
  • Facing Imminent Danger Part 4: Esther Chapters 6-10
    Dec 20 2022

    Last week we left our story with Queen Esther inviting her husband, the King of Persia, and his second in command, Haman, a descendant of the Amalakites, to a second banquet. Here, Queen Esther would make her request to the king. Haman did not have any idea that the queen was herself Jewish and related to Mordecai, the Jew.

    Although the decree to kill all the Jews had been set for a certain date and Haman was invited to a second banquet with the queen and king, he could not be happy because of his hatred towards Mordecai. Haman’s wife and friends suggested he have gallows built specifically to hang Mordecai. They suggested that he ask the king if he could hang Mordecai  the next morning. This would finally make Haman happy and he could enjoy the banquet with the king and queen later that evening.

    That night before the day of the second banquet, the king could not sleep. He had one of his servants bring in the book of records and had it read to him aloud. The news that had been recorded gave an account of Mordecai saving the king’s life when he overheard two of the king’s personal servants’ plan to kill him. Mordecai reported what he had heard and after an investigation was done, it was found to be true. The king asked what reward or what honor had been given to Mordecai and the servants reported that nothing had been done.

    As the king was thinking, Haman had entered the outer court and had planned to ask the king to hang Mordecai the next morning. When the king heard that Haman was in the outer court, he called for him to come into his chambers. He asked Haman to suggest an appropriate display of honor for someone that the king really wanted to honor. Haman immediately thought, “who else would the king want to honor other than me?”  He proceeded to suggest that a royal robe that the king had worn be put on the person and let that person ride the king’s horse with the king’s royal crest on its head. One of the king’s princes would parade the person through the town square and proclaim to the people that he is the man that the king delights to honor.

    The king loved Haman’s suggestion and told him to quickly go do it and be the person that parades Mordecai. What a shock and turn of events for Haman. He did as the king commanded and after he paraded Mordecai, he quickly went home with his head covered. He was humiliated and very upset. As he was discussing the matter at home with his wife and friends, the king’s servants came to take him to the banquet.

    After the king had a great time at the banquet he asked Esther for her request. She could ask him for anything up to half of his kingdom. She asked that her life and the lives of her people be spared from being killed and annihilated. She said she would not have said anything if they had been sold as slaves, but being killed and destroyed was different. The king asked who was responsible and the queen said “the adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman!” The king was furious and he went out into the garden while Haman begged Esther to spare his life. When the king came back inside Haman had fallen across the couch where the queen was sitting and the king accused him of assaulting the queen. The guards told the king that Haman had prepared gallows to hand Mordecai who had saved the king’s life. The king ordered that Haman be hung on his own gallows. Mordecai later replaced Haman and became second in command to the King of Persia.

    Read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/facing-imminent-danger-part-4?sd=pf

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  • Facing Imminent Danger Pt.3 - Esther Chapter 5
    Nov 23 2022

    Queen Esther had a difficult decision to make which was a matter of life and death not only for herself but for her people. She had hidden her identity as a Jew and now a proclamation to kill all Jews had been decreed for a certain date. After fasting for three days and nights she made a decision to go into the inner courts of the king and wait to see  if she would be killed or given permission by the king to approach him. She said in a message to Mordecai, her uncle, “I will go to the king, which is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.”  She went in faith and with courage.

    The king raised his golden scepter allowing Queen Esther to come and speak with him.  The Bible says that she found favor with the king and he asked her to give him her request. He said he would give her up to half of his kingdom. Queen Esther came prepared with her request. She didn’t beg the king to save her people at that time. Here is her opportunity to make such a request, but instead she invites the king and Haman to come to a banquet that she has prepared for him. The invitation pleased the king so he quickly called for Haman and invited him as well.  

    Haman attended the banquet with the king and again the king asked Queen Esther for her request, up to half of his kingdom. Queen Esther invited the king and Haman back for another private banquet the next day and said she would make her request at that time. Haman was so happy on his way home from the banquet until he saw Mordecai the Jew. Mordecai would not bow to him and tremble before him. Haman was incensed, but restrained himself from doing anything at that moment. He didn’t want to spoil the memory of being with the king and queen at the banquet. 

    When Haman got home he gathered his wife and friends and bragged about the banquet, his riches, his blessings, his many children, and how he had been promoted. But he did reveal what was truly in his heart. With all of his great riches, family, and promotions, when he saw Mordecai sitting at the king's gate (the town square where business is conducted), these great things meant  nothing to him. His hatred toward Mordecai was greater than the good fortune he was experiencing.  

