetary support from the university, necessitating tens of thousands of dollars to be raised annually for competition participation. Badhwar highlights their current efforts to raise $10,000 through community support, underscoring the impact of every donated dollar.

    The episode delves into the selection and training process for GW's Model UN team, the strategic decisions behind conference attendance, and the logistics of managing a large and diverse team across numerous events. Badhwar discusses the importance of fundraising to alleviate the financial burdens on team members, enable broader participation, and maintain the enriching tradition of Model United Nations involvement at GW.

    Podcast Notes:

    • Guest: Parth Badhwar , Head Delegate, GW Model UN Team
    • Key Topics:
      • Philosophy and goals of GW's MUN team: competitiveness balanced with camaraderie and integrity.
      • Structure and leadership of GW's MUN program within the larger International Affairs Society.
      • Fundraising challenges and efforts to support team activities without university funding.
      • Recruitment, training, and team composition strategies for national and international conferences.
      • The significance of MUN in developing skills relevant to political and international affairs careers.
    • Call to Action: Listeners are encouraged to support GW's Model UN team by donating to their fundraising campaign. Every contribution helps reduce costs for team members, ensuring wider access to Model UN's valuable experiential learning opportunities.
    • Advice to High School MUN Delegates: Parth advises high school students to fully engage with MUN to develop essential skills and consider continuing Model UN in college for its profound personal and professional benefits.
    • Closing Remarks: The episode closes with an appreciation for Parth's insights and a reminder to listeners to check the show notes for the link to support GW's Model United Nations team.


    • GW MUN Team Fundraising Page: https://give.gwu.edu/model-un-program-at-gwu
    • For further MUN training and resources, visit allamericanmun.com.
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Around the Circuit with the Yale International Relations Association YIRA
    Feb 28 2024

    We sit down with Rolando Kattan, the president of the Yale International Relations Association (YIRA) and a third-year student at Yale. Kattan takes us through the journey of YIRA, Yale's largest student organization known for its significant contribution to the Model United Nations (MUN) community. He sheds light on the origins, missions, and expansive reach of YIRA's flagship project, YMUN, emphasizing its role as a global platform for projecting Yale's educational values.

    Kattan details the structure of YIRA as an independent, nonprofit student organization, highlighting its various branches, including academic journals and outreach programs like Hemispheres. He discusses the logistical and financial challenges of expanding YMUN internationally, the strategic decision-making behind such expansions, and the organization's dedication to making MUN accessible to students worldwide through substantial financial aid.

    The conversation transitions to Kattan's personal journey from a high school MUN delegate to becoming the president of YIRA, exploring the skills and experiences that have shaped his leadership. He stresses the importance of Model UN in developing critical skills applicable beyond the conference rooms and acknowledges the pivotal role of MUN advisors in students' lives.

    This episode not only celebrates the impact of Model UN on fostering diplomacy and global awareness among young leaders but also highlights the unsung heroes behind the scenes, inspiring listeners with stories of ambition, challenge, and community.

    Podcast Notes:

    Guest: Rolando Katan, President, Yale International Relations Association (YIRA)

    Topics Covered:

    • Introduction to YIRA: Overview of Yale's largest student organization and its mission to extend Yale's educational mission globally.
    • YMUN: Insight into YIRA's flagship project, its history, impact, and the expansion of the YMUN conferences around the world.
    • Organizational Structure: Discussion on YIRA's unique status as an independent, nonprofit student organization and its various branches.
    • Challenges and Expansions: Kattan shares the challenges faced during the international expansion of YMUN conferences and the strategies implemented to overcome them.
    • Personal Journey: Kattan discusses transitioning from a high school MUN delegate to the president of YIRA, including the skills and experiences that influenced his leadership.
    • The Role of MUN Advisors: A tribute to the significant impact of MUN advisors on students' personal and professional development.
    • Financial Accessibility: YIRA's commitment to making MUN accessible through financial aid and the importance of diversity and inclusivity in MUN participation.

    Key Quotes:

    • "Model UN as a platform for projecting Yale's educational mission globally."
    • "The essence of what we do is to make Yale education more accessible."
    • "Leadership in YIRA involves navigating challenges with a focus on diplomacy, negotiation, and conflict resolution."
    • "MUN advisors are the unsung heroes in the Model UN community."
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • MUN Ask Me Anything: Conference Selection, Parent Communication, and School Rankings
    Feb 28 2024

    In this episode of MUN AMA, we dive deep into the multifaceted world of Model United Nations, focusing on the experiences of seasoned delegates and their journey through traditional and fantasy committees. Frank and Gab share advice for newcomers and veterans of Model UN, shedding light on the essential skills for success, the unique challenges faced in different committee formats, and the intriguing world of fantasy committees.

