
  • The Shoulder Season: Swapping Our Should's for Sabbath
    Jun 12 2024

    How are you feeling today? Tired, worn, burned out? I’m guessing your response, like mine, probably wouldn’t be “well-rested.”

    Life is fast and furious! It’s why we crave down-time, vacation, and a chance to unplug. Not only are we wired for respite, our bodies (and souls) actually require it.

    Join Stacy as she chats through Matthew 11:28-30. We'll talk about all things R&R for the soul as we kick off a new summer series.


    Here's a small excerpt: "It’s why this summer, I’m dubbing it “Summer of Sabbath,” a chance to stop, breathe, and re-create as we recreate. We’ll spend our conversations together chatting about not just what it means to truly Sabbath but what it means to follow a God who created rest and play…because only a very good God would ask me, and ask you, to rest, renew, and re-create as we recreate.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Green Where You Water It: Ditching the Comparison Trap
    Jun 5 2024

    It’s unofficially summer, and I’m loving all the green! My allergies? Not so much! I’ve noticed another green growing this season- the ‘ole green-eyed monster of envy. Yes, it’s easy to spot all the trips and toys people buy. If I’m honest, that green-eyed monster can scream and throw quite the tantrum. Hmm… Comparison can creep into any of our hearts. Join Stacy for a look at Exodus 20 as we chat through what “The Big Ten” have to say about envy.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "When I began practicing the art of abundance in this way, it opened my eyes and heart to appreciate my own grass, so to speak, and celebrate my neighbor’s. It helped me see my world, my grass, as it is, not as I think it “should be” or what I’m entitled to.”

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Found: When Jesus Looks For You
    May 29 2024

    With all of life’s twists and turns, it’s easy to feel forgotten and a bit lost along the way, right? Even the whirlwind of schedules and details can leave us left in the dust…feeling unseen, unheard, and unwelcome. Raise your hand if you can relate? Me too.

    Let Stacy encourage you today with a peek into John 9 as Jesus goes looking for the unseen, unheard, and unwelcome.


    Here’s a small excerpt: "Unseen. Unheard. Unwelcome. Except that he wasn’t. After the whole healing spit showdown, Jesus hears the man is thrown out, excommunicated. So, Jesus went looking for him. Hard stop. He.went.looking.for.him.”

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • I 'fended: Navigating Offense & Hurt Feelings
    May 22 2024

    Does it feel like everyone's in desperate need of bubble wrap? No matter where you turn or what you say, someone is offended. If we’re honest, that includes our own hearts too. Navigating relational landmines is challenging, so let’s step into it together. Join Stacy as she chats about being offended with a look at Jeremiah 6.


    "Friend, allow me to say the quiet part out loud…gently. If the Word isn’t offending us at times, I question how engaged we are with it.”

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Simple, Sustainable, Stacy: When Life Wears You Out
    May 15 2024

    Are you juggling too much? Is there more life than minutes each day? Yep, I hear you.

    Whether by choice or demand, Stacy offers some day-brightening encouragement on sustainable living as she explores Exodus 18.


    "It’s.just.too.much. This isn’t sustainable. You’ll wear yourself out. You can’t do this alone.

    Jethro goes beyond pointing out the obvious from the outside looking in; he sets out a step-by-step plan for Moses, advising him how to lighten the load with other people, to “spread the wealth” so to speak."

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Inner Compass: Navigating Life's Decisions
    May 8 2024

    Decisions, decisions. They exhaust me at times. You too? Whether you're feeling decision fatigue or wrestling with which decision to make, you're in the right place. Join Stacy as she pulls in helpful tools for your decision-making process from 1 Chronicles 4.


    "But when it is within my power to choose, those three questions:

    -Is it spacious? Is it peaceful? Is it quiet?-

    they became a litmus test for my soul each time I faced an obstacle of opportunity. What’s more is they became an inner compass when anything seemed a little off, overwhelming, or lacking clarity."

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Personal Post-it: Reminders for What We Forget
    May 1 2024

    Do you forget things? Tell me I'm not alone. It can't be just me struggling to remember all.the.things!

    Here's the bad news: I think it gets worse as we age. The good news: it's not all on us to remember everything. Join Stacy as she takes the pressure off with an encouraging look at John 14:26.


    "Remind me that You are a “with me” God, actively involved in my life. Remind me that You delight in me; I’m valuable because I’m made in your image, on purpose for a purpose. Remind me Your Truth does not lead astray...ever."

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Eat That Up: The Names We Call Ourselves
    Apr 24 2024

    Do you ever call yourself names? Yep, me too. Maybe you call yourself something like: Stupid. Boring. Chunky. Cowardly. Ugly. Worthless. Insignificant.

    It matters the names we call ourselves. If you're like me, the negative ones seem to stick around longer. Let's practice calling ourselves names that reflect His heart as Stacy peeks at Jeremiah 15:16.


    "When we’re born, we’re given a name, but we also learn a name. You see, leaning and living into a name- well, that’s a learned thing. The more I sit with the Word, the more I “eat it” so to speak, the more I learn about what my name means."

    Más Menos
    8 m