    The evil heart is never satisfied. Haman could not fully enjoy all of his worldly blessings and his family as long as he saw Mordecai disrespecting him.  You may be wondering, “Why didn’t Mordecai show respect and bow to Haman?” The book of Esther does not give the reason for Mordecai’s refusal, but it does describe Haman as the son of Hammedatha the Agagite. Haman came from the lineage of Agag, former king of Amalek. The Amalekites had been enemies of the Jews for many centuries because they were the first to attack them when they came out of Egypt and continued to have battles with them as recorded in the Old Testament. Some historians believe that Haman may have worn a pagan symbol or idol. Bowing to an idol goes against God’s law which is Jewish law (Exodus 20:2). When Mordecai is referred to as, “the Jew,” it would be customary for a Jew not to bow to an idol or pagan symbol.  

    Jesus said in Matthew 15:19, “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, sexual immorality,  thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” God does not look at the outward appearance of a person, but what is in a person’s heart (I. Samuel 16:7). What comes out of the mouth, your words, comes from your heart and the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. (I Chronicles 28:9).

    Read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/facing-imminent-danger-part-3?sd=pf

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  • Facing Imminent Danger Pt.2 - Esther Chapters 1-4
    Nov 16 2022

    Last week we left the story of Esther with a death sentence over the Jewish people. The wicked Haman had talked the King of Persia into signing a proclamation that on a certain day all the Jewish people would be killed, including women and children, young and old. Haman allowed his hatred for Mordecai, the Jew, to include every person who was of the Jewish race.

    Little did Haman know that Queen Esther was also a Jew. She kept her identity a secret because her uncle told her not to reveal it. She was orphaned as a child when both her parents died, and was adopted by her Uncle Mordecai. When the king was looking for a new queen to replace his disobedient wife, he had his men search his kingdom for the most beautiful young virgin women who would be considered as the next queen of Persian. Esther was one of the young women taken for this competition. Although it sounds glamorous the young women taken would all have to sleep with the king and if not chosen to be his queen, they would become a part of his harem and not have their own husbands or families.

    Esther was beautiful and lovely and found favor with the servants that helped her and when her turn came to visit the king, he fell in love with her and chose her to be his queen. Queen Esther could only visit the king when he called for her. If she were to go see him without being called, she would be killed unless the king lifted his golden scepter allowing her to visit. When news got back to Esther about the decree to kill all Jews, Mordecai asked her to go to the king and ask him to save her people.

    Mordecai made it clear to Esther that God may have chosen her to be in this position for such a time as this. He said if she did not act, God would deliver His people, but she would not be spared. If she kept silent she would not be spared according to Mordecai, but if she went to the king without being called she could be killed. She had to make a difficult decision and called for her people to fast from food and water for 3 days. Esther and all her maidens fasted as well.

    Read the rest here: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/facing-imminent-danger-part-2?sd=pf 

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  • Facing Imminent Danger Pt.1 - Esther Chapters 3 & 4
    Nov 9 2022

    The midterm elections have been completed and you may be happy or upset at the outcome. Did you know that the Bible is full of stories containing lies, conspiracies and politics? In Ecclesiastes 1:9, the verse reads, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Although we have made technological advances and man’s knowledge has increased over time, the nature of man is still influenced by good versus evil, light versus dark, and God’s love versus Satan’s hatred towards mankind.

    In the book of Esther one man’s hatred towards another almost caused the slaughter of the Jewish people. During the reign of King Ahasuerus the Jewish people had been living in Persia. Many years before the land of Israel had been invaded by the Persians and the Jews were taken as captives to Persia. Although they were captives, the Jews continued their religious practices and served God among the Persian people who served idols.

    Mordecai was a Jew who became the enemy of one of the king’s top leaders, named Haman. Haman had been promoted by the king and an order was given that all the king's servants who were within the king's gates had to bow and pay homage to Haman. Mordecai sat within the king’s gate but would not bow or pay homage to Haman. The other servants told Haman and when Haman saw that Mordecai would not bow or pay homage he became very angry. The servants told Haman that the reason Mordecai gave for not following the king’s rule was that he was a Jew.

    From that day on Haman decided that he would get rid of Mordecai and all of the Jewish people. He came up with a plan casting lots (like throwing dice) to set the future date of the genocide. He went to the king and told him that there were certain people scattered around Persia who had their own laws and did not follow the kings laws. He talked the king into signing a decree which set a date for the destruction of all the Jews, young and old. The decree allowed the killers to take all of their possessions as well. Once the king had signed the decree he could not go back on his word or change his mind. When Mordecai found out about the decree he was very upset and cried out to God for help.