    Frank and Gab share their thoughts on how parents can effectively communicate with their students participating in Model UN conferences. Parents often struggle to connect with their students because they don't understand the activity and only have a vague understanding of the jargon used.

    The conversation then shifts to traditional vs. fantasy committees' distinct challenges and opportunities. While traditional committees demand a deep understanding of real-world issues and the positions of assigned countries, fantasy committees offer a creative twist, requiring delegates to navigate fictional scenarios with the same diplomatic acumen. Frank and Gab recount their personal experiences in both types of committees, offering listeners a glimpse into the strategic thinking and adaptability required to thrive in these diverse environments.

    In the last question, Frank and Gab grapple with the cost/benefit analysis of high school Model UN rankings. Should they exist? How should they be calculated? What benefits and drawbacks exist when ranking high school Model UN teams?

    Podcast Notes:

    • The Essence of MUN Success: Discussion on key skills for MUN, including research, public speaking, and resolution writing.
    • Traditional vs. Fantasy Committees: Insights into the different dynamics and skill sets required for success in both types of committees.
    • Deep Dive into Fantasy Committees: Guests share their experiences with fantasy committees, offering a look at the creative and analytical challenges these committees present.
    • Advice for MUN Participants: Practical tips for preparation, effective debate, and networking within the MUN community.
    • Challenges for Newcomers: Strategies to overcome common obstacles faced by new MUN delegates.
    • Closing Thoughts: Summary of key takeaways and final advice from our guests.
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Around the Circuit with HopMUNC by Johns Hopkins University
    Feb 22 2024

    We had the pleasure of speaking with Lisa Boyd, a senior at the Johns Hopkins University and the Secretary General of HopMUNC, Johns Hopkins new college Model United Nations conference. Lisa shared insights into the creation, goals, and unique aspects of HopMUNC, which are designed to enhance accessibility and offer enriching experiences for delegates. She emphasized the conference's focus on tackling modern-day issues through carefully selected committee topics and promoting delegate experiences inside and outside committee sessions. Lisa highlighted the importance of the conference's location in Washington, D.C., enabling delegates to engage with the city's rich political and historical landscape.

    Lisa delved into the background of HopMUNC and the strategic partnership with the School of International Studies. The discussion also covered the decision-making process behind launching HopMUNC, its relationship with the competitive travel team, and the conference's commitment to accessibility, aiming to include delegates from diverse educational backgrounds.

    The podcast explored the organizational structure, committee styles, expectations for the inaugural conference, and the logistical details for registration and participation. Lisa shared her journey with Model United Nations, detailing how it has shaped her academic and professional aspirations.

    Show Notes

    • Guest: Lisa Boyd, Senior at the Johns Hopkins University and Secretary General of HopMUNC.
    • Topics Discussed:
      • Creation and goals of the HopMUNC.
      • The emphasis on accessibility and delegate experiences.
      • The transition from a high school to a collegiate conference and the partnership with the School of International Studies.
      • The relationship between the conference and the competitive travel team.
      • Conference logistics, including registration details and deadlines.
    • Key Takeaways:
      • HopMUNC aims to make Model UN accessible to many delegates, focusing on real-time engagement with modern-day issues.
      • The conference's location in Washington, D.C., is strategically chosen to enhance the delegate experience by immersing them in the political and historical context.
      • The conference serves as a platform for organizational growth, networking, and legacy building within the Model UN community.
      • Registration for the conference is open, and the conference will take place on April 19th-21st, with detailed information available at hotmunk.org.
    • Personal Insights:
      • Lisa shared her background as a public health major with a passion for Model United Nations, highlighting the skills and perspectives gained from her involvement.
      • She is strongly committed to ensuring the conference's success and potential impact on future generations.

    For more information on the HopMUNC and to register, visit hopmunc.org and follow their updates on Instagram.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • MUN Ask Me Anything: Addressing Challenges and Strategies in Model UN
    Feb 21 2024

    In this engaging episode of MUN AMA, Frank Pobutkiewicz, founder and director of All-American Model United Nations, and Gabby MacKay, the Program Director, tackle a variety of questions from the Model UN community. 

