
  • Episode 16 - Every Beginning Includes A Grief of Loss
    Jun 18 2024

    "Have you ever felt excited about a new chapter in your life, yet strangely sad about leaving the old one behind?

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on change and new beginnings.

    It has been a deeply personal episode for me talking about a recent change I’ve been going through with my family and how it brings the excitement of new beginnings as well as accompanying feelings of grief and loss.

    If you’re going through a major life change or if you feel like you’re hearing the approaching footsteps of change coming and you don’t want to let go of your current circumstances and patterns, I feel like you.

    As I always do, I’m not giving any advice or answers because we don’t any of them from someone else. You have your answers within. Let’s just stir the water and see what you’ll find for yourself.

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of new beginnings and grief✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)


    - Mentioned IG reel by JB Copeland: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5lS4xaOmEO/?igsh=MWVwZGVrdGYzeDF1MQ%3D%3D

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Episode 15 - Intimacy as Knowledge: How Intimacy Becomes Our Knowing
    Jun 11 2024

    Can there be an intellectual intimacy? What is intimacy we feel when we have a lovely conversation with a friend? Can intimacy be a knowledge of ourselves and the world around us?

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on intimacy. Let’s discover different and deeper layers of it.

    I’m following the echoes of a recent conversation I had with a friend of mine about Virginia Woolf’s book “To the Lighthouse”.

    I’m looking at the reflections of this idea “Can intimacy be a path towards knowledge?”

    Can we create intimacy with our loved ones, a stranger on the street, or even our own cities?

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of intimacy ✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)


    - “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf

    “Was it wisdom? Was it knowledge? Was it, once more, the deceptiveness of beauty, so that all one’s perceptions, half-way to truth, were tangled in a golden mesh? Or did she lock up within her some secret which certainly Lily Briscoe believed people must have for the world to go on at all? Every one could not be as helter skelter, hand to mouth as she was. But if they knew, could they tell one what they knew? Sitting on the floor with her arms round Mrs. Ramsay’s knees, close as she could get, smiling to think that Mrs. Ramsay would never know the reason of that pressure, she imagined how in the chambers of the mind and heart of the woman who was, physically, touching her, were stood, like the treasures in the tombs of kings, tablets bearing sacred inscriptions, which if one could spell them out, would teach one everything, but they would never be offered openly, never made public. What art was there, known to love or cunning, by which one pressed through into those secret chambers? What device for becoming, like waters poured into one jar, inextricably the same, one with the object one adored? Could the body achieve, or the mind, subtly mingling in the intricate passages of the brain? or the heart? Could loving, as people called it, make her and Mrs. Ramsay one? for it was not knowledge but unity that she desired, not inscriptions on tablets, nothing that could be written in any language known to men, but intimacy itself, which is knowledge, she had thought, leaning her head on Mrs. Ramsay’s knee.”

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Episode 14 - Consistency Creates A Vortex Around It
    Jun 4 2024

    Ever feel like your habits are a broken record? Well, then let’s stick to them.

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on consistency.

    I went on a journey from my university dorm days, where my consistent routines — from yoga to daily oatmeal breakfast — unintentionally sparked a health and mindfulness community among my roommates.

    I have explored the concept of consistency as a vortex, attracting others with its unwavering focus.

    As I reflect on those days, I realize the power of consistency more.

    Let’s think together ‘Are we shining a steady light or flickering inconsistently?’

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of consistency✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Episode 13 - Are We Taking Ourselves Too Seriously? Humor As The Life's Sweetener
    May 28 2024

    Have you ever caught yourself with your most serious face ever when you’re waiting in a long line or when you are driving? Ever felt uptight, stressed, and stiffened in your attitude?

    Let’s loosen up a bit.

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on seriousness and sprinkle it with some humor.

    “Have you ever had lemonade just made from lemons? No, to make lemonade, you need sweetener as well. Humor is life’s sweetener” says Paul Osincup in his TED Talk.

    The inspiration for this episode was a chain of interviews and talks that I came across recently. It all started with a recent interview of Billie Eilish and FINNEAS on Apple Music with Zane Lowe. They shared a game that they created called Fear or Fart.