    Read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/facing-imminent-danger-pt1?sd=pf 

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  • Why Be Thankful? Luke 17:11-19
    Nov 2 2022

    One of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving with friends and family. It’s the one day that most Americans take time to celebrate around a table, give thanks to God, and spend time catching up with each other. It’s also the day that many Americans see as “turkey day” without any thoughts of thanksgiving to God.

    Throughout scriptures in the old and new testaments we see verses of giving thanks to God for His loving kindness, tender mercies, His goodness, His faithfulness, and awesome grace. (Psalms 106:1;I Thess. 5:18). King David in the book of Psalms wrote songs and verses  giving thanks and praises to God. Although he had many moral failures (committed adultery with Bathsheba and was responsible for the death of her husband), he was repentant and asked God for forgiveness. He had a very close relationship with God and through his lineage with Bathsheba, the Messiah would be born.

    In the book of Luke, there was an occasion when Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem near the border of Samaria and Galilee.  He came across ten lepers who cried out to Him and asked Him to have mercy on them. Jesus responded and told them to go and show themselves to the priest. Why would Jesus respond this way?

    During Jesus’ time on earth leprosy was an incurable contagious disease. The disease is caused by a bacterial infection that grows slowly and affects the nerves, skin, and mucous membranes. Untreated the disease will eat away at skin, cause blindness, loss of fingers and other extremities of the body, and eventual death. Because the disease was contagious those that had leprosy had to be separated from their families and the general public. They formed their own small communities like this group of ten lepers. According to Biblical law, only the priest could declare a person clean after inspection and that person would be allowed back into society. Today, leprosy is curable with antibiotics and drug therapy. It is not a common disease and most new cases are found in India.

    The ten lepers had heard of Jesus and His healing and miraculous works. They did not come close to Him because it was against their laws to do so. Even from a distance they cried out to Jesus to have mercy on them. When Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priest, they did as He said. They had faith for their healing and were obedient to do as Jesus instructed. They didn’t wait to see if they were healed first, they followed Jesus’ instructions. As they were on their way to see the priest, they were cleansed of the disease. One of the lepers when he saw he was healed, turned back and with a loud voice glorified God. He went back to Jesus, came close to Him and knelt by His feet and gave Him thanks. He was a Samaritan and not a Jew.

    Jesus asked, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?” Jesus commented that the only one that returned to give glory to God was this stranger (Samaritan). Jesus said to the Samaritan, “Arise, go your way: your faith has made you whole.”  He was already cleansed of the disease but if he had any missing fingers or disfigurement, his body was made whole.

    Read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/why-be-thankful?sd=pf 

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  • Rightly Dividing the Word: II Timothy 2:14-18
    Oct 26 2022

    The Apostle Paul wrote most of the New Testament in letters to the various churches such as the churches in Ephesus, Corinth, and Thessalonica. Although Paul was not one of the twelve disciples, he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Before he met Jesus, his name was Saul, Saul of Tarsus. As Saul, he was a highly educated Jew in the law, the scriptures, and was also a Roman citizen. Saul was a religious leader who knew the scriptures, kept the law, and thought that followers of Christ were the enemy of God. He was responsible for hunting down Christians and having them killed. After he had an encounter with the risen Jesus, he was converted, became a Christian and was renamed Paul. Paul dedicated the rest of his life to spreading the gospel, planting new churches throughout the region, and wrote letters to the churches when he was in prison. 

    Because new Christians were coming out of paganism and idol worship Paul explained God’s saving grace versus the law (10 commandments & the other 600 laws) and gave instructions to the churches. Although some of Paul’s instructions and teachings were directed at the culture of his day some Christians today disagree on the true meaning of his teachings as it applies to our day and cultural norms. The Bible tells us to study the Word and become a good student rightly or correctly understanding the meaning of His Word. There are many passages that cause controversy among Christians, but are not major issues that would make a difference in one's salvation or going to heaven. Many times scriptural controversies distract us with the main message of God’s love, our need for salvation, His saving grace, and our faith walk. Arguing with one another on scriptural teachings can be divisive, cause guilt, be judgmental, legalistic, and take our focus off what is most important.

    We will take one example and discuss whether men and women should wear hats or head coverings when praying or prophesying according to I Corinthians 11. Some people say men should not wear hats or caps in church because it is disrespectful to God. However, Jewish men wear Yamakas on their heads and it is very respectful. Some say long hair is the covering on the head and not a hat or fabric. Men should not have a head covering and do so by wearing their hair short, but women need to have long hair because they need to have their heads covered. Some say women should wear head coverings, hats, veils, in church but only certain religions and denominations practice this custom. Does wearing something on top of your head as a man or a woman make a difference to God? Will He hear your prayer only if you have your head uncovered as a man but covered as a woman? Will God hear your prayer only if you are a man with short hair but if you have long hair no? What about all the women with short hair? Will God not hear their prayers?

    The point is when reading scripture, we must also take into account the context of the message. What were the customs of that day and how did those customs relate to what the scripture was addressing. When we don’t fully understand and know the answer, we can go to God and ask Him to reveal the meaning and give us understanding. When it comes to hats or no hats, short or long hair, a woman or man praying or prophesying, what is the Holy Spirit telling you? If you feel convicted that you should pray without a hat, then follow your conscience. Should your convictions be the same as someone else’s? If God is telling you that you should have short hair, should you make others feel bad if they have long hair? How short is short and when does hair become long? 

    read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/rightly-dividing-the-word?sd=pf

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  • Point of Contact: Matthew 14:34-36
    Oct 19 2022

    The four gospels in the New Testament give a different point of view of Jesus and His ministry on earth before He ascended into the heavens. However, each gospel showed Jesus doing good, healing the sick, performing miracles, and even raising the dead.

    There are more than 25 recorded accounts of Jesus healing the blind, the lame, the diseased, the demon possessed and even the dead. In most instances people asked and begged Him for healing. On other occasions He was moved by compassion. Jesus saw a sorrowful mother grieving over her son and He raised him from the dead during the funeral procession.  In most instances Jesus healed when He saw faith in action.

    One day, when Jesus had crossed over to a coastal town called Gennesaret, on the western side of the Sea of Galilee, people recognized Him. They immediately spread the word that He was there and they brought those that were sick. The people begged Jesus to let them just touch the hem of His garment. He didn’t have to lay His hands on them because they had heard about Jesus and they believed that touching the hem of His garment would be enough to bring them healing. They were not disappointed. As many as touched His hem were made perfectly well.  

    Perhaps these people had heard about the woman with the issue of blood who was healed when she pushed her way through a crowd and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. Jesus did not know who had touched Him until He asked and she replied. The point is when people heard that Jesus was close to them they brought the sick, the lame, and those in need of healing to Jesus believing that He could heal them. They heard, they spread the word, and they brought people to Him. How much more should we, today, spread the word of Jesus, His loving kindness and grace towards us and those we know?  

    Read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/point-of-contact?sd=pf 

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  • Jesus is the True Vine: John 15:1-8
    Oct 12 2022

    Jesus spoke in parables and gave illustrations to help people understand the relationship between God and man. In the book of John Jesus says, “I Am the True Vine” and He goes on to say that His Father God is the vinedresser or gardener of the vineyard. We, His children, are the branches that are supposed to bear fruit.

    The vine is the lifeline of the plant and the branches grow from the vine. The role of the branches is to bear fruit and become more fruitful. Jesus said that the branches that bore no fruit would be cut off and those that bore fruit the Father would prune or cut back so that they could bear more fruit.

    Jesus said that if we abide in Him, relying on Him and not our independent selves, and He abides in us, we would bear much fruit. Without Him we can do nothing. Jesus wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him and as we draw our life from Him through His Word and Holy Spirit we would bear a lot of fruit.

    What is the fruit that we are to bear?  In the book of Galatians (Gal. 6:22-25) the fruit of the Spirit is listed as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The opposite of those characteristics are works of the flesh which include adultery, hatred, jealousies, envy, murders, drunkeness, sorcery, and the like (Gal. 6:16-21). Jesus wants us to depend on Him to change our character from the flesh driven desires of man to the character of Christ. To have a life of love, joy, and peace is so much better than a life full of anxiety and depression which is the fruit that comes from the works of the flesh. You may not be a murderer but how many times has social media made you envious of someone else’s lifestyle, looks, or things?

    Why did Jesus use the term “bear” fruit and not “produce” fruit? We may think that the fruit we are to bear is saving more souls and preaching the gospel to more people. Bearing fruit comes from God working in us, and through us. Producing fruit is us trying to work for God to please Him by what we do. Our job is to believe and depend on Jesus, His Word, to help us in every area of our lives. We may go through unpleasant circumstances or a period of pruning where our Father is cutting off areas that are hindering our fruitfulness. Just like the vines, we will grow and become more fruitful. If you feel you are going through a period of pruning, stay close to Jesus who loves you so much, and know that this season will be short and you will bear more fruit from it. (Psalm 1:3)

    Read the rest at: https://litwithprayer.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-true-vine?sd=pf 

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