    First, Nicole from Pittsburgh seeks advice on maintaining energy and securing awards at conferences. Gabby emphasizes Model UN as a marathon, not a sprint, advocating for energy management and mental self-checks to prevent burnout. Frank adds the importance of enjoying the activity for sustained motivation.

    Michelle, a parent from Massachusetts, inquires about helping her daughter find her voice in Model UN despite her small stature. Gabby shares personal strategies for overcoming physical challenges in debates, highlighting the importance of inclusivity and advocating for oneself.

    Ted, a teacher from New Jersey, asks for tips on competing against powerhouse schools. Gabby suggests analyzing successful delegates and spending more time observing committees to evolve coaching strategies. Frank advises focusing on positive relationships and solutions rather than engaging with dominant, aggressive delegates.

    Owen from New Jersey is curious about transitioning from high school to college Model UN. Frank discusses the variability of college Model UN programs and the importance of finding a good cultural fit. Gabby offers insights into the more individualistic and style-driven nature of college Model UN, stressing the importance of networking and adapting to experimental committee formats.

    The episode closes with reminders to subscribe and reach out with questions, encapsulating a wealth of advice for students, parents, and educators in the Model UN community.


    • Key Takeaways:
      • Model UN is a marathon requiring energy management.
      • Physical stature doesn't limit one's impact in debates; strategy and self-advocacy are crucial.
      • Competing against powerhouse schools involves understanding and evolving strategies.
      • College Model UN differs from high school in its individualistic approach and networking opportunities.
    • Advice Highlights:
      • Pace yourself and enjoy the Model UN to maintain energy.
      • Use personal strengths and strategies to overcome physical challenges in debates.
      • Analyze successful delegates and adapt coaching and competing strategies accordingly.
      • Embrace the networking and experimental nature of college Model UN.
    • Listener Engagement: Encourages submitting questions about Model UN or related topics.
    • Contact Information: Email hello@allamericanmun.com with your questions!

    This episode of MUN AMA is packed with insightful advice, personal anecdotes, and strategies for success in Model UN, making it a must-listen for anyone involved in the Model UN community.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Gavel Drop: Model UN, The Machine
    Feb 17 2024

    In this episode of The Gavel Drop, Frank Pobutkiewicz takes us through the evolution of Model United Nations (Model UN) in the United States, sharing his deep engagement with the community over the past 15 years. From his beginnings as a high school delegate to his role as a coach and leader within the Boston University International Affairs Association, Frank has experienced the full spectrum of Model UN, witnessing its capacity to inspire and challenge its participants.

    Key Points:

    • The Lifecycle of Model U.N.: Frank describes the post-conference quiet as the moment when the real work of the Model UN machine begins, highlighting the transition from the excitement of events to the behind-the-scenes efforts that fuel the next cycle.
    • Personal Journey: Frank shares his extensive involvement in Model U.N., from delegate to Secretary-General and president of a major university's international affairs association. His personal story underscores Model UN's profound impact on individuals, fostering growth, friendships, and even marriages within the community.
    • Attractions and Challenges: The allure of Model U.N. varies among participants, from the thrill of competition and travel to the academic fulfillment of chairing conferences. However, internal politics and leadership responsibilities also bring significant challenges.
    • Growth and Decentralization: Tracing back to its origins in the 1920s, Frank discusses how Model U.N. has grown exponentially since the late 1980s, emphasizing its decentralized nature in the U.S., which allows for a diverse array of conferences but also leads to common frustrations due to the lack of a governing authority.
    • Model U.N. as a Business: With over 400,000 participants in the U.S., Model U.N. operates as a competitive business, where conferences vie for attendees through unique selling points, from creative committees to comprehensive educational experiences.
    • Community and Competition: Despite the competitive aspects of Model U.N., Frank highlights the strong sense of community among participants. The relationships built through Model U.N. play a significant role in its appeal, transcending individual conferences and competitions.
    • Organizational Growth and Liabilities: As organizations grow, so do their complexities and responsibilities. Frank shares his experiences dealing with financial liabilities and university administrations, illustrating the serious commitments required to lead within the Model U.N. landscape.
    • Independent Non-Profits: Frank notes the trend of Model U.N. organizations operating as independent non-profits, separate from their universities, which allows for greater operational freedom and financial management.
    • Global Impact and Financial Assistance: The episode touches on the global expansion of Model U.N., highlighting the significant financial assistance provided to participants and the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Conclusion: For Frank, Model U.N. is more than a club; it's a community that demands dedication and strategic thinking. His involvement has deeply shaped his personal and professional life, and he encourages others to strive for better within the Model U.N. community.