    Then an interview with Eddie Redmayne on the art of (wait for it) toxic public humiliation. And lastly, everything made sense in my mind with a TED Talk on humor.

    Get ready to loosen your grip on seriousness!

    Let's sprinkle some humor into our lives!

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of humor and seriousness✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)


    • Billie Eilish & FINNEAS: HIT ME HARD AND SOFT Interview I Apple Music (https://youtu.be/R-ZIRAmO60c?si=CacP51TjY7Ww7Jc0)
    • Eddie Redmayne Teaches Jimmy “Wilkommen” from Cabaret, Says Mom Had No Reaction to Tony Win (https://youtu.be/ojeTjZNkYy4?si=OsZ6zQzXGWDUyj30)
    • Why you should take yourself less seriously I Paul Osincup I TEDxMontanaStateUniversity (https://youtu.be/5tUGK_4LsYc?si=QnW8H0PIowqChSTG)
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Episode 12 - Beyond Glorifying Pain: Wisdom, Growth and Joy
    May 21 2024

    Ever feel like your past struggles define you? Have you ever said, “I am here because of all the years of pain” or “I cannot give up now after all that suffering that brought me here.”

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on glorifying pain.

    It is a common tendency of most of us. I think once stir this water, it will become a concept that will hang in your mind as you go through life.

    Let’s dive right in and take a look at what is there beyond suffering.

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of glorifying pain ✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)


    • “Moby Dick”, by Herman Melville
    • Song by Finneas, “Only A Lifetime”


    The beautiful desert I mentioned was called the "Namib Desert", not the "Namibian desert" ☺️

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Episode 11 - Are You Responding or Reacting?
    May 14 2024

    Ever feel like you’re on autopilot in your answers, blurting things out before you even think? Ever feel like you're on autopilot, just reacting to life instead of choosing how you respond?

    Have you ever thought that there might be a difference between responding and reacting?

    Well, this differentiation is quite new in my life.

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on reacting and responding and dive deep into the power of both of them.

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of reacting and responding ✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)


    • “Lighter” by Yung Pueblo, pp. 36, 38, 39, 43, 44
    • Vipassana, Beyond Definition - Instagram Post

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Episode 10 - Why Do the Best Ideas Come In the Shower? - Hustle Culture vs. Downtime
    May 8 2024
    Ever had a brilliant idea hit you in the shower? You're not alone! But why does our creativity flourish when we're supposed to be "unproductive"? In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on productivity by focusing on the internal battle the hustle culture pushes into. It has been a conversation where we traveled between different personal stories, concepts and archetypes: Healing vs. Recovery: What is the difference between the two? The Monkey Mind: Why do our best ideas come when we're relaxed, not stressed? Lessons from a Cat (and Grandma!): Unexpected insights on overcoming guilt and embracing downtime Shower Wisdom vs. Hustle Myth: Why your best ideas might be hiding in the steam Join me in exploring the philosophy of productivity and downtime✨✨ 🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/ Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus) References: - “Hayvanlardan Destek Almanın Sanatı”by Çetin Çetintaş (mentioned archetype of cat is explained in this book which is currently available in Turkish)
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Episode 9 - The Power of Unlikeness: Following Our Passions Instead of Our Life Plans
    Apr 30 2024

    Ever feel like you're supposed to be a certain way, have a specific career path, or follow a pre-written story? Or ever feel like you’re restricted by your own life plans?

    In this episode of Inner Dialogues with Ecem, let's flip the script on what life plans should look like with the light of our passions.

    What if your true purpose lies in embracing the messy, unexpected journey of your passions?

    This episode is for anyone who feels like they're marching to the beat of a different drum.

    This episode is your invitation to let go of your life plans and let yourself get haunted and captivated by the messiness of creativity which will take you to your passions.

    Join me in exploring the philosophy of unlikeness and passions ✨

    🎭I would love you to be a part of our creative and inspirational Instagram community: https://www.instagram.com/innerdialogueswithecem/

    Intro & Outro Music Credit: Joseph McDade - Olympus (https://josephmcdade.com/music/olympus)

    Más Menos
    23 m