
  • Esoterotica: "Bare Essentials"
    May 26 2021

    We don't have a show for you this week. Here's why.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Esoterotica: "Kinky Fucks"
    May 13 2021

    Welcome to Esoterotica’s “Kinky Fucks” for May 12th, 2021.

    If you’ve never been to an Esoterotica event—you may not know that we are some kinky fucks. Our Provocateurs get into all sorts of... let’s say less than usual sexual practices. And we do love them for it. If you’re interested in knowing more, you’ll need to ask them yourselves. And I highly recommend doing that. We have a quickie show tonight but it’s thick with the good stuff.

    And you’re going to want to stick through to the end for some major news that we are so excited about...


    • Panzachual
    • Just Shannon
    • Mike Marina

    And with that we come to the end of Esoterotica’s “Kinky Fucks.” There are all sorts of words that are used to describe those with kinky proclivities. Some we embrace, others we reject. But we here at Esoterotica encourage you to be safe, sane, and consensual when seeking to dig in and shed the shame for what may not be on the average menu.

    Join us in two weeks for our theme, "Bare Essentials." What are your green flags? What turns you on, sets your dials to yes, turns your sails in the direction of a person.

    And now for our news...

    On Wednesday, June 9th at 9pm you can find us back home in the AllWays Lounge on Saint Claude Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana. It will have been one year and three months since we have been able to deliver our passion and poetry from the stage and I know I speak not only for myself when I say that I am ecstatic and grateful to be returning. Our cover will be $5 and we are elated to see your masked faces and reconnect with you in the flesh.

    Music tonight was “Tales” by Ketsa.

    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    or PayPal

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Esoterotica: "On Fire"
    Apr 29 2021

    Welcome to Esoterotica’s “On Fire” for April 28th, 2021.

    For good reasons, the concept of passion being a flame goes back centuries. Fire is a ruiner and a method of cleansing. It can provide the warmth we need to survive the night. It can burn our whole fucking house down. A vital fire, neglected, can smother into nothing. And embers, hidden and forgotten can give birth to a new blaze. Tonight we bring to you a bit of our passion. So turn down the lights, like a candle or a whole damn inferno as you enjoy us “On Fire.”


    • Roux B Shears
    • Geoff Munsterman
    • Shadow Angelina
    • Andy Reynolds
    • Aimé Sans Savant
    • Harvey
    • Mike Marina

    Join us in two weeks for our theme, “Kinky Fucks.” From bondage to exhibition, submission to tease, edge play, cuffs, collars, clamps, and control—get ready because we at Esoterotica truly are some Kinky Fucks. From now til then, don’t be shy about digging into the unusual of what gets you hot. If you can’t remember when you last felt the freedom to try something new, it may be time. In whatever you may find, remember: consent and communication are sexy.

    Music: “Anons” by Ketsa.
    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    or PayPal

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Esoterotica: "Soft"
    Apr 15 2021

    Greetings, denizens of Esoterotica Land and welcome to Esoterotica’s “Soft” for April 14th, 2021.

    My name is Mike Marina, subbing in for Shadow Angelina this evening. Tonight our provocateurs will explore the theme and idea of soft—gentle quiet—for in this loud raucous world, sometimes what we need is a contrast. Often Esoterotica’s provocateurs are bombastic, this night is that contrast.


    • Juliet Rose
    • Shadow Angelina
    • Aimé SansSavant
    • Just Shannon
    • Mike Marina
    • Invaluable Emily

    Join us in two weeks (April 28th) when Esoterotica is “On Fire” a night dedicated to those times when you and your lover/s experience passion to such a level that it consumes everything.

    Music: “Lost Worlds” by Ketsa.
    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    or PayPal

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Esoterotica: "Gods and Monsters"
    Apr 1 2021

    Welcome to Esoterotica’s "Gods and Monsters" for March 31st, 2021.

    When the Provocateurs of Esoterotica contemplate this particular theme, we never quite know what will happen. What we do know is that the delving into power exchange, the conventionally accepted ideas of what constitutes a god or a monster, the excavation of what is both divine and terrible within ourselves, never fails to leave us satisfied, while simultaneously filled with even more questions than we had before. Desire, sex, love each of these can make Gods or Monsters of us all... often both at the same time.


