
  • Secure Your Assets Against Alzheimer's
    Jun 19 2024

    What steps can you take today to protect yourself and your family from the devastating effects of Alzheimer's and dementia? Join estate planning and elder law attorneys Greg McIntyre and Britton Begley as they tackle the rise of these conditions and offer actionable legal strategies to safeguard your future. With a focus on the importance of proactive planning, Greg and Britton emphasize the necessity of having a general durable power of attorney to prevent undue influence and exploitation. By appointing a trusted person to manage your affairs, you can ensure that your assets are protected, and your desires are respected even if you lose decision-making capacity.

    This episode dives into the critical role of a well-crafted estate plan in managing Alzheimer's care. Greg and Britton explore how trusts can be valuable tools for shielding assets from probate, Medicaid estate recovery, and creditors. They also share methods to protect your spouse and ensure long-term care needs are met without draining family resources. Highlighting the importance of nominating a preferred guardian in legal documents, they offer insights on how to avoid unwanted court-appointed guardianships. Whether you're planning for yourself or assisting a loved one, Greg and Britton provide essential advice for maintaining control over your assets and qualifying for benefits to cover long-term care. Tune in for this invaluable discussion on legal prevention and elder care planning.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Creating Inclusive Estate Plans for LGBTQ+ Families
    Jun 11 2024

    Celebrate Pride Month with us on the Elder Law Report as we promise to equip you with vital estate planning insights tailored for LGBTQ+ individuals and families. Joined by attorneys Samantha Gordon and Jane Dearwester, along with our Marketing Director and Diversity Officer, Morgan Woody, we tackle the unique challenges of non-traditional family structures. Discover the importance of selecting the right agents, incorporating chosen family, and potentially distancing from unsupportive relatives. Hear Morgan's compelling story about starting her estate plan at just 24, overcoming hurdles like disinheritance, and ensuring her partner is recognized as a beneficiary. This episode is packed with essential information, from understanding intestate succession to the crucial role of agents in healthcare decisions, especially for trans individuals.

    Our discussion doesn't stop at legal intricacies. We highlight the critical need for community outreach and support for LGBTQ+ individuals, emphasizing a safe and welcoming environment at McIntyre Elder Law. Whether you're in Uptown Charlotte, Hendersonville, or Shelby, North Carolina, take advantage of our offer for a free consultation. Reach out to us to ensure your estate plan truly reflects your wishes and supports your chosen family. Don't miss this insightful episode aimed at empowering you with the knowledge to navigate complex estate planning issues with confidence and care.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Estate Planning for LGBTQ+, Single Parents, and Non-Traditional Families
    Jun 5 2024

    Are you prepared to ensure your family's financial future, no matter what the structure? Join us in a vital conversation with Jane Dearwester from McIntyre Elder Law, where we challenge the myth that estate planning is only for the wealthy or traditionally structured families. Jane underscores the universal necessity of comprehensive planning tools—like powers of attorney, wills, and trusts—to manage your assets and healthcare decisions effectively, safeguarding your loved ones from unexpected financial burdens.

    Discover the critical importance of having a general durable power of attorney and healthcare power of attorney before incapacity strikes. Jane shares real-life stories that highlight the risks of not having these documents in place, such as the misconception that a spouse can automatically make decisions in North Carolina. We explore innovative solutions like the e-docs portal, which provides instant, secure access to your essential documents, and emphasize the significance of a living will and last will and testament to guide your family through the probate process and ensure your end-of-life wishes are honored.

    Lastly, we delve into the complexities of Medicaid crisis planning and asset protection. Jane dispels the common misconception that you need to spend down all your assets to qualify for Medicaid benefits. Learn how proactive long-term care planning can protect your hard-earned assets and provide peace of mind for your future. With Jane's extensive experience and insights, this episode equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your estate planning, helping you secure your future and protect your loved ones. Don't miss out on this essential discussion!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Selecting the Right Agents, Executors, and Trustees for Your Estate Plan: Expert Tips and Advice
    May 28 2024

    Ever wondered who should manage your estate when you're no longer able to? Join us, Jane Dearwester and Jordan Bentley from McIntyre Elder Law, as we demystify the process of selecting trustworthy agents, executors, and trustees for your estate plan. We tackle the questions we frequently encounter in our consultations and seminars, providing you with essential guidelines to make informed decisions. From the importance of trust and reliability to the necessity of open communication, we cover it all with real-life examples and practical advice.

    We emphasize the crucial conversations you need to have with your potential agents to ensure they are willing and prepared to take on these responsibilities. Neglecting these discussions can lead to unforeseen complications, such as guardianship proceedings where you lose control over who handles your estate. Tune in for our valuable tips on matching roles to the skills of your family members, and learn how to avoid common pitfalls. Don't miss this chance to secure peace of mind for your future.

