
  • Tactics for Defeating The Invisible Man: Episode #78
    May 27 2024

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    Embark on a revealing exploration of "The Invisible Man" as Ryan Baron North and James Crosslin take you through the film's chilling portrayal of domestic violence and its cultural reverberations. Our latest episode promises a blend of humor and grave reflection, delivering insights into the nuances of abuse and the responsibility of men in confronting these issues.

    This conversation is not for the faint of heart; we dissect the terror and control wielded by the unseen abuser and discuss how Elizabeth Moss's portrayals, from "The Invisible Man" to "The Handmaid's Tale," compel society to look inward. We'll contrast Moss's artistry in cinematography with the harsh realities victims face in the justice system, all the while navigating this heavy terrain with an occasional light-hearted detour. Our unique podcast format ensures you're in for an evening of smart, punchy analysis that may just change the way you see movies and the world around you.

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    1 h y 1 m
  • Dorm Room Philosophy with "John Dies at the End": Episode #77
    May 13 2024

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    "John Dies at the End," is a film that dances on the edge of genres and reality. Join us as we unpack its complexities, its comparison to David Wong's literary wit, and our enduring bromance that's withstood the test of time and questionable facial hair.

    Navigating the labyrinth of book-to-film translations can be as perplexing as the existence of Paul Giamatti's character in "John Dies at the End." With a critical eye, we dissect the adaptation's successes and stumbles, sharing our genuine admiration for Wong's original work and the hilarity of unexpected fame. Amid this, we reflect on the influence of media at formative ages and revel in the delight of serialized stories that captivated our younger selves. It's a conversation that spans the humorous to the introspective.

    To cap off our eclectic journey, we ponder the existential "what-ifs" of "John Dies at the End," tackling the film's interpretation of disability, its polarizing humor, and the satirical reflection of our own world. It's a wild ride that leaves us questioning our life choices and the concept of free will, especially if that "soy sauce" had seeped into our paths. So, if you're ready to indulge in a podcast that offers a cocktail of thought-provoking discussions, hearty laughs, and a candid recommendation for the narratively adventurous, then you're in the right place. Pull up a chair, grab your preferred indulgence, and let's celebrate the things about ourselves that we refuse to let die.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Life is a Space Opera, So Simp for Jessica (Dune II): Episode #76
    May 6 2024

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    Prepare your palate for a sensory symphony, as we blend the rich notes of "Dune 2" analysis with the bold flavors of a whiskey tasting in this latest podcast episode. James Crossland joins me to dissect the latest cinematic adaptation, where Timothy Chalamet's performance and the film's world-building captivate as much as the whiskey warms.

    This episode is a landscape of contrasts as we celebrate the stunning cinematography of "Dune 2," while Rebecca Ferguson's portrayal of Lady Jessica steals the spotlight. We traverse the challenges of adapting such complex source material and delve into the strategic thinking of movie studios when expanding beloved franchises. From exploring the parallels between today's AI and the Dune universe's technophobia to comparing the sound and visuals with Zack Snyder's horrific "Rebel Moon," we offer a hearty critique with the help of our Missouri and Middleton guests to enhance the conversation.

    As we conclude our journey through this episode, the future of the "Dune" series sparkles on the horizon. We speculate on the narrative's potential to mirror the longevity and evolution of the Star Wars saga, while envisioning a catastrophic Marvel-like expansion. The return of beloved characters, the influence of 'God Emperor of Dune,' and the growth of Frank Herbert as a writer—all are up for discussion. With a joint in hand and spirited dialogue, this episode promises an exploration as intoxicating as the beverages we're savoring.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • I Was Jeff Goldblum the Entire Time (Jurassic Park): High n' Dry Episode #75
    Mar 10 2024

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    Have you ever wondered if "Jurassic Park" could legitimately send shivers down your spine as a horror film? Join James and me as we raise our glasses, in honor of both Sam Neill's iconic role in the dino-epic that shaped our nightmares.

    Picture Jeff Goldblum, shirtless, amid the chaos - yup, we're talking about that scene, and so much more. The episode isn't just about paying homage; we critically examine character arcs and narrative choices that left us itching for a rewrite. Plus, our conversation isn't bound by the thematic fences of the Jurassic era; we extend a heartfelt saludo to our listeners in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, embracing the global community tuning in to share in our filmic musings and what-ifs.

    We wrap this cinematic feast with a spotlight on the exceptional range of Sam Neill, contrasting his enigmatic roles from the dinosaur-ridden islands to the gritty streets of Birmingham. Our banter is seasoned with humor and a dash of enlightened thought, promising not just an entertaining episode but one that stirs the pot of contemplation - all without the typical podcast preamble. Ready your preferred libation and settle in for a podcast episode that's as extraordinary as the tales we're toasting to. Cheers, film aficionados!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • "Total Recall" was a Dream: High n' Dry Episode #74
    Feb 21 2024

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    Ah, the 80s—when sci-fi was as much about spandex and big hair as it was about the uneasy marriage of man and machine. Even though "Total Recall" was technically 90s, we're chatting about those dystopian dreams that had us both chuckling and pondering the dark corners of tech salvation. From memory implants to gender identity and the satirical sting that Paul Verhoeven so masterfully delivers, we swing from RoboCop's beat to the intergalactic battlegrounds of Starship Troopers, all while not forgetting to tip our hats to those who navigate narratives without offending. It's a journey through the decades you won't want to miss.

    Now, folks, have you ever imagined what it'd be like if 'Total Recall' had a heart transplant, swapping brawn for emotion? Hold onto your hats as we toss around a 'what if' scenario that'll have you questioning your own life choices. And because we can't resist, we're also serving up a side of laughter with a review of this Schwarzenegger classic—stunt mishaps, Kuato's creepiness, and all. So, grab your favorite drink, find your coziest chair, and join us for a session of film critique and hypothetical hijinks that's as refreshing as an ice-cold beer on a hot Texas day.

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Getting on the Golden Path of "Dune": High n' Dry #73
    Jan 31 2024

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    Embark on a whimsical journey through time and space as we serve up a cocktail of cult classic fandom and philosophical musings in this latest adventure of the High n' Dry Podcast. Ryan Baron North and James Crosslin are your hosts, pouring a stiff one with Brothers Bond Bourbon and sprinkling some "fairy dust" cannabis for good measure. Hitch a ride to the dusty dunes of Arrakis. It's a full-on geek-out session, blending pop culture references with a side of historical oddities—did you know about that weird Texas-Oklahoma history slice?

    Strap in as we traverse the treacherous landscape of "Dune," juxtaposing David Lynch's 1984 film against its modern counterpart, and marvel at the narrative labyrinth Frank Herbert created. Expect a hearty discussion on the portrayal of women in the epic saga, the storytelling prowess (or lack thereof) of internal monologues, and a whimsical "what if" scenario that mashes up the "Dune" universe with bourbon-soaked revelry. We don't shy away from the tough critiques either, diving into the film's undercurrents of bro love, and pondering the deeper messages Herbert may have been encoding in his masterpiece.

    As our session winds down, we tease the senses with a hint of a Total Recall special that's brewing just over the horizon. We're all about engaging with our listeners, feeling the love from our YouTube family, and raising a glass to all of you across our platforms. Before the curtain falls, we tip our hats to film remakes and share a hot take on Jessica's portrayal in the newer Total Recall. It's a whirlwind of thought-provoking banter and intoxicating debate, so pull up a chair, and let's raise the bar together on this episode of the High n' Dry Podcast.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Surviving "The Thing": High n' Dry Episode #72
    Jan 17 2024

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    Join us, Ryan Baron North and James Crosslin, as we toast to the indelible Michael Landon and fight to survive the terror of John Carpenter's "The Thing." Grab your favorite tipple or toke, and get cozy as we weave through a tapestry of family values and survival instincts, with a nod to our friends in Glasgow for hitching a ride on this global podcast journey.

    Strap on your snow boots and parkas; we're dissecting the grit and sheer willpower of Wilford Brimley's character amidst the Antarctic unknown, and tipping our hats to his off-screen diabetes management—a true testament to life imitating art. But it's not all frostbite and insulin; we're peeling back the layers of Keith David's mesmerizing performance and debating the timeless question, "What would Kurt Russell do?" as we examine the often baffling decisions made by the characters when confronted with an intergalactic foe.

    Finally, let's probe the philosophical mind-benders and epistemological conundrums "The Thing" lays bare, from the solipsism of Russell's character to the laughable '80s tech predictions and the bone-chilling biology of an alien organism primed for planetary domination. Ready to confront the inescapable? Laugh in the face of cosmic dread with our darkly humorous outlook on fighting the good fight—or perhaps throwing in the towel when the universe sends shape-shifting extraterrestrials our way. Tune in to the High and Dry Podcast, where the lines between sci-fi thrills and existential thought experiments blur, all while getting wasted.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Navigating the Storytelling of Zack Snyder's "Rebel Moon": High n' Dry #71
    Jan 3 2024

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    Have you ever wondered how Zack Snyder's "Rebel Moon" measures up in an era brimming with space sagas? Let's unravel this celestial tapestry together, navigating a podcast where the drinks flow as freely as "Rebel Moon's" garbage storytelling. With a Jack Daniels in one hand and a laser sword, one we only turn on when the fight is almost over, in the other, we traverse the visual grandeur reminiscent of Snyder's "300" days, while confronting the narrative turbulence that has Snyder fanboys up in arms defending their messiah.

    Strap in for a starship ride of opinionated banter as we dissect the film's contentious storytelling elements. The inclusion of multiple sexual assault events as a narrative catalyst and the heavy reliance on exposition spark a fiery dialogue that's as potent as our weed. Michiel Huisman's "screen charm" isn't lost on us either, as we debate his contribution to Snyder's universe and the punchable-ness of his face.

    As we hurtle through the podcast cosmos, we don't just stop at Snyder's world; we envision our own 'what ifs' for "Rebel Moon." Imagine a movie that keeps you guessing until the final credits, a story where the robot's personal journey would have rightfully stolen the show. So, if you've ever craved a podcast that discusses storytelling with as much passion as a cinephile in a midnight release queue, you've found your tribe. Join us, the High n' Dry crew, for a conversation that's equal parts critique and inebriated bantering.

    Más Menos
    51 m