    • Roux B Shears
    • Mike Marina
    • Shadow Angelina
    • Panzachual
    • Geoff Munsterman
    • Juliet Rose
    • Harvey

    Join us in two weeks for our theme, "Soft." Be it volume, textures, feelings, or moments, often Esoterotica’s provocateurs are bombastic, this night is the opposite. From now til then, begin thinking about what brings out the softness in you. The gentle and vulnerable in each of us is not easy to keep coaxing to the surface. How do you protect it, while still allowing it to thrive?

    Music: “Strung Low” by Ketsa.
    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    or PayPal

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Esoterotica: "Dirty Deeds and Messy Minds"
    Mar 18 2021

    Welcome to Esoterotica’s "Dirty Deeds and Messy Minds" for March 17th, 2021.

    Sometimes life is messy; and tonight we are going to let that messy open it’s dirty wings and let go. Messy and dirty are deceptively complicated words and we each define them differently. From the heart-ravaging to the filthy perfection our 6 Provocateurs have taken this theme to its limits in all directions. We are so pleased that you’ve chosen to join us for our sometimes sticky, sometimes bloody, wild ride.


    • Juliet Rose
    • Shadow Angelina
    • Mike Marina
    • Harvey
    • Otter Goodfellow
    • fischer Pete

    Join us in two weeks for our theme, "Gods and Monsters." Desire, sex, love each of these can make Gods or Monsters of us all... often both at the same time. From now til then, it’s about time we start cleaning up old messes, hmm? Let’s get to work, shall we?

    Music: “Disguises” by Ketsa
    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/shadowangelina

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Esoterotica: "Introductions"
    Mar 4 2021

    Welcome to Esoterotica’s "Introductions" for March 3rd, 2021.

    Introductions happen all the time. And we have treated them as perfunctory, transactional, commonplace. But in the wake of a year where so many of our typical introductions have been stifled- a serious perspective and gratitude has come into play for many of us. How we are introduced can color our perceptions for a lifetime. Be that an introduction to a person, an idea, an action, a state of being. But introductions have the capacity to radically change the path we were once entrenched in, to shake us up as nothing else can.


    • A duet by Geoff Munsterman & Shadow Angelina
    • Panzachual
    • Harvey
    • Paris
    • Juliet Rose
    • Roux B Shears

    Join us in two weeks for our theme, Dirty Deeds and Messy Minds... Sometimes life is messy; so let’s get dirty. From now til then, let your mind run wild with decadence. Don’t let the sensual in you wither. It’s time to nourish yourself.

    Music: “Biscuits” by Ketsa.

    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    or PayPal

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Esoterotica: "All On a Mardi Gras Day"
    Feb 18 2021

    Welcome to Esoterotica’s "All on a Mardi Gras Day" for February 17th, 2021.

    Mardi Gras is one of the most misunderstood holidays in America. Most of the country views it as nothing more than a drunken street party of the most epic scale. And it is that. But that’s not nearly a full description.

    Those of us who are lovers and children of the Crescent City see it differently. While we certainly are known for throwing the best party in the nation to which the world is invited, it is also a holy day.

    If you know, you know. And if you don’t, it is hard to explain it. Some things can only truly be known deep in the center of you—or not at all.

    Tonight six of our Provocateurs bring to you slivers of their Mardi Gras.


    • Roux B Shears
    • Aimé Sans Savant
    • Megan Doe
    • Andy Reynolds
    • and a duet by Geoff Munsterman & Shadow Angelina


    Join us in two weeks for our theme, Introductions... Everything we enjoy, all that we’ve become, whether a reality or still being explored, required first an Introduction. From our sensual nature, sexual identity, masturbation, toys, desires, joining the Mile High Club... these are stories of initiations.

    Music: “Sew Sew” by Flaming Arrows.

    Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
    Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
    Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
    PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/shadowangelina

    Más Menos
    33 m