
  • Bad Habits in Our Bodies | Episode 17
    Jun 23 2022

    We carry things "inside" our bodies.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh
    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 17: "Bad Habits in Our Bodies"

    If our actions come largely from habits, then we must address the fact we have bad habits too. These habits become stored up or housed inside of our bodies and are ready to act when the circumstances are right.

    Mike and Holly address the difference between "sin" and "sins," where sin is a deeper issue than the individual sins we commit. Many of our actions flow naturally and easily from these bad habits that reside inside of our bodies. But there is hope for the disciple of Jesus, as the Holy Spirit provides the direction and power we need to remove this sin from our bodies, replacing it with new good habits. 

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Ideas Are Running Your Life | Episode 16
    Jun 16 2022

    The ideas in our minds can provoke actions.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh
    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 16: "Ideas Are Running Your Life"

    If our goal is to change or modify our actions or behavior, we must take a look at our ideas. Much of our actions come from habits within our bodies, so the area where we end up having the most freedom to exercise our will is in choosing our ideas.

    Mike and Holly discuss two important categories of our thoughts (ideas and images), and discuss how in a large part, the ideas that we have in our minds are running our life. If we truly want different actions, we must use our will to select different ideas. 

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • You Have a Will | Episode 15
    Jun 9 2022

    If the "heart" is so important, then what does it do?

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh
    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 15: "You Have a Will"

    In this episode, Mike and Holly discuss what the "will" is, or what the heart does. And the will is our ability to choose, or to make a decision.

    They discuss the strange position we find ourselves in culturally, with a physicalist agenda being pushed in the academic culture, which struggles to deal with the reality of the will we all know exists.

    Mike and Holly discuss the limitations of "willpower," which must work around powerful habits that are stored inside our bodies.

    And they describe where we really use our wills, choosing the thoughts or ideas we place in our minds. 

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Practical Steps to Love | Episode 13
    May 26 2022

    Some practical steps we can start with now.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh

    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 13: "Practical Steps to Love"

    Learning to "love our neighbors as ourselves" will be a process that takes place over time. God forms us, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into a loving person through the process of discipleship to Jesus. This takes place through an inner transformation of the person. But this week, Mike and Holly take some time to discuss some practical steps we can start taking now, to love our neighbors that we identified last week in Episode 12.

    Spending time being present with them, listening to them. Identifying things that are getting in the way of us being with them in this way. Praying for them regularly. Learning to say "no" to others so we have the time and resources available. And taking care of our own soul, so we're in a healthy enough state to do all of this. 

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
    Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website:
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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • The Abundant Life Beyond Death | Episode 12
    Jul 28 2022

    Death to self, the final stage of inner transformation.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh
    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 12: "The Abundant Life Beyond Death"

    This is the final episode of Season 1, "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself." Mike and Holly discuss "death to self," the final step in the process of inner character transformation into Christlikeness, or cleaning the inside of the cup.

    Death to self involves resigning all of our desires to God, holding nothing back. This is possible by the power of a living faith.

    But this death to self doesn't mean you cease to be a self. Rather, it is the doorway to the abundant life that awaits us on the other side of this death. A life marked by sufficiency and fruitful character such as love, joy, and peace. This final step makes us an appropriate vessel to now be filled to the brim with God's agape love.  And this is how we love our neighbors as ourselves in an effective and sustainable way.

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
    Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website:
    And follow us on Facebook and Instagram 

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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Limiting Your Love | Episode 11
    May 12 2022

    We must learn to "limit" our love.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh

    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 11: "Limiting Your Love"

    If it is true that our supply of love is limited, then we must learn how to use it well, directing it towards our neighbors (the people we have been called to love).

    This includes learning to say "no" to others at times, in order to have the time and resources required to love your neighbors. God gives us the freedom here to make responsible judgements in love, as we choose what is good for our neighbors.  

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
    Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website:
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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • The Power of Faith | Episode 11
    Jul 21 2022

    Faith is our vehicle to use God's power. That is how God shares his power with us.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh
    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 11: "The Power of Faith"

    To the disciple that has humility, God can entrust faith. Mike and Holly take a fresh look at the meaning of faith, from the teaching of Dallas Willard. Starting with a generic faith, which is just a confidence to act as if something were true. And then with a biblical faith, where faith is a gift of God's grace to us, which is capable of causing things that we hope for to come about and actually be, in the power of God.  But it is specifically, when we act in faith, that our faith ties us into the reality which we are acting upon. And when this reality is God and his Kingdom, we are tied into a very powerful reality.

    Mike and Holly discuss what faith isn't, and how we should never try hard to believe something we don't actually believe. Rather, as our inner character grows, God will give us faith as we are ready to handle it appropriately.

    Some spiritual disciplines that can be helpful in seeking faith are discussed and include silence and solitude, as well as prayer.   

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
    Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website:
    And follow us on Facebook and Instagram 

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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • An Order to Love | Episode 10
    May 5 2022

    There is an order to love that we can follow.

    Welcome to "Inside The Cup Podcast" with Mike and Holly Walsh

    Season 1: "How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"
    Episode 10: "An Order to Love"

    We are told that, "We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). So, if our goal is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, there is an order to love that we follow in learning to do it. Mike and Holly discuss a teaching from Dallas Willard on the order we follow with love, first drawing in God's love for us and loving God in return, and out of the overflow of that dynamic then, loving our neighbors.

    Just trying to love your neighbor, while skipping the first steps, will not work out well.

    Mike and Holly also discuss the individual journey of coming to see that God is good and that he loves us. They also mention the steps of inner transformation, or cleaning the "inside of the cup" we will cover throughout season one, which will make us an appropriate vessel for God to fill with his love. These themes will be discussed in great detail in future episodes.

    Transcripts for each episode are available at:
    Make sure to Subscribe to Inside The Cup Podcast from our website:
    And follow us on Facebook and Instagram 

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    Music: Vlad Gluschenko — Travelling
    License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en 

    Más Menos
    12 m