    Closing Thoughts:
    Frank Pobutkiewicz's journey through the world of Model UN reveals a complex ecosystem that blends education, competition, and community. His insights offer a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of being deeply involved in Model UN, highlighting its evolution from a debate platform to a global education movement.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Around the Circuit with the Princeton Diplomatic Invitational
    Feb 15 2024

    In this episode of the Model UN Coach podcast, titled "Around the Circuit," hosts delve into the revival of the Princeton Diplomatic Invitational (PDI). This Model United Nations conference took a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Guests Sarina Hegli and Ferenc Somogyi, the Secretaries-General of the newly relaunched PDI, share insights into the decision-making process behind bringing the conference back and their vision for its future.

    Key Highlights:

    • Revival Decision: The PDI, initially paused during the pandemic, is making a comeback, driven by a vibrant and enthusiastic team at Princeton. This decision reflects a broader goal to rejuvenate Model UN activities post-pandemic, leveraging the collective energy and optimism of the community.
    • Unique Features: Unlike Princeton's high school Model UN conference, PMUNC, the PDI is uniquely situated on Princeton's campus, utilizing the university's resources and spaces. This on-campus setting facilitates logistics and enriches the conference experience by integrating academic faculty and leveraging the university's intellectual environment.
    • Conference Focus: PDI aims to distinguish itself through a concentrated, quality-driven approach. With a lineup of nine committees, including crisis committees and various historical and contemporary topics, the conference seeks to offer an intimate and intellectually stimulating environment. Emphasizing academic rigor, the conference will feature speakers from the university faculty and IR professionals to ground debates in realism and practicality.
    • Leadership Insights: Sarina and Ferenc bring extensive Model UN experience to their roles, having participated in Model UN since high school. Their competitive background informs their vision for PDI, emphasizing the importance of a nuanced understanding of issues, teamwork, and adaptability. This perspective is crucial for crafting a conference that challenges delegates and fosters a sense of community and purpose.
    • Awards and Recognition: While maintaining traditional award categories, PDI aims to prioritize the recognition of delegates who demonstrate adaptability, teamwork, and a deep engagement with topics, reflecting a broader mission to foster holistic diplomacy skills.
    • Outreach and Differentiation: Facing the challenge of re-establishing PDI in a competitive landscape, the leadership team focuses on broad, inclusive outreach and quality. By combining traditional Model UN elements with a renewed focus on realism, academic depth, and a global perspective, PDI seeks to offer a unique contribution to the Model UN circuit.

    This episode offers a comprehensive look into the strategic vision behind the Princeton Diplomatic Invitational's return, highlighting the importance of innovation, community, and academic integration in Model UN conferences. The relaunch of PDI symbolizes not just the revival of a conference but the reinvigoration of Model UN's potential to engage, educate, and inspire participants in the post-pandemic era.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • MUN Ask Me Anything: Understanding Model UN, College Admissions, and MUN without a School Team
    Feb 14 2024

    In the inaugural episode of MUN AMA cohosts Frank Pobutkiewicz and Gabby MacKay kick off the series with insights and advice on navigating the world of Model United Nations (MUN). Frank, the founder of All-American Model UN, and Gabby, the Program Director and a senior studying international relations at American University, share their extensive experience in Model UN to answer queries from students, parents, and teachers.

    Key discussions include:

    • Getting involved in Model UN without a school program: Frank and Gabby suggest starting small, utilizing local and online resources, and potentially joining organizations like All-American Model UN for competitive experience and training.
    • Understanding Model UN: They clarify that Model UN is not centrally organized and emphasize its value as a negotiation and solution-oriented activity, distinct from traditional debate formats.
    • Benefits for college admissions: The hosts discuss how MUN can enhance college applications by demonstrating developed skills, leadership, and unique experiences, urging students to present a compelling narrative of their MUN involvement.
    • What is Model UN?: They describe Model UN as a simulation exercise allowing students to role-play different countries or historical figures, focusing on solution-building over winning arguments. The discussion covers both General Assembly and crisis committee formats, aiming to demystify the activity for newcomers.
    • Balancing research and effective communication: Frank and Gabby advise on the importance of preparation, recognizing patterns, advocacy skills, and emotional intelligence in Model United Nations, offering insights into their coaching philosophy at All-American Model UN to foster debate skills and teamwork.
    Más Menos
    23 m