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Does Everyone Need a Power of Attorney?
    May 22 2024

    Are you prepared for life's curveballs? That's exactly what we, attorneys Samantha Gordon and Jordan Bentley from McIntyre Elder Law, explore in an episode that promises to arm you with the knowledge to safeguard your decision-making powers during unforeseen circumstances. We delve into the importance of having powers of attorney in place as you or your loved ones approach significant life transitions, such as leaving for college or tying the knot. With our legal expertise, you'll learn how to preemptively secure your interests and ensure your voice is heard, even if you can't speak for yourself.

    Our conversation takes a deep dive into the often-misunderstood realm of legal rights within familial and marital relationships. Whether it's a parent’s role in the life of their newly-minted adult child or the assumption that spouses automatically have decision-making power over each other’s affairs, we debunk common myths and provide actionable insights. By tuning in, you'll find out how to smoothly navigate the legal landscape of powers of attorney, so your assets and well-being remain in trusted hands, no matter the distance or circumstance. Join us on the Elder Law Report for a discussion that could be a game-changer for you and your family.

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    8 m
  • Legacy Protection: How to Shield Your Business with Succession Planning
    May 15 2024

    Are you prepared to protect your business's future no matter what life throws your way? Let Brenton Begley and Jane Dearwester guide you through the essentials of succession planning with wisdom and clarity. Together, we unlock the strategies to ensure your business thrives, addressing the need for robust corporate documents and the lifesaver that a durable power of attorney can be. Discover how to select an agent who can navigate your business with precision in your absence and understand the dire consequences of non-compliance with FINCEN's new requirements. This episode isn't just about planning; it's about fortifying your legacy against the unexpected.

    Navigating the pitfalls of probate without a plan can be a business owner's worst nightmare. Don't let that be you. We dissect the advantages of early succession planning, from establishing an LLC to the wisdom of placing your business in a trust. Learn why meticulous documentation and adherence to corporate formalities aren't just good practice—they're your shield against personal liability and the disintegration of your life's work. Jane and I don't just scratch the surface; we provide a blueprint for safeguarding your business and its stakeholders, preparing you for a future where your vision continues to prosper, come what may.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Estate Planning with a Focus on Mental Health Protection
    May 1 2024

    Ever wondered how to navigate the often-overlooked complexities of mental health in estate planning? Well, worry no more. Your hosts, Greg McIntyre and co-host Attorney Samantha Gordon ("Sam"), delve into the heart of this matter, breaking down the crucial differences between healthcare powers of attorney and mental healthcare directives. You'll come away with a profound understanding of how to ensure your estate plan meticulously covers both physical and mental health components, and how this can be shaped to reflect your personal health care preferences, be they holistic or conventional. Especially poignant for those with aging relatives or loved ones with special needs, this episode sheds light on the delicate balance between providing financial support and preserving eligibility for government benefits through the strategic use of special or supplemental needs trusts.

    In our discussion, we underscore the significance of astute estate planning in protecting not just your future but that of your children and grandchildren from the snarls of guardianship and probate. If you're seeking guidance on crafting an estate plan that stands as a bulwark for mental health care, our episode extends beyond mere legal advice. We offer a compassionate invitation for a free consultation to tailor your estate planning to your unique circumstances, ensuring that you and your family can face the future with confidence and tranquility. Join us, and equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to craft an estate plan that truly caters to the full spectrum of healthcare needs.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Preserving Your Home from Medicaid Recovery: Strategies for Asset Protection
    Apr 24 2024

    Could your home be vulnerable to Medicaid recovery after you're gone? Join me, Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law, as I reveal the crucial measures necessary to shield your most valuable asset from being claimed to repay Medicaid expenses. In this eye-opening episode, we dissect the complexities of Medicaid estate recovery and highlight strategies like the Lady Bird Deed—an ingenious solution available in North Carolina that allows homeowners to retain control of their property while securing its direct transfer to heirs, bypassing Medicaid's grasp entirely. Prepare to be enlightened on how to navigate the treacherous waters of asset protection during life's later stages, and the pitfalls to avoid during the critical five-year look-back period.

    Embarking on this journey, we unravel the often-misunderstood realm of Medicaid eligibility and the dire consequences of improper estate transfers. With the right legal guidance, you can confidently plan for the future, ensuring that your home remains a legacy for your loved ones rather than a reimbursement for long-term care costs. Throughout the episode, we delve into the nuanced approaches of trust planning and other deed options that fortify your estate against claims, while maintaining your qualification for vital Medicaid benefits. Tune in for an empowering session on safeguarding your hard-earned assets, complemented by an open invitation to connect for a personalized discussion on securing your retirement sanctuary.

    Más Menos
    9 m