
  • Kristi Noem is a Monster. Democrats are Letting Her (and Republicans) Off the Hook.
    Apr 30 2024

    The unsettling saga of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and her dog Cricket is more than a controversy; it's a reflection of character that reveals volumes about our political climate. Wrestling with the emotional burden of having to say goodbye to my own pets, I can't help but draw a line in the sand between what's humane and Governor Noem's harrowing actions, as divulged in her upcoming book. This episode is a clarion call to the Democrats—it's time to harness these moments, turning them into indelible marks upon the moral canvas of our political battlefield. Here, not only do I castigate the missed chances in political maneuvering, but I also lay bare the necessity for narratives that strike a chord with the electorate, much like Republicans have mastered with their deceptively simple yet impactful messages.

    Navigating the murky waters of political scandals, I illustrate the stark disparity in accountability that skews along party lines, imagining how the media would react if the roles were reversed. A personal reflection amplifies the urgency of changing tack, imploring the Democratic Party to wield narrative power and emotional resonance, just as perceptions of the economy often eclipse the factual landscape. I connect the dots between how we treat our animals and our core human values, cautioning against the callousness that culminated in the Capitol riot. It's not just about winning elections; it's about preventing those with a penchant for violence and dehumanization from steering our country's course. This episode isn't merely a recount of events; it's a strategic playbook and a heartfelt plea for political engagement at its most critical.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    25 m
  • Can a Democrat Win a PA Primary Without Philly? Absolutely!
    Apr 27 2024

    Think Philadelphia is the kingmaker in Pennsylvania's Democratic primaries? Think again. With a fresh analysis of recent election data, this episode shatters the illusion that a win in the City of Brotherly Love is the magic bullet for a statewide victory. We'll explore the real story behind voter turnout and distribution, revealing why focusing all your campaign firepower on Philly could be a strategic misstep. Discover the nuanced reality of Pennsylvania's political battleground, where statewide appeal trumps urban dominance and the implications it has for future races.

    Gone are the days when traditional broadcast TV reigned supreme in the campaign world. This week, tap into the evolution of voter contact methods as we highlight the pivot towards digital platforms, targeted cable, and the enduring power of direct mail. As a veteran of selling voter contact services, I'll share insights into the effectiveness of different outreach tools and question the efficiency of Philly's famed 'street money' in the era of mail-in voting. Expect a candid take on data-driven strategies and why smart, targeted approaches could be the secret weapon for campaign success.

    Wrap up the episode with a behind-the-scenes look at the Attorney General and Treasurer races, where winning Philadelphia voters didn't guarantee a ticket to statewide office. As we dissect the unexpected outcomes, you'll understand why geographic diversity and adaptability can outweigh the advantages of big-city endorsements. Join me and special guest Aaron McClellan as we discuss the actionable lessons from his campaign and why embracing analytics and innovative messaging is vital as we approach the November elections. It's a masterclass in strategic campaigning, tailored for those ready to conquer the complexities of Pennsylvania's vibrant political scene.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    29 m
  • 2024 Democratic Primary Review: Who Won... and Why
    Apr 24 2024

    The 2024 Democratic Primary has come and gone, and the voters have spoken. But what did they say? Uncover the seismic shifts within the Democratic Party following the 2024 primary elections with me as we dissect the victories, the protests, and what they spell for the future. President Biden clinches a decisive win, yet the 7% protest vote for Dean Phillips speaks volumes about internal party dynamics as we march towards the general election. We're peeling back the layers on Bob Casey's unchallenged Senate nomination and the upcoming tussle with Dave McCormick, alongside a deep dive into Eugene DePasquale's triumph in a hotly contested Attorney General race. The influence of name recognition, regional backing, and candidate diversity are all on the table as we analyze the ingredients for success in these critical seats.

    The State Treasurer's race has set social media ablaze, spurring a discourse that's both heated and revealing. Join us as we spotlight candidate Bizarro's strategic campaign maneuvers, wielding his political roles and relationships to harness institutional support. The potency of endorsements and the impact of a historical vote on abortion rights insurance coverage in 2013 are examined under our microscope, revealing how these factors intertwine with public opinion and campaign results. It's not just about the headline candidates; we're interpreting the broader trends and voter sentiments shaping the Democratic strategy for the upcoming electoral showdown.

    Prepare to be surprised as we tease a deep analysis of Philadelphia's electoral landscape in our next episode. Despite a short break from the mic, rest assured that a treasure trove of insight lies ahead, with hard-hitting statistics and angles poised to challenge the status quo. We're gearing up to arm you with a formidable understanding of the City of Brotherly Love's political heartbeat, ensuring you won't want to miss a beat of our compelling narrative. So mark your calendars, and join us for an eye-opening journey into Philadelphia's political surprises.


    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    25 m
  • The Anchor: Could Janelle Stelson Sink Democrats in PA-10?
    Apr 10 2024

    Can Janelle Stelson's past be her undoing, or will it fuel her fire in the race for Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District? Witness a candid unraveling of the Democratic primary as Keystone Reckoning Podcast host, Jesse White, navigates through the murky waters of political campaigns and controversies that could shift the tides in the upcoming elections. This episode takes you behind the political curtain, revealing how a resurfaced indiscretion on the Howard Stern Show has thrust Stelson's candidacy into the limelight, and how her response could spell triumph or disaster on her path to challenging Scott Perry.

    Feel the intensity of the political arena as we scrutinize not only Stelson's platform but also the credentials and past records that shape the Democratic hopefuls' bids for the nomination. And it's not just the Democrats in the hot seat; a Republican candidate's surprising party switch and questionable district residency come under the microscope, shedding light on the critical choices voters hold in their hands. As the primary heats up, every move, every alliance, and every misstep could redefine what it means to be a resilient and transparent candidate ready to unify the party and face the rigors of an electoral showdown. Join us for this hard-hitting discussion that goes beyond the headlines and pierces through to the core of what's at stake in Pennsylvania's 11th.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    28 m
  • Sick Day With My Student Ambassador
    Apr 2 2024

    Sitting across from me today is not only an inspiring young leader but also my pride and joy—my son, Gus White. While nursing a cold at home, Gus took center stage to reveal his journey from the hockey rink to the esteemed role of a second-grade student ambassador at Upper Allen Elementary. With charm and wit, he discussed his strategic campaign for election and the earnest responsibilities he embraced upon winning. Gus's insightful reflections on his peers' mature handling of the election outcome offered a refreshing contrast to the adult world, leaving us with a heartwarming sense of hope in the leaders of tomorrow.

    As we delved further into our conversation, Gus's views on leadership and ethics highlighted the meaningful lessons in student politics, from the power of a 'win-win' scenario to the art of compromise. The importance of voting and respecting a spectrum of political beliefs became a centerpiece of our discussion, as we acknowledged the significance of encouraging young voices in our democratic processes. Before signing off, my charismatic co-host shared a fascinating tidbit about the Great Wall of China and teased the potential for weekly segments filled with his youthful insights and delightful facts. Join us for a unique look into the mind of a future change-maker, where the wisdom of a child reminds us of the simple yet profound values we all should cherish.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    18 m
  • Political Fundraising on Easter Sunday? Ugh.
    Apr 2 2024

    Have you ever found your festive mood dampened by an unexpected email from a political campaign begging for cash? Join us as we unravel the tension between celebration and solicitation, spotlighting the often jarring misstep of political fundraising during holidays like Easter. We're peeling back the layers on why these pleas for donations land with such a thud during moments meant for reflection or joy. With insights from a keen Washington Post analysis, we delve into the wider repercussions of this relentless chase for funds and dissect the unrealistic expectations candidates hold about small-dollar contributions. It's a candid conversation grounded in shared experiences and bolstered by expert commentary that promises to shift your perspective on the electoral money machine.

    Prepare for an eye-opening discussion on political fundraising strategies, where the art of the ask ranges from the innovative to the invasive. We recount stories of organizational triumphs through distinct email designs that break through the noise and contrast them with the ineffective desperation that floods so many of our inboxes. Moreover, we explore the strategic pivot from generic money grabs to personal, update-centric emails and the importance of tact and originality, particularly during significant cultural and religious times. Through these tales and tactics, we reveal the secret sauce to resonating with an electorate that's grown tired of being treated as mere ATMs, offering a blueprint for campaign communications that genuinely engage rather than estrange.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Questions? Comments? Ideas for a future episode? Email us at info@keystonereckoning.com

    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    23 m
  • From Drag Queens to Death Threats: How Republicans Enabled Violence Over Lancaster's Drag Queen Story Hour
    Mar 26 2024

    When a story hour becomes a battleground for community values, Jesse White takes you through the tumult of Lancaster County's clash over Drag Queen Story Hour. Following the chilling bomb threats that led to the cancellation of the event at Lancaster City Library, we find ourselves dissecting the intersection of free expression, public safety, and the fissures of local politics.

    Amidst the uproar, County Commissioner Josh Parsons' inflammatory suggestion that the bomb threats may be a "false flag" stirs the pot, challenging us to confront the perils of such dangerous rhetoric. This episode peels back the layers of political opposition, revealing how it can morph into outright dehumanization, and underscoring the complexities of tracking anonymous threats in our digital world. Despite the initial fear and disruption, Jesse forecasts a resilient rebound for the story hour, predicting its return with heightened resolve and spotlight, reminding us that understanding and solidarity are the keystones of our community fabric.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    22 m
  • Happy Donald Trump Civil Asset Forfeiture Day to Those Who Celebrate!
    Mar 25 2024

    Before we get to #DonPorleone, we start with thoughts and prayers to everyone still stuck in the oppressive Palm Sunday traffic, as well as an explanation of why that's one of my all-time favorite jokes from my childhood. (Spoiler Alert- it has virtually nothing to do with religion.)

    But it's not all chuckles and childhood capers; we slip into the more sobering topic of Donald Trump's latest courtroom drama and the hefty financial judgment that's got everyone talking—and tweeting. #DonPorleone is more than a viral sensation; it's a commentary on the high-stakes legal tango between Trump and New York Attorney General Leticia James. Explore the nitty-gritty of asset seizures, the complexities of legal strategy, and the potential ripple effects that this landmark case could have. From the valuation of luxury properties to the precedent of holding a former president accountable, this episode unpacks the serious implications behind the humor and the headlines.

    Learn more about the Keystone Reckoning Project at www.keystonereckoning.com

    Visit www.truebluegear.com for all of your progressive political t-shirts and gear. Use the code "KEYSTONE" at checkout for a 20% discount for Keystone Reckoning Podcast listeners!

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    Support us by donating to The Keystone Reckoning Project political action committee, and also check out our partner True Blue Gear for some sweet progressive t-shirts and swag!

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    26 m