
  • Conquering interview anxiety – how to never be nervous again
    May 4 2023
    In a competitive job market, you need to nail every. single. interview. The problem? Even the most experienced among us can fall prey to interview anxiety. And when that happens, even confident candidates can transform into super second-guessers, questioning every response.  That fear of the unknown, says Viewpoint Leadership’s Joel and Elyce Arcieri, Cisco’s Service Delivery Executive, can cause just about anyone to bomb an interview. In this episode of Hardly Working, these interview experts share their strategies for finding your “mantra” and, with it, being better positioned to show your authentic, dynamic self – someone who’s ready to dive in and make a difference. 
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    49 m
  • Ask a Job Search Coach
    Apr 20 2023
    We hear you – networking can be (very) awkward. But the reality? The people who overcome that short-term discomfort are the people getting the interviews – and the jobs.  Granted, that’s easier said than done. That’s where career coach Laurisa Milici comes in. On this episode of Hardly Working our resident job search guru shares simple strategies for optimizing your resume so it resonates, creating powerhouse connections, and overcoming networking hurdles to help get you not just in the door but into the corner office. 
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    46 m
  • Meetings matter (if you do them right)
    Apr 13 2023
    How many times have you lamented the seemingly-endless meetings – that probably could have been an email? We get it. But the reality, says Charlie Gilkey, author, and founder of Productive Flourishing, is that meetings get a bad rap. Because, done right, they can be powerful. Transformative, even.  In this episode of Hardly Working, Gilkey shares simple, actionable strategies for taking meetings from “Why do I need to be here?” to dynamic conversations that promote performance, belonging, and retention. AKA all the things you need to succeed in the modern workplace. 
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    44 m
  • Conquering Our Shrinking Attention Spans
    Apr 6 2023
    While being glued to your device has become par for the professional course, the constant distractions and (failed) efforts to multi-task are causing serious stress. And that’s keeping us from feeling, doing, and being our best.  In this episode of Hardly Working UC Irvine professor and Attention Span author Dr. Gloria Mark shares her expert POV on digital distractions, including tips and tricks for breaking the cycle. Because when we do lean into peak attention periods – and, yes, even detach from work for meaningful periods – we can do more, achieve more, and get. it. done. 
    Más Menos
    53 m
  • The Moment Is Now Supporting & Elevating Women at Work
    Mar 29 2023
    When it comes to supporting women at work, many companies talk big – but they don’t have the receipts to back it up. So why keep sprinkling your magic around a company that isn’t giving back as much as you’re giving? It’s a big question and in this episode of Hardly Working Career Navigation & Executive Leadership Development Coach Ronnie Dickerson dives right in. From helping you find your zen and make better decisions from a place of peace to bouncing back when career – and life – veers off track, Dickerson’s advice is simple, actionable, and designed to help you make the most of your magic. 
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    52 m
  • Start Showing Emotions at Work (here’s why)
    Mar 23 2023
    True or false: in the workplace, showing your emotions is always a no-no. If you said “true,” we hear you – because for too long we’ve been conditioned to believe even the slightest hint of emotion was a sign of weakness.  But the reality, says El Experience CEO Carolyn Stern, is not so cut-and-dry. In her book The Emotionally Strong Leader – and in this episode of Hardly Working – Carolyn shares strategies for harnessing the power of your emotional intelligence to enhance your career and your relationships. Because at the end of the day we’re all human and by learning to recognize, understand, label, and manage our emotions, we can better connect, lead, and excel. 
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    53 m
  • How to Beat Algorithm
    Mar 16 2023
    Thought algorithms were relegated to high school math class? Think again. As a bonafide grown-up and proactive professional, you’re no doubt focused on building your reach – and that means understanding how to beat the algorithm so you can rapidly expand your network and your influence.  In this episode of Hardly Working, Do The WeRQ’s Arya Davachi and content creator Cuauhtemoc Martinez share simple strategies for doing just that. By engaging people who already know (and love) you, you’ll have a captive audience for your unique genius. And from there? You’ll have the reach and messaging might to beat the algorithm, grow your empire, and jumpstart your career journey. 
    Más Menos
    45 m
  • How to Find and Manifest Your Dream Job
    Mar 9 2023
    We’ve been trained to build careers from a place of fear – to choose the next steps that feel safe, secure, and ensure we can pay the bills. But the safest career path isn’t (usually) the best career path.  In this episode of Hardly Working, Alignment Academy founder Nadia Khaled shares her strategies for shifting your mindset so you can have a career you love. Because, when you step into your power, the easier it is to attract abundance in purpose, success, and wealth. Win, win, win.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m