
  • Brave Hearts: The Power of Vulnerability, Resilience and Courage from the first U.S. Woman to Fly in Combat with Martha McSally - Genius Network Episode #205
    Feb 23 2024

    Martha McSally shares her journey of healing and growth and how to release negative baggage to embrace a future filled with possibility. Listen now and start living life on your own terms.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Martha in this episode:

    • Courage Under Fire: Discover how Martha McSally's experiences as a Squadron Commander in Afghanistan teach valuable lessons in handling high-pressure situations and making critical decisions.
    • Breaking Barriers: Insights into overcoming monumental challenges, like Martha’s journey to allow women to fly in combat, applicable to breaking your own industry barriers.
    • The Resilience of a Fighter Pilot: Learn how the principles of resilience and focus, honed in the cockpit, can be applied to bounce back from personal and professional challenges.
    • Overcoming Personal Trauma: Gain insights into Martha's journey of overcoming personal trauma and how these experiences shaped her strength and determination.
    • The Power of Self-Definition: Explore how Martha emphasizes the importance of defining oneself beyond external roles and titles, focusing on the essence of who you truly are.
    • Harnessing Your Inner Strength: Learn from Martha's approach to identifying and harnessing inner strengths to overcome life's challenges and achieve success.
    • Embracing Vulnerability for Growth: Understand the importance of acknowledging and embracing vulnerability as a path to personal growth and authentic living.
    • Transforming Fear into Action: Discover Martha's strategies for confronting and transforming fear into a driving force for action and change.
    • The Journey of Forgiveness and Healing: Martha shares her insights on the power of forgiveness and the healing process, and how they play a crucial role in moving forward.
    • Creating a Life of Purpose and Integrity: Be inspired by Martha's commitment to living a life aligned with her core values and purpose, encouraging others to do the same.
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Unveiling Your Alter Ego: A Powerful Tool for Personal Transformation with Todd Herman and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #204
    Jan 30 2024

    Todd unravels the power of alter egos. He also shares the unconventional marketing strategies that propelled him into the sports industry, and the secrets behind mastering the mental game for peak performance.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Todd in this episode:

    • Unveiling Alter Egos for Success: Explore the power of alter egos for personal growth and success
    • From Hockey Pucks to High Performance: Learn how Todd Herman's unconventional marketing revolutionized the sports industry
    • Mastering the Mental Game: Gain insights into Todd's coaching mastery in the mental game for top athletes and leaders
    • Environmental Influence for Peak Performance: Understand how environmental factors impact achieving peak performance.
    • Marketing Magic: Todd's Lumpy Mail Success: Discover Todd Herman's creative marketing strategy and its unexpected positive response
    Más Menos
    1 h y 40 m
  • "Les" Is More: Speak, Heal, and Thrive... Les Brown's Unfiltered Journey Through Grief, Recovery, and Business Success at Joe Polish’s Genius Network - Genius Network Episode #203
    Dec 16 2023

    Les shares essential lessons for success and the transformative power of passion, energy, and purpose, guiding you to ignite your greatness within.

    Embark on Les Brown's extraordinary journey as he unveils the highs and lows of a life marked by triumph over addiction and the courage to conquer cancer. Gain invaluable insights into handling grief and obstacles, while discovering the secrets behind commanding standing ovations and transforming lives. 

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Les Brown in this episode:

    • Les Brown reveals the best parts (and hardest parts) of being him
    • The incredible story of Les's addiction and his remarkable recovery
    • Les shares the story of how he conquered cancer with courage
    • Live Full, Die Empty: Why Les doesn't have a fear of death
    • Les reveals how he deals with grief, loss, betrayal and pain
    • You've Got To Be Hungry: Discover the greatness within to win
    • How to command a standing ovation and transform people's lives
    • Les explains what the greatest speakers in the world do
    • Three lessons Les learned about living a successful life
    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • Healing From Pain Once and For All: The Greatest Discovery About Pain Almost No One Knows About with Steve Ozanich and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #202
    Dec 1 2023

    Imagine living without chronic pain, breaking free from the grip of physical discomfort. Get ready for an enlightening conversation that could reshape your understanding of pain and healing.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more, click HERE

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Steve and Joe in this episode:

    • How the discovery of one book led Steven to uncovering the root cause of all pain
    • The reason why THIS type of person tends to have health problems (and what to do about it)
    • What the medical industry has gotten dead wrong about pain, disease, and healing
    • The role of fear and rage in pain and why your body is not broken or failing
    • The way pain and disease acts as an "emotional crutch" and protective barrier from the truth
    • Steve shares Dr. John Sarno's story and the role of "TMS" as it relates to pain and disease
    • Knowledge Therapy: Why it's the most important factor in healing and recovery from pain
    • The story of how Joe healed almost all his torn meniscus knee pain after hearing THIS...
    • What "Symptom Imperative" is and how understanding it can help you heal chronic pain
    • P______: The only permanent solution for escaping from the obsessive throes of pain
    • What to do if you or a loved one is suffering physical pain and want to finally heal

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Building a $6 Billion Brand and Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenges with Daymond John - Genius Network Episode #201
    Nov 18 2023

    Daymond John unveils the secrets behind building a $6 billion brand, sharing invaluable insights on financial intelligence, talent management, and navigating the dynamic landscape of business.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at this year's Annual Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Daymond in this episode:

    • The 2 best pieces of business advice Daymond has ever received
    • 3 key elements to building a billion dollar brand
    • Daymond shares how his investments on SharkTank has played out and how he looks at angel and venture investing
    • How to attract star talent to your team and keep them long term
    • Daymond shares his candid thoughts about Time Management (and why it can be a challenge)
    • 2 strategies for saying ""no"" to things when people are hitting you up from all angles
    • Daymond reveals his goal setting process and how he stays hungry despite all his success
    • What you can learn from the rap game to transform adversity into success
    • The Dark Side Of Success And Fame: ""I think the darkest side of success and fame is..."" You have to hear what Daymond says...
    • Who Daymond privately turns to for advice
    • Daymond gives his philosophy for living a successful life


    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Creating a Compelling Company Culture with Mary Morrissey - Genius Network Episode #200
    Nov 3 2023

    How one idea can propel a company from $6 million to $15 million. Discover the power of core values and culture in shaping success, and gain actionable insights to fuel your own business journey.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at this year's Annual Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Mary in this episode:

    • How One Idea From Genius Network Can Change Your Life and Earn You MILLIONS Of Dollars
    • The secret to building a virtual business that grows your vision, creates an impact and makes the difference you want in the world
    • One Idea Was Worth Over $15 Million: How to spot good ideas and then use them effectively to get huge results in your life and Business
    • How to drive organizational loyalty, make your core values and mission real, and create a transformative company culture
    • One BIG idea Mary got from Genius Network that helped transform her company (and how it can do the same for you in your Business)
    • Ask yourself this ONE QUESTION if you want to take your life and company to the next level
    • A 90 day experiment that can make you more money, lessen organizational resistance and empower your Team


    Más Menos
    10 m
  • The Art of Impossible: Be Your Best With FLOW When It Matters Most with Steven Kotler - Genius Network Episode #199
    Oct 20 2023

    Steven shares the concept of flow, a state of consciousness where individuals can achieve their highest levels of performance, creativity, and overall well-being. Discover insights from his research from over 30 years, transcending various domains and unlocking the secrets of peak human potential.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at this year's Annual Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Steven in this episode:

    •  Steven shares the latest research on Flow you can use in your business and life
    • How to experience “The High Flow Advantage” AND the 3 levels of well-being 
    • Advanced Flow Techniques for leveling up your game when it matters most
    • The core psychological characteristics of flow (Plus: The “Big Six” of Flow)
    • How to boost your creativity, collaboration, memory and productivity
    • The 5 most potent neurochemicals Flow produces in your brain
    • Why using LESS of your brain actually multiplies your performance
    • A secret technique for increasing your creativity by 400%-700%
    • Why Flow is the source code of ultimate human performance
    • The #1 thing you can do to increase your overall life satisfaction
    • How to get your biology to work FOR you and not against you
    • 22 Flow Triggers: The high performance tool kit for creating flow
    • A simple 4 step system for experiencing complete concentration
    • What to do during times of crisis to maximize your neurobiology
    • The very surprising immune system boosting properties of Flow
    • Using the “Challenge/Skills Balance” to hit your Flow Sweet Spot
    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • A Deep Dive Into Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art For Entrepreneurs with James Nestor - Genius Network Episode #198
    Oct 6 2023

    James Nestor unveils the science of breath and its profound impact on health. Get practical insights on boosting oxygen intake, enhancing your well-being, and unlocking the secrets of optimal breathing.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs (and James Nestor) at this year's Annual Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from James in this episode:

    •  Why humans have lost their ability to BREATHE properly AND why so many people suffer from sleep apnea, asthma, and more
    • The reason mouth breathing is so injurious to our bodies and how it affects the way we think, look, function, and metabolize
    • How to get 20% more oxygen into your body, feel happier, experience more coherence (and bodily peak efficiency), AND live longer
    • What James discovered after looking at thousands of years of medical texts and recent cutting-edge health studies on breathing
    • A breathing method that can help you jump-start your performance, rejuvenate your body, and transform your health
    • How to avoid early death, chronic diseases, high blood pressure, and other problems caused by poor breathing habits
    • 96% of people suffering from PANIC reported experiencing improved outcomes by doing ONE SIMPLE THING
    • Why OVERBREATHING could be inhibiting oxygen from entering your healthy cells (How to know if this is affecting you)
    • The rhythmic breathing pattern for alleviating anxiety, depression, frustration and improving your memory and emotions
    • A simple change you can make to IMMEDIATELY increase your breathing efficiency by 35% (Hint: ____ ____ Your Breathing!)
    • ONE SECRET for influencing your liver function, stomach function, immune function, nervous system, heart rate and MORE
    • What to do if you can’t seem to breathe through your nose easily AND how to adapt to nasal breathing once you’re able to do it
    • Using Mouth Tape At Night: How a piece of tape could fix allergies, snoring, brain fog and increase the quality of your sleep
    • A little-known exercise hack that has been shown to be very beneficial for SOME people with mild-to-moderate sleep apnea
    • The role of CO2 and Oxygen in our bodies and how to properly breathe to meet your metabolic needs and function better
    • A foundational health issue that you should absolutely pay attention to just as much as nutrition, sleep, and exercise
    Más Menos